Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

18 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mike Bedigan

Hundreds of protesters have swarmed the Cannon rotunda at the US Capitol in Washington DC to demand an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Footage online showed a large group of people, some sitting on the floor, gathered the famous building, waving a large banner that read “Jews say ceasefire now” – and chanting.
More stood on the balcony of the rotunda also waving a banners calling for a ceasefire. One read “mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living”.
Many of those gathered were dressed in Jewish attire including the Tallit prayer shawls and Kippahs. Others wore black t-shirts emblazoned with the words “not in our name”.
Despite appearing to be a peaceful protest, Capitol police soon moved to arrest members of the demonstration. By this time the number of people gathered looked to have risen.
“A group of protesters are demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda. Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings,” the force wrote on X.
“We warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.”
Footage also showed police begin to arrest protesters one at a time, with some being forced to the ground.

The U.S. Capitol rotunda is packed with protesters. Large group of protesters outside too. Described as Jewish protesters yelling for Israel ceasefire and "free Palestine."
Looks like a bloody INSURRECTION!!
For MAGA its insurrection, for Democrat Socialists of America Progressives and Palestinian sympathizers it's a protest.
Will these anti-semetic racist Jew haters be arrested and get 10-20 years and solitary confinement?

In return, Joe Biden will let 2 million of their closest Palestinian relatives into the USA by the end of the year. Mostly peaceful relatives, of course.

The US does not support cease fires, neither in Ukraine nor in Israel. War is better for business, as Smedley Butler noted.

Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

18 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mike Bedigan

Hundreds of protesters have swarmed the Cannon rotunda at the US Capitol in Washington DC to demand an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Footage online showed a large group of people, some sitting on the floor, gathered the famous building, waving a large banner that read “Jews say ceasefire now” – and chanting.
More stood on the balcony of the rotunda also waving a banners calling for a ceasefire. One read “mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living”.
Many of those gathered were dressed in Jewish attire including the Tallit prayer shawls and Kippahs. Others wore black t-shirts emblazoned with the words “not in our name”.
Despite appearing to be a peaceful protest, Capitol police soon moved to arrest members of the demonstration. By this time the number of people gathered looked to have risen.
“A group of protesters are demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda. Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings,” the force wrote on X.
“We warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.”
Footage also showed police begin to arrest protesters one at a time, with some being forced to the ground.

The U.S. Capitol rotunda is packed with protesters. Large group of protesters outside too. Described as Jewish protesters yelling for Israel ceasefire and "free Palestine."
Looks like a bloody INSURRECTION!!
For MAGA its insurrection, for Democrat Socialists of America Progressives and Palestinian sympathizers it's a protest.
Will these anti-semetic racist Jew haters be arrested and get 10-20 years and solitary confinement?

In return, Joe Biden will let 2 million of their closest Palestinian relatives into the USA by the end of the year. Mostly peaceful relatives, of course.

They should all be arrested. No Palestinians should be allowed to move to the United States.

Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

18 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mike Bedigan

Hundreds of protesters have swarmed the Cannon rotunda at the US Capitol in Washington DC to demand an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Footage online showed a large group of people, some sitting on the floor, gathered the famous building, waving a large banner that read “Jews say ceasefire now” – and chanting.
More stood on the balcony of the rotunda also waving a banners calling for a ceasefire. One read “mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living”.
Many of those gathered were dressed in Jewish attire including the Tallit prayer shawls and Kippahs. Others wore black t-shirts emblazoned with the words “not in our name”.
Despite appearing to be a peaceful protest, Capitol police soon moved to arrest members of the demonstration. By this time the number of people gathered looked to have risen.
“A group of protesters are demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda. Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings,” the force wrote on X.
“We warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.”
Footage also showed police begin to arrest protesters one at a time, with some being forced to the ground.

The U.S. Capitol rotunda is packed with protesters. Large group of protesters outside too. Described as Jewish protesters yelling for Israel ceasefire and "free Palestine."
Looks like a bloody INSURRECTION!!
For MAGA its insurrection, for Democrat Socialists of America Progressives and Palestinian sympathizers it's a protest.
Will these anti-semetic racist Jew haters be arrested and get 10-20 years and solitary confinement?

