PROVEN: Hillary Clinton DID COMPROMISE U.S. National Security

I have no idea why she "needed" her own server. You'll have to ask her about that.

As for "information and retention laws", which laws are you referring to? Please, quote the statute.

I posted the exact laws Hillary violated numerous times a while back and have no intention of doing so again - look them up.

Hillary violated rules/Regs/Laws covering:

Handling of Classified Information
- Safe/container type

- Location of storage container

- Encryption

- Giving access to people who have no clearance or need to know

- Classification of the information
*** Her staff stated she often ordered them to remove the classified markings so they could send classified via UNCLASS methods

- Personally destroying cell phones and devices with ROCKS, removing the sim cards (which are also classified products) and not properly disposing of them / storing them, etc is HIGHLY ILLEGAL. There are specific laws regarding the destruction of classif8ed:
--- Paper versus Devices
---Specific requirements for govt-approved shredders ONLY
--- Required specific locations, methods etc

...none of which Hillary and her staff reportedly followed.


When I ask for you to provide the law, I mean the statute itself - not whatever blather you've read on various blogs.

Title and Chapter.

If you're going to flounce out of the thread because the conversation isn't going the way you want it to, I'm going to mock you for it. That's the way it goes.
except i've tried hard to keep sarcasm and hate out of it. if you really wanna go there, holler. i'm pretty damn good at it only i've found it changes nothing.

i'm far from upset. we simply disagree. quite a bit. i've tried to follow along YOUR way and provide you what YOU needed and you keep falling back to your main point of "no intent" so all is forgiven.

i totally and completely disagree and have put up links and facts around my point of which you dismiss for whatever reason you wish. i'm looking for a common ground or trying to find a basis for your thoughts on this and you're pretty much all over the map.

you asked for laws - i gave some to you. instead of clarifying the request or saying "i'm more looking for xyz" you just went to mock what i was saying and hey - intent and all. i've tried to meet you 1/2 way in finding some common ground and you keep moving the goalposts. when i get tired of following along in your game, you go NEENER NEENER I RULE.

tell me, at what point would a rational adult give up on trying to talk with your mindset when all you do is wordsmith things around and "giggle" with emotes at people trying to talk this over with you?

This is all nonsense.

You have provided one (1) statute that you claim Hillary has broken. I showed you, very explicitly, that the statute you provided requires intent for a violation. It's in plain English.

You are arguing that intent doesn't matter. That is factually incorrect. Period. Whether or not you have a different opinion, the law is clear, and your feelings don't matter.

We are discussing the law. Not how you feel, not how you're trying to meet me half way, not what you think should be true.

i am arguing intent isn't the only factor in all this. you are saying it is. i provide that needs to be done if you're to setup your own server and ask if hillary did this. you say "dunno ask her".

you simply refuse to hold her accountable for her actions and what happened from those.

got it. all i need to know about you. i suppose you now know all you need to about me and i'm some super-troll only here to bother you.

I'm not saying that intent the "only" factor. But it's a necessary factor. It is an element of the crime.

To convict someone of a crime, all of the elements of the crime must have occured. That's how the law works.
then you should change your name to theLAWYERisin since you're the forum legal expert.

I'm not an expert - I'm just another law student who passed Criminal Law.

I have not once stated "she didn't mean it" - that's you guys, twisting my words around.
you wanna wordsmith, i'll played. just doesn't seem to go as well coming back at you as it does going out does it?


Well, the difference is that I'm using the legal definition of terms - and you're making things up, and assigning them to me.

One is how our legal system works, and the other is how trolling on the internet works.
ooooo - now i'm a troll because we don't agree.

typical left bullshit. extremify the other person so you can feel better about yourself.

When you make up statements, and then try to tell me that I said them, that's trolling. It's failing to debate in good faith.

Do you disagree?
i wasn't making anything up - that was what i understood you to say. it would appear i was wrong in that but instead of circling back to the core discussion, you tagged me a troll and moved on crying something about intent.


I'm still talking about the exact same topic that this conversation started on.

