PROOF that gun Bans Dont Solve Crime or Prevent Massacres.


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
If you took you car to a mechanic because of a horrid noise in the engine, but everything the mechanic did turning a bolt made the noise much worse, then you would know that the bolt aint doing what he thinks it should and that you have a dumbass mechanic if he persists as things keep getting worse.

There have been mass killings at schools around the globe for over a century, and the worst were not done with guns. Some were done with bombs and others done with knives like meat cleavers.

List of attacks related to primary schools - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

August 1998, Henan, China, 2 dead, 15 injured; A teacher stabbed two children to death and wounded 15 others

May 3, 1999 Costa Mesa, California, United States Steven Allen Abrams, 2 dead, 5 injured
Steven Allen Abrams purposefully drove his car onto the playground of Southcoast Early Childhood Learning Center. He killed two children and injured four other children and an adult.

June 8, 2001, Ikeda, Osaka, Japan, Mamoru Takuma; Osaka school massacre. Armed with a kitchen knife, a 37-year-old former janitor Mamoru Takuma trespassed into Ikeda Elementary School attached to Osaka-Kyoiku University and stabbed school children and teachers. 8 children were killed and 15 wounded, among those were 13 children and two teachers.

Those are just a few examples from the above URL, and there are plenty others also in the next list of secondary school massacres:
List of attacks related to secondary schools - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Note the incidents in China which has very strict gun laws, but the killers merely use knives instead. But suddenly when you look at the list of post secondary school massacres, in China the occurances drop to almost none. Why? Because a knife attack against a similar sized adult who might have training is too risky for these cowards, so they target schools with small children only.
List of attacks related to post-secondary schools - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the premise that gun free zone or more gun control laws will make small children safer is plainly a falsehood if not known a damned lie. In fact the evidence shows that THE EXACT OPPOSITE IS TRUE. GUN BANS MAKE CHILDREN LESS SAFE.

But would it restrict the lethality of massacres when they do happen? No, as the following analysis proves once again.
Auditing Shooting Rampage Statistics - Daily Anarchist

The average number of people killed in mass shootings when stopped by police is 14.29
The average number of people killed in a mass shooting when stopped by a civilian is 2.33

So gun free zones guarrantee that massacres are MORE deadly when you consider that the police take much longer to arrive and stop the incident than it would take an armed civilian who is aleady on the scene.

More facts that support empowering people to defend themselves:
GUN WATCH: One in Ten Mass Shootings Stopped by Armed Citizens; Most Occur Where Guns are Banned

So, gun grabbing fascists do not care one shit about school safety or public safety, not at all, and all their tears are crocodile tears of PR manipulation and hypocrisy.

But there is more: gun control laws dont even stop gun crimes or even reduce them, they often even accelerate gun crimes in the long run. Here is a report from the UK after they banned their handguns:
Gun crime soars by 35% | Mail Online

10 January 2003

The Government's latest crime figures were condemned as "truly terrible" by the Tories today as it emerged that gun crime in England and Wales soared by 35% last year.

Criminals used handguns in 46% more offences, Home Office statistics revealed.

Firearms were used in 9,974 recorded crimes in the 12 months to last April, up from 7,362.

It was the fourth consecutive year to see a rise and there were more than 2,200 more gun crimes last year than the previous peak in 1993.

Figures showed the number of crimes involving handguns had more than doubled since the post-Dunblane massacre ban on the weapons, from 2,636 in 1997-1998 to 5,871.

So the government response of course was to 'adjust' the methodology to show a decrease in gun related crime after that, because to a libtard, there are no facts except for the ones that support their ideological delusions.

In Virginia, when gun concealed carry licenses became 'must issue', crime dropped like a rock as gun sales increased:
Stats Prove Gun Control Does Not Work
Gun control advocates just need to look at Virginia. Between 2006-2011 gun sales went up by 73% and at the same time gun-related violent crimes fell 24%. Virginia Commonwealth University professor Thomas R. Baker, who specializes in research methods and criminology, said this proves that more guns do not in fact cause more violence.

"While there is a wealth of academic literature attempting to demonstrate the relationship between guns and crime, a very simple and intuitive demonstration of the numbers seems to point away from the premise that more guns leads to more crime, at least in Virginia," said Baker.

Baker examined six years of data from the Virginia Firearms Transaction Center that broke down the number of gun transactions for every federally licensed firearm dealer in Virginia. Background checks went up from 243,251 in 2006 to 420,829 in 2011. In 2006 there were 23,431 violent crimes in Virginia and dropped to 18,196 in 2011.

