PROVEN: Hillary Clinton DID COMPROMISE U.S. National Security

She was ordered to provide ALL work related emails by a court, she didn't and then destroyed the server after she was ordered to preserve it. Like I said there are other details I didn't mention.

hilly obstructed justice

YA THINK!!!!!!

Violations of the espionage act.
Violations of the Records Keeping Act
and tons more.

And since her campaign was involved in the fake lead and charges of "Russia Russia Russia" then fake charges is a crime and the 20 million spent on the fake investigation is owed the American people by her and the DNC.

Why don't we ask Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Richard Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, Konstantin Kilimnik and Papadolous if anything about their guilty pleas and indictments is fake.

BenghaziGate indictments - ZERO
EmailGate indictments - ZERO
SethGate indictments - ZERO
FoundationGate indictments - ZERO
UraniumOneGate indictments - ZERO
WireGate indictments - ZERO
UnmaskGate indictments - ZERO
FISAGate indictments - ZERO
SpyGate indictments - ZERO
RussiaGate indictments - 23 and counting

And you STILL have trouble telling where fake lives?

You just proved everyone's complaint on abusing power to not prosecute your party, go after opposition campaign teams, cheat and spy on them and reveal bias/double standard then have the nerve to claim no evidence of bias and post your intollerant bias in forums. Congrats, you exposed your party.

Cool story bro but...

Comey is was a Republican, Mueller is a Republican, appointed by a Republican named Rosenstein, who himself was appointed by Trump.

Story doesn't add up, does it now?
During the Hillary Clinton Server Investigation official classified documents were found on her server. When the media call for the release of those documents, even the redacted versions, President Obama himself declared the documents were SO classified that 'to release them in any format would cause grave damage to our national security'.

Understood - any foreign entity being able to gain access to these documents would cause 'grave damage' to our national security'.

SO, based on the news, Hillary Clinton DID 'cause grave damage to our national security':

Hillary Clinton's Email Accessed by Foreign Actors | National Review

Foreign actors” accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, including one that was classified “secret,” according to a memo produced by two Republican-led House committees"

...and snowflakes STILL be like:


Donald Trump gave Kim Jong Un his personal cell phone number

Trump is more dangerous than Hillary ever was.

Really? Because he gave out his personal cell phone number? The horror.
Yea, nitwit, the personal and now compromised phone of the president of the United States.

Your kind has to do way better. It's bad enough when you should feel ashamed and don't, but it's terrible that after all this time and all this Hillary bashing for not playing "safe", you don't know why.

Yup, no telling how many robo-calls are getting routed to Trumps phone as we speak....dumbass.
Why doesn't even Trump buy your lunatic bullshit?
Trump fired him for not being straight-forward - he did not commit a crime. Nice try, but FAIL.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out - try to convince a Jury to believe exposed, disgraced, fired Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Justice Obstructing politically-biased FBI Agent Strzok in attempting to get a conviction. :p

Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
then didn't hillary lie to the FBI when she said no classified material went across her server?

seems you're fine with dismissing your sides crimes but not as fine with others doing the same action you are.

Fabrication, she said no such stupid thing (how the hell can she KNOW for sure that no incidental spillage happened?)
so then you're simply willing to give your side allowances you'd never allow the other side.

6 Huge Problems With Hillary's "There Is No Classified Material" Dodge

if you allow this, then to be "fair" you have to allow trump or the conservative side the same allowances. you don't seem prepared to do that.
There is "no evidence" that Trump pressured Comey to drop Flynn's case?
"No evidence" That Trump fired Comey to take the pressure off from the Russia investigation?

Stop smoking crack - there is definitely evidence here and the only question now is if it will be sufficient for an impeachment recommendation by the special investigator.

According to Comey HIMSELF, Trump said that he HOPED Comey could see fit to drop it. Only in the mind of a rabid, butt-hurt, desperate, Trump-hating snowflake is 'HOPE" somehow an 'ORDER' to do something...

as opposed to how Mueller said during an interview that US AG Lynch DIRECTED him to stop referring the Hillary investigation and treating the Hillary investigation like an 'investigation', to treat it / refer to it as a 'matter'.

Comey admitted that Loretta Lynch OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE by DIRECTING him to give preferential treatment to Hillary.

Trump's wording is VERY OBVIOUSLY thinly veiled direction to drop the case. No reasonable person would interpret those words as anything but an attempt to influence an officer of the law to alter the outcome of the case.

