Proof of Obamunists 'WireTapping' Trump


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Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....and leaking illegally obtained information to their condottieri in the media.

"UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
...Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense) appearing on MSNBC and admitting first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on candidate and president-elect Donald Trump’s transition team to gather “intelligence” for political use.

....significant admissions she was making about the Obama administration spying on Donald Trump’s team and generating classified intelligence for Ms. Farkas (and others) to spread to Capitol Hill politicians.

'I was urging my former colleagues, and, and frankly speaking the people on the Hill [Democrat politicians], it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can – get as much intelligence as you can – before President Obama leaves the administration.

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.

So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians].'

...Farkas outs herself as the key source for a New York Times report which discussed President Obama officials leaking classified information to media."
UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…

Trump correct again: Obama turned America into a Banana Republic swamp.
That link is nothing but camel dung, Chica. Have you viewed the video? The article is NOT about the subject of the video! The article is a falsified misrepresentation of the facts. You are an IDIOT for posting this garbage, Chica! Wise up!
The question is will Trump do anything about these illegal actions committed by Obama's Deep State.

Good column from two famous whistle blowers on this topic...hopefully Trump goes after Deep State rather than appease it, as Barack did.

The Surveillance State Behind Russia-gate
Posted on March 28, 2017 by WashingtonsBlog
By Bill Binney and Ray McGovern.
Although many details are still hazy because of secrecy – and further befogged by politics – it appears House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes was informed last week about invasive electronic surveillance of senior U.S. government officials and, in turn, passed that information onto President Trump.

This news presents Trump with an unwelcome but unavoidable choice: confront those who have kept him in the dark about such rogue activities or live fearfully in their shadow. (The latter was the path chosen by President Obama. Will Trump choose the road less traveled?)

What President Trump decides will largely determine the freedom of action he enjoys as president on many key security and other issues. But even more so, his choice may decide whether there is a future for this constitutional republic. Either he can acquiesce to or fight against a Deep State of intelligence officials who have a myriad of ways to spy on politicians (and other citizens) and thus amass derogatory material that can be easily transformed into blackmail.

The ‘Wiretap’ Red Herring

But the corporate U.S. news media continued to heckle Trump over his use of the word “wiretap” and cite the insistence of FBI Director James Comey and other intelligence officials that President Obama had not issued a wiretap order aimed at Trump.

The reality is that EVERYONE, including the President, is surveilled. The technology enabling bulk collection would have made the late demented FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s mouth water.

Allegations about the intelligence community’s abuse of its powers also did not begin with Snowden. For instance, several years earlier, former NSA worker and whistleblower Russell Tice warned about these “special access programs,” citing first-hand knowledge, but his claims were brushed aside as coming from a disgruntled employee with psychological problems. [See Tice’s interview with Washington’s Blog] His disclosures were soon forgotten.
The video and her words are real. Nothing fake about it.
That link is nothing but camel dung, Chica. Have you viewed the video? The article is NOT about the subject of the video! The article is a falsified misrepresentation of the facts. You are an IDIOT for posting this garbage, Chica! Wise up!
Already another thread on this fake news from breitbart.

Here's a rule of life: every word that comes from a Democrat source is a lie.

And, as your post proves this corollary: everyone who advances/believes same is a dunce.

I provided the actual words of Obamunist Farkas, with her speaking them.

You've been a great help in proving what I said.
Thanks much.
"....Evelyn Farkas was essentially part of a disinformation campaign with Obama insiders spreading a fake DNC constructed story using false information. However, in addition to pushing the false Trump Russian conspiracy narrative, Farkas has knowledge of the outcome of the original pushing of the narrative leading to actual surveillance of the Trump team.

This bolsters the information already presented by Devin Nunes that an entirely separate network of surveillance, unrelated to the Russian conspiracy story, was directly targeting the candidacy of Trump and the post-election surveillance of the President Elect Trump-transition team."
UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
Already another thread on this fake news from breitbart.

