Pros and Cons of Electric Vehicles

DO PLEASE BE SPECIFIC THEN, rather than just shooting off your big, fat, dumb mouth telling us how WRONG somebody else is. Just which then is so inaccurate and how:
  1. That fast charges DO NOT degrade the condition of a battery.
  2. That it isn't going to take a colossal effort to mine and produce all of these zillions of additional batteries we will suddenly need with an environmental impact of its own.
  3. That many will not flock to seeking out nice, used ICE cars for 1/10th the price that are bigger, roomier, more comfortable, have more features and go farther on a tank of gas.
Mind you, we don't want to hear just more bloviating bullshit but the actual physics of how you are right preferably with some (linked) supporting evidence.
Wipe the spittle off your chin.
Your analogy is both awful, and inaccurate. I guess you are holding out for spaceships.
Sounds like I made the post a bit tricky for you.

Did you know, an EV will reduce your emissions between 25% and 50%. So when the number of vehicle drivers increase by this percentage over the years, we're back to belching out the same emissions as we do now.

What co2 savings did you think EV's would deliver?

Sounds like I made the post a bit tricky for you.

Did you know, an EV will reduce your emissions between 25% and 50%. So when the number of vehicle drivers increase by this percentage over the years, we're back to belching out the same emissions as we do now.

What co2 savings did you think EV's would deliver?

The scenarios you present are as ridiculous as they are improbable. You just throw shit out there and hope it sticks.
The scenarios you present are as ridiculous as they are improbable. You just throw shit out there and hope it sticks.
Ok retard, how's your Tesla Powerwall performing? Or are you one of those fuckwits that just go with EV's and renewables without having two fucking braincells to rub together? Or do you just follow people with shit comments?
Ok retard, how's your Tesla Powerwall performing? Or are you one of those fuckwits that just go with EV's and renewables without having two fucking braincells to rub together? Or do you just follow people with shit comments?
I accept your surrender. You're dismissed.
Approximately half of Americans live in multi-family housing. (Apartments) Especially when in a big city. Most of these apartments are >5yrs of age and have no ability to create charging stations for the residents. Many don't have provided parking lots at all.

So Biden has created an executive order requiring that half of all new vehicles sold must be EVs....

Where I really don't care...but technology just hasn't really caught up to this yet. Fuel cell technology is almost there...but it still has issues.

I'm moving (eventually) out of my apartment to an extremely rural location and going to be a retired farmer. I'll have fuel tanks filled with off road diesel and propane for the equipment and heating. Gasoline will be stored in cans only. (Apartment life by Choice and not necessity)

It takes 6+hours of drive time from Nashville to get to the EV with current technology just isn't going to work.
Lithium Iron batteries are a terrible technology.

They are heavy, dangerous, can't hold much of a charge, have a short life span and they are an ecological disaster to produce and dispose of. The really sad thing is that the rare earth medals needed to produce the damn things are mostly found in China. China, the country that made the Joe Dufus family filthy rich. Joe Dufus, the dimwit that is forcing the car makers to go to stupid EV in order to meet emission standards so that his Chicom buddies can get a payback on the money they gave his family.

There may be a day when battery technology is Ok but it is not today. Solid state technology will be a great improvement if they can work out the Engineering bugs.

Meanwhile only idiots buy these stupid L-I battery cars. Most of them regret it in the long run.
Lithium Iron batteries are a terrible technology.

They are heavy, dangerous, can't hold much of a charge, have a short life span and they are an ecological disaster to produce and dispose of. The really sad thing is that the rare earth medals needed to produce the damn things are mostly found in China. China, the country that made the Joe Dufus family filthy rich. Joe Dufus, the dimwit that is forcing the car makers to go to stupid EV in order to meet emission standards so that his Chicom buddies can get a payback on the money they gave his family.

There may be a day when battery technology is Ok but it is not today. Solid state technology will be a great improvement if they can work out the Engineering bugs.

Meanwhile only idiots buy these stupid L-I battery cars. Most of them regret it in the long run.
Lithium batteries actually hold more total watts than any other sort of battery.
But by weight gasoline still holds more watt equivalent. And adding more fuel is quicker and easier than adding watts into a battery.

They are looking at recycling the used batteries from the EVs...they would be foolish not to. (I passed on investing)
Some sort of fuel cell/battery car hybrid would probably work at a guess...but I'm not a chemist/physicist or engineer.

But I do know that in extreme cold environments the lithium batteries don't work....and in extreme heat they won't work either. Ask any construction worker about their lithium ion drills they carry. They can give you the whole scoop on that.

Transportation accounts for about 30% of emissions. Approx 72% of this comes from road vehicles. After taking production, charging/refuelling, and lithium mining into account, an EV reduces the co2 of an ICE vehicle over it's lifespan by 25% to 50%.

So if we all had EV's and no ICE's, you would reduce 25% to 50% of the 72% of the 30%. Tell me Einstein, in your tree hugging eyes, is this going to save the planet :rolleyes:
The second con of having an EV is dealing with bigotry
Dude. Everybody has to deal with road rage. Those other drivers are handling their own vehicles and they don't care about your electric crap.
Today, there are 800V cars available
Except, well, 800V is going to kill somebody, and people are going to start caring about because they don't want that high voltage crap rattling down the road. Highly explosive if the battery shorts out, too.

