PSA to partisans


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Not everybody that disagrees with your stupid opinions is an agent of darkness sent by the other side. If I had a nickel for every time I've been called a libtard/Trumptard for daring to think for myself I'd have one fat ass bag of nickels. The world is not black and white. Thinking people cringe at your predictable hostility towards anything that doesn't follow the official narrative of your preferred party.
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Not everybody that disagrees with your stupid opinions is an agent of darkness sent by the other side. If I had a nickle for every time I've been called a libtard/Trumptard for daring to think for myself I'd have one fat ass bag of nickles. The world is not black and white. Thinking people cringe at your predictable hostility towards anything that doesn't follow the official narrative of your preferred party.
Although I'm very much liberal in my viewpoint I wholeheartedly agree. I personally detest name calling and think that the only way to actually have a conversation is to at least have the respect to listen to each other viewpoint. Way too little of this to be found around here sadly enough.
Not everybody that disagrees with your stupid opinions is an agent of darkness sent by the other side. If I had a nickel for every time I've been called a libtard/Trumptard for daring to think for myself I'd have one fat ass bag of nickels. The world is not black and white. Thinking people cringe at your predictable hostility towards anything that doesn't follow the official narrative of your preferred party.
Partisan fundamentalists are conditioned to think in a very binary way. If you're not 100% with them, there's something wrong with YOU.

My guess is that their self esteem is tied to their tribal membership, and that's why they lose their shit when they're challenged.
Not everybody that disagrees with your stupid opinions is an agent of darkness sent by the other side. If I had a nickel for every time I've been called a libtard/Trumptard for daring to think for myself I'd have one fat ass bag of nickels. The world is not black and white. Thinking people cringe at your predictable hostility towards anything that doesn't follow the official narrative of your preferred party.
So the world isnt Right or Wrong, or Good vs Evil, it is all those 50 shades of Grey, where if you steal from a store that is okay, but if someone steals from you it is bad? It is the dumbass moderates who gave US 8 years of a 1/2 white faggot from Chicago, who fucked you royally, and then after that fucking, President Trump was elected as a gift from God. Wake the fuck up, because if, the Democrats get the house, senate and presidency, your sorry ass will be gone. The NWO will happen and you can kiss this country goodbye. Egad a moderate is one IQ point above a liberal(70 IQ is a liberal).

You know, I blame the current climate of tribalism on the politicians. When 9/11 happened, Jr. did a whole bunch of "you're with us or you're against us" talk after the towers came down.

Then, after Obama was elected, the divide became even deeper and wider, because the Republicans were using increasingly inflammatory language against Obama, and kept ramping it up each time they were on television.

Then, Trump saw what had been going on, and because he is who he is, he managed to use his own rhetoric to insult his way into the WH.
Yeah my views are all over the place. It is insanely difficult to convince some of these people that I am not that far apart from them on some issues, like gun control, I just don't like the paranoid, hyperbolic way they are presenting their "side".
You know, I blame the current climate of tribalism on the politicians. When 9/11 happened, Jr. did a whole bunch of "you're with us or you're against us" talk after the towers came down.

Then, after Obama was elected, the divide became even deeper and wider, because the Republicans were using increasingly inflammatory language against Obama, and kept ramping it up each time they were on television.

Then, Trump saw what had been going on, and because he is who he is, he managed to use his own rhetoric to insult his way into the WH.
So when Obama told you fuckers to get in our faces, that wasn't inflammatory language? Yeah, a liberal might even be in the 20 IQ range.
You know, I blame the current climate of tribalism on the politicians. When 9/11 happened, Jr. did a whole bunch of "you're with us or you're against us" talk after the towers came down.

Then, after Obama was elected, the divide became even deeper and wider, because the Republicans were using increasingly inflammatory language against Obama, and kept ramping it up each time they were on television.

Then, Trump saw what had been going on, and because he is who he is, he managed to use his own rhetoric to insult his way into the WH.
Maybe Hillary calling Trump voters deplorable wasn't such a good idea either?

No "side" has the high road here.
You know, I blame the current climate of tribalism on the politicians. When 9/11 happened, Jr. did a whole bunch of "you're with us or you're against us" talk after the towers came down.

Then, after Obama was elected, the divide became even deeper and wider, because the Republicans were using increasingly inflammatory language against Obama, and kept ramping it up each time they were on television.

Then, Trump saw what had been going on, and because he is who he is, he managed to use his own rhetoric to insult his way into the WH.
Maybe Hillary calling Trump voters deplorable wasn't such a good idea either?

No "side" has the high road here.

You're right, both sides do it, and whenever I see some "liberal" on here who is doing the same thing, I call them out on it, just like I do conservatives. What we need to do is get out of this "us and them" mindset that the politicians seem to have set us upon. And yeah, most of the blame lies with those in Congress, the Senate and the White House. Why? Because the leadership is what sets the tone for the whole nation. I know that when I was in the Navy, if the command had a crappy CO, the whole command was a pain in the ass to work at. Conversely, if you had a good CO, the morale at the command was high, and the whole place worked together.
like I said yesterday - bipartisan politics is dead, and has been.
like I said yesterday - bipartisan politics is dead, and has been.
------------------------------- I think so , sure hope so . Last thing I want to do is work with those that I see as 'unamerican' Siete .
Then, after Obama was elected, the divide became even deeper and wider, because the Republicans were using increasingly inflammatory language against Obama, and kept ramping it up each time they were on television.

That was the only reason for the divide, huh?

That's a rather ironic statement because just prior you said you didn't like tribalism and then you turned right around and engaged in it.
Not everybody that disagrees with your stupid opinions is an agent of darkness sent by the other side. If I had a nickel for every time I've been called a libtard/Trumptard for daring to think for myself I'd have one fat ass bag of nickels. The world is not black and white. Thinking people cringe at your predictable hostility towards anything that doesn't follow the official narrative of your preferred party.

If the Democrat Party had not morphed into a bunch of 'crazy fucks' due to Trump being elected and their ensuingTDS, you would not have to even post your ultra-fake PSA.
Not everybody that disagrees with your stupid opinions is an agent of darkness sent by the other side. If I had a nickel for every time I've been called a libtard/Trumptard for daring to think for myself I'd have one fat ass bag of nickels. The world is not black and white. Thinking people cringe at your predictable hostility towards anything that doesn't follow the official narrative of your preferred party.

Neither party, or side between "conservative" or bed wetter is perfect or has everything "Right" in the perspective of "Right Vs. WRONG"

On nearly every issue however, the DNC, the bed wetters, Libturds, moonbats, regressives, whatever ARE WRONG.

Even where I could agree with some moonbats about decriminalizing drugs, or using the collective power of government or funding capacity of the empire to manage a problem or even solve it, they're never satisfied with the power or level of funding.

I don't fit into a specific category either. I'm not a republicrat, but they're the best tool I have for crushing leftist parasites. I can mostly be considered Anti-Globalist I suppose. I'm very Anti-Collectivist as well, but I can still tolerate a well managed "safety net" but for the most part we're subsidizing a hammock from what I can see.


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