Proof that we are beyond fixing it

The Obama Administrations just can't help itself with following what the Bush Administration did in the past. Anywhere from being secretive, to spying on Americans to losing vital emails.
I used to call Obama "Bush-lite" but I feel adding the word "lite" was a gross underestimation. His administration is just as bad. :(

Inside the Bush E-Mail Scandal
Inside the Bush E-Mail Scandal - TIME

When we ever learn? :eusa_hand:

sure he is, and until this country distances itself from the ties that bind (republicans and democrats) nothing will ever change

America distancing itself from the GOP and Dems is like my wet dream (but not in a sexual manner :lol:).
Maybe the divide comes from hyper-dogmatic right-wing FOX-watching assholes who just hate having a black President, and whenever right-wing American Taliban FOX-watching assholes start frothing at the mouth about "liberal Marxist Kenyans from the moon are takin' 'r guuuuns!" or some other flaming redneck gibberish, liberals have to defend themselves which you insist is defense of Obama because in your small mind, liberals voted for Obama "hoping" that he would "change" Bush's god-damned policies, and that means that all liberals are Marxist Kenyan Martians from the moon who love their Muslim-Dictator-in-Chief.

Everything must be simple for stupid people so let's make this really simple for you: If you hate having a big oppressive government then you need to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act because the USAPATRIOT Act greatly expanded the big oppressive government. Does that make sense or are there too many big words in there?

Wow, you don't usually see that much effort put into a deflection.

I mean, sure, a couple of sentences, maybe three. But this one goes on a bit.

He did throw in some race-baiting, so give him some credit there.

And a vivid illustration of the point of the thread, ironically.

And I agree with the OP, the two ends are so far apart now I don't know what fixes this.



I think the rant you are addressing was less "effort put into a deflection" than it was "evidence of psychopathology".

I agree that the parties are very far apart...the country is possibly not fixable.

But, it was like that during the Adams Administration, and Jefferson came along and governed with wisdom and fairness...and calmed things down and brought on what came to be known as the Era of Good Feelings. So, maybe there is hope.

But, I am appalled that not a single Democrat is the least bit troubled by The Lost E-Mails of Lois Lerner.

Politically, we always knew we were looking at different sides of the a coin. But now the Cocksucking Democrats (not that there is anything wrong with that) won't even agree its a coin.
Maybe the divide comes from hyper-dogmatic right-wing FOX-watching assholes who just hate having a black President, and whenever right-wing American Taliban FOX-watching assholes start frothing at the mouth about "liberal Marxist Kenyans from the moon are takin' 'r guuuuns!" or some other flaming redneck gibberish, liberals have to defend themselves which you insist is defense of Obama because in your small mind, liberals voted for Obama "hoping" that he would "change" Bush's god-damned policies, and that means that all liberals are Marxist Kenyan Martians from the moon who love their Muslim-Dictator-in-Chief.

Everything must be simple for stupid people so let's make this really simple for you: If you hate having a big oppressive government then you need to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act because the USAPATRIOT Act greatly expanded the big oppressive government. Does that make sense or are there too many big words in there?

Wow, you don't usually see that much effort put into a deflection.

I mean, sure, a couple of sentences, maybe three. But this one goes on a bit.

He did throw in some race-baiting, so give him some credit there.

And a vivid illustration of the point of the thread, ironically.

And I agree with the OP, the two ends are so far apart now I don't know what fixes this.



I think the rant you are addressing was less "effort put into a deflection" than it was "evidence of psychopathology".

I agree that the parties are very far apart...the country is possibly not fixable.

But, it was like that during the Adams Administration, and Jefferson came along and governed with wisdom and fairness...and calmed things down and brought on what came to be known as the Era of Good Feelings. So, maybe there is hope.

But, I am appalled that not a single Democrat is the least bit troubled by The Lost E-Mails of Lois Lerner.

Politically, we always knew we were looking at different sides of the a coin. But now the Cocksucking Democrats (not that there is anything wrong with that) won't even agree its a coin.

There's a handful of lefties on this board who I thought might be willing to at least admit it smelled a little funny, so I was wrong. Hell, I'm wrong all the time, just ask my wife.