Mueller's report will have the final word on this, but I have little doubt that it will find a clear pattern of Obstruction of Justice by Trump.
but yet, you have zero issue with hillary phrasing things to give her a loophole she can drive trucks through.

you VERY OBVIOUSLY are a biased person and it shows with each rant and rave.
During the Hillary Clinton Server Investigation official classified documents were found on her server. When the media call for the release of those documents, even the redacted versions, President Obama himself declared the documents were SO classified that 'to release them in any format would cause grave damage to our national security'.

Understood - any foreign entity being able to gain access to these documents would cause 'grave damage' to our national security'.

SO, based on the news, Hillary Clinton DID 'cause grave damage to our national security':

Hillary Clinton's Email Accessed by Foreign Actors | National Review

Foreign actors” accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, including one that was classified “secret,” according to a memo produced by two Republican-led House committees"

...and snowflakes STILL be like:



The Congressional Committees, the FBI, the Senate oversight committee, the Inspector General have all said that Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong and should not be charged. You might have missed that over there is Russia.

Keep repeating your lies, Ruskie!!!!
In Hillary's and Podesta's emails were proof of pay to play, we also have openly public pics of money hand offs with Saudis Sheiks as part of the pay to play.
We have historical fact accounts that in 1998
Bill Clinton let Saudis' Osama Bin Laden slip through & go, when he could have arrested or taken him out. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU NOT WANT TO KNOW IF CLINTON'S PAY TO PLAY GREED LEAD TO a Saudis favor that allowed 911? Why would you want to cover up this behavior and it's possible results cause and effects?
View attachment 199554

There was no pay for play. Donations to the Clinton Foundation went to charitable work and did not go to the Clintons who take no money from the Foundation.

This is confirmed by Republican Investigations in the House and Senate, as well as investigations by the FBI and the IRS. And the Foundation’s auditors.
You are so naive, go back and reread the emails or just ask any Saudis Sheik.

You are so stupid. The Senate and the House did both. They found NOTHING. The Republican Party would lock Hillary Clinton up if they could catch her jaywalking. If any evidence of pay for play existed, they’d be on it like ham on rye.

Look at the lengths they’ve gone to twist the Uranium One Deal into evidence of pay for play. Audited Financial Records for the Clinton Foundation show otherwise. Records of meetings of the approving agencies say otherwise. Logic and reason say otherwise - who pays a bribe two years after you get what you want?

28 years of accusations and investigations and still you have yet to produce a single piece of evidence, or a single witness. You have yet to prove a crime was even committed.
During the Hillary Clinton Server Investigation official classified documents were found on her server. When the media call for the release of those documents, even the redacted versions, President Obama himself declared the documents were SO classified that 'to release them in any format would cause grave damage to our national security'.

Understood - any foreign entity being able to gain access to these documents would cause 'grave damage' to our national security'.

SO, based on the news, Hillary Clinton DID 'cause grave damage to our national security':

Hillary Clinton's Email Accessed by Foreign Actors | National Review

Foreign actors” accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, including one that was classified “secret,” according to a memo produced by two Republican-led House committees"

...and snowflakes STILL be like:



The Congressional Committees, the FBI, the Senate oversight committee, the Inspector General have all said that Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong and should not be charged. You might have missed that over there is Russia.

Keep repeating your lies, Ruskie!!!!
In Hillary's and Podesta's emails were proof of pay to play, we also have openly public pics of money hand offs with Saudis Sheiks as part of the pay to play.
We have historical fact accounts that in 1998
Bill Clinton let Saudis' Osama Bin Laden slip through & go, when he could have arrested or taken him out. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU NOT WANT TO KNOW IF CLINTON'S PAY TO PLAY GREED LEAD TO a Saudis favor that allowed 911? Why would you want to cover up this behavior and it's possible results cause and effects?
View attachment 199554

There was no pay for play. Donations to the Clinton Foundation went to charitable work and did not go to the Clintons who take no money from the Foundation.

This is confirmed by Republican Investigations in the House and Senate, as well as investigations by the FBI and the IRS. And the Foundation’s auditors.
You are so naive, go back and reread the emails or just ask any Saudis Sheik.

You are so stupid. The Senate and the House did both. They found NOTHING. The Republican Party would lock Hillary Clinton up if they could catch her jaywalking. If any evidence of pay for play existed, they’d be on it like ham on rye.

Look at the lengths they’ve gone to twist the Uranium One Deal into evidence of pay for play. Audited Financial Records for the Clinton Foundation show otherwise. Records of meetings of the approving agencies say otherwise. Logic and reason say otherwise - who pays a bribe two years after you get what you want?

