PROVEN: Hillary Clinton DID COMPROMISE U.S. National Security

Hey Doc, F* you....

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), Section 7:
- Clinton agreed to return any classified information she gained access to, and further agreed that failure to do so could be punished under Sections 793 and 1924 of the US Criminal Code.

§ 793 Of Title 18 Of The US Code:
Anyone who removes classified information “ with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location," can face up to a year in prison.

To date, 1,340 emails on Hillary’s secret server have been found to contain classified material. 2 of them are classified 'TOP SECRET'.

In addition, a new letter from the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) reveals Clinton’s secret server contained intelligence from the U.S. government’s most secretive and highly classified programs. According to sworn statements from two intelligence agencies, “several dozen emails” contain classified information, including information beyond Top Secret with material on “special access programs.”

The material is apparently so sensitive that lawmakers conducting oversight of the State Department
cannot read them.

As Hillary stepped down as Sect of State she was 'READ-OUT' oif these programs, which means she was de-briefed and signed documents stating she would not talk about these programs and would not have access to any material relating to them. Her server had such information on it IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW AND TEH DOCUMENTS SHE SIGNED.

The Top 5 Rules Clinton Broke Using a Secret Email Server
According to a State Department regulation in effect during Clinton's tenure (12 FAM 531), "classified material should not be stored at a facility outside the chancery, consulate, etc., merely for convenience."

Additionally, a regulation established in 2012
(12 FAM 533.2) requires that “each employee, irrespective of rank must certify” that classified information “is not in their household or personal effects.”

Clinton’s server was
“physically located on her property,” according to a statement released by her office. In 2013, Platte River Networks took her server from her residence to New Jersey. Hillary has infamously credited her decision to exclusively use a private email server for official business as a matter of “convenience.”

Clinton allowed her server that contained TOP SECRET+ info on it to be stored in the BATHROOM of a small IT company and maintained by individuals who did not have security clearances to do so. This FACT is NOT IN DISPUTE!

the Foreign Affairs Manual has explicitly stated that “classified processing and/or classified conversation on a PDA is prohibited.”

State Department official Wendy Sherman bragged that Secretary Clinton used her BlackBerry to negotiate delicate Middle East peace talks over her BlackBerry, correspondence that has now been classified. Sherman herself proclaimed, “That would never be on an unclassified system…”

The sensitive discussion Clinton conducted on her BlackBerry likely falls within the parameters of “foreign government information.” The U.S. government defines any information written or spoken that is provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts as “foreign government information,” which is “presumed” classified according to
U.S. regulations.

Stupid or criminal, doesn't matter. The TOOL was unfit to be a candidate let alone the DNC Nominee....
Hey Doc, F* you....

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), Section 7:
- Clinton agreed to return any classified information she gained access to, and further agreed that failure to do so could be punished under Sections 793 and 1924 of the US Criminal Code.

§ 793 Of Title 18 Of The US Code:
Anyone who removes classified information “ with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location," can face up to a year in prison.

To date, 1,340 emails on Hillary’s secret server have been found to contain classified material. 2 of them are classified 'TOP SECRET'.

In addition, a new letter from the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) reveals Clinton’s secret server contained intelligence from the U.S. government’s most secretive and highly classified programs. According to sworn statements from two intelligence agencies, “several dozen emails” contain classified information, including information beyond Top Secret with material on “special access programs.”

The material is apparently so sensitive that lawmakers conducting oversight of the State Department
cannot read them.

As Hillary stepped down as Sect of State she was 'READ-OUT' oif these programs, which means she was de-briefed and signed documents stating she would not talk about these programs and would not have access to any material relating to them. Her server had such information on it IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW AND TEH DOCUMENTS SHE SIGNED.

The Top 5 Rules Clinton Broke Using a Secret Email Server

Ok, finally. Laws. Was that really so hard?

18 § 793 requires intent. So does 18 § 1924.

Are we done?
Clinton violated State Department policy by giving classified material to her lawyer despite the fact that he lacked an "approved classified material storage facility."

Classified information at the State Department can only be accessed in an approved facility at a Foreign Affairs agency or contractor facility (
12 FAM 536.1-3, U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual).

in July 2015, the State Department arranged for a safe to be installed in the office of Hillary Clinton’s lawyers to hold a thumb drive of Clinton’s email, many of which contained classified information. The thumb drive was turned over to the FBI in August 2015.