This notion of an Era of Good Feelings -- I agree it's possible, it would take someone to come along to be brave and pull us out of this morass, and I just don't see anyone on the horizon. And it may not even be able to come from someone in politics, since they're all paralyzed with fear that they may annoy a key campaign contributor, and we can't have that.

Here's hoping you're right.

The Obama Administrations just can't help itself with following what the Bush Administration did in the past. Anywhere from being secretive, to spying on Americans to losing vital emails.
I used to call Obama "Bush-lite" but I feel adding the word "lite" was a gross underestimation. His administration is just as bad. :(

Inside the Bush E-Mail Scandal
Inside the Bush E-Mail Scandal - TIME

When we ever learn? :eusa_hand:

sure he is, and until this country distances itself from the ties that bind (republicans and democrats) nothing will ever change

The inability for us as citizens to appropriately demand accountability is the reason any of it succeeds.
Blaming Democrats, Republicans or both is just an easy cop-out for people who are incapable of doing anything any different.

It is like metaphorically washing your hands of any responsibility in the fact you suck and cannot accomplish it any better.

Maybe the divide comes from hyper-dogmatic right-wing FOX-watching assholes who just hate having a black President, and whenever right-wing American Taliban FOX-watching assholes start frothing at the mouth about "liberal Marxist Kenyans from the moon are takin' 'r guuuuns!" or some other flaming redneck gibberish, liberals have to defend themselves which you insist is defense of Obama because in your small mind, liberals voted for Obama "hoping" that he would "change" Bush's god-damned policies, and that means that all liberals are Marxist Kenyan Martians from the moon who love their Muslim-Dictator-in-Chief.

Everything must be simple for stupid people so let's make this really simple for you: If you hate having a big oppressive government then you need to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act because the USAPATRIOT Act greatly expanded the big oppressive government. Does that make sense or are there too many big words in there?

Wow, you don't usually see that much effort put into a deflection.

I mean, sure, a couple of sentences, maybe three. But this one goes on a bit.

He did throw in some race-baiting, so give him some credit there.

And a vivid illustration of the point of the thread, ironically.

And I agree with the OP, the two ends are so far apart now I don't know what fixes this.



I think the rant you are addressing was less "effort put into a deflection" than it was "evidence of psychopathology".

I agree that the parties are very far apart...the country is possibly not fixable.

But, it was like that during the Adams Administration, and Jefferson came along and governed with wisdom and fairness...and calmed things down and brought on what came to be known as the Era of Good Feelings. So, maybe there is hope.

But, I am appalled that not a single Democrat is the least bit troubled by The Lost E-Mails of Lois Lerner.

Politically, we always knew we were looking at different sides of the a coin. But now the Cocksucking Democrats (not that there is anything wrong with that) won't even agree its a coin.

Well, that's like the typical hypocrisy we have with partisans from both sides of the aisle. When the other side does it, they get outraged. When they do it, it's no big deal.
It's rare when we see consistent outrage from ideologues. It's pretty sad.
I blame the media on both sides and in particular super partisan talking heads, who's job is to get their ever loyal audience to follow their every whim.
The Obama Administrations just can't help itself with following what the Bush Administration did in the past. Anywhere from being secretive, to spying on Americans to losing vital emails.
I used to call Obama "Bush-lite" but I feel adding the word "lite" was a gross underestimation. His administration is just as bad. :(

Inside the Bush E-Mail Scandal
Inside the Bush E-Mail Scandal - TIME

When we ever learn? :eusa_hand:

Yep, people in this administration have also been busted for using non-official email accounts for official business, it just seems to fly in the face of "the most transparent administration in history". Combine this with all the stonewalling, claims of executive privilege and refusal to obey the law, I sincerely hope even some of the dems will wake up.
Well, that's like the typical hypocrisy we have with partisans from both sides of the aisle. When the other side does it, they get outraged. When they do it, it's no big deal.

It's rare when we see consistent outrage from ideologues. It's pretty sad.
I blame the media on both sides and in particular super partisan talking heads, who's job is to get their ever loyal audience to follow their every whim.


