Proof of Russian Collusion!!!!


The list of excuses as to why Clinton lost keeps growing.

The CIA needs to de-classify the presentation on the Russian Hacking they gave to Congress in Sept.
The leftist media is really a propaganda arm for the elites, The Wall Street, special interests, Democrats, and globalists. They're like Bagdad Bob.

Hillary said 17 intelligence agencies ”confirmed” Russia is trying to influence our election. Straight up lie.

Yes that is a lie one told by you. She said 17 intel agencies confirmed Russia was behind the hacks. Not this bs you just made up

There is not one agency that came with a statement and said "confirmed". If there was, how about you name three of them and post the links to their statements?

I provided a link to the Homeland Security joint statement, straight out of Clapper's office. So what's the BS I "made up"?

You already lied about what Hilary said and now you want me to play wack a lie with you some more? No thanks facts dont matter
Yep, just keep yelling until normal people have moved on, then demonize anybody that disagrees with what they never agreed with in the first place.

Their own echo chamber persists and becomes reality. next they use their shaming language or other methods to demean anyone that disagrees.

In this post election evolution of the retarded we had:

1. "not my president"
2. Hillary actually "won"
3. Recount!
4. illegitimate because Russia!

Each and every one has been nothing but another means of not accepting the result and attempting to delegitimize the incoming administration.

They simply kept running one bullshit narrative after the next until they found, for them, the perfect story, which is one that could be plausible, likely is impossible to disprove, and which satisfies their need for a plausible facade to hide behind for doing what they've wanted to do all along, which is simply to nullify the result so they can justify their actions going forward.

And all of it is nothing but a bunch of whiners sticking their fingers in their ears and refusing to accept the simple fact that they lost.
While not funny, it certainly is amusing that four generations....some 80 years after Franklin Delano Roosevelt revealed his love of the Bolsheviks and the the Soviets,....

....suddenly.....the Democrats no longer wish to embrace Russia.

Funny what a lost election will do.
Reich wingers have very selective hearing issues, and a brain to go along with it.

It seems our brain is doing considerably better than yours lately...y'all are having some tsunami migraines from the looks of it. :eusa_doh: As for the Trump U settlement, that's chump-change for the Donald and never would have happened if he didn't have bigger fish to the democrats. :funnyface:
Trump not only destroyed the Clinton Crime Cartel but their media poodles and dirty little henchmen in Congress....some bruises take weeks to rise and now we're seeing what kind of trimming they really took. :lol:
come on she won:
Article III, Section 3, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution of the United States:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,
or, in adhering to their Enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

The “aid and comfort” prong of treason has been interpreted by SCOTUS as requiring proof of four elements:
1. an intent to betray the United States (which can be inferred from);
2. an overt act;
3. witnessed by two people; and
4. that provides aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States.

And so identified is Democrat/Liberal icon Ted 'the murderer' Kennedy.
But of course we forget one thing. He got away with murder once, what's a little treason?

Yet the yammering acolyes of the Democrats are incensed about some emails that repeated what we on the Right have been pointing out for years.
Actually treason is met with a shrug.
Reich wingers have very selective hearing issues, and a brain to go along with it.

It seems our brain is doing considerably better than yours lately...y'all are having some tsunami migraines from the looks of it. :eusa_doh: As for the Trump U settlement, that's chump-change for the Donald and never would have happened if he didn't have bigger fish to the democrats. :funnyface:

It's not chump change for Democrats that will employ it to persuade the American public that Trump is a crook.

You've got a total 3 suspect emails that have been hounded about for the last year, they've got actual VICTIMS that will testify how Trump ripped them off. Like this one.

Just prior to this election the New York State Attorney Generals office ordered a cease & desist order on the Trump foundation. They actually have 2 cancelled checks amounting to $258K in charitable contributions that was used to settle claims and purchase 2 full sized portraits of his greatness.
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation

And that will be the next news--& I am certain there will be plenty more after that.

I am truly going to enjoy this--because you knew about all of this before you voted for him, now you get to spend the next 4 years (if he isn't impeached first) defending it.
The CIA needs to de-classify the presentation on the Russian Hacking they gave to Congress in Sept.

How....exactly....did the Russians help Trump win?


