PROOF of Stolen Election

The president of the state Senate, Jake Corman (R., Centre), praised Commonwealth Court’s decision, saying he had “no confidence” in mail ballots. In 2019, after helping pass the law, he hailed it as “the most significant modernization of our elections code in decades.”
And guess what?

The State gets to interpret the State Constitution, not Crybaby Losers
There is no state, as you claim. There are 3 branches of government. The constitution is very specific.

It states the legislature has this specific power.

You claim that the Constitution can be interpreted to give this power to the executive branch?

By the atate? Which means nothing, the state does not exist as a single entity.

It is as the constitution states, legislature.
There is no state, as you claim. There are 3 branches of government. The constitution is very specific.

It states the legislature has this specific power.

You claim that the Constitution can be interpreted to give this power to the executive branch?

By the atate? Which means nothing, the state does not exist as a single entity.

It is as the constitution states, legislature.
Now, you are getting there

The US Constitution says the states determine election rules
Local state courts decide whether those rules follow the law
You should have seen the Sunday shows today, dems are in a frenzy about losing in November…it’s hilarious.
I haven’t seem this frenzy that you’re describing.

I just see right-wing crybabies STILL crying conspiracy theories.
Now, there are many ways, methods, places where the election was stolen, all with mountains of circumstantial evidence, but here is just one with PROOF, and all we need is one, correct?

BEFORE YOU READ the link below, you must be honest enough to understand the underlying truth that is NOT mentioned in this story: No court has the authority to break the law. Courts are appointed to apply and enforce the law, not break it. When courts purposely break the law to advance a political agenda, we no longer have a country.

So, in Pennsylvania, voting date deadlines were illegally extended. Trump sued them. The court stepped in and supported the extension, in total violation of the law which states that an act of the legislative body is required to extend the deadline, not just an executive order.

So, in the article below you will see that the deadline was in fact extended, that Trump sued, and that the court ruled in favor of the extension - those facts are verified in the story. What you will not see is that the court ruling directly violated the very law that Trump was seeking to appeal to.

If you Democrats think this is bullshit, then let me remind you of the many many times that YOU said the courts violated the law with an illegal ruling, like Citizens United or Bush v. Gore. Democrats have already established, according to them, that courts make illegal rulings.

This is another one.

I.E., you have jack shit.
you’re not laughing…Democrats are freaking out right now.
My guy is in the WH and your orange douche bag is sobbing down in FL.

And that's how it will remain for at least the next 3 1/2 years. Trust me, I'm laughing. How about you?
You got what? Corrupt politicians?
Why is your party running out of corrupt politicians? Not with the orange douche bag around. He and his family are corrupt enough for at a 100 normal politicians.
My guy is in the WH and your orange douche bag is sobbing down in FL.

And that's how it will remain for at least the next 3 1/2 years. Trust me, I'm laughing. How about you?
So you cannot handle simple math?

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