PROVEN: Hillary Clinton DID COMPROMISE U.S. National Security

Trump fired him for not being straight-forward - he did not commit a crime. Nice try, but FAIL.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out - try to convince a Jury to believe exposed, disgraced, fired Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Justice Obstructing politically-biased FBI Agent Strzok in attempting to get a conviction. :p

Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
then didn't hillary lie to the FBI when she said no classified material went across her server?

seems you're fine with dismissing your sides crimes but not as fine with others doing the same action you are.

Fabrication, she said no such stupid thing (how the hell can she KNOW for sure that no incidental spillage happened?)
so then you're simply willing to give your side allowances you'd never allow the other side.

6 Huge Problems With Hillary's "There Is No Classified Material" Dodge

if you allow this, then to be "fair" you have to allow trump or the conservative side the same allowances. you don't seem prepared to do that.

Ummm noooo, I'm simply accepting the DoJ and FBI investigation's findings.

That's not a partisan position and you should do the same instead of chasing right wing Clinton fantasies.
im accepting them too.

she has classified material in her email.
Why doesn't even Trump buy your lunatic bullshit?
Trump fired him for not being straight-forward - he did not commit a crime. Nice try, but FAIL.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out - try to convince a Jury to believe exposed, disgraced, fired Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Justice Obstructing politically-biased FBI Agent Strzok in attempting to get a conviction. :p

Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
then didn't hillary lie to the FBI when she said no classified material went across her server?

seems you're fine with dismissing your sides crimes but not as fine with others doing the same action you are.

Fabrication, she said no such stupid thing (how the hell can she KNOW for sure that no incidental spillage happened?)

...whats the point?
Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
then didn't hillary lie to the FBI when she said no classified material went across her server?

seems you're fine with dismissing your sides crimes but not as fine with others doing the same action you are.

Fabrication, she said no such stupid thing (how the hell can she KNOW for sure that no incidental spillage happened?)
so then you're simply willing to give your side allowances you'd never allow the other side.

6 Huge Problems With Hillary's "There Is No Classified Material" Dodge

if you allow this, then to be "fair" you have to allow trump or the conservative side the same allowances. you don't seem prepared to do that.

Ummm noooo, I'm simply accepting the DoJ and FBI investigation's findings.

That's not a partisan position and you should do the same instead of chasing right wing Clinton fantasies.
im accepting them too.

she has classified material in her email.

If you accept them then you believe that the criminal charges should not be brought, the case is closed and it's time to move on from the dead horse that is Hillary's emails.
The simple conclusion is that "expectations" from February 2017 turned out WRONG, as even Trump conceded long ago by admitting that Flynn lied to FBI.

Funny how you accept the word of the target of the FBI's witch hunt that you claim to be 'king of liars' while refusing to accept the testimony of the Director of the FBI who testified that his own FBI agents stated they did not think Flynn lied when they interviewed him.

I personally believe Flynn lied to Trump and that he was subjected to extreme pressure, threats, and intimidation by Strzok, forced into believing what was proven NOT to be illegal - what he supposedly lied about -WAS illegal and that without admitting he 'lied' he would go to jail for a long time. This would not be the 1st time Mueller had ever done such a thing. Hell, records show Mueller criminally withheld evidence and sent innocent people to jail for YEARS when he KNEW they had not broken the law. For those past 'sins' alone Mueller deserves to be sent to GITMO for just as long a time as he intentionally sent those innocent people to jail.
It is what it is. Talking points is all you have.

You continue to intentionally LIE.

EVIDENCE shows Hillary operated an UN-authorized, UN-encrypted, UN-secured server containing classified information that was hacked / accessed by foreign addition to giving access to those classified files to persons she KNEW did not have clearances (like her maid and IT Tech).

EVIDENCE shows Hillary criminally refused to comply with a subpoena requiring her to hand over EVERYTHING (not just what she FELT like turning over), deleted OFFICIAL files - not personal files, tried to wipe her server - but it was all retrieved, illegally destroyed classified devices, illegally removed sim cards and withheld them from investigators, and lied to investigators. This is yet another irrefutable fact...that snowflakes such as yourself keep claiming is not true....based on your own opinion.