It doesn't matter. Nothing that's done no matter how bad will matter. The people are so divided and so steadfastly against one another that nothing matters to the left except the destruction of the right. The ends justify the means no matter who is harmed by those means. If people die too bad. What difference does it make.
Wow, you don't usually see that much effort put into a deflection.

I mean, sure, a couple of sentences, maybe three. But this one goes on a bit.

He did throw in some race-baiting, so give him some credit there.

And a vivid illustration of the point of the thread, ironically.

And I agree with the OP, the two ends are so far apart now I don't know what fixes this.



I think the rant you are addressing was less "effort put into a deflection" than it was "evidence of psychopathology".

I agree that the parties are very far apart...the country is possibly not fixable.

But, it was like that during the Adams Administration, and Jefferson came along and governed with wisdom and fairness...and calmed things down and brought on what came to be known as the Era of Good Feelings. So, maybe there is hope.

But, I am appalled that not a single Democrat is the least bit troubled by The Lost E-Mails of Lois Lerner.

Politically, we always knew we were looking at different sides of the a coin. But now the Cocksucking Democrats (not that there is anything wrong with that) won't even agree its a coin.

Well, that's like the typical hypocrisy we have with partisans from both sides of the aisle. When the other side does it, they get outraged. When they do it, it's no big deal.
It's rare when we see consistent outrage from ideologues. It's pretty sad.
I blame the media on both sides and in particular super partisan talking heads, who's job is to get their ever loyal audience to follow their every whim.


Disagree on this one. This compares to Nixon and his thugs.

Almost all Americans abandoned them when they started to destroy evidence. And that is what is happening now.
hard to rule out the possibility of NSA destroying files, or any files that could be accessed through the intel that Snowden shared with other countries ..
Not one single Dem or Liberal has anything to say bad about the egregious law breaking conduct of this Administration. When Nixon tried to use the IRS in a similar manner the Republicans in Congress voted to impeach his ass. All we get from Obama supporters is silence or attempts to justify the indefensible.
The Obama Administrations just can't help itself with following what the Bush Administration did in the past. Anywhere from being secretive, to spying on Americans to losing vital emails.
I used to call Obama "Bush-lite" but I feel adding the word "lite" was a gross underestimation. His administration is just as bad. :(

Inside the Bush E-Mail Scandal
Inside the Bush E-Mail Scandal - TIME

When we ever learn? :eusa_hand:

So your excuse is "Bush did it"? Seriously? I knew you were a brain dead moron who can't read a graph and can't engage in debate to save his life. But this? It isn't even a decent deflection. It's an outright lie.
The "lost" emails prove we are past any chance to fix our problems. The left on this board are busy making excuses for the inexcusable. All the other scandals were bad enough but I guess one could argue a point if view on them. This one is beyond any argument.

E-mails are not stored on the local computer yet we are to believe that because Lerner's computer had a melt down that would effect her E-mails that are not even stored on her computer.

Something all the defenders here KNOW to be true. The more capable of the defenders know with no uncertainty that the E-mails were not on her computer, the rest have been told that the E-mails were stored separately yet claim otherwise.

This incident proves beyond a doubt that the left does NOT care what ever this administration does, nothing will matter. No lie, no criminal act no scandal will ever matter. The divide is permanent.

Stupid liberals – all they want to do is base conclusions on facts, objective, documented evidence, and the truth; why can’t they be more like conservatives and base their conclusions on speculation, contrivances, and lies.
The "lost" emails prove we are past any chance to fix our problems. The left on this board are busy making excuses for the inexcusable. All the other scandals were bad enough but I guess one could argue a point if view on them. This one is beyond any argument.

E-mails are not stored on the local computer yet we are to believe that because Lerner's computer had a melt down that would effect her E-mails that are not even stored on her computer.

Something all the defenders here KNOW to be true. The more capable of the defenders know with no uncertainty that the E-mails were not on her computer, the rest have been told that the E-mails were stored separately yet claim otherwise.

This incident proves beyond a doubt that the left does NOT care what ever this administration does, nothing will matter. No lie, no criminal act no scandal will ever matter. The divide is permanent.