And again, you're making shit up and assigning it to me. You're still showing a lack of good faith.
What are the criminal statutes associated with violating the Federal Records Act?
So you are now trying to challenge the FBI who openly declared they found over 15,000 OFFICIAL documents Hillary never turned in 'as required by the FOIA and Federal Records At'?

Take that up with them, skippy.

Telling your lies over and over again in defense of a felon who could not even win her party's nomination does not make it fact, either.


I'm challenging you. You are the one making the claims here - and since the FBI has not charged Clinton with a crime (and the IG has agreed with that decision), trying to fall back on statements from last year isn't going to help much.

If Clinton broke the law, show me the law. Provide the statute, and we can discuss it.
Provided this numerous times, over and over, every time one of you snowflakes feined like you did not remember and stated 'if you can't post it (AGAIN) you are a liar. Not playing your game, skippy. Want to see it - feel free to search back through my posts. The truth is you already know...or don't want to know, and even if I post them you will just keep repeating, 'Nuh0uh'.

Hillary is the biggest political criminal in US history.
She broke laws.
The FBI said she did.
Comey said she did.
The IG report even said she did.

'Too stupid to know she broke the law', not intending to do so - addressed in great detail a few posts back, and those claims were undeniably proven FALSE...with facts / links. You won't even address the links and facts I have already posted!
you wanna wordsmith, i'll played. just doesn't seem to go as well coming back at you as it does going out does it?


Well, the difference is that I'm using the legal definition of terms - and you're making things up, and assigning them to me.

One is how our legal system works, and the other is how trolling on the internet works.
ooooo - now i'm a troll because we don't agree.

typical left bullshit. extremify the other person so you can feel better about yourself.

When you make up statements, and then try to tell me that I said them, that's trolling. It's failing to debate in good faith.

Do you disagree?
i wasn't making anything up - that was what i understood you to say. it would appear i was wrong in that but instead of circling back to the core discussion, you tagged me a troll and moved on crying something about intent.


I'm still talking about the exact same topic that this conversation started on.

And again, you're making shit up and assigning it to me. You're still showing a lack of good faith.

i'm showing a loss of good faith. when you went to calling people trolls i gave up.

as a student lawyer all up on how to wordsmith, i'd have thought you'd recognize that activity.
What are the criminal statutes associated with violating the Federal Records Act?
So you are now trying to challenge the FBI who openly declared they found over 15,000 OFFICIAL documents Hillary never turned in 'as required by the FOIA and Federal Records At'?

Take that up with them, skippy.

Telling your lies over and over again in defense of a felon who could not even win her party's nomination does not make it fact, either.


I'm challenging you. You are the one making the claims here - and since the FBI has not charged Clinton with a crime (and the IG has agreed with that decision), trying to fall back on statements from last year isn't going to help much.

If Clinton broke the law, show me the law. Provide the statute, and we can discuss it.
Provided this numerous times, over and over, every time one of you snowflakes feined like you did not remember and stated 'if you can't post it (AGAIN) you are a liar. Not playing your game, skippy. Want to see it - feel free to search back through my posts. The truth is you already know...or don't want to know, and even if I post them you will just keep repeating, 'Nuh0uh'.

Hillary is the biggest political criminal in US history.
She broke laws.
The FBI said she did.
Comey said she did.
The IG report even said she did.

'Too stupid to know she broke the law', not intending to do so - addressed in great detail a few posts back, and those claims were undeniably proven FALSE...with facts / links. You won't even address the links and facts I have already posted!


Don't give me that bullshit. I'm not going to sort through the hundreds of posts you make a day to find what you're claiming you've already posted.

Post it again, or walk away with your tail between your legs. The burden of proof is on you.

Well, the difference is that I'm using the legal definition of terms - and you're making things up, and assigning them to me.

One is how our legal system works, and the other is how trolling on the internet works.
ooooo - now i'm a troll because we don't agree.

typical left bullshit. extremify the other person so you can feel better about yourself.

When you make up statements, and then try to tell me that I said them, that's trolling. It's failing to debate in good faith.

