Proven Criminal Acts Perpetrated By Hillary Regarding Benghazi / E-mail Scandal

Truth? We dun need no steenking truth!

We just need to score points against the bitch!

Truth is like lettuce in a manufactured bullshit hamburger to Republicans.

"Get that outta here!"
“There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the administration lawyers argued. “Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.” Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails - Washington Times

The problem here is that it has been proven Hillary's JUDGEMENT is not only flawed but criminal. She deleted documents she both sent and received that WERE marked Classified, according to the FBI. The reason it is important for her NOT to have deleted these because it shows she is guilty of PERJURY! Under oath she testified she NEVER did so, but the e-mails the FBI have been able to recover so far from her 'wiped' server proves differently. This is not a case of her 'executing her right to exercise her own judgment' - it is a proven case now of her attempting to cover up the fact that she perpetrated a FELONY.
The right has been out to get Hillary for 20+ plus years. We're just seeing a continuation of that. The problem is that they never seem to learn that the tactic usually blows up in their faces! :laugh2:

While I understand your biased opinion it still does not take away from the fact that you are making up shi-ite and trying to make this about something that it is not. The investigation involved Benghazi and the criminal activity she had been proven to have engaged in as Secretary of state, all of which happened in and about 2012, NOT 20 years ago.

I think Hillary Clinton is trying to prove that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The GOP has helped her to build up some powerful immunities.

She's just about to the point where she could be caught throwing puppies into rush hour traffic and the GOP's overworn hyperbolic hysteria would ensure she got away with it.

The GOP has never learned the adage about keeping your powder dry. They piss all over it. Daily.

"It just fizzles even if we put a blowtorch to it!"
“There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the administration lawyers argued. “Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.” Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails - Washington Times

The problem here is that it has been proven Hillary's JUDGEMENT is not only flawed but criminal. She deleted documents she both sent and received that WERE marked Classified, according to the FBI. The reason it is important for her NOT to have deleted these because it shows she is guilty of PERJURY! Under oath she testified she NEVER did so, but the e-mails the FBI have been able to recover so far from her 'wiped' server proves differently. This is not a case of her 'executing her right to exercise her own judgment' - it is a proven case now of her attempting to cover up the fact that she perpetrated a FELONY.

Nope and the Justice Department made that assertion before a court of law. Here swallow this medicine also

Judge denies stays in 2 Clinton-related email cases

By JOSH GERSTEIN 09/11/15, 06:43 PM EDT Updated 09/11/15, 08:46 PM EDT

A federal judge has denied the government’s request to halt production of records in two Freedom of Information Act lawsuits seeking records about top aides to former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.
U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan issued a pair of orders Friday afternoon rejecting the Justice Department’s motion to stay the cases brought by conservative groups Citizens United and Judicial Watch until a decision is reached on a broader motion seeking to coordinate more than 30 pending lawsuits involving emails on private accounts maintained by Clinton and her close aides.
Former Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli: Hillary broke the law

The U.S. Defense Department has found an email chain that Hillary Clinton did not give to the State Department, the State Department said on Friday, despite her saying she had provided all work emails from her time as secretary of state.

The correspondence with General David Petraeus, who was commander of U.S. Central Command at the time, started shortly before she entered office and continued during her first days as the top U.S. diplomat in January and February of 2009.

1. Clinton originally denied that any of her emails contained classified information, but soon abandoned that claim. So far, 150 emails containing classified information have been identified on her server, including two that included information determined to be Top Secret.

2. She then fell back on the claim that none of the emails in question was “marked classified” at the time she was dealing with them. The marking is not what makes the material classified; it’s the nature of the information itself. As secretary of state, Clinton knew this, and in fact she would have been re-briefed annually on this point as a condition of maintaining her clearance to access classified information.

3. Location: Clinton knowingly set up her email system to route 100 percent of her emails to and through her unsecured server (including keeping copies stored on the server). She knowingly removed such documents and materials from authorized locations (her authorized devices and secure government networks) to an unauthorized location (her server).

4. There’s the intent to “retain” the classified documents or materials at an unauthorized location.

The very purpose of Clinton’s server was to intentionally retain documents and materials — all emails and attachments — on the server in her house, including classified materials.