28 years of accusations and investigations and still you have yet to produce a single piece of evidence, or a single witness. You have yet to prove a crime was even committed.

Based on the news, Hillary Clinton DID 'cause grave damage to our national security':

Hillary Clinton's Email Accessed by Foreign Actors | National Review

Foreign actors” accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, including one that was classified “secret,” according to a memo produced by two Republican-led House committees"

...and snowflakes STILL be like:

She was ordered to provide ALL work related emails by a court, she didn't and then destroyed the server after she was ordered to preserve it. Like I said there are other details I didn't mention.

hilly obstructed justice

YA THINK!!!!!!

Violations of the espionage act.
Violations of the Records Keeping Act
and tons more.

And since her campaign was involved in the fake lead and charges of "Russia Russia Russia" then fake charges is a crime and the 20 million spent on the fake investigation is owed the American people by her and the DNC.

Why don't we ask Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Richard Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, Konstantin Kilimnik and Papadolous if anything about their guilty pleas and indictments is fake.

BenghaziGate indictments - ZERO
EmailGate indictments - ZERO
SethGate indictments - ZERO
FoundationGate indictments - ZERO
UraniumOneGate indictments - ZERO
WireGate indictments - ZERO
UnmaskGate indictments - ZERO
FISAGate indictments - ZERO
SpyGate indictments - ZERO
RussiaGate indictments - 23 and counting

And you STILL have trouble telling where fake lives?

You just proved everyone's complaint on abusing power to not prosecute your party, go after opposition campaign teams, cheat and spy on them and reveal bias/double standard then have the nerve to claim no evidence of bias and post your intollerant bias in forums. Congrats, you exposed your party.

Except none of those things happened. Trump's own Justice Department denies bias against the Trump Campaign, and says that Comey’s actions harmed the Clinton campaign and benefitted Trump.

All but one of the members of Trump’s campaign who were charged have plead “guilty”, and Trump’s team lied and lied about their contact, telephone calls and meetings with Russian officials.

Three members of the Trump Campaign now report meeting with Russian government officials offering “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, although initially all denied meeting with any Russians. Those people include Roger Stone, and Don Jr.

So don’t pretend that there’s some sort of double standard going on here. Not only did Trump’s family, staffers and advisors take those meetings, not one of them reported these offers to the FBI. Instead they lied that the meetings even happened.

The American people should have been told about this BEFORE the election. In the same way that Hillary’s Email story was blasted all over the news, because ultimately Hillary did nothing illegal.

As 75+ charges and 5 guilty pleas and counting prove in spades is that the same thing cannot be said about the Trump campaign.
To put it simply, I wouldn't want to overwhelm you puny brain, we know everything you chose to ignore.

The bitch set up a private server to avoid federal records keeping laws.

The bitch and her minions didn't send duplicates of their communication to the State Dept Archivist, as required by law.

The bitch and her minions removed classified information from their secure networks, a violation of law.

The bitch and her minions sent and received classified information over an unsecure network and stored classified information on that network, a violation of law.

The bitch communicated with the POTUS over an unsecure system, every communication with a president is classified automatically. Therefore both violated the law with regards to security.

Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence while ignoring all the points of intent. Having the server to avoid records keeping laws, false exculpatory statements made by the bitch to congress, the destruction of records under a congressional order to preserve and the destruction of devices under order to preserve.

No we have the documented bias of the people in charge of the investigation.

Which explains why immunity was handed out like candy at Halloween, why subpoenas weren't issued and why a grand jury wasn't utilized, as in all other large scale investigations.

There are many more details, but you're not worth the effort when you're going to ignore it anyway.


Hey dummy, what part of NO BIAS found in treatment of Clinton case do you not understand?

IG Report is concluded and that’s what it found. Case was brought to a proper conclusion.

Game Over. There is no next act here. No review of the review. Get it through your thick head and move on.

What did you fail to understand that the IG said there was no DOCUMENTED bias, meaning no one was stupid enough to put in writing or personally tell someone they were tanking the investigation, there was no smoking gun. There is adequate proof that bias existed, more than 50 FBI officials leaking to the press, multiple people were disparaging Trump and his supporters. Circumstantial evidence is still evidence.


Stop posting bullshit, the exact quote is:

"We found no evidence that the conclusions by department prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations."

Then there was this quote form the executive summary. But try reading the article it came form, you might learn something.

"We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative decisions".

