Psycho knocks out police Lt.; takes 5x and fails; injures 6 other cops

Do you notice how when you try to pretend like white people have the same cultural problems as black people, no one person buys into it?

You almost had it! But of course you missed it.

The reason no one buys into it because blacks have different rules applied to them. One black person who does something only that's negative (never positive that's important to remember) and that person is hoisted up by racists and bigots as being representative of all blacks. Again, only the negative. And from that one represents all logical fallacy that's how you're able to pretend it's all blacks everywhere.

With whites, white people understand the logical fallacy when it applies to whites. Because they are pretending in the first place. And says that one white person is....say it with individual!!

It's easy, just think about Timothy McVeigh compared to any Muslim who commits an act of terrorism.

You'll say that person doesn't represent all...unless they are Muslim. Then logic goes out the window. Same with blacks...white people just employ their logical pretzels to certain people and not their own. Funny that.
Do you notice how when you try to pretend like white people have the same cultural problems as black people, no one person buys into it?

You almost had it! But of course you missed it.

The reason no one buys into it because blacks have different rules applied to them. One black person who does something only that's negative (never positive that's important to remember) and that person is hoisted up by racists and bigots as being representative of all blacks. Again, only the negative. And from that one represents all logical fallacy that's how you're able to pretend it's all blacks everywhere.

With whites, white people understand the logical fallacy when it applies to whites. Because they are pretending in the first place. And says that one white person is....say it with individual!!

It's easy, just think about Timothy McVeigh compared to any Muslim who commits an act of terrorism.

You'll say that person doesn't represent all...unless they are Muslim. Then logic goes out the window. Same with blacks...white people just employ their logical pretzels to certain people and not their own. Funny that.
Hey look, more stuff no one of importance will buy into. Fix your problems and leave us out of it.
Do you notice how when you try to pretend like white people have the same cultural problems as black people, no one person buys into it?

You almost had it! But of course you missed it.

The reason no one buys into it because blacks have different rules applied to them. One black person who does something only that's negative (never positive that's important to remember) and that person is hoisted up by racists and bigots as being representative of all blacks. Again, only the negative. And from that one represents all logical fallacy that's how you're able to pretend it's all blacks everywhere.

With whites, white people understand the logical fallacy when it applies to whites. Because they are pretending in the first place. And says that one white person is....say it with individual!!

You'll say that person doesn't represent all...unless they are Muslim. Funny that.

Replace "black" and "Muslim" with "police"....and that's EXACTLY how you act. Hypocrite.

So are you committing a "logical fallacy" when you use a bad cop example to smear all cops? Hypocrite. I don't expect anything different from a liberal though.
Oh....and ClosedCaption. ....dont you agree that once the cop was knocked out....his life was in jeapoardy?

She won't answer.

If you call her on her bullshit, you're a bad person.

If you grill her on it, she will stop "engaging you".
Do you notice how when you try to pretend like white people have the same cultural problems as black people, no one person buys into it?

You almost had it! But of course you missed it.

The reason no one buys into it because blacks have different rules applied to them. One black person who does something only that's negative (never positive that's important to remember) and that person is hoisted up by racists and bigots as being representative of all blacks. Again, only the negative. And from that one represents all logical fallacy that's how you're able to pretend it's all blacks everywhere.

With whites, white people understand the logical fallacy when it applies to whites. Because they are pretending in the first place. And says that one white person is....say it with individual!!

It's easy, just think about Timothy McVeigh compared to any Muslim who commits an act of terrorism.

You'll say that person doesn't represent all...unless they are Muslim. Then logic goes out the window. Same with blacks...white people just employ their logical pretzels to certain people and not their own. Funny that.
Hey look, more stuff no one of importance will buy into. Fix your problems and leave us out of it.

The best thing about it is you don't have to purchase reality for it to exist.
Do you notice how when you try to pretend like white people have the same cultural problems as black people, no one person buys into it?

You almost had it! But of course you missed it.

The reason no one buys into it because blacks have different rules applied to them. One black person who does something only that's negative (never positive that's important to remember) and that person is hoisted up by racists and bigots as being representative of all blacks. Again, only the negative. And from that one represents all logical fallacy that's how you're able to pretend it's all blacks everywhere.

With whites, white people understand the logical fallacy when it applies to whites. Because they are pretending in the first place. And says that one white person is....say it with individual!!

It's easy, just think about Timothy McVeigh compared to any Muslim who commits an act of terrorism.

You'll say that person doesn't represent all...unless they are Muslim. Then logic goes out the window. Same with blacks...white people just employ their logical pretzels to certain people and not their own. Funny that.
Hey look, more stuff no one of importance will buy into. Fix your problems and leave us out of it.