Handgun purchases increased 112% between 2006-2011 and violent crimes committed by people using handguns dropped by 22%.

Exactly the opposite of what happened in jollie ole England.

But libtards dont give a shit about whether crime goes up or down either or else they would advocate empowering people to protect themselves against criminals. Libtards dont want that because a big amount of the people financing their ideological campaigns are heavily influenced by organized criminal syndicates, drug dealers, human trafickers and urban political machines that only want the votes that come from lying to the public 24/7. Fuck actual crime frequency or savagery is their view.

Instead of calling for the arming of teachers that would stop attacks on schools like Thailand and Isreal have done, they demand that teachers be vulnerable to crazies.
Arming teachers worked for Israel and Thailand - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

The libtard ideologues make hysterical demands like this professor who has called for la Piere of the NRA to be killed in vengeance for the shooting deaths of the kids; pure demogoguery and leftwing viciousness the kind of which dates back at least to the Jacobins of the French Revolution and its 'Reign of Terror' (libtards are OK with masacres only if the government is doing them).
Professor calls for assassination of NRA CEO

So, in summary, libtards are only using any tragedy that comes along to push their agenda even when they know the facts show that their ideological demands have only made things worse and our school children more exposed to these crazy sucidal sociopaths.

These fascists have no shame and no concern for the lives and well being of anyone else but their own riches and power, and they project their own motivations onto the opposition, assuming that we are as despicable as they are.

Time for talking is fucking OVER. Dont let these fascists disarm our nation's people.
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Chinese school officials get the ax over elementary school knife attack...

China Fires 6 Officials for Mishandling School Attack
December 18, 2012 - Chinese authorities have fired six officials for their "improper handling" of last week's knife attack at an elementary school in a central province that left 23 students injured.
The official Xinhua news agency said Tuesday two school principals, two police officers, a local safety official, and a county education director were removed from their posts. Twenty-three students and an elderly villager were injured Friday when a 36-year-old man armed with a kitchen knife burst into the school in Henan province. None of the students were injured seriously and the man was quickly arrested.

Public outcry

The report did not give a reason for the dismissal of the officials, but noted it followed a public outcry over the "local authority's perceived irresponsible and indifferent attitude toward the tragedy." Many Chinese citizens had criticized a local newspaper, the state-run Xinyang Daily, for lauding the city's "great achievements" in education in a report issued just two days after the attack. On Tuesday, the paper posted a front-page apology for insulting the injured students and their families. Others on China's popular microblogs criticized authorities for not revealing enough details about the attack. Even state news reporters were turned away by authorities when trying to interview school officials or injured children.


Though authorities say they have not determined a specific motive, police say the suspect, Min Yongun, may have been influenced by ancient Mayan prophecies predicting the end of the world. State media said Monday an initial investigation found Min "had been strongly psychologically affected by rumors of the upcoming end of the world by ancient prophecy." His specific motives are not known. Some say the ancient Mayan calendar predicts the world will end on Friday, December 21.

Security tightened

Security at Chinese schools has been increased in recent years following a series of violent attacks on students, mostly involving mentally unstable young men. Some say the attacks, which began in 2010, highlight the weaknesses of China's health care system, which has struggled to identify and treat those with mental illnesses. Most of the attackers have used knives, hammers, or meat cleavers. China has some of the toughest gun laws in the world. Friday's incident came just hours before U.S. gunman Adam Lanza burst into an elementary school in the northeastern city of Newtown, Connecticut, with a rifle and two handguns, in an attack that left 20 children and six adults dead. It was the second-worst school shooting in U.S. history.

China Fires 6 Officials for Mishandling School Attack
Chinese school officials get the ax over elementary school knife attack...

China Fires 6 Officials for Mishandling School Attack
December 18, 2012 - Chinese authorities have fired six officials for their "improper handling" of last week's knife attack at an elementary school in a central province that left 23 students injured.
The official Xinhua news agency said Tuesday two school principals, two police officers, a local safety official, and a county education director were removed from their posts. Twenty-three students and an elderly villager were injured Friday when a 36-year-old man armed with a kitchen knife burst into the school in Henan province. None of the students were injured seriously and the man was quickly arrested.