Stupid liberals – all they want to do is base conclusions on facts, objective, documented evidence, and the truth; why can’t they be more like conservatives and base their conclusions on speculation, contrivances, and lies.

What "facts" would you like to see? Do you think the IRS's explanation is reasonable?
Not one single Dem or Liberal has anything to say bad about the egregious law breaking conduct of this Administration. When Nixon tried to use the IRS in a similar manner the Republicans in Congress voted to impeach his ass. All we get from Obama supporters is silence or attempts to justify the indefensible.


You just don’t like what you’re being told, the consequence of being a blind partisan hack.

And here again is what you’re being told: you have no evidence whatsoever that the Administration was in anyway involved in the IRS issue, no evidence of a ‘cover up,’ no evidence of any laws being ‘violated’ by Administration officials.

That you hate the president is not ‘evidence,’ that you believe the lies contrived about the issue is not ‘evidence,’ and that you ‘think’ or ‘believe’ there’s a ‘cover up’ or ‘crime’ is also not ‘evidence.’

You can start all the threads you want, that won’t change the fact that you have no evidence to back up your delusional, partisan claims.
The "lost" emails prove we are past any chance to fix our problems. The left on this board are busy making excuses for the inexcusable. All the other scandals were bad enough but I guess one could argue a point if view on them. This one is beyond any argument.

E-mails are not stored on the local computer yet we are to believe that because Lerner's computer had a melt down that would effect her E-mails that are not even stored on her computer.

Something all the defenders here KNOW to be true. The more capable of the defenders know with no uncertainty that the E-mails were not on her computer, the rest have been told that the E-mails were stored separately yet claim otherwise.

This incident proves beyond a doubt that the left does NOT care what ever this administration does, nothing will matter. No lie, no criminal act no scandal will ever matter. The divide is permanent.

Stupid liberals – all they want to do is base conclusions on facts, objective, documented evidence, and the truth; why can’t they be more like conservatives and base their conclusions on speculation, contrivances, and lies.

Yes, innocent people, people with nothing to hide manage to destroy government emails in 2014.

Makes perfect sense to us
The documents suggest that the public relations push for war came before the intelligence analysis, which then conformed to public positions taken by Pentagon and White House officials. For example, a July 2002 draft of the "White Paper" ultimately issued by the CIA in October 2002 actually pre-dated the National Intelligence Estimate that the paper purportedly summarized, but which Congress did not insist on until September 2002.
U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD
THAT is a scandal.

Do Republicans care? No. They'll respond with, "BUT BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!" in an attempt to use childish stupidity to lessen the severity of a drunk chimp lying to start a multi-trillion dollar war that the CIA designed to never end.
The documents suggest that the public relations push for war came before the intelligence analysis, which then conformed to public positions taken by Pentagon and White House officials. For example, a July 2002 draft of the "White Paper" ultimately issued by the CIA in October 2002 actually pre-dated the National Intelligence Estimate that the paper purportedly summarized, but which Congress did not insist on until September 2002.
U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD
THAT is a scandal.

Do Republicans care? No. They'll respond with, "BUT BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!" in an attempt to use childish stupidity to lessen the severity of a drunk chimp lying to start a multi-trillion dollar war that the CIA designed to never end.
Quit deflecting, ya toked out moron.
The documents suggest that the public relations push for war came before the intelligence analysis, which then conformed to public positions taken by Pentagon and White House officials. For example, a July 2002 draft of the "White Paper" ultimately issued by the CIA in October 2002 actually pre-dated the National Intelligence Estimate that the paper purportedly summarized, but which Congress did not insist on until September 2002.
U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD
THAT is a scandal.

Do Republicans care? No. They'll respond with, "BUT BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!" in an attempt to use childish stupidity to lessen the severity of a drunk chimp lying to start a multi-trillion dollar war that the CIA designed to never end.

tsk tsk

you sad morons hae been insisting for more than a decade you had "proof" we were "lied to" to go to way

you're nothing but pathetic losers and you left-wing nutjobs are trying to use this as a deflection away from obama' crimes
The war could have been ended leftard; all they had to do was cutoff the money;

we both know dems didn't do that leftard.

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