Proof that we are beyond fixing it

Maybe the divide comes from hyper-dogmatic right-wing FOX-watching assholes who just hate having a black President, and whenever right-wing American Taliban FOX-watching assholes start frothing at the mouth about "liberal Marxist Kenyans from the moon are takin' 'r guuuuns!" or some other flaming redneck gibberish, liberals have to defend themselves which you insist is defense of Obama because in your small mind, liberals voted for Obama "hoping" that he would "change" Bush's god-damned policies, and that means that all liberals are Marxist Kenyan Martians from the moon who love their Muslim-Dictator-in-Chief.

Everything must be simple for stupid people so let's make this really simple for you: If you hate having a big oppressive government then you need to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act because the USAPATRIOT Act greatly expanded the big oppressive government. Does that make sense or are there too many big words in there?

I don't watch Fox. I am not racist.

As for the Patriot act, The Democrats since 2006 have passed the patriot act with no problem. Repeatedly. Obama has signed it how many times? Yet you would claim it is all the republicans, this is the derangement i speak of. You are so filled with hate you IGNORE reality and blindly defend the very people that are doing what it is you claim you hate. You defend them no matter what law they break. No matter what line they cross.

In my opinion the hate he feels is from his frustration. Frustration that he must be on one side or the other and he wants to be on the democrat side but that side is so damn dirty it isn't funny. So what can he do? He can't make the Democrat party any better, it is way beyond that point. So he and the left must drag down the Republican party. That is why he and others seldom argue the actual point of the thread they bring things up like Obama is black is why the right hates him. Which is pure BS. Michael Jordan is black and he is universally admired by both black and whites. Why? Because he became accomplished in what he did. Obama after 5 years isn't getting any better he is getting worse.

So forgive the lad he has no choice, in his mind.
In corporations they are very sensitive to deleting any correspondences that may later be used in a law suit. It is a crime to delete pertinent correspondence. Imagine, the government is investigating a nuclear site for an infraction of NRC rules and the NRC asks for emails between the engineers concerning the infraction. If the company comes back and says sorry they were accidentally deleted I believe the NRC is going to come back and there will be heavy fines if not jail time.

But nothing will happen here.
In corporations they are very sensitive to deleting any correspondences that may later be used in a law suit. It is a crime to delete pertinent correspondence. Imagine, the government is investigating a nuclear site for an infraction of NRC rules and the NRC asks for emails between the engineers concerning the infraction. If the company comes back and says sorry they were accidentally deleted I believe the NRC is going to come back and there will be heavy fines if not jail time.

But nothing will happen here.

I know government regulatory agencies require document control to include emails ... Especially the FDA.
Lose an email concerning the disposition of a single case of raw components (never actually lose control of the case) ... And you can end up destroying millions worth of finished product.

Maybe the divide comes from hyper-dogmatic right-wing FOX-watching assholes who just hate having a black President, and whenever right-wing American Taliban FOX-watching assholes start frothing at the mouth about "liberal Marxist Kenyans from the moon are takin' 'r guuuuns!" or some other flaming redneck gibberish, liberals have to defend themselves which you insist is defense of Obama because in your small mind, liberals voted for Obama "hoping" that he would "change" Bush's god-damned policies, and that means that all liberals are Marxist Kenyan Martians from the moon who love their Muslim-Dictator-in-Chief.

Everything must be simple for stupid people so let's make this really simple for you: If you hate having a big oppressive government then you need to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act because the USAPATRIOT Act greatly expanded the big oppressive government. Does that make sense or are there too many big words in there?

Yet you're spewing all the left wing news & propaganda info that isn't true about right wingers.

How about we have to get rid of the incumbents in both parties or nothing will change up there.
I agree we have to get rid of the patriot act as well as a whole other bunch of other unconstitutional programs and departments.
This won't happen until we get rid of the progressives in both parties.
I see Repub and independent voters doing it. I don't see any Dem voters doing it.
The documents suggest that the public relations push for war came before the intelligence analysis, which then conformed to public positions taken by Pentagon and White House officials. For example, a July 2002 draft of the "White Paper" ultimately issued by the CIA in October 2002 actually pre-dated the National Intelligence Estimate that the paper purportedly summarized, but which Congress did not insist on until September 2002.
U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD
THAT is a scandal.

Do Republicans care? No. They'll respond with, "BUT BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!" in an attempt to use childish stupidity to lessen the severity of a drunk chimp lying to start a multi-trillion dollar war that the CIA designed to never end.

tsk tsk

you sad morons hae been insisting for more than a decade you had "proof" we were "lied to" to go to way

you're nothing but pathetic losers and you left-wing nutjobs are trying to use this as a deflection away from obama' crimes
Actually, dumb fucking Republican, I'm the one who points out that Obama is a war criminal like Bush.

And it has been fucking proven that Bush lied us into war. You're going to shut the fuck up now and read:

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein
Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction
U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD
The Record on CURVEBALL
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate
The Torture Archive

Afghanistan: Lessons from the Last War

Keep reading. Just shut up and read.

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