The FBI ITSELF publicly, in a televised announcement, started they had recovered over 15,000 OFFICIAL documents Hillary had never turned in as required by 2 separate laws...after which Comey stated in his own televised conference that Hillary HAD BROKEN LAWS but that he would not recommend her for indictment due to the 'fact' that she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law.
- And stupid sheep swallow that BS, accepting the idea that ONLY for Hillary Clinton is ignorance of US law an acceptable defense for breaking the law some 30,000+ times. :p

EVIDENCE...and their own personal Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, and broke campaign finance laws during her failed bid to become President. Again, UNDENIABLE.

EVIDENCE shows CIA Director Brennan committed Perjury when under oath he told Congress he knew nothing about Hillary's treasonous foreign spy/Russia-purchased 'dossier' she illegally used in a US election and that the FBI used illegally in an abuse of the FISA Courts to obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team.
-- EVIDENCE showed Barry, Brennan, and Comey illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, on US Senators, and even USSC Justices during Barry's time in office....but snowflakes want everyone to believe that Barry, Brennan, and Comey were unwilling to illegally spy on Trump and his team when it was so critical to win the WH in 2016? Bwuhahaha......

EVIDENCE shows NIA Chief Clapper shamelessly committed Perjury NUEROUS TIMES...

EVIDENCE - supplied by Comey - proved McCabe committed Perjury and plotted...and McCabe fired right back with testimony that Comey committed Perjury and leaked classified. The US IG now confirms that Comey is under investigation for leaking/ mis-handling classified....

EVIDENCE shows Strzok was exposed for having modified the FBI's final report, protecting Hillary from specific charges by removing specific words from the report, for protecting Hillary aides from charges of Lying to the FBI, for exposing the 'Secret Society' and collaboration that went on in the planned out and coordinated operation to take down Trump - which Obama knew about according to Strzok's own text messages....MUELLER EVEN FIRED STRZOK FOR ALL OF THIS WHEN IT BECAME PUBLIC and the complicit/criminal FBI refused to fire him and other identified criminally political biased agents.

You can continue to spew YOUR OPINION, hoping if you repeat it enough that enough sheep will buy your BS, but you can't re-write history, and you can't get rid of actual existing EVIDENCE that has been recorded / reported.

Endlessly repeating your talking points does not automagically render them into actual evidence.
The simple conclusion is that "expectations" from February 2017 turned out WRONG, as even Trump conceded long ago by admitting that Flynn lied to FBI.
Funny how you accept the word of the target of the FBI's witch hunt that you claim to be 'king of liars'

I'm sorry, are you saying Trump is lying to you when he says that Flynn lied to FBI?

I just want to clarify.
HRC should be in jail. anyone else with a security clearance that did what she did would be tried and convicted by now. The tragedy is that she will never be held accountable for anything. I will never understand why liberals think that the Clintons are above the laws that apply to the rest of us.
I held TS and SAP clearances for many years, I know the rules, she clearly violated them and should be in jail.
The simple conclusion is that "expectations" from February 2017 turned out WRONG, as even Trump conceded long ago by admitting that Flynn lied to FBI.
Funny how you accept the word of the target of the FBI's witch hunt that you claim to be 'king of liars'

I'm sorry, are you saying Trump is lying to you when he says that Flynn lied to FBI?

I just want to clarify.

Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI. Flynn was convicted and she walks free. Equal application of the law??????
The simple conclusion is that "expectations" from February 2017 turned out WRONG, as even Trump conceded long ago by admitting that Flynn lied to FBI.
Funny how you accept the word of the target of the FBI's witch hunt that you claim to be 'king of liars'

I'm sorry, are you saying Trump is lying to you when he says that Flynn lied to FBI?

I just want to clarify.

Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI. Flynn was convicted and she walks free. Equal application of the law??????

No she didn't, yes he did. There in is the difference son.

Trump falsely claims Clinton lied to FBI
Dude, calm down - I am not saying that bullshit was not stated...I

You said that I stated bullshit, while what I was stating was FACT.

Discussion was specifically about what the report said, so take your 2 irrelevant cents about NOT-report elsewhere.
Your rant has been addressed, and what you posted has been proven to be bullshit with the use of evidence that shows it is bullshit.


Ok crazy, lets go over it one more time

"We found no evidence that the conclusions by department prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations. Rather we determined that they were based on the prosecutors' assesment of the facts, the law, and past department practice"

Is that in fact what IG Report says or not?
Yeah, that's right - completely ignore the actual evidence that proves just the opposite and continue to recite that quote like a mantra over and over to keep you in your liberal 'happy place'. ;p

In reality, your talking points are not actual evidence. I'm guessing the IG reviewed the actual evidence.