The State Department has since conceded that Clinton’s lawyers
did not have a secure-enough method for storing Clinton’s emails, which are stipulated in detail in the National Industrial Security Program’s Operating Manual (NISPOM).

Broken laws.....

Clinton violated State Department policy by giving classified material to her lawyer despite the fact that he lacked an "approved classified material storage facility."

Classified information at the State Department can only be accessed in an approved facility at a Foreign Affairs agency or contractor facility (
12 FAM 536.1-3, U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual).

in July 2015, the State Department arranged for a safe to be installed in the office of Hillary Clinton’s lawyers to hold a thumb drive of Clinton’s email, many of which contained classified information. The thumb drive was turned over to the FBI in August 2015.

The State Department has since conceded that Clinton’s lawyers
did not have a secure-enough method for storing Clinton’s emails, which are stipulated in detail in the National Industrial Security Program’s Operating Manual (NISPOM).

Broken laws.....


State department regulations are not laws.

Here's a little hint, to help you out.

If it's part of the US Code, it's a law. If it's part of the Department of State's FAM manual, it's not a law.
Clinton violated federal rules requiring she turn over work-related emails upon leaving office.

Federal regulations required that Clinton hand over all work-related emails upon leaving the State Department.

In 2009 (Clinton’s first year as Secretary),
regulations were updated to specifically address the storage of email records not sent on official systems:

“Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate record-keeping system.”

The “head of each federal agency” (in this case Secretary Clinton) is responsible for making and preserving the records.

While Clinton has repeatedly claimed that she turned over all work related emails, the State Department revealed in June 2015 that it had not received
“all or part of 15 work-related emails” from Clinton.

Contrary to her account of selfless transparency, Clinton did not hand over all work-related emails upon leaving the State Department or as part of a “general record-keeping” request. It was not until the summer of 2014, when the State Department discovered
it had possession of relatively few email records from Clinton’s tenure that a request was made to provide her emails.

Hillary Clinton can make baseless claims about her decisions being “permitted” and in total compliance with federal rules, regulations and statutes, but they are explicit, and her actions were in clear violation.

All in all Hillary - according to the FBI - violated the FOUIA and Fed Records Act more than 15,000 times....
the difference is you won't admit it.

FBI Interview Catches Hillary Clinton In Multiple Lies

this is why you get zero sympathy for your views. you're a 1 way street, son.

You uncritically post bullshit from rw bullshit websites and then you complain that I supposedly don't have credibility.

FBI investigation "found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."

Comey testified before congress, under the threat of purjury, that FBI had no evidence to think Clinton was lying to them.

Trump: Clinton deleted 33,000 emails after getting subpoena

Now WTF do you think you know that a Director of FBI did not about this case?

its not necessary to "intend" to commit a crime in order to commit a crime.

lets try this "but officer, I didn't intend to go 80 in a 45 zone, so using the Hillary doctrine you have to let me go free"

The fact that you consciously and purposefully pressed the accelerator demonstrates "intent".

Now, on the other hand - if your accelerator jammed, and caused you to accelerate to 80 unintentionally, it is unlikely that you would be charged with speeding.

Does that help you understand how it works?

Well the bitch consciously and intentionally communicated with POTUS on her insecure system, knowing all presidential communications are classified. Isn't that like putting you foot on the accelerator and going peddle to the metal?


That highlighted statement is factually incorrect. I don't know if it's a lie or a mistake, but it's not the slightest bit true.

By State dept protocol all communications with foreign officials and communications including personal information are classified. Do you seriously think presidential communications would be considered less carefully?

State department regulations are not laws.
They are 'crimes' and punishable by time in prison...


You demand 'proof' and now are going to whine and quibble about the evidence given as requested?

Hey Doc, F* you....

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), Section 7:
- Clinton agreed to return any classified information she gained access to, and further agreed that failure to do so could be punished under Sections 793 and 1924 of the US Criminal Code.

§ 793 Of Title 18 Of The US Code:
Anyone who removes classified information “ with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location," can face up to a year in prison.

To date, 1,340 emails on Hillary’s secret server have been found to contain classified material. 2 of them are classified 'TOP SECRET'.

In addition, a new letter from the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) reveals Clinton’s secret server contained intelligence from the U.S. government’s most secretive and highly classified programs. According to sworn statements from two intelligence agencies, “several dozen emails” contain classified information, including information beyond Top Secret with material on “special access programs.”

