Proof That The Right Has Truth On Its Side

no thanks----BROAD GENERALIZATIONS -----east is east and west is west and
never the twain shall meet------are IDIOT PLATITUDES.

Stalin was left and Adolf was right----------your universe makes no sense

Wrong again.

Stalin and Hitler were both Leftists.

Please don't take away their hopes that Hitler was right. They hold on to those stories much like others do of Loch Ness and Bigfoot.

Hitler self-identified as anti-Marxist, anti- Democratic socialist, anti-liberal, anti-Communist.

We don't need third hand mythology from you.

I'm quite certain you'll say you never heard of the Socialist Reich Party which was pro Hitler, pro German-reunification, anti-American, pro Soviet although anti-communist, and anti-capitalist. You might want to consider a little research on the party above first, before you have yourself overly convinced with delusions that Hitler must be far right.
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