Do you disagree?
i wasn't making anything up - that was what i understood you to say. it would appear i was wrong in that but instead of circling back to the core discussion, you tagged me a troll and moved on crying something about intent.


I'm still talking about the exact same topic that this conversation started on.

And again, you're making shit up and assigning it to me. You're still showing a lack of good faith.

i'm showing a loss of good faith. when you went to calling people trolls i gave up.

as a student lawyer all up on how to wordsmith, i'd have thought you'd recognize that activity.


Blah blah blah.

If you don't want to discuss the topic anymore, feel free to leave the damn thread. I'm not interest in your little pissing contest.
Snowflakes said repeatedly:

1. Hillary did not have classified on her server.

Yeah, that turned out to be false.


Wrong again:

SO, based on the news, Hillary Clinton DID 'cause grave damage to our national security':

Hillary Clinton's Email Accessed by Foreign Actors | National Review

“Foreign actors” accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, including one that was classified “secret,” according to a memo produced by two Republican-led House committees"

3. Now snowflakes say that Hillary did not intentionally compromise our national security, even though she:
- Knowingly used an unauthorized Server
- Knowingly violated laws regarding mandatory encryption, storage, handling, safeguarding, etc
- Attempted to destroy all the evidence of her crimes, which the FBI recovered

Hillary-defending snowflakes have absolutely NO SHAME and prove they remain faithful to criminals and criminal parties over any loyalty to the United States
ooooo - now i'm a troll because we don't agree.

typical left bullshit. extremify the other person so you can feel better about yourself.

When you make up statements, and then try to tell me that I said them, that's trolling. It's failing to debate in good faith.

Do you disagree?
i wasn't making anything up - that was what i understood you to say. it would appear i was wrong in that but instead of circling back to the core discussion, you tagged me a troll and moved on crying something about intent.


I'm still talking about the exact same topic that this conversation started on.

And again, you're making shit up and assigning it to me. You're still showing a lack of good faith.

i'm showing a loss of good faith. when you went to calling people trolls i gave up.

as a student lawyer all up on how to wordsmith, i'd have thought you'd recognize that activity.


Blah blah blah.

If you don't want to discuss the topic anymore, feel free to leave the damn thread. I'm not interest in your little pissing contest.
then simply feel free to stop inaccurately calling me out along the way and i'll be glad to stop responding to the inaccuracies.
Post it again, or walk away with your tail between your legs. The burden of proof is on you.
As predicted, you want to claim that I have to 'walk away with my tail between my legs' if I don't spoon-feed you snowflakes again. I provided that burden of truth more than a dozen times in the past, snowflake. I posted it again and F* YOU and you BS theatrics. The links are there - all you gotta do is work a little...but you'd rather have someone else do it for you...again.

When you make up statements, and then try to tell me that I said them, that's trolling. It's failing to debate in good faith.

Do you disagree?
i wasn't making anything up - that was what i understood you to say. it would appear i was wrong in that but instead of circling back to the core discussion, you tagged me a troll and moved on crying something about intent.


I'm still talking about the exact same topic that this conversation started on.

And again, you're making shit up and assigning it to me. You're still showing a lack of good faith.

i'm showing a loss of good faith. when you went to calling people trolls i gave up.

as a student lawyer all up on how to wordsmith, i'd have thought you'd recognize that activity.


Blah blah blah.

If you don't want to discuss the topic anymore, feel free to leave the damn thread. I'm not interest in your little pissing contest.
then simply feel free to stop inaccurately calling me out along the way and i'll be glad to stop responding to the inaccuracies.

No. I'm going to continue to call you out whenever you post bullshit.

If you want to whine about me calling you a troll, do it somewhere else, because I'm not interested. If you want to continue discussing the topic, feel free to do so.
Post it again, or walk away with your tail between your legs. The burden of proof is on you.
As predicted, you want to claim that I have to 'walk away with my tail between my legs' if I don't spoon-feed you snowflakes again. I provided that burden of truth more than a dozen times in the past, snowflake. I posted it again and F* YOU and you BS theatrics. The links are there - all you gotta do is work a little...but you'd rather have someone else do it for you...again.



