PROVEN: Hillary Clinton DID COMPROMISE U.S. National Security

Will she be held accountable? Don't count on it. The Clintons are above the law. Well-protected NWO Globalist Elites.

IG report that reviewed the case says Clinton was help accountable without bias or any improper consideration.

There will not be another review. This is it. The Finale.

So the only question becomes - CAN YOU MOVE ON? Or will irrelevant Clinton obsessions live as long as you need a distraction from Trump's problems?

That's what i said. The Clntons are above the law.
"We found no evidence that the conclusions by department prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations. Rather we determined that they were based on the prosecutors' assesment of the facts, the law, and past department practice"

Dude, calm down - I am not saying that bullshit was not stated...I

You said that I stated bullshit, while what I was stating was FACT.

Discussion was specifically about what the report said, so take your 2 irrelevant cents about NOT-report elsewhere.
Your rant has been addressed, and what you posted has been proven to be bullshit with the use of evidence that shows it is bullshit.


Ok crazy, lets go over it one more time

"We found no evidence that the conclusions by department prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations. Rather we determined that they were based on the prosecutors' assesment of the facts, the law, and past department practice"

Is that in fact what IG Report says or not?
Yeah, that's right - completely ignore the actual evidence that proves just the opposite and continue to recite that quote like a mantra over and over to keep you in your liberal 'happy place'. ;p
Will she be held accountable? Don't count on it. The Clintons are above the law. Well-protected NWO Globalist Elites.

IG report that reviewed the case says Clinton was help accountable without bias or any improper consideration.

There will not be another review. This is it. The Finale.

So the only question becomes - CAN YOU MOVE ON? Or will irrelevant Clinton obsessions live as long as you need a distraction from Trump's problems?

That's what i said. The Clntons are above the law.

Yes yes. They are devious untouchables protected by vast conspiracy.

Can we now move on to something that is actually relvant? Clintons are done for.
Why doesn't even Trump buy your lunatic bullshit?
Trump fired him for not being straight-forward - he did not commit a crime by withholding info to Trump. And what he lied about wasn't even illegal. Nice try, but FAIL.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out - try to convince a Jury to believe exposed, disgraced, fired Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Justice Obstructing politically-biased FBI Agent Strzok in attempting to get a conviction. :p
Why doesn't even Trump buy your lunatic bullshit?
Trump fired him for not being straight-forward - he did not commit a crime. Nice try, but FAIL.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out - try to convince a Jury to believe exposed, disgraced, fired Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Justice Obstructing politically-biased FBI Agent Strzok in attempting to get a conviction. :p

Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
Yes yes. They are devious untouchables protected by vast conspiracy. Can we now move on to something that is actually relvant? Clintons are done for.
Like I said earlier, Ant, only 8 - 9 more years before catching up to the liberal record of talking about and blaming Bush for everything.

Yes yes. They are devious untouchables protected by vast conspiracy. Can we now move on to something that is actually relvant? Clintons are done for.
Like I said earlier, Ant, only 8 - 9 more years before catching up to the liberal record of talking about and blaming Bush for everything.


Didn't realize how influential those despicable liberhuls are to your thought patterns. :rolleyes:
Elijah Cummings’ meltdown right now might be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen... He’s complaining about Trump supporters yelling “lock her up” without evidence even though Hillary BROKE THE LAW. But he still wants Trump impeached for something there’s no evidence of.
Elijah Cummings’ meltdown right now might be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen... He’s complaining about Trump supporters yelling “lock her up” without evidence even though Hillary BROKE THE LAW. But he still wants Trump impeached for something there’s no evidence of.

There is "no evidence" that Trump pressured Comey to drop Flynn's case?
"No evidence" That Trump fired Comey to take the pressure off from the Russia investigation?

Stop smoking crack - there is definitely evidence here and the only question now is if it will be sufficient for an impeachment recommendation by the special investigator.
Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
As you snowflakes have repeatedly screamed over and over, no one is guilty of a crime - even if it has been proven they committed the crime - until they have been CONVICTED.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out, based on the crime, scandal, political bias, etc...Mueller will be lucky to convince a Jury to prosecute based on anything the humiliated criminal FBI says / produces.