Nothing in the leaked emails....who ever leaked them.....was denied.


I want to know what McConnell didn't want the citizens to know too, so hopefully we'll get to see the documentation before the alleged beneficiary of their aid takes office.
The CIA needs to de-classify the presentation on the Russian Hacking they gave to Congress in Sept.

How....exactly....did the Russians help Trump win?


Nothing in the leaked emails....who ever leaked them.....was denied.


I want to know what McConnell didn't want the citizens to know too, so hopefully we'll get to see the documentation before the alleged beneficiary of their aid takes office. linked to this:
How....exactly....did the Russians help Trump win?

Nothing in the leaked emails....who ever leaked them.....was denied.

How about responding to it.
The CIA needs to de-classify the presentation on the Russian Hacking they gave to Congress in Sept.

How....exactly....did the Russians help Trump win?


Nothing in the leaked emails....who ever leaked them.....was denied.


I want to know what McConnell didn't want the citizens to know too, so hopefully we'll get to see the documentation before the alleged beneficiary of their aid takes office. linked to this:
How....exactly....did the Russians help Trump win?

Nothing in the leaked emails....who ever leaked them.....was denied.

How about responding to it.

Remember, it is very possible that someone LEAKED information to.... whomever.

But NOTHING prevents whomever from disclosing the information.

The ONLY government agency which can tell if some one was HACKED and who the HACKER was is the NSA. The NSA has NOT claimed that it has that information.

The motherfucking Democrats and their media are motivated by the intention to smear DJT's victory,

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Democrats have kicked up quite a fuss, claiming some sort of collusion between Trump supporters and some Russian efforts to get Mr. Trump elected.

Of course they have no proof, but, the Democrats have authored this mantra:

“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”[ Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill, folks. Remember the left's battle cry: "The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it's the seriousness of the charge that matters." You simply need to make a harsh, totally unfounded charge, and that's reason enough to investigate. ]

Hence, their argument has more twists and turns in that position than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

But.....there is documented evidence of exactly that: offers to have foreign influence change the course of United States elections!!!

It's by the Democrats.

" It was a May 14, 1983 letter from the head of the KGB, Viktor Chebrikov, to the head of the USSR, the odious Yuri Andropov, with the highest level of classification. Chebrikov relayed to Andropov an offer from Senator Ted Kennedy, presented by Kennedy’s old friend and law-school buddy, John Tunney, a former Democratic senator from California, to reach out to the Soviet leadership at the height of a very hot time in the Cold War. According to Chebrikov, Kennedy was deeply troubled by the deteriorating relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union, which he believed was bringing us perilously close to nuclear confrontation. Kennedy, according to Chebrikov, blamed this situation not on the Soviet leadership but on the American president---Ronald Reagan. Not only was the USSR not to blame, but, said Chebrikov, Kennedy was, quite the contrary, “very impressed” with Andropov.

The thrust of the letter is that Reagan had to be stopped, meaning his alleged aggressive defense policies, which then ranged from the Pershing IIs to the MX to SDI, and even his re-election bid, needed to be stopped. It was Ronald Reagan who was the hindrance to peace. That view of Reagan is consistent with things that Kennedy said and wrote at the time, including articles in sources like Rolling Stone (March 1984) and in a speeches like his March 24, 1983 remarks on the Senate floor the day after Reagan’s SDI speech, which he lambasted as “misleading Red-Scare tactics and reckless Star Wars schemes.”

Even more interesting than Kennedy’s diagnosis was the prescription: According to Chebrikov, Kennedy suggested a number of PR moves to help the Soviets in terms of their public image with the American public. He reportedly believed that the Soviet problem was a communication problem, resulting from an inability to counter Reagan’s (not the USSR’s) “propaganda.” If only Americans could get through Reagan’s smokescreen and hear the Soviets’ peaceful intentions."

Just one more proof of the adage....'to know what the Democrats are doing, listen to what they blame the other side for."

This post got fifteen - FIFTEEN -- accolades.

More proof this place is just a GOP circle-jerk. Democrats, you have zero margin for error. Can't fight Putin in Syria because that's being the "founder of ISIS". Can't fight ISIS with Assad/Putin, because that's "soft on Russia."