Yep, and he refused to draw any conclusions on issues of a prosecutors discretion, saying there was no documentary or testimonial evidence of bias related to them. That just simply means no one overtly put their bias in writing or actually said the decisions were based on bias. All the while he documented overt bias of several of the senior leadership on the investigation. GO FIGURE.

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Why don't we ask Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Richard Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, Konstantin Kilimnik and Papadolous if anything about their guilty pleas and indictments is fake. :rolleyes:
We don't need to ask Flynn anything.

Yes we do. He got caught lying to FBI about negotiations with Russians that were intercepted. He has pled guilty to that crime...after Trump failed to Obstruct Justice and get FBI director to drop the case.

...and then there are rw tools like you talking about how Flynn is innocent. Unebefuckinglivable, yet there it is.

And then there's this:

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

Mueller bankrupted Flynn and was threatening his son, that plea was coerced.

The simple conclusion is that "expectations" from February 2017 turned out WRONG, as even Trump conceded long ago by admitting that Flynn lied to FBI.

You fools live somewhere out on the moon, getting spoon fed total bullshit that you swallow uncritically.

Yep, that was right after Flynn was interviewed, when the agents involved saw no intentional deception.

Why don't we ask Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Richard Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, Konstantin Kilimnik and Papadolous if anything about their guilty pleas and indictments is fake. :rolleyes:
We don't need to ask Flynn anything.

Yes we do. He got caught lying to FBI about negotiations with Russians that were intercepted. He has pled guilty to that crime...after Trump failed to Obstruct Justice and get FBI director to drop the case.

...and then there are rw tools like you talking about how Flynn is innocent. Unebefuckinglivable, yet there it is.

And then there's this:

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

Mueller bankrupted Flynn and was threatening his son, that plea was coerced.

The simple conclusion is that "expectations" from February 2017 turned out WRONG, as even Trump conceded long ago by admitting that Flynn lied to FBI.

You fools live somewhere out on the moon, getting spoon fed total bullshit that you swallow uncritically.
this coming from someone who only got mad at the family separation shit when the democrats made it an issue for you TO get mad at.
Why don't we ask Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Richard Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, Konstantin Kilimnik and Papadolous if anything about their guilty pleas and indictments is fake. :rolleyes:
We don't need to ask Flynn anything.

Yes we do. He got caught lying to FBI about negotiations with Russians that were intercepted. He has pled guilty to that crime...after Trump failed to Obstruct Justice and get FBI director to drop the case.

...and then there are rw tools like you talking about how Flynn is innocent. Unebefuckinglivable, yet there it is.

And then there's this:

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

Mueller bankrupted Flynn and was threatening his son, that plea was coerced.

The simple conclusion is that "expectations" from February 2017 turned out WRONG, as even Trump conceded long ago by admitting that Flynn lied to FBI.

You fools live somewhere out on the moon, getting spoon fed total bullshit that you swallow uncritically.
this coming from someone who only got mad at the family separation shit when the democrats made it an issue for you TO get mad at.

Can you quote me on that?

No you can't, because what you just said is MADE UP, I personally don't see what the big fuss is with the separation issue.

Do you enjoy looking like fool?
The simple conclusion is that "expectations" from February 2017 turned out WRONG, as even Trump conceded long ago by admitting that Flynn lied to FBI.
Funny how you accept the word of the target of the FBI's witch hunt that you claim to be 'king of liars'

I'm sorry, are you saying Trump is lying to you when he says that Flynn lied to FBI?

I just want to clarify.

Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI. Flynn was convicted and she walks free. Equal application of the law??????

No she didn't, yes he did. There in is the difference son.

Trump falsely claims Clinton lied to FBI
the difference is you won't admit it.

FBI Interview Catches Hillary Clinton In Multiple Lies

this is why you get zero sympathy for your views. you're a 1 way street, son.
We don't need to ask Flynn anything.

Yes we do. He got caught lying to FBI about negotiations with Russians that were intercepted. He has pled guilty to that crime...after Trump failed to Obstruct Justice and get FBI director to drop the case.

...and then there are rw tools like you talking about how Flynn is innocent. Unebefuckinglivable, yet there it is.