You made the claim, and you're refusing to back it up.

Now you're whining about me calling you on it.
i wasn't making anything up - that was what i understood you to say. it would appear i was wrong in that but instead of circling back to the core discussion, you tagged me a troll and moved on crying something about intent.


I'm still talking about the exact same topic that this conversation started on.

And again, you're making shit up and assigning it to me. You're still showing a lack of good faith.

i'm showing a loss of good faith. when you went to calling people trolls i gave up.

as a student lawyer all up on how to wordsmith, i'd have thought you'd recognize that activity.


Blah blah blah.

If you don't want to discuss the topic anymore, feel free to leave the damn thread. I'm not interest in your little pissing contest.
then simply feel free to stop inaccurately calling me out along the way and i'll be glad to stop responding to the inaccuracies.

No. I'm going to continue to call you out whenever you post bullshit.

If you want to whine about me calling you a troll, do it somewhere else, because I'm not interested. If you want to continue discussing the topic, feel free to do so.
who's whining?

i've tried discussing the topic and we derailed pretty quick. somehow the entire blame was on me and now you're a giggle machine. on one hand you tell me to stop posting so i said i will as soon as you stop the bullshit against me - of which you now refuse to do.

but you are right in that this is going nowhere so please feel free once again to reply and call me a fool. i'm out at this point and you cna have the vaunted last word.

I'm still talking about the exact same topic that this conversation started on.

And again, you're making shit up and assigning it to me. You're still showing a lack of good faith.

i'm showing a loss of good faith. when you went to calling people trolls i gave up.

as a student lawyer all up on how to wordsmith, i'd have thought you'd recognize that activity.


Blah blah blah.

If you don't want to discuss the topic anymore, feel free to leave the damn thread. I'm not interest in your little pissing contest.
then simply feel free to stop inaccurately calling me out along the way and i'll be glad to stop responding to the inaccuracies.

No. I'm going to continue to call you out whenever you post bullshit.

If you want to whine about me calling you a troll, do it somewhere else, because I'm not interested. If you want to continue discussing the topic, feel free to do so.
who's whining?

i've tried discussing the topic and we derailed pretty quick. somehow the entire blame was on me and now you're a giggle machine. on one hand you tell me to stop posting so i said i will as soon as you stop the bullshit against me - of which you now refuse to do.

but you are right in that this is going nowhere so please feel free once again to reply and call me a fool. i'm out at this point and you cna have the vaunted last word.

This is at least the second time you've flounced out of the thread.

It's getting old.
You are claiming Hillary is really pure as driven snow, and your take on Castle Grande is that you've never heard of it...

I'd say if you haven't heard of Castle Grande, your "credentials" as an "expert" on Clinton scandals are slim to none...

Castle Grande "ended" when Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell came into the court and told the jury he did the work that Hillary billed for.... and then was sentenced for 2 years...
You are claiming Hillary is really pure as driven snow, and your take on Castle Grande is that you've never heard of it...

I'd say if you haven't heard of Castle Grande, your "credentials" as an "expert" on Clinton scandals are slim to none...

Castle Grande "ended" when Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell came into the court and told the jury he did the work that Hillary billed for.... and then was sentenced for 2 years...


Why are you trying to change the subject?

Feel free to start your own thread about whatever bullshit that is.
Their greatest action of bias was against Clinton and for Trump.
There was no action of bias against Clinton, jackass.

Clinton violated the Espionage Act on over 100 separate occasions. After being caught by a journalist going to a covert meeting with Bill Clinton on his plane, Lynch didn't even refer the case to a grand jury.

Bullshit. The 2 Comey statements were released in the middle of the campaign and Trumpybear used them at his
rah-rah Rallies.

The Alt Right Wacko Machine has been working overtime I C.
Why does reminding Hillary CULT members about Hillary's record of FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD as an "attorney" get them so riled up???

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