Public outcry

The report did not give a reason for the dismissal of the officials, but noted it followed a public outcry over the "local authority's perceived irresponsible and indifferent attitude toward the tragedy." Many Chinese citizens had criticized a local newspaper, the state-run Xinyang Daily, for lauding the city's "great achievements" in education in a report issued just two days after the attack. On Tuesday, the paper posted a front-page apology for insulting the injured students and their families. Others on China's popular microblogs criticized authorities for not revealing enough details about the attack. Even state news reporters were turned away by authorities when trying to interview school officials or injured children.


Though authorities say they have not determined a specific motive, police say the suspect, Min Yongun, may have been influenced by ancient Mayan prophecies predicting the end of the world. State media said Monday an initial investigation found Min "had been strongly psychologically affected by rumors of the upcoming end of the world by ancient prophecy." His specific motives are not known. Some say the ancient Mayan calendar predicts the world will end on Friday, December 21.

Security tightened

Security at Chinese schools has been increased in recent years following a series of violent attacks on students, mostly involving mentally unstable young men. Some say the attacks, which began in 2010, highlight the weaknesses of China's health care system, which has struggled to identify and treat those with mental illnesses. Most of the attackers have used knives, hammers, or meat cleavers. China has some of the toughest gun laws in the world. Friday's incident came just hours before U.S. gunman Adam Lanza burst into an elementary school in the northeastern city of Newtown, Connecticut, with a rifle and two handguns, in an attack that left 20 children and six adults dead. It was the second-worst school shooting in U.S. history.

China Fires 6 Officials for Mishandling School Attack

Apparently teachers in China dont have unions like they do here in the USA where even knifing *your* *own* students woudnt be cause for dismissal.
If you ban guns then the only people who would be able to defend themselves would be the bad guys and loons because they'd be the only ones with guns. Except for the cops, who would get there after the bad guys and loons had their way.

Is banning guns a leftist means of population control?

Leftist thinking is warped.
If you ban guns then the only people who would be able to defend themselves would be the bad guys and loons because they'd be the only ones with guns. Except for the cops, who would get there after the bad guys and loons had their way.

Is banning guns a leftist means of population control?

Leftist thinking is warped.

I live in Ireland where there is strict gun control. Most of the police do not carry guns. We do not sit around worrying about who has guns and who does not.
if you ban guns then the only people who would be able to defend themselves would be the bad guys and loons because they'd be the only ones with guns. Except for the cops, who would get there after the bad guys and loons had their way.

Is banning guns a leftist means of population control?

Leftist thinking is warped.

i live in ireland where there is strict gun control. Most of the police do not carry guns. We do not sit around worrying about who has guns and who does not.

If you ban guns then the only people who would be able to defend themselves would be the bad guys and loons because they'd be the only ones with guns. Except for the cops, who would get there after the bad guys and loons had their way.

Is banning guns a leftist means of population control?

Leftist thinking is warped.

I live in Ireland where there is strict gun control. Most of the police do not carry guns. We do not sit around worrying about who has guns and who does not.

In America cops, good guys, bad guys and loons can have (or can get their hands on) guns.

Out of that group idiot leftists want to take them away from the good guys.

Yeah, you folks run with that.
if you ban guns then the only people who would be able to defend themselves would be the bad guys and loons because they'd be the only ones with guns. Except for the cops, who would get there after the bad guys and loons had their way.

Is banning guns a leftist means of population control?

Leftist thinking is warped.

i live in ireland where there is strict gun control. Most of the police do not carry guns. We do not sit around worrying about who has guns and who does not.


There is peace, and most IRA action was I'm Northern Ireland, which is I'm the UK. I have lived here 16 years and there has been no IRA trouble.
If you ban guns then the only people who would be able to defend themselves would be the bad guys and loons because they'd be the only ones with guns. Except for the cops, who would get there after the bad guys and loons had their way.

Is banning guns a leftist means of population control?

Leftist thinking is warped.

I live in Ireland where there is strict gun control. Most of the police do not carry guns. We do not sit around worrying about who has guns and who does not.

Nor does anyone in the US, but since gun control has become a topic of discussion, we are discussing it, ass hat.
i live in ireland where there is strict gun control. Most of the police do not carry guns. We do not sit around worrying about who has guns and who does not.


There is peace, and most IRA action was I'm Northern Ireland, which is I'm the UK. I have lived here 16 years and there has been no IRA trouble.

So you left Ireland because of the IRA, but you arent worried about guns?

Yeah, right.

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