The intent required is only to undertake the action, i.e., to retain the classified documents and materials in the unauthorized fashion addressed in this statute. That’s it.
Hillary Clinton's Felony. The federal laws violated by the private server

Hillary Rodham Clinton has committed a felony. That is apparent from the facts and in the plain-language of the federal statute that prohibits "Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information", 18 U.S. Code § 793(e) and (f). This offense carries a potential penalty of ten years imprisonment.

It's called a prima facie case: clear on the basis of known facts.

It's up to prosecutorial discretion by the US Attorney as to what charges may be filed and when. Nonetheless, Mrs. Clinton is clearly chargeable for violation of federal law. As of right now, the matter is under FBI investigation. This isn't just about violation of Departmental policy.

Hillary Clinton's Felony. The federal laws violated by the private server
[QUOTE="nuhuh, post: 12563632, member: 54967
Nope and the Justice Department....

Sorry, but to apply YOUR own 'rules', You failed to provide a link, so YOU ARE LYING![/QUOTE]

I provided links. The original link was at post #37 and the second link was at the conclusion of my post. Get new reading glasses.
9 committees later. There is no wrong doing.

"Can you READ or is you mind and your mouth just stuck on 'stupid'?"

My full quote is here, which refutes Easyt. 9 committees later. There is no wrong doing. Two staffers and a Congressmen say that the committees' function is to damage HRC. If the GOP keeps this up, the fall out will only strengthen HRC's bid for the presidency.

Easyt's proven stupidity is tiresome.

None of the committees were focused on the subject of the OP, stop with the deflection and stay on topic.
No one needs to prove anything, except the accuser.

And it has been, as outlined and demonstrated in the OP. Liberals, like yourself, keep denying it, refusing to look at the evidence, ignore the evidence coming out of the FBI, ignore the statements made by the State Department that prove Hillary lied under oath (Perjury) about handing over all official State Department material / e-mails when she left, and believe if you close your eyes and keep repeating 'It's not true' that it is so.

Don't forget Hillys aid ran to the microphone over the w,e and apologized for her part .....FBI IS CLOSING IN. This women shredded them with impunity while stating she wasnt going to cooperate with or adhere to any law or investigation...suddenly apologizes........ooooops
9 committees later. There is no wrong doing.

Two staffers and a Congressmen say that the committees' function is to damage HRC.

If the GOP keeps this up, the fall out will only strengthen HRC's bid for the presidency.

But when they say no wrong doing they probably mean a lot of wrong doing....and crimes
None of the committees were focused on the subject of the OP, stop with the deflection and stay on topic.

The ONLY reason Hillary's e-mail scandal came to light was because of the Committee investigation....
Hillary and her partisan-zombie apologists keep insisting that the Benghazi Congressional Investigation is a 'Witch Hunt', that 'nothing has been found', and insinuating that since this was 'OBVIOUSLY' nothing more than a 'right wing conspiracy' (forget abut the 4 dead Americans as a result of HER failures) than any criminal activity and evidence that proves it should be completely ignored because it would never have been revealed if the investigation had never been initiated.

Part of their 'solid' defense is the OPINION of moronic Republicans who are attempting to speak for Gowdy's Committee without being on it or having any authority to speak for it. Then there is the completely FALSE declaration that 'nothing has come out of it.

I'm so tired of all the Liberal B$ and lies, so here's the REAL story, the SPECIFIC CRIMINAL ACTIVITY / Laws Broken already PROVEN by the Investigation / the FBI:


At issue are four sections of the law: the Federal Records Act, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) regulations and Section 1924 of Title 18 of the U.S. Crimes and Criminal Procedure Code.

The Federal Records Act requires agencies hold onto official communications, including all work-related emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove relevant records.

- By withholding and deleting official records / work Hillary violated the FOIA requirements.

The NARA regulations dictate how records should be created and maintained. They stress that materials must be maintained "by the agency," that they should be "readily found" and that the records must "make possible a proper scrutiny by the Congress."

- The use of private email and, even further, a private email server certainly limits Archives' call for "ready retrieval of electronic records," records that are "readily found when needed" and are easily scrutinized by Congress. The State Department has already declared Hillary Clinton did NOT release all of her official government e-mails and documents over to them – AS REQUIRED BY the LAW - as she had declared under oath she had done (PERJURY).

Section 1924 of Title 18 has to do with deletion and retention of classified documents. "Knowingly" removing or housing classified information at an "unauthorized location" is subject to a fine or a year in prison.