Here's a rule of life: every word that comes from a Democrat source is a lie.

And, as your post proves this corollary: everyone who advances/believes same is a dunce.

I provided the actual words of Obamunist Farkas, with her speaking them.

You've been a great help in proving what I said.
Thanks much.

When drudge reports I'll listen but until then you have convince me you are a trumptard.
Already another thread on this fake news from breitbart.

Here's a rule of life: every word that comes from a Democrat source is a lie.

And, as your post proves this corollary: everyone who advances/believes same is a dunce.

I provided the actual words of Obamunist Farkas, with her speaking them.

You've been a great help in proving what I said.
Thanks much.

When drudge reports I'll listen but until then you have convince me you are a trumptard.

A suggestion on style:

Add 'Dunce' to your avi so as to accomplish a satisfying alliteration.

Put it right in the middle.
"....Evelyn Farkas was essentially part of a disinformation campaign with Obama insiders spreading a fake DNC constructed story using false information. However, in addition to pushing the false Trump Russian conspiracy narrative, Farkas has knowledge of the outcome of the original pushing of the narrative leading to actual surveillance of the Trump team.

This bolsters the information already presented by Devin Nunes that an entirely separate network of surveillance, unrelated to the Russian conspiracy story, was directly targeting the candidacy of Trump and the post-election surveillance of the President Elect Trump-transition team."
UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…

Mika is supposedly having an affair with Scarborough and turning him into a co-nitwit. Notice she got Farkas off-air as soon as she could before their viewers realized what she was saying. :lol:
"....Evelyn Farkas was essentially part of a disinformation campaign with Obama insiders spreading a fake DNC constructed story using false information. However, in addition to pushing the false Trump Russian conspiracy narrative, Farkas has knowledge of the outcome of the original pushing of the narrative leading to actual surveillance of the Trump team.

This bolsters the information already presented by Devin Nunes that an entirely separate network of surveillance, unrelated to the Russian conspiracy story, was directly targeting the candidacy of Trump and the post-election surveillance of the President Elect Trump-transition team."
UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…

Mika is supposedly having an affair with Scarborough and turning him into a co-nitwit. Notice she got Farkas off-air as soon as she could before their viewers realized what she was saying. :lol:

I believe she had a headstart with Scarborough.
So where is it?

Where is this "proof"?

SSDD from the OP.


The proof?

Right here.....from the 'horses mouth.'

"UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
...Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense) appearing on MSNBC and admitting first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on candidate and president-elect Donald Trump’s transition team to gather “intelligence” for political use.

....significant admissions she was making about the Obama administration spying on Donald Trump’s team and generating classified intelligence for Ms. Farkas (and others) to spread to Capitol Hill politicians.

'I was urging my former colleagues, and, and frankly speaking the people on the Hill [Democrat politicians], it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can – get as much intelligence as you can – before President Obama leaves the administration.

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians– that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.

So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians].'

...Farkas outs herself as the key source for a New York Times reportwhich discussed President Obama officials leaking classified information to media."
UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…

Trump correct again: Obama turned America into a Banana Republic swamp.

You're quite the slow learner, huh?
Mika is supposedly having an affair with Scarborough and turning him into a co-nitwit. Notice she got Farkas off-air as soon as she could before their viewers realized what she was saying. :lol:

So professional....imagine if Megyn Kelly had taken a shot like this with O'Reilly:

The video and her words are real. Nothing fake about it.
Urging coworkers to archive relevant damning information, as Ms. Farkas explained, that was at hand about the trump transition team's unwarranted and seditious involvement with Russia and ties to Putin's regime for preservation of the proof of that type of potentially treasonous activity is in no wise unlawful 'WIRETAPPING' as Chica' OP stated or surveillance of any sort given it was outgoing staff conserving the information rather than let be buried/destroyed for nefarious reasons.

Twisting that into unlawful surveillance and wiretapping as the article and the dishonest and unreliable OP have done is nothing more than stupid, irrational partisanship.

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