In return, Joe Biden will let 2 million of their closest Palestinian relatives into the USA by the end of the year. Mostly peaceful relatives, of course.

Why aren't we seeing video of this wall to wall on Democrat controlled TV? Looks like an insurrection to me! :dunno:
What's wrong with peace?

Haven't got enough bloodlust, yet?

Are you naive enough to belief that a ceasefire with Hamas equates to peace?

A ceasefire (as has been aptly demonstrated over the years) is an opportunity for Hamas to re-arm and plan their next attack.

There will be peace when Hamas, Hezbollah, and radical elements of the PLO have been defeated and their ability to wage war eliminated.
“[Jews who are not ultra-Orthodox] are not just shifting uncomfortably. They are saying: This is not the Israel that we know.”
Careful attention should be paid to these people. Their names/identities recorded for the day they come begging to make Aliyah because the INEVITABLE POGROMS have come to America.
They should be treated as they have treated the only nation-state for the Jewish people. If they will work to weaken that state from here, imagine what they'll do once they're within its borders. Let them be known by their actions...
They should all be arrested. No Palestinians should be allowed to move to the United States.
Whose group idea was it to import a hate group that has hated the Jews for centuries into these United States ??
It just had to be the leftist. It's like they are doing everything they can to take this nation down from within. The Jews have never attacked us in this country, but the Muslim's damned sure have. So what's that telling us here ??? It's telling us that we are being undermined by radical groups and their messaging once they've entered into the gates.

How damned stupid can this nation be ??
Are you naive enough to belief that a ceasefire with Hamas equates to peace?

A ceasefire (as has been aptly demonstrated over the years) is an opportunity for Hamas to re-arm and plan their next attack.

There will be peace when Hamas, Hezbollah, and radical elements of the PLO have been defeated and their ability to wage war eliminated.
Yep, and it's their own damned fault and nobody else's.
Whose group idea was it to import a hate group that has hated the Jews for centuries into these United States ??
It just had to be the leftist. It's like they are doing everything they can to take this nation down from within. The Jews have never attacked us in this country, but the Muslim's damned sure have. So what's that telling us here ??? It's telling us that we are being undermined by radical groups and their messaging once they've entered into the gates.

How damned stupid can this nation be ??
If Arabs had not been allowed to move to the United States 9/11 would not have happened.
If Arabs had not been allowed to move to the United States 9/11 would not have happened.
Not realizing who the enemy is for which caused 9-11 is one important thing to get fixed... This nation had best have a come to Jesus meeting over it, because the stupidity has got to stop before it's too late. These same leftist are doing everything they can to take down a true American patriot named Donald J. Trump, otherwise they see him as an ultimate trophy where as they think that if they can stop him, then the rest of the country will fall like Domino's.
Not realizing who the enemy is for which caused 9-11 is one important thing to get fixed... This nation had best have a come to Jesus meeting over it, because the stupidity has got to stop before it's too late. These same leftist are doing everything they can to take down a true American patriot named Donald J. Trump, otherwise they see him as an ultimate trophy where as they think that if they can stop him, then the rest of the country will fall like Domino's.
I agree with Trump on some issues but I hate him anyway because of his tax cuts for the rich, his character, and his personality. :mad:
You do realize that the poor cannot get tax cuts, right?
I realize that tax cuts for the rich, beginning with Ronald Reagan, are responsible for the fact that the national debt is higher than the gross domestic product each year.
I realize that tax cuts for the rich, beginning with Ronald Reagan, are responsible for the fact that the national debt is higher than the gross domestic product each year.
Nope. Government spending, largely for social programs is responsible for debt. The poor pay no taxes. They receive plenty of benefits paid for by the taxes of others. A tax cut is simply letting people keep more of the money they earned.
Nope. Government spending, largely for social programs is responsible for debt. The poor pay no taxes. They receive plenty of benefits paid for by the taxes of others. A tax cut is simply letting people keep more of the money they earned.

taxPercentage 2.png

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