The material is apparently so sensitive that lawmakers conducting oversight of the State Department
cannot read them.

As Hillary stepped down as Sect of State she was 'READ-OUT' oif these programs, which means she was de-briefed and signed documents stating she would not talk about these programs and would not have access to any material relating to them. Her server had such information on it IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW AND TEH DOCUMENTS SHE SIGNED.

The Top 5 Rules Clinton Broke Using a Secret Email Server

Ok, finally. Laws. Was that really so hard?

18 § 793 requires intent. So does 18 § 1924.

Are we done?

If you did that you'd be in jail.....Unless you had Comey to run interference for you.
You uncritically post bullshit from rw bullshit websites and then you complain that I supposedly don't have credibility.

FBI investigation "found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."

Comey testified before congress, under the threat of purjury, that FBI had no evidence to think Clinton was lying to them.

Trump: Clinton deleted 33,000 emails after getting subpoena

Now WTF do you think you know that a Director of FBI did not about this case?

its not necessary to "intend" to commit a crime in order to commit a crime.

lets try this "but officer, I didn't intend to go 80 in a 45 zone, so using the Hillary doctrine you have to let me go free"

The fact that you consciously and purposefully pressed the accelerator demonstrates "intent".

Now, on the other hand - if your accelerator jammed, and caused you to accelerate to 80 unintentionally, it is unlikely that you would be charged with speeding.

Does that help you understand how it works?

Well the bitch consciously and intentionally communicated with POTUS on her insecure system, knowing all presidential communications are classified. Isn't that like putting you foot on the accelerator and going peddle to the metal?


That highlighted statement is factually incorrect. I don't know if it's a lie or a mistake, but it's not the slightest bit true.

By State dept protocol all communications with foreign officials and communications including personal information are classified. Do you seriously think presidential communications would be considered less carefully?


Classifications are not made by "protocol", they're determinations made by those who have the power to classify information. Foreign correspondence is "presumed" classified, not automatically classified.

Presidential communications are not "presumed" classified, let alone automatically classified.

This isn't about what I "think", or what "should" be true. I'm discussing the law, as it is written today.
Hey Doc, F* you....

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), Section 7:
- Clinton agreed to return any classified information she gained access to, and further agreed that failure to do so could be punished under Sections 793 and 1924 of the US Criminal Code.

§ 793 Of Title 18 Of The US Code:
Anyone who removes classified information “ with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location," can face up to a year in prison.

To date, 1,340 emails on Hillary’s secret server have been found to contain classified material. 2 of them are classified 'TOP SECRET'.

In addition, a new letter from the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) reveals Clinton’s secret server contained intelligence from the U.S. government’s most secretive and highly classified programs. According to sworn statements from two intelligence agencies, “several dozen emails” contain classified information, including information beyond Top Secret with material on “special access programs.”

The material is apparently so sensitive that lawmakers conducting oversight of the State Department
cannot read them.

As Hillary stepped down as Sect of State she was 'READ-OUT' oif these programs, which means she was de-briefed and signed documents stating she would not talk about these programs and would not have access to any material relating to them. Her server had such information on it IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW AND TEH DOCUMENTS SHE SIGNED.

The Top 5 Rules Clinton Broke Using a Secret Email Server

Ok, finally. Laws. Was that really so hard?

18 § 793 requires intent. So does 18 § 1924.

Are we done?

If you did that you'd be in jail.....Unless you had Comey to run interference for you.


No, I wouldn't. Because I understand how the law works.
State department regulations are not laws.
They are 'crimes' and punishable by time in prison...


You demand 'proof' and now are going to whine and quibble about the evidence given as requested?


No, violating state department regulations is not a "crime", and it is not punishable by time in prison.
so - if trump sets up his own server, you're cool with it? hides / deletes mail from it when asked for it. hires 3rd party companies to scrub the drives - all this would be cool with you if trump did it.

You're having an issue with how you're phrasing your question. I'm not talking about my feelings, I'm talking about the law.