Like I said, no smoking gun, but the bias was there, in the lead investigator and his minions, that is documented.

IG Report on FBI: No Bias Conclusion May Not Be Supported | National Review

Ok but they ALSO said that NO EVIDENCE WAS FOUND. That means ANY evidence.

Aside from these straws, do you seriously think there will be yet ANOTHER DoJ review of this?

There is not. Time to move on already from Hillary's fucking emails. to something that actually matters....or is POTUS reality you get brought back to too painful?

Had you bothered to keep up with yesterdays public testimony of the FBI Director and DOJ IG, you'd know there are other reviews already underway on multiple issues.

"We found no evidence that the conclusions by department prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations. Rather we determined that they were based on the prosecutors' assesment of the facts, the law, and past department practice"

Dude, calm down - I am not saying that bullshit was not stated...I

You said that I stated bullshit, while what I was stating was FACT.

Discussion was specifically about what the report said, so take your 2 irrelevant cents about NOT-report elsewhere.
Your rant has been addressed, and what you posted has been proven to be bullshit with the use of evidence that shows it is bullshit.


Ok crazy, lets go over it one more time

"We found no evidence that the conclusions by department prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations. Rather we determined that they were based on the prosecutors' assesment of the facts, the law, and past department practice"

Is that in fact what IG Report says or not?
Yeah, that's right - completely ignore the actual evidence that proves just the opposite and continue to recite that quote like a mantra over and over to keep you in your liberal 'happy place'. ;p

In reality, your talking points are not actual evidence. I'm guessing the IG reviewed the actual evidence.
The Democratic Party, with the exposure of this scandal and the track record of Barak Obama over 8 years, is already the most criminal party / most criminal administration in US history. The Clintons have the title for 'Most Criminal Political Couple' in US history.

The last thing the Democrats want, after Bill was Impeached is to have the former 1st Lady and Sect of State PERP-WALKED like Imelda Marcos / Leona Helmsley off to jail in front of the rest of the world, like some 3rd World skank finally taken down after years of f*ing 'the peasants'.

Anyone who actually believes any of this is going to end with any of the exposed criminal collaborators actually being held accountable are out of their minds. Whatever you want to call them - 'Deep State', 'Secret Society', whatever...they have been protecting each other for decades now...and they aren't going to stop now just because the curtain has been pulled back temporarily in front of the 'sheep'. They know if they can't baffle them with bullshit they will simply refuse to hold the criminals accountable right in front of the sheep, knowing there isn't a damn thing the sheep can do...and knowing there is a large group of willing, criminal-ass-kissing partisans who will continue to defend them and their crimes no matter what they do.

Manafort is going to jail, F*ed because he was associated with Trump at the wrong time, because Trump beat the DNC's Felon. Flynn was / is just stupid. He lied about something not even illegal, was also associated with Trump at the wrong time, and both are going to be prosecuted for no other reason than they were being used in an unsuccessful attempt to take down the newly elected Democratic President in the Democrats' exposed collaborated attempted political coup.

Brennan's, Clappers', Mueller's, McCabe's, Hillary's. Holder's. Lynch's, and even Obama's exposed crimes will NOT be pursued, and they will not be held accountable. Even now 'manipulators' are telling Americans what they actually saw is NOT what they saw, that black is not black and white is not white in defense of their exposed criminals. Again, none of this is new, as Americans are very well aware that there are 2 separate Americas with 2 separate sets of rules / laws.

Once again this nations top leaders and government official's will walk away from crimes that would send ordinary citizens - and HAS sent ordinary citizens - to jail for lengthy periods of time.

In the aftermath rabidly partisan citizens will continue to argue how their criminal politicians are less criminal than the opposing view holders' politicians are, so much so that they will continue to be distracted from the fact that ALL of them are criminal.

In reality, your talking points are not actual evidence. I'm guessing the IG reviewed the actual evidence.
So it is your voiced opinion that the evidence - the only evidence presented in this whole witch hunt - is not actually evidence, that we should believe a hyper-partisan, butt-hurt snowflake when he says this than the actual evidence presented already by experts, such as the IG?!

Good one...I almost thought you were serious there for a minute. :p
During the Hillary Clinton Server Investigation official classified documents were found on her server. When the media call for the release of those documents, even the redacted versions, President Obama himself declared the documents were SO classified that 'to release them in any format would cause grave damage to our national security'.

Understood - any foreign entity being able to gain access to these documents would cause 'grave damage' to our national security'.