But the GOP? Fuck it, grab a few pussies, appoint Vladimir's personal RimJobber as secretary of state, and it's all good in the hood! #VoterIntegrity #NotForUs #CinnamonHitlerAllTheWay
And unfounded and unproven claim by Democrats, meant to taint the Trump victory and soften the loss by Bill's wife, floods the airways and this board.

But Ted 'the murderer' Kennedy's treason is met with utter silence.


Historian Herbert Romerstein, a former House intelligence committee staffer and a researcher of Soviet archives, uncovered numerous documents suggesting that Ted Kennedy was a “collaborationist” with the Soviets during our Cold War. Romerstein also co-authored, along with Eric Breindel, the highly praised “Verona Secrets, Exposing Soviet Espionage and America’s Traitors.”

According to Romerstein, a review of Soviet Communist Party archives offers an unflattering view of Kennedy. Some of the documents that have come to light since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 include claims that:
Sometime in 1978, Kennedy requested the KGB’s assistance to set up a relationship between the Soviets and a firm owned by former Sen. John Tunney, D-Calif. Again, on March 5, 1980, Tunney, acting as Kennedy’s liaison, met with KGB agents in Moscow. During that meeting, Tunney articulated Kennedy’s position that “nonsense about ‘the Soviet military threat’ and Soviet ambitions for military expansion in the Persian Gulf … was being fueled by [President Jimmy] Carter, [National Security Advisor Zbigniew] Brzezinski, the Pentagon and the military industrial complex.” Kennedy, according to the documents, offered to speak out against President Carter on Afghanistan.

Romerstein notes that soon after the meeting, several public speeches subsequently were made by Kennedy criticizing Carter on his handling of Afghanistan.

Ted Kennedy.....the "Liberal Lion of the Senate."

Democrat icon.
Democrats have kicked up quite a fuss, claiming some sort of collusion between Trump supporters and some Russian efforts to get Mr. Trump elected.

Of course they have no proof, but, the Democrats have authored this mantra:

“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”[ Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill, folks. Remember the left's battle cry: "The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it's the seriousness of the charge that matters." You simply need to make a harsh, totally unfounded charge, and that's reason enough to investigate. ]

Hence, their argument has more twists and turns in that position than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

But.....there is documented evidence of exactly that: offers to have foreign influence change the course of United States elections!!!

It's by the Democrats.

" It was a May 14, 1983 letter from the head of the KGB, Viktor Chebrikov, to the head of the USSR, the odious Yuri Andropov, with the highest level of classification. Chebrikov relayed to Andropov an offer from Senator Ted Kennedy, presented by Kennedy’s old friend and law-school buddy, John Tunney, a former Democratic senator from California, to reach out to the Soviet leadership at the height of a very hot time in the Cold War. According to Chebrikov, Kennedy was deeply troubled by the deteriorating relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union, which he believed was bringing us perilously close to nuclear confrontation. Kennedy, according to Chebrikov, blamed this situation not on the Soviet leadership but on the American president---Ronald Reagan. Not only was the USSR not to blame, but, said Chebrikov, Kennedy was, quite the contrary, “very impressed” with Andropov.

The thrust of the letter is that Reagan had to be stopped, meaning his alleged aggressive defense policies, which then ranged from the Pershing IIs to the MX to SDI, and even his re-election bid, needed to be stopped. It was Ronald Reagan who was the hindrance to peace. That view of Reagan is consistent with things that Kennedy said and wrote at the time, including articles in sources like Rolling Stone (March 1984) and in a speeches like his March 24, 1983 remarks on the Senate floor the day after Reagan’s SDI speech, which he lambasted as “misleading Red-Scare tactics and reckless Star Wars schemes.”

Even more interesting than Kennedy’s diagnosis was the prescription: According to Chebrikov, Kennedy suggested a number of PR moves to help the Soviets in terms of their public image with the American public. He reportedly believed that the Soviet problem was a communication problem, resulting from an inability to counter Reagan’s (not the USSR’s) “propaganda.” If only Americans could get through Reagan’s smokescreen and hear the Soviets’ peaceful intentions."

Just one more proof of the adage....'to know what the Democrats are doing, listen to what they blame the other side for."

This post got fifteen - FIFTEEN -- accolades.