As far as I understand it, the Presidential Records Act would likely be violated, if Trump were to do what you suggest. But that's an entirely different conversation.
not really.

the bottom line is when you don't care about 1 side acting up / suspicious you have a hard time getting an agreement when the other side is doing the same thing.

we've come to the point where we defend what we have for no other reason that we're being attacked by the other side for doing what we're all guilty of doing.

we're past legal. we're full on emo-bat-shit-crazy. we defend hillary to the wall for actions that are AT BEST highly suspicious and jump all over trump for a closed door meeting with russians.

when we treat like actions on like terms, we can end the bullshit. til then, here we are full of hate.

Speak for yourself. You may be emotionally reacting to your side being attacked, but I'm not. Hillary Clinton is not on "my side". I'm here to discuss the law.
well given i'm not responding to all the insults along the way, i believe i'm doing a pretty good job of *not* being emotional but trying to hit it from an objective standpoint.

if you wish to get back to the law - great. lets go.

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law

The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee — not just a rank-and-file House member — alleged Tuesday that Hillary Clinton likely broke the law with her use of private emails as secretary of state.
  • The Federal Records Act requires agencies hold onto official communications, including all work-related emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove relevant records.
  • FOIA is designed to "improve public access to agency records and information."
  • The NARA regulations dictate how records should be created and maintained. They stress that materials must be maintained "by the agency," that they should be "readily found" and that the records must "make possible a proper scrutiny by the Congress."
  • Section 1924 of Title 18 has to do with deletion and retention of classified documents. "Knowingly" removing or housing classified information at an "unauthorized location" is subject to a fine or a year in prison.
did she hold onto all the e-mail or did it get deleted? saying "oh those 33k mails were on yoga" won't work.
were her e-mails allowed public access as required by law?
were they maintained or was "bleach bit" used to destroy potential evidence?
and i do believe she's guilty on the 4th bullet also.

When you're discussing what "should" be, rather than what is - that's about emotion.

Ok, let's talk law. You've provided one statute - that's a start. Let's take a look at it:

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.

Do you see the words I've highlighted? Those terms are the required mens rea elements for that crime.

Now post the section dealing with gross negligence.


This email from Hillary Clinton to a subordinate deliberately tells him to strip off the classification heading from a document and send it non-secure. That is the textbook definition of compromising national security.
You're having an issue with how you're phrasing your question. I'm not talking about my feelings, I'm talking about the law.

As far as I understand it, the Presidential Records Act would likely be violated, if Trump were to do what you suggest. But that's an entirely different conversation.
not really.

the bottom line is when you don't care about 1 side acting up / suspicious you have a hard time getting an agreement when the other side is doing the same thing.

we've come to the point where we defend what we have for no other reason that we're being attacked by the other side for doing what we're all guilty of doing.

we're past legal. we're full on emo-bat-shit-crazy. we defend hillary to the wall for actions that are AT BEST highly suspicious and jump all over trump for a closed door meeting with russians.

when we treat like actions on like terms, we can end the bullshit. til then, here we are full of hate.

Speak for yourself. You may be emotionally reacting to your side being attacked, but I'm not. Hillary Clinton is not on "my side". I'm here to discuss the law.
well given i'm not responding to all the insults along the way, i believe i'm doing a pretty good job of *not* being emotional but trying to hit it from an objective standpoint.

if you wish to get back to the law - great. lets go.

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law

The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee — not just a rank-and-file House member — alleged Tuesday that Hillary Clinton likely broke the law with her use of private emails as secretary of state.
  • The Federal Records Act requires agencies hold onto official communications, including all work-related emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove relevant records.
  • FOIA is designed to "improve public access to agency records and information."
  • The NARA regulations dictate how records should be created and maintained. They stress that materials must be maintained "by the agency," that they should be "readily found" and that the records must "make possible a proper scrutiny by the Congress."
  • Section 1924 of Title 18 has to do with deletion and retention of classified documents. "Knowingly" removing or housing classified information at an "unauthorized location" is subject to a fine or a year in prison.
did she hold onto all the e-mail or did it get deleted? saying "oh those 33k mails were on yoga" won't work.
were her e-mails allowed public access as required by law?
were they maintained or was "bleach bit" used to destroy potential evidence?
and i do believe she's guilty on the 4th bullet also.

When you're discussing what "should" be, rather than what is - that's about emotion.

Ok, let's talk law. You've provided one statute - that's a start. Let's take a look at it:

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.

Do you see the words I've highlighted? Those terms are the required mens rea elements for that crime.

Now post the section dealing with gross negligence.


You mean the section that has never been used to convict anyone, ever - because it's almost certainly unconstitutional?

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