Just today I was watching the weather channel and they had one of their meteorologists there standing next to his electric car and talking about it. He was saying that he could only go about 25 miles on a charge! That seems impossible to me. One of the Tesla cars has a range of close to 300 miles on a charge. What kind of pile of crap electric car could he have that only goes about 25 miles on a charge. Maybe it was one of those hybrid cars that can either run off a battery or a gas motor. Though as far as cons go, the biggest con would probably be the price. They're just way too expensive.
This guy has owned a brand new Tesla S since 2013, and shares his thoughts. I'll cut and paste part of what he writes about.

As far as cons, there are only two. First, charging times are still a little long when on a road trip. Sure, after driving for 3+ hours, I’m ready to stop, go to the bathroom, and maybe get something to eat. In the time it takes to do all those things, I can charge up for another 3+ hours of travel. However, if I’m in a huge hurry and want to just stop, pee, and get something from a drive-thru, the charging time will frustrate that. But charging times are dropping swiftly. Today, there are 800V cars available that will charge from 10% battery to 80% in about 15 minutes. That is not going to add substantially to the time it takes to travel long distances. Even now, the record for an EV traveling coast-to-coast across the US is under 44.5 hours. Granted, that’s a full 17 hours or so longer than the gas-powered record, but that was set using a specially prepped car with extra gas tanks and travelling at hyperlegal speeds topping 130mph in places. So probably not a reasonable comparison. Safe to say, even today, you can get anywhere you need to be in the continental US in a reasonable amount of time in an EV. But, as mentioned, we will need to keep expanding EV charging infrastructure if we’re going to keep up with consumer demand.

The second con of having an EV is dealing with bigotry, especially from those who fear change. Video of diesel pickup trucks maliciously coal-rolling electric-car drivers are easy to find. Some self-proclaimed “car guys” proudly proclaim they’ll never own an EV because they somehow believe that an exhaust note is awesome. Sadly, they don’t realize that that noise is just wasted energy. Why they would prefer converting the gas they’re burning into noise and heat instead of torque and horsepower escapes me, but they apparently can’t let go of the historical characteristics of performance cars. That’s despite the fact that the quickest (0–60 mph) production car in history is now an electric car or that the record-holder for the quickest sprint up Pike’s Peak is also an electric car. The future is electric, but some are resistant to let the past go.

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Tesla charging stations

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I will be getting my Tesla Model Y and Model 3 in Dec and Jan. I test drove the Model 3 and it blew me away. Dealer let me bring it home and my wife wants the Y for herself. Once I found out how long they last I was sold.

Just today I was watching the weather channel and they had one of their meteorologists there standing next to his electric car and talking about it. He was saying that he could only go about 25 miles on a charge! That seems impossible to me. One of the Tesla cars has a range of close to 300 miles on a charge. What kind of pile of crap electric car could he have that only goes about 25 miles on a charge. Maybe it was one of those hybrid cars that can either run off a battery or a gas motor. Though as far as cons go, the biggest con would probably be the price. They're just way too expensive.

Teslas in theory might go 300 miles on a charge in ideal conditions, but you can't ever take that risk.
Any who goes more than 200 miles is taking huge risk.
And if you have to turn on lights, wipers, and heater, then you cut it down to less than 100 miles.

Fast charge is no good.
It reduces battery life by half.

Batteries almost double the weight, so if there a lot of hills, batteries make electric cars half as efficient as on hills as on level ground.
Which is why there will never be electric planes.
I will be getting my Tesla Model Y and Model 3 in Dec and Jan. I test drove the Model 3 and it blew me away. Dealer let me bring it home and my wife wants the Y for herself. Once I found out how long they last I was sold.

Batteries only last 10 years and cost over $10k.
Lithium Iron batteries are a terrible technology.

They are heavy, dangerous, can't hold much of a charge, have a short life span and they are an ecological disaster to produce and dispose of. The really sad thing is that the rare earth medals needed to produce the damn things are mostly found in China. China, the country that made the Joe Dufus family filthy rich. Joe Dufus, the dimwit that is forcing the car makers to go to stupid EV in order to meet emission standards so that his Chicom buddies can get a payback on the money they gave his family.

There may be a day when battery technology is Ok but it is not today. Solid state technology will be a great improvement if they can work out the Engineering bugs.

Meanwhile only idiots buy these stupid L-I battery cars. Most of them regret it in the long run.

What is the most frustrating is that currently EVs are mostly powered by coal electricity, which internal combustion engines can run on bio fuels that actually make the air cleaner, with negative emissions.
Batteries only last 10 years and cost over $10k.
Not the 2021 model. They reportedly last 300k - 500k miles and currently cost 7-8K. Tesla is supposedly working on a battery that will last a million miles.
Not the 2021 model. They reportedly last 300k - 500k miles and currently cost 7-8K. Tesla is supposedly working on a battery that will last a million miles.

Not with fast charge, which greatly reduces battery life.
In fact, hot and cold also greatly shorten battery life.
Not with fast charge, which greatly reduces battery life.
In fact, hot and cold also greatly shorten battery life.
Thats only if you fast charge everyday. A buddy of mine has had his for 5 years and no drop off yet. He hardly ever does fast charge. He charges at home.
Thats only if you fast charge everyday. A buddy of mine has had his for 5 years and no drop off yet. He hardly ever does fast charge. He charges at home.

Good point in that I have not tried either.

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