...but get back to me when Mueller actually convicts someone....especially anyone who has anything to do with their bullshit claim of 'illegal Russian Collusion'. :p
Why doesn't even Trump buy your lunatic bullshit?
Trump fired him for not being straight-forward - he did not commit a crime. Nice try, but FAIL.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out - try to convince a Jury to believe exposed, disgraced, fired Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Justice Obstructing politically-biased FBI Agent Strzok in attempting to get a conviction. :p

Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
then didn't hillary lie to the FBI when she said no classified material went across her server?

seems you're fine with dismissing your sides crimes but not as fine with others doing the same action you are.
Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
As you snowflakes have repeatedly screamed over and over, no one is guilty of a crime - even if it has been proven they committed the crime - until they have been CONVICTED.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out, based on the crime, scandal, political bias, etc...Mueller will be lucky to convince a Jury to prosecute based on anything the humiliated criminal FBI says / produces.

...but get back to me when Mueller actually convicts someone....especially anyone who has anything to do with their bullshit claim of 'illegal Russian Collusion'. :p

Umm moron, Flynn WAS CONVICTED (pled guilty to perjury charges) and is now awaiting sentencing.
There is "no evidence" that Trump pressured Comey to drop Flynn's case?
"No evidence" That Trump fired Comey to take the pressure off from the Russia investigation?

Stop smoking crack - there is definitely evidence here and the only question now is if it will be sufficient for an impeachment recommendation by the special investigator.

According to Comey HIMSELF, Trump said that he HOPED Comey could see fit to drop it. Only in the mind of a rabid, butt-hurt, desperate, Trump-hating snowflake is 'HOPE" somehow an 'ORDER' to do something...

as opposed to how Mueller said during an interview that US AG Lynch DIRECTED him to stop referring the Hillary investigation and treating the Hillary investigation like an 'investigation', to treat it / refer to it as a 'matter'.

Comey admitted that Loretta Lynch OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE by DIRECTING him to give preferential treatment to Hillary.
During the Hillary Clinton Server Investigation official classified documents were found on her server. When the media call for the release of those documents, even the redacted versions, President Obama himself declared the documents were SO classified that 'to release them in any format would cause grave damage to our national security'.

Understood - any foreign entity being able to gain access to these documents would cause 'grave damage' to our national security'.

SO, based on the news, Hillary Clinton DID 'cause grave damage to our national security':

Hillary Clinton's Email Accessed by Foreign Actors | National Review

Foreign actors” accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, including one that was classified “secret,” according to a memo produced by two Republican-led House committees"

...and snowflakes STILL be like:



The Congressional Committees, the FBI, the Senate oversight committee, the Inspector General have all said that Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong and should not be charged. You might have missed that over there is Russia.

Keep repeating your lies, Ruskie!!!!
In Hillary's and Podesta's emails were proof of pay to play, we also have openly public pics of money hand offs with Saudis Sheiks as part of the pay to play.
We have historical fact accounts that in 1998
Bill Clinton let Saudis' Osama Bin Laden slip through & go, when he could have arrested or taken him out. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU NOT WANT TO KNOW IF CLINTON'S PAY TO PLAY GREED LEAD TO a Saudis favor that allowed 911? Why would you want to cover up this behavior and it's possible results cause and effects?
View attachment 199554

There was no pay for play. Donations to the Clinton Foundation went to charitable work and did not go to the Clintons who take no money from the Foundation.

This is confirmed by Republican Investigations in the House and Senate, as well as investigations by the FBI and the IRS. And the Foundation’s auditors.
You are so naive, go back and reread the emails or just ask any Saudis Sheik.
Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
As you snowflakes have repeatedly screamed over and over, no one is guilty of a crime - even if it has been proven they committed the crime - until they have been CONVICTED.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out, based on the crime, scandal, political bias, etc...Mueller will be lucky to convince a Jury to prosecute based on anything the humiliated criminal FBI says / produces.

...but get back to me when Mueller actually convicts someone....especially anyone who has anything to do with their bullshit claim of 'illegal Russian Collusion'. :p

Umm moron, Flynn WAS CONVICTED (pled guilty to perjury charges) and is now awaiting sentencing.
Based on what happens next, that may be overturned.
Why doesn't even Trump buy your lunatic bullshit?
Trump fired him for not being straight-forward - he did not commit a crime. Nice try, but FAIL.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out - try to convince a Jury to believe exposed, disgraced, fired Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Justice Obstructing politically-biased FBI Agent Strzok in attempting to get a conviction. :p

Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
then didn't hillary lie to the FBI when she said no classified material went across her server?

seems you're fine with dismissing your sides crimes but not as fine with others doing the same action you are.