- Hillary Clinton, when asked if she knew the rules and laws pertaining to the handling and retention (storage) of classified material, responded by saying her server was secure and she never sent / received any e-mails marked as SECRET. BOTH of these were proven NOT to be true within a week of her declaring this.

+ Her server was NOT Encrypted as required by the law, with legally authorized encryption software, and the software that was used was installed improperly, meaning her Server was NOT technically secured. Furthermore, her server was found in the BATHROOM of a small IT company working out of an apartment, the employees and technicians of which did NOT have a classified security clearance, especially one high enough to handle and store TOP SECRET TS/SI material. In days following the investigation Hillary’s lawyer revealed he had all of her e-mails, to include classified information…yet he does NOT have a security clearance that would allow him to have such information in his possession. The law also requires such storage devices and material to be stored in very specific authorized security containers / safes…which it was NOT

+ The law is also very specific regarding the authorized destruction of classified material/ data, to include hard drives and servers. The FBI has revealed this law was NOT followed when Hillary tried to ‘wipe’ her hard drive, erasing her e-mails and any MORE evidence of wrong-doing, AND the FBI is in the process of retrieving that erased data. So far, the FBI – for example – revealed that Hillary had received and sent e-mails that had classified markings on them, proving that Hillary committed perjury when she stated she had not done so, and by doing so she broke the law regarding improper handling of classified information. The State Department then issued a statement of how the e-mails found proves Hillary did NOT turn over all of her official government documents as she had declared she had done, another FELONY case of Perjury.

FACTCHECK.ORG concluded their article on this matter by issuing the following opinion:

“The bottom line is this: No one will likely ever know what was deleted from Clinton's server. Barring one of the 30,000 emails Clinton turned over to the State Department being deemed "classified," it's also unlikely she will ever be found to have violated the letter of the law.”

We now KNOW, thanks to what the FBI has found and revealed, some of what was on her ‘wiped’ server, and what has been found proves she has committed perjury and broke the law…and the FBI has not even retrieved a quarter of what is on her server yet. We KNOW more than what was used to convict David patraeus has been found.

Clinton did not use an official government email account while serving as the country's top diplomat. Instead, she used a private email account and kept all of her emails on a private server in her home. The server has been wiped clean, according to the Republican-led Benghazi committee.

- Lied to Committee about not knowing Benghazi was a Terrorist Attack (Not under oath so no Perjury)
- Illegal HANDLING, STORAGE, AND DESTRUCTION of Classified Information (e-mails, servers, satellite imagery, etc...Lawyer, Huma, IT Firm all without security clearance to have access)
- Perjury; statements under oath proven now to be lies
- Obstruction of Justice
- Violations of Federal Records Act, FOIA, and NARA.
...and there are quite a few more!

More evidence of illegal activity has been found and proven against Hillary than was needed to charge and convict David Patraeus! Hillary has been CAUGHT breaking the law, jeopardizing our national security, and is still engaged in the cover-up as the FBI continues their CRIMINAL investigation of Hillary Clinton.

So to the Liberals who keep spewing the B$ Liberal Propaganda of how Hillary is such a 'innocent victim' of the repeatedly DIS-proven 'Right Wing Conspiracy'.

Since Dems lack integrity of any sort it wont matter. If you had a YouTube video of Hillary saying "Stevens needs help? Fuck Stevens! He's a faggot" suddenly the libs here would chime in with why Stevens was really a faggot and had it coming.
"Democrats panic over Clinton email scandal: Hillary campaign issues 4,000-word explanation of why she's innocent after it emerges her private server held secret CIA intelligence and satellite info"

Hillary's emails contained secret CIA intelligence and satellite info

- Intelligence community's inspector general tells Congress two emails on Hillary's private server were later classified 'TOP SECRET//SI/TK//NOFORN'

- Clinton 'Definition of 'is' Argument Part Deux': Clinton splits hairs over when the top-secret information was classified

- Clinton Declares E-Mails / Data NOT in Foreign Hands....BUT Hillary Clinton's email troubles 'began' when her private address was exposed by a Romanian hacker.

Official: Clinton emails included classified information

The inspector general for the intelligence community has informed members of Congress that some material Hillary Clinton emailed from her private server contained classified information....SHE KNEW.

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