SO, based on the news, Hillary Clinton DID 'cause grave damage to our national security':

Hillary Clinton's Email Accessed by Foreign Actors | National Review

Foreign actors” accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, including one that was classified “secret,” according to a memo produced by two Republican-led House committees"

...and snowflakes STILL be like:



Great logic. Not. Asshole.

There were no properly marked r-mails found on Clinton's server.

That's irrelevant, she communicated directly the the president on her system and knows all communications with the president are automatically classified. And as one congressman said in the hearing this morning, do you let a drug mule off because they claim the didn't know what was in the package? Criminal negligence is criminal negligence.

In reality, your talking points are not actual evidence. I'm guessing the IG reviewed the actual evidence.
So it is your voiced opinion that the evidence - the only evidence presented in this whole witch hunt - is not actually evidence, that we should believe a hyper-partisan, butt-hurt snowflake when he says this than the actual evidence presented already by experts, such as the IG?!

Good one...I almost thought you were serious there for a minute. :p

It is what it is. Talking points is all you have. Typical Trumphlake move however, to wildly accuse your opponent of what you are obviously guilty of. Incredibly hateful hyper-partisanship.
During the Hillary Clinton Server Investigation official classified documents were found on her server. When the media call for the release of those documents, even the redacted versions, President Obama himself declared the documents were SO classified that 'to release them in any format would cause grave damage to our national security'.

Understood - any foreign entity being able to gain access to these documents would cause 'grave damage' to our national security'.

SO, based on the news, Hillary Clinton DID 'cause grave damage to our national security':

Hillary Clinton's Email Accessed by Foreign Actors | National Review

Foreign actors” accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, including one that was classified “secret,” according to a memo produced by two Republican-led House committees"

...and snowflakes STILL be like:


1 “secret” level e-mail, huh? :eusa_think:

That they found in that one case. If she hadn't broken the law and not failed to protect secret information, there would have been zero.

What if it caused a mole to be caught and murdered, would you care then?

What if it you were a spy and it had your family's address?
During the Hillary Clinton Server Investigation official classified documents were found on her server. When the media call for the release of those documents, even the redacted versions, President Obama himself declared the documents were SO classified that 'to release them in any format would cause grave damage to our national security'.

Understood - any foreign entity being able to gain access to these documents would cause 'grave damage' to our national security'.

SO, based on the news, Hillary Clinton DID 'cause grave damage to our national security':

Hillary Clinton's Email Accessed by Foreign Actors | National Review

Foreign actors” accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, including one that was classified “secret,” according to a memo produced by two Republican-led House committees"

...and snowflakes STILL be like:


1 “secret” level e-mail, huh? :eusa_think:
several classified your boy Comey's presentation.....a lot more than one.
and people have gone to jail for just one
Link to where it’s illegal to e-mail classified information.

That's like saying, show where shooting someone out of a helicopter is illegal. It's illegal to shoot people, the helicopter is irrelevant.

She was required to protect secret information. You added the "e-mail" part as evasion of responsibility.

And there's no way someone with that poor of judgment should ever be President
Why don't we ask Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Richard Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, Konstantin Kilimnik and Papadolous if anything about their guilty pleas and indictments is fake. :rolleyes:
We don't need to ask Flynn anything.

Yes we do. He got caught lying to FBI about negotiations with Russians that were intercepted. He has pled guilty to that crime...after Trump failed to Obstruct Justice and get FBI director to drop the case.

...and then there are rw tools like you talking about how Flynn is innocent. Unebefuckinglivable, yet there it is.

And then there's this:

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

Mueller bankrupted Flynn and was threatening his son, that plea was coerced.

Why doesn't even Trump buy your lunatic bullshit?
Trump fired him for not being straight-forward - he did not commit a crime. Nice try, but FAIL.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out - try to convince a Jury to believe exposed, disgraced, fired Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Justice Obstructing politically-biased FBI Agent Strzok in attempting to get a conviction. :p

Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
then didn't hillary lie to the FBI when she said no classified material went across her server?

seems you're fine with dismissing your sides crimes but not as fine with others doing the same action you are.

Fabrication, she said no such stupid thing (how the hell can she KNOW for sure that no incidental spillage happened?)
so then you're simply willing to give your side allowances you'd never allow the other side.

6 Huge Problems With Hillary's "There Is No Classified Material" Dodge

if you allow this, then to be "fair" you have to allow trump or the conservative side the same allowances. you don't seem prepared to do that.

