PROOF of Stolen Election

Now, there are many ways, methods, places where the election was stolen, all with mountains of circumstantial evidence, but here is just one with PROOF, and all we need is one, correct?

BEFORE YOU READ the link below, you must be honest enough to understand the underlying truth that is NOT mentioned in this story: No court has the authority to break the law. Courts are appointed to apply and enforce the law, not break it. When courts purposely break the law to advance a political agenda, we no longer have a country.

So, in Pennsylvania, voting date deadlines were illegally extended. Trump sued them. The court stepped in and supported the extension, in total violation of the law which states that an act of the legislative body is required to extend the deadline, not just an executive order.

So, in the article below you will see that the deadline was in fact extended, that Trump sued, and that the court ruled in favor of the extension - those facts are verified in the story. What you will not see is that the court ruling directly violated the very law that Trump was seeking to appeal to.

If you Democrats think this is bullshit, then let me remind you of the many many times that YOU said the courts violated the law with an illegal ruling, like Citizens United or Bush v. Gore. Democrats have already established, according to them, that courts make illegal rulings.

This is another one.

Better get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it.


This is the kind of stuff that 60+ judges, including Trump-appointed judges, tossed out.

But to the rubes, they're solid evidence that millions of votes were fabricated or changed. Clear as day. There you go. It's so obvious!

It would be fascinating to see a mental schematic of how they came to that conclusion. But sadly, there's just nothing that can be done at this point.


You forgot to mention many of those judges were receiving deaths threats.
Now, there are many ways, methods, places where the election was stolen, all with mountains of circumstantial evidence, but here is just one with PROOF, and all we need is one, correct?

BEFORE YOU READ the link below, you must be honest enough to understand the underlying truth that is NOT mentioned in this story: No court has the authority to break the law. Courts are appointed to apply and enforce the law, not break it. When courts purposely break the law to advance a political agenda, we no longer have a country.

So, in Pennsylvania, voting date deadlines were illegally extended. Trump sued them. The court stepped in and supported the extension, in total violation of the law which states that an act of the legislative body is required to extend the deadline, not just an executive order.

So, in the article below you will see that the deadline was in fact extended, that Trump sued, and that the court ruled in favor of the extension - those facts are verified in the story. What you will not see is that the court ruling directly violated the very law that Trump was seeking to appeal to.

If you Democrats think this is bullshit, then let me remind you of the many many times that YOU said the courts violated the law with an illegal ruling, like Citizens United or Bush v. Gore. Democrats have already established, according to them, that courts make illegal rulings.

This is another one.

First you have to get a progressive slave to pull his/her/its head out of their asses. Once that is done there is hope(very little) that they will actually see the corruption their side has forced upon them.
To Adam Schiff, Liz Cheney , and Adam Kinzinger, and the other Democrats on the illegal January 6 committee, that video is like holy water being tossed on a vampire. They don't want to see any of it played in their hearings.
Just an example of your insanity...the Jan 6 committee is completely legal
Man the Democrats are just all powerful. They control everything!
Stop saying Democrats, it is Progressives both Republican and Democrap. George Bush appointed to the Supreme Court , Chief Justice John Roberts, who is compromised by the left, for staying at the pedophile island of Jeffery Epstein. Johnny come (or is it cum?) lately knew that if he took the case of 2020 election fraud, he would be exposed as the pedophile like Clinton and other powerful people. This is the new America, that Joe Biteme is in charge of, it is very much 3rd worldly.
Chief Justice John Roberts' Photos from Epstein's Island 'Leaked,' Seen Getting Intimate with Ghislaine Maxwell?
Another photo that cropped up was one that showed Bill Clinton with four other men in the ocean with a tropical setting in the background. The image, which shows one of the men circled in red, is captioned "JUSTICE ROBERTS HAVING FUN AT EPSTEIN'S ISLAND!! HE IS COMPROMISED!!"

Stop saying Democrats, it is Progressives both Republican and Democrap. George Bush appointed to the Supreme Court , Chief Justice John Roberts, who is compromised by the left, for staying at the pedophile island of Jeffery Epstein. Johnny come (or is it cum?) lately knew that if he took the case of 2020 election fraud, he would be exposed as the pedophile like Clinton and other powerful people. This is the new America, that Joe Biteme is in charge of, it is very much 3rd worldly.
Chief Justice John Roberts' Photos from Epstein's Island 'Leaked,' Seen Getting Intimate with Ghislaine Maxwell?

Yeah your side is REALLY weak and powerless

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