Protesters swarm the US Capitol, over 300 were arrested, and the corporate media LOVES it

What a difference the political persuasion of the protesters makes!

The media lovingly supported this insurrection, as will every single leftist on this board.

Are any of us suggesting they shouldn't have been arrested?

Are any of us suggesting that the people who got arrested were not really who they say they were? That they were Republicans pretending to be pro Palestine?

Did any of them break their way in?

Did any of them call the cops n*#$rs?

Did any of them cause a cop to have a heart attack?

We can't let Trumpsters think it's okay to do this again. We should have mowed these people down.
Republicans say the Constitution protects these protesters.
Find out who financed the whole thing and there you will find a lot of answers.
Some of the protesters were organized by a left wing jewish group.

“Any American Jew attending this rally is not a Jew—yes I said it!”

So tweeted the Trump administration’s U.S. ambassador to Israel, David M. Friedman, about a rally and protest held in Washington on Monday. “American Jews Say: CEASEFIRE NOW!” the graphic promoting the rally read. “STOP GENOCIDE OF PALESTINIANS.”

Monday’s protest—a rally at Farragut Square, followed by a walk to the White House to disrupt business as usual—was organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, an anti-Zionist group, and IfNotNow, which describes itself as “a movement of American Jews organizing our community to end U.S. support for Israel’s apartheid system.” T
1/6 was legitimate Americans randomly protesting
This true Insurrection is a bunch of dubious characters of dubious nationality trying to lay at the feet of the USA responsibility for how Israel responds to a garish Hamas attack.
Are any of us suggesting they shouldn't have been arrested?

Are any of us suggesting that the people who got arrested were not really who they say they were? That they were Republicans pretending to be pro Palestine?

Did any of them break their way in?

Did any of them call the cops n*#$rs?

Did any of them cause a cop to have a heart attack?

We can't let Trumpsters think it's okay to do this again. We should have mowed these people down.
Republicans say the Constitution protects these protesters.

Told ya. The DemoKKKrats love this kind of insurrection.
We heard lib loon rag media is trying to sell that
Let us know if you find out it's a lie. You won't. I'd be shocked.

But let's not forget you guys on the right were wrong. You thought they were arabs defending Palestine. Turns out it's left leaning jews. Careful how you attack them.

Former President Donald Trump attacked Jews in the U.S. on his Truth Social platform Sunday, writing that they need to “get their act together” and “appreciate” Israel “before it is too late.”

“No President has done more for Israel than I have. Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S.,” Trump wrote.

“Those living in Israel, though, are a different story — Highest approval rating in the World, could easily be P.M.!” he continued.

It is unclear what prompted the post. Trump has issued similar remarks in the past about U.S. Jews, a majority of whom typically vote Democratic.

In an interview last year, Trump said' “The Jewish people in the United States either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel," adding: “There’s people in this country that are Jewish no longer love Israel.

“I’ll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country,” said Trump, who won strong support from white evangelical voters in 2016 and 2020, according to the Pew Research Center.

Trump also told Ami Magazine, an Orthodox Jewish news publication, last year that “Jewish people who live in the United States don’t love Israel enough” and that he believes it is “strange” that he does not have stronger Jewish support.

One week after former President Donald Trump announced he would seek reelection, he dined at his Mar-a-Lago home with two men known for their racist and antisemitic beliefs: Nick Fuentes and Ye, the musician formerly known as Kanye West.

The Department of Justice identified Fuentes as a white supremacist last year. He’s a Holocaust-denier who has threatened violence against Jewish people and spread hate against Black Americans and other groups.

Ye has also been condemned for making antisemitic and anti-Black comments on social media.

The meeting drew widespread criticism from people across the political spectrum, but mostly absent were the voices of sitting lawmakers from his own party.
Fearing for their lies may be even more correct
They were in a tough spot. Follow their hearts and proudly join the possibly antisemitic protest they fully support, or follow the party line. They knew openly doing so would have negative political consequences. Follow your beliefs or follow the money, we see what’s the most important thing to them , no matter what bullshit they try and sell
We heard lib loon rag media is trying to sell that
You don't believe it? Anything reality that doesn't fit your world views you just blow off as fake news? Must be nice. If you walk in on your spouse cheating on you do you just say Fake News!, turn and walk out and the next day you pretend it never happened?

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