Ummm noooo, I'm simply accepting the DoJ and FBI investigation's findings.

That's not a partisan position and you should do the same instead of chasing right wing Clinton fantasies.
Why don't we ask Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Richard Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, Konstantin Kilimnik and Papadolous if anything about their guilty pleas and indictments is fake. :rolleyes:
We don't need to ask Flynn anything.

Yes we do. He got caught lying to FBI about negotiations with Russians that were intercepted. He has pled guilty to that crime...after Trump failed to Obstruct Justice and get FBI director to drop the case.

...and then there are rw tools like you talking about how Flynn is innocent. Unebefuckinglivable, yet there it is.

And then there's this:

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

Mueller bankrupted Flynn and was threatening his son, that plea was coerced.

The simple conclusion is that "expectations" from February 2017 turned out WRONG, as even Trump conceded long ago by admitting that Flynn lied to FBI.

You fools live somewhere out on the moon, getting spoon fed total bullshit that you swallow uncritically.
Why doesn't even Trump buy your lunatic bullshit?
Trump fired him for not being straight-forward - he did not commit a crime. Nice try, but FAIL.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out - try to convince a Jury to believe exposed, disgraced, fired Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Justice Obstructing politically-biased FBI Agent Strzok in attempting to get a conviction. :p

Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
then didn't hillary lie to the FBI when she said no classified material went across her server?

seems you're fine with dismissing your sides crimes but not as fine with others doing the same action you are.

Fabrication, she said no such stupid thing (how the hell can she KNOW for sure that no incidental spillage happened?)

It is what it is. Talking points is all you have.

You continue to intentionally LIE.

EVIDENCE shows Hillary operated an UN-authorized, UN-encrypted, UN-secured server containing classified information that was hacked / accessed by foreign addition to giving access to those classified files to persons she KNEW did not have clearances (like her maid and IT Tech).

EVIDENCE shows Hillary criminally refused to comply with a subpoena requiring her to hand over EVERYTHING (not just what she FELT like turning over), deleted OFFICIAL files - not personal files, tried to wipe her server - but it was all retrieved, illegally destroyed classified devices, illegally removed sim cards and withheld them from investigators, and lied to investigators. This is yet another irrefutable fact...that snowflakes such as yourself keep claiming is not true....based on your own opinion.

The FBI ITSELF publicly, in a televised announcement, started they had recovered over 15,000 OFFICIAL documents Hillary had never turned in as required by 2 separate laws...after which Comey stated in his own televised conference that Hillary HAD BROKEN LAWS but that he would not recommend her for indictment due to the 'fact' that she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law.
- And stupid sheep swallow that BS, accepting the idea that ONLY for Hillary Clinton is ignorance of US law an acceptable defense for breaking the law some 30,000+ times. :p

EVIDENCE...and their own personal Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, and broke campaign finance laws during her failed bid to become President. Again, UNDENIABLE.

EVIDENCE shows CIA Director Brennan committed Perjury when under oath he told Congress he knew nothing about Hillary's treasonous foreign spy/Russia-purchased 'dossier' she illegally used in a US election and that the FBI used illegally in an abuse of the FISA Courts to obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team.
-- EVIDENCE showed Barry, Brennan, and Comey illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, on US Senators, and even USSC Justices during Barry's time in office....but snowflakes want everyone to believe that Barry, Brennan, and Comey were unwilling to illegally spy on Trump and his team when it was so critical to win the WH in 2016? Bwuhahaha......

EVIDENCE shows NIA Chief Clapper shamelessly committed Perjury NUEROUS TIMES...

EVIDENCE - supplied by Comey - proved McCabe committed Perjury and plotted...and McCabe fired right back with testimony that Comey committed Perjury and leaked classified. The US IG now confirms that Comey is under investigation for leaking/ mis-handling classified....

EVIDENCE shows Strzok was exposed for having modified the FBI's final report, protecting Hillary from specific charges by removing specific words from the report, for protecting Hillary aides from charges of Lying to the FBI, for exposing the 'Secret Society' and collaboration that went on in the planned out and coordinated operation to take down Trump - which Obama knew about according to Strzok's own text messages....MUELLER EVEN FIRED STRZOK FOR ALL OF THIS WHEN IT BECAME PUBLIC and the complicit/criminal FBI refused to fire him and other identified criminally political biased agents.

You can continue to spew YOUR OPINION, hoping if you repeat it enough that enough sheep will buy your BS, but you can't re-write history, and you can't get rid of actual existing EVIDENCE that has been recorded / reported.

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