And then there's this:

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

Mueller bankrupted Flynn and was threatening his son, that plea was coerced.

The simple conclusion is that "expectations" from February 2017 turned out WRONG, as even Trump conceded long ago by admitting that Flynn lied to FBI.

You fools live somewhere out on the moon, getting spoon fed total bullshit that you swallow uncritically.
this coming from someone who only got mad at the family separation shit when the democrats made it an issue for you TO get mad at.

Can you quote me on that?

No you can't, because what you just said is MADE UP, I personally don't see what the big fuss is with the separation issue.

Do you enjoy looking like fool?
show me 1 post where you were dogging obama for it.

i'll wait.
Yes we do. He got caught lying to FBI about negotiations with Russians that were intercepted. He has pled guilty to that crime...after Trump failed to Obstruct Justice and get FBI director to drop the case.

...and then there are rw tools like you talking about how Flynn is innocent. Unebefuckinglivable, yet there it is.

And then there's this:

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

Mueller bankrupted Flynn and was threatening his son, that plea was coerced.

The simple conclusion is that "expectations" from February 2017 turned out WRONG, as even Trump conceded long ago by admitting that Flynn lied to FBI.

You fools live somewhere out on the moon, getting spoon fed total bullshit that you swallow uncritically.
this coming from someone who only got mad at the family separation shit when the democrats made it an issue for you TO get mad at.

Can you quote me on that?

No you can't, because what you just said is MADE UP, I personally don't see what the big fuss is with the separation issue.

Do you enjoy looking like fool?
show me 1 post where you were dogging obama for it.

i'll wait.

idiot, why the hell would I dog Obama for something I don't consider to be a serious issue?
You said that I stated bullshit, while what I was stating was FACT.

Discussion was specifically about what the report said, so take your 2 irrelevant cents about NOT-report elsewhere.
Your rant has been addressed, and what you posted has been proven to be bullshit with the use of evidence that shows it is bullshit.


Ok crazy, lets go over it one more time

"We found no evidence that the conclusions by department prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations. Rather we determined that they were based on the prosecutors' assesment of the facts, the law, and past department practice"

Is that in fact what IG Report says or not?
Yeah, that's right - completely ignore the actual evidence that proves just the opposite and continue to recite that quote like a mantra over and over to keep you in your liberal 'happy place'. ;p

In reality, your talking points are not actual evidence. I'm guessing the IG reviewed the actual evidence.

Yep, and he refused to draw any conclusions on issues of a prosecutors discretion, saying there was no documentary or testimonial evidence of bias related to them. That just simply means no one overtly put their bias in writing or actually said the decisions were base on bias. All the while he documented overt baas of several of the senior leadership on the investigation. GO FIGURE.


Their greatest action of bias was against Clinton and for Trump.
Trump fired him for not being straight-forward - he did not commit a crime. Nice try, but FAIL.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out - try to convince a Jury to believe exposed, disgraced, fired Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Justice Obstructing politically-biased FBI Agent Strzok in attempting to get a conviction. :p

Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
then didn't hillary lie to the FBI when she said no classified material went across her server?

seems you're fine with dismissing your sides crimes but not as fine with others doing the same action you are.

Fabrication, she said no such stupid thing (how the hell can she KNOW for sure that no incidental spillage happened?)

...whats the point?

You claimed the bitch saying she didn't have classified information on her server was a "fabrication", I simply proved it wasn't, it was a lie. One they let her get away with. I wonder what ever happened to the congressional referral for perjury to the DOJ, about the bitches lies in congressional testimony. I guess she's immune form perjury charges also.

Their greatest action of bias was against Clinton and for Trump.
Protecting her from:

- Over 30,000 proven criminal counts in violation of the FOIA and Federal Records Act
- Violations of US law regarding handling, safeguarding, and destruction of classified
- Illegally possessing TS SCI information after she had been 'read out' of the program'
- Obstruction
- Lying to the FBI
- Criminal Negligence'
- 'Espionage' (By definition of the law)
- Violations of US Election Law
- Violations of US Campaign Finance Law
- etc.....

....Versus engaging in a proven collaborated, coordinated Conspiratorial act by Barak Obama and members f his Cabinet / Agencies to prevent a candidate from winning the US Presidential election and voicing / testing their intent to use an 'Insurance policy' to take down - carry out a COUP to remove the newly elected President from office (treason) should that candidate win...

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