The best thing about it is you don't have to purchase reality for it to exist.

But you never answered.

When the cop was punched unconcious by the white trash thug.....was the cops life in danger at that moment??? Should be an easy question.
Do you notice how when you try to pretend like white people have the same cultural problems as black people, no one person buys into it?

You almost had it! But of course you missed it.

The reason no one buys into it because blacks have different rules applied to them. One black person who does something only that's negative (never positive that's important to remember) and that person is hoisted up by racists and bigots as being representative of all blacks. Again, only the negative. And from that one represents all logical fallacy that's how you're able to pretend it's all blacks everywhere.

With whites, white people understand the logical fallacy when it applies to whites. Because they are pretending in the first place. And says that one white person is....say it with individual!!

It's easy, just think about Timothy McVeigh compared to any Muslim who commits an act of terrorism.

You'll say that person doesn't represent all...unless they are Muslim. Then logic goes out the window. Same with blacks...white people just employ their logical pretzels to certain people and not their own. Funny that.
Hey look, more stuff no one of importance will buy into. Fix your problems and leave us out of it.

The best thing about it is you don't have to purchase reality for it to exist.

But you never answered.

When the cop was punched unconcious by the white trash thug.....was the cops life in danger at that moment??? Should be an easy question.

Yes, now that silly question time is over do you have another. For example: Does a bear shit in the woods?
Do you notice how when you try to pretend like white people have the same cultural problems as black people, no one person buys into it?

You almost had it! But of course you missed it.

The reason no one buys into it because blacks have different rules applied to them. One black person who does something only that's negative (never positive that's important to remember) and that person is hoisted up by racists and bigots as being representative of all blacks. Again, only the negative. And from that one represents all logical fallacy that's how you're able to pretend it's all blacks everywhere.

With whites, white people understand the logical fallacy when it applies to whites. Because they are pretending in the first place. And says that one white person is....say it with individual!!

It's easy, just think about Timothy McVeigh compared to any Muslim who commits an act of terrorism.

You'll say that person doesn't represent all...unless they are Muslim. Then logic goes out the window. Same with blacks...white people just employ their logical pretzels to certain people and not their own. Funny that.
Hey look, more stuff no one of importance will buy into. Fix your problems and leave us out of it.

The best thing about it is you don't have to purchase reality for it to exist.

But you never answered.

When the cop was punched unconcious by the white trash thug.....was the cops life in danger at that moment??? Should be an easy question.

Yes, now that silly question time is over do you have another. For example: Does a bear shit in the woods?

Ok. So you agree that getting knocked unconcious IS a threat to the cops life.

Now...if a large and aggressive man is attacking a cop....and we've seen in sport fights that a KO comes quickly and often the person never sees it coming....would you agree that an unarmed man who is punching a cop in the face is a deadly threat? Because the cop sure can't say "Ok...if he knocks me out...THEN I'll shoot!"....can he?

Should a cop defend his life from that assault BEFORE he's possibly knocked out? Or once he is unconcious? OR...would you say the cop should just let it happen and trust the attacker won't kill him?

I bet you'll say cops should receive better hand to hand training to not lose fights. Like Krav Maga or MMA style training like the Army and Marines do. But that would be aggressive and "militarized ".

Ok, go fuck yourself with these silly ass what if scenarios that never end. Go pound sand with your "put words in the other persons mouth and make them defend it" bullshit. You obviously can predict everything I think, want and desire so just create a ClosedCaption screen name and argue with your self.
Nope, they didnt use mace, sticks or tasers....again, weird all the way around. Seems like the perfect situation to use one of those. Arent those on their belts? Within arms reach?
You seemed to miss the part that said:
They Taze him 5 times.....and all failed!!!
If the tazers didn't bring him down, then I sincerely doubt that mace or sticks would have worked either.

Fighting with a psycho or someone strung out on some sort of hard drug(s) isn't like fighting a normal person.
If there had been less officers present in the OP situation, then it's very likely that this person would have had to be shot to stop him.
Ok, go fuck yourself with these silly ass what if scenarios that never end. Go pound sand with your "put words in the other persons mouth and make them defend it" bullshit. You obviously can predict everything I think, want and desire so just create a ClosedCaption screen name and argue with your self.

Stone cold busted.

And too dishonest to admit it.

THat's why you should never answer questions Closedcaption. Because if you seriously and honestly try to defend your positions on their merits, you find that you CAN'T.

Name calling is good, but I can't believe you failed to call him a racist.