More proof this place is just a GOP circle-jerk. Democrats, you have zero margin for error. Can't fight Putin in Syria because that's being the "founder of ISIS". Can't fight ISIS with Assad/Putin, because that's "soft on Russia."

But the GOP? Fuck it, grab a few pussies, appoint Vladimir's personal RimJobber as secretary of state, and it's all good in the hood! #VoterIntegrity #NotForUs #CinnamonHitlerAllTheWay

"This post got fifteen - FIFTEEN -- accolades."

I take it that yours was not one of them?

Could it be because you are a moron?

And...this seems to be proof of that assertion: "Can't fight Putin in Syria because that's being the "founder of ISIS".

What does that mean in English?

Everyone knows that Barack Obama was the founder of ISIS.
Democrats have kicked up quite a fuss, claiming some sort of collusion between Trump supporters and some Russian efforts to get Mr. Trump elected.

Of course they have no proof, but, the Democrats have authored this mantra:

“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”[ Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill, folks. Remember the left's battle cry: "The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it's the seriousness of the charge that matters." You simply need to make a harsh, totally unfounded charge, and that's reason enough to investigate. ]

Hence, their argument has more twists and turns in that position than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

But.....there is documented evidence of exactly that: offers to have foreign influence change the course of United States elections!!!

It's by the Democrats.

" It was a May 14, 1983 letter from the head of the KGB, Viktor Chebrikov, to the head of the USSR, the odious Yuri Andropov, with the highest level of classification. Chebrikov relayed to Andropov an offer from Senator Ted Kennedy, presented by Kennedy’s old friend and law-school buddy, John Tunney, a former Democratic senator from California, to reach out to the Soviet leadership at the height of a very hot time in the Cold War. According to Chebrikov, Kennedy was deeply troubled by the deteriorating relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union, which he believed was bringing us perilously close to nuclear confrontation. Kennedy, according to Chebrikov, blamed this situation not on the Soviet leadership but on the American president---Ronald Reagan. Not only was the USSR not to blame, but, said Chebrikov, Kennedy was, quite the contrary, “very impressed” with Andropov.

The thrust of the letter is that Reagan had to be stopped, meaning his alleged aggressive defense policies, which then ranged from the Pershing IIs to the MX to SDI, and even his re-election bid, needed to be stopped. It was Ronald Reagan who was the hindrance to peace. That view of Reagan is consistent with things that Kennedy said and wrote at the time, including articles in sources like Rolling Stone (March 1984) and in a speeches like his March 24, 1983 remarks on the Senate floor the day after Reagan’s SDI speech, which he lambasted as “misleading Red-Scare tactics and reckless Star Wars schemes.”

Even more interesting than Kennedy’s diagnosis was the prescription: According to Chebrikov, Kennedy suggested a number of PR moves to help the Soviets in terms of their public image with the American public. He reportedly believed that the Soviet problem was a communication problem, resulting from an inability to counter Reagan’s (not the USSR’s) “propaganda.” If only Americans could get through Reagan’s smokescreen and hear the Soviets’ peaceful intentions."

Just one more proof of the adage....'to know what the Democrats are doing, listen to what they blame the other side for."

This post got fifteen - FIFTEEN -- accolades.

More proof this place is just a GOP circle-jerk. Democrats, you have zero margin for error. Can't fight Putin in Syria because that's being the "founder of ISIS". Can't fight ISIS with Assad/Putin, because that's "soft on Russia."

But the GOP? Fuck it, grab a few pussies, appoint Vladimir's personal RimJobber as secretary of state, and it's all good in the hood! #VoterIntegrity #NotForUs #CinnamonHitlerAllTheWay

Syria is not a threat to the US , never was , never will.

The US became involved in Syria because the Obama administration and Hillary were , somehow, COMPELLED to defend Israel. They wanted Bibi to retain the Golan Heights and by weakening Syria it could not RETALIATE against Israel when the latter attacked Iran. The US has no constitutional authority to engage in that type of foreign and military policy.

Grabbing the pussy of a consenting adult is the most wonderful feeling in this world. There is NOTHING better. You should try it sometime.

When we hack others including allies, perhaps being hacked should be expected.
Wrong as usual. All this is is just another lame attempt by liberal cry babies and the media to undermine Trump.

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