Fabrication, she said no such stupid thing (how the hell can she KNOW for sure that no incidental spillage happened?)
Flynn lied to FBI. That's what Trump himself told you.

Lying to FBI is a crime, as everyone knows. So the only question becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU to still try to claim that Flynn is not guilty of that crime?

Do you seriously not understand that when you post such nonsense you just make yourself look like a total idiot?
As you snowflakes have repeatedly screamed over and over, no one is guilty of a crime - even if it has been proven they committed the crime - until they have been CONVICTED.

Again, as Gowdy pointed out, based on the crime, scandal, political bias, etc...Mueller will be lucky to convince a Jury to prosecute based on anything the humiliated criminal FBI says / produces.

...but get back to me when Mueller actually convicts someone....especially anyone who has anything to do with their bullshit claim of 'illegal Russian Collusion'. :p

Umm moron, Flynn WAS CONVICTED (pled guilty to perjury charges) and is now awaiting sentencing.
Based on what happens next, that may be overturned.

No it will not dummy.
There is "no evidence" that Trump pressured Comey to drop Flynn's case?
"No evidence" That Trump fired Comey to take the pressure off from the Russia investigation?

Stop smoking crack - there is definitely evidence here and the only question now is if it will be sufficient for an impeachment recommendation by the special investigator.

According to Comey HIMSELF, Trump said that he HOPED Comey could see fit to drop it. Only in the mind of a rabid, butt-hurt, desperate, Trump-hating snowflake is 'HOPE" somehow an 'ORDER' to do something...

as opposed to how Mueller said during an interview that US AG Lynch DIRECTED him to stop referring the Hillary investigation and treating the Hillary investigation like an 'investigation', to treat it / refer to it as a 'matter'.

Comey admitted that Loretta Lynch OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE by DIRECTING him to give preferential treatment to Hillary.

Trump's wording is VERY OBVIOUSLY thinly veiled direction to drop the case. No reasonable person would interpret those words as anything but an attempt to influence an officer of the law to alter the outcome of the case.

Mueller's report will have the final word on this, but I have little doubt that it will find a clear pattern of Obstruction of Justice by Trump.
During the Hillary Clinton Server Investigation official classified documents were found on her server. When the media call for the release of those documents, even the redacted versions, President Obama himself declared the documents were SO classified that 'to release them in any format would cause grave damage to our national security'.

Understood - any foreign entity being able to gain access to these documents would cause 'grave damage' to our national security'.

SO, based on the news, Hillary Clinton DID 'cause grave damage to our national security':

Hillary Clinton's Email Accessed by Foreign Actors | National Review

Foreign actors” accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, including one that was classified “secret,” according to a memo produced by two Republican-led House committees"

...and snowflakes STILL be like:


Donald Trump gave Kim Jong Un his personal cell phone number

Trump is more dangerous than Hillary ever was.

Really? Because he gave out his personal cell phone number? The horror.
Yea, nitwit, the personal and now compromised phone of the president of the United States.

Your kind has to do way better. It's bad enough when you should feel ashamed and don't, but it's terrible that after all this time and all this Hillary bashing for not playing "safe", you don't know why.
There was no law saying that e-mails had to be stored on government servers until 2014 :itsok:

She was ordered to provide ALL work related emails by a court, she didn't and then destroyed the server after she was ordered to preserve it. Like I said there are other details I didn't mention.

hilly obstructed justice

YA THINK!!!!!!

Violations of the espionage act.
Violations of the Records Keeping Act
and tons more.

And since her campaign was involved in the fake lead and charges of "Russia Russia Russia" then fake charges is a crime and the 20 million spent on the fake investigation is owed the American people by her and the DNC.

Why don't we ask Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Richard Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, Konstantin Kilimnik and Papadolous if anything about their guilty pleas and indictments is fake.

BenghaziGate indictments - ZERO
EmailGate indictments - ZERO
SethGate indictments - ZERO
FoundationGate indictments - ZERO
UraniumOneGate indictments - ZERO
WireGate indictments - ZERO
UnmaskGate indictments - ZERO
FISAGate indictments - ZERO
SpyGate indictments - ZERO
RussiaGate indictments - 23 and counting

And you STILL have trouble telling where fake lives?

You just proved everyone's complaint on abusing power to not prosecute your party, go after opposition campaign teams, cheat and spy on them and reveal bias/double standard then have the nerve to claim no evidence of bias and post your intollerant bias in forums. Congrats, you exposed your party.

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