It's really all you have.
What if the guy was a UFC fighter? Since you believe *insert bullshit here* then I'm sure you'd be ok with it. What about Baby killers? You like them dont you? What if a baby killer was going to kill a killer baby? What would you do? How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Huh?
What if the guy was a UFC fighter? Since you believe *insert bullshit here* then I'm sure you'd be ok with it. What about Baby killers? You like them dont you? What if a baby killer was going to kill a killer baby? What would you do? How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Huh?

A simple and serious scenario.

If a armed man loses a fight to unarmed man, the unarmed man can take the weapon and turn the armed man's weapon on him.

Your unhappiness with this truth does not undermine or challenge it in anyway.
If a armed man loses a fight to unarmed man, the unarmed man can take the weapon and turn the armed man's weapon on him.

Your unhappiness with this truth does not undermine or challenge it in anyway.

Look at post #33 then look at the quote below where I agreed. Since I dont engage fools and liars those people try their best to get my attention

But you never answered.

When the cop was punched unconcious by the white trash thug.....was the cops life in danger at that moment??? Should be an easy question.

Yes, now that silly question time is over do you have another. For example: Does a bear shit in the woods?
If a armed man loses a fight to unarmed man, the unarmed man can take the weapon and turn the armed man's weapon on him.

Your unhappiness with this truth does not undermine or challenge it in anyway.

Look at post #33 then look at the quote below where I agreed. Since I dont engage fools and liars those people try their best to get my attention

But you never answered.

When the cop was punched unconcious by the white trash thug.....was the cops life in danger at that moment??? Should be an easy question.

Yes, now that silly question time is over do you have another. For example: Does a bear shit in the woods?

Don't lie to yourself.

THe reason that you don't want to "Engage" me in not because I'm a fool or a liar, but because I call you on YOUR lies, and am smart enough to not let you bullshit your way away from the truth.
If a armed man loses a fight to unarmed man, the unarmed man can take the weapon and turn the armed man's weapon on him.

Your unhappiness with this truth does not undermine or challenge it in anyway.

Look at post #33 then look at the quote below where I agreed. Since I dont engage fools and liars those people try their best to get my attention

But you never answered.

When the cop was punched unconcious by the white trash thug.....was the cops life in danger at that moment??? Should be an easy question.

Yes, now that silly question time is over do you have another. For example: Does a bear shit in the woods?

Yes. That's fair. You did say that the cop...once knocked unconcious by a punch....was in danger for his life. Because the attacker could simply kill the unconcious officer.

With us all agreeing on's only logical in police training to far should a cop let the assault go...knowing 1 punch could end his life. Not his career. His life. As in...he's under dirt...forever...rotting away the following week.

As your other thread showed....and you said...tasers aren't effective up close. They just hurt.

So...when a cop is being beaten by an attacker...what do you suggest...considering that any given split second that KO punch could happen....and he is potentially dead.
ClosedCaption you're right...maybe it is silly for a cop to think an uncooperative person may be a "UFC fighter".

But...some are:
UFC fighter Dave Herman Tasered during Indiana traffic stop - NY Daily News

This cop pulled a man over who became uncooperative. Good thing he didn't fist fight was UFC 250 pound heavyweight title contender Dave Herman.

But other than those types....and others who are very dangerous even when unarmed....cops should just fight it out.

If they get knocked out....well....if the attacker tries to kill them while they're unconcious then they can shoot. But only then.
As your other thread showed....and you said...tasers aren't effective up close. They just hurt.

Wait a sec, are you agreeing with me now? Because I said that to show that the police officer didnt have proper training to attempt to taze someone up close. You complained in your sarcastic way about me being an expert.

So apparently we agree, now....after not
As your other thread showed....and you said...tasers aren't effective up close. They just hurt.

Wait a sec, are you agreeing with me now? Because I said that to show that the police officer didnt have proper training to attempt to taze someone up close. You complained in your sarcastic way about me being an expert.

So apparently we agree, now....after not

Oh're correct. Up close a taser is only a pain compliance tool. Like a pressure point on steroids. Sometimes it works. Usually not. Taser International recommends in training it not be done...but doesn't forbid it. If someone is holding a may cause them to drop it. Officers decision really.

But....we agree on something else. That if a cop gets knocked out...his life is immediately in danger.

So...what should cops do to ensure that doesnt happen? Even the best trained fist fighters in the world...MMA and boxing...who get punched thousands of times a year...get knocked out cold with 1 punch.

So obviously a middle aged cop of average size can be KO with a lucky punch.

What should cops do to never get killed by being knocked out and allowing the suspect that chance?

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