Puerto Rico's Government Just Admitted 911 People Died After The Hurricane — Of "Natural Causes"


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
BuzzFeed is the ultra-liberal site owned and operated by NBC

The Puerto Rican government told BuzzFeed News Friday that it allowed 911 bodies to be cremated since Hurricane Maria made landfall, and that not one of them were physically examined by a government medical examiner to determine if it should be included in the official death toll.

Every one of the 911 died of "natural causes" not related to the devastating storm, said Karixia Ortiz Serrano, a spokesperson for the Department of Public Safety who is also speaking for the Institute of Forensic Sciences — which is in charge of confirming hurricane deaths. The "natural causes" designations were made by reviewing records, not actually examining the bodies, she said.

More @ Puerto Rico's Government Just Admitted 911 People Died After The Hurricane — Of "Natural Causes"
If you don't eat and you drink dirty water, then yes, you died from natural causes.
Never forget that republicans giggle in mirth at any news they hear about harm coming to the people in Puerto Rico
What is the normal rate of people dying in PR during any given month?

No required autopsy? Or have all the coroners left the island, as well?
Their normal deaths per month is around 2500

BuzzFeed is the ultra-liberal site owned and operated by NBC

The Puerto Rican government told BuzzFeed News Friday that it allowed 911 bodies to be cremated since Hurricane Maria made landfall, and that not one of them were physically examined by a government medical examiner to determine if it should be included in the official death toll.

Every one of the 911 died of "natural causes" not related to the devastating storm, said Karixia Ortiz Serrano, a spokesperson for the Department of Public Safety who is also speaking for the Institute of Forensic Sciences — which is in charge of confirming hurricane deaths. The "natural causes" designations were made by reviewing records, not actually examining the bodies, she said.

More @ Puerto Rico's Government Just Admitted 911 People Died After The Hurricane — Of "Natural Causes"
You morons can keep defending Trump. But clearly, with total devastation, there were more than a few deaths. In Puerto Rico, they have to be examined by a doctor for cause of death. Doctors don't have time so bodies are being cremated or buried because there is no electricity and they are rotting. The they are classified as "natural causes" as a catch all.

But we know over 75% don't have electricity. That means diabetics don't get insulin. Other sick people aren't getting medicine.
Water is dirty.
Food is scarce.

We know what is going on and we know the reports that are coming in the next few months. And for the GOP base to defend what these heartless monsters are doing makes them monsters.

Every day, Republicans will have more and more to answer for. These people are fuking monsters.
You morons can keep defending Trump. But clearly, with total devastation, there were more than a few deaths. In Puerto Rico, they have to be examined by a doctor for cause of death. Doctors don't have time so bodies are being cremated or buried because there is no electricity and they are rotting. The they are classified as "natural causes" as a catch all.

But we know over 75% don't have electricity. That means diabetics don't get insulin. Other sick people aren't getting medicine.
Water is dirty.
Food is scarce.

We know what is going on and we know the reports that are coming in the next few months. And for the GOP base to defend what these heartless monsters are doing makes them monsters.

Every day, Republicans will have more and more to answer for. These people are fuking monsters.
Still politicizing a disaster, are we?
Hurricane death Toll still undeterminable...

San Juan Mayor Says Hurricane Death Toll in Puerto Rico Could Be 10 Times Higher Than Reported
November 4, 2017 - San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz said Friday the death toll from hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico is actually hundreds higher than official government counts. “It appears that for whatever reason the death toll is much higher than what has been reported,” Yulín Cruz said during an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead.”
The official death toll stands at 55, according to a statement released to CNN by the government of Puerto Rico, but the number of dead may be almost as high as 500, Yulín Cruz said when asked specifically about the death count. Many hurricane victims haven’t been included in that number due to their causes of death not being properly recorded or “being cataloged as dying of natural deaths,” Yulín Cruz said. “When they were, for example, hooked to a respirator, there’s no power, the small generator that they had that gives up, and of course, they die of natural causes, but they are related to a lack of electricity,” she said.

According to a statement released October 28 by the government of Puerto Rico, 911 bodies cremated in the weeks after Hurricane Maria were the result of natural causes. But the average number of cremations in Puerto Rico in the same time frame is about half that, Yulín Cruz said.

In a statement to CNN, Department of Public Safety of Puerto Rico Héctor M. Pesquera slammed Cruz’s remarks. “The Mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz, stated she ‘thinks’ that the actual death count from Hurricane María is closer to 500,” said Pesquera. “In order to support her statement she needs to present the evidence. If she is not willing to do such, it is an irresponsible comment. The Government of Puerto Rico certifies the death count based on factual information in concert with all components involved in the process.” In a separate statement in October, Pesquera said the cremations were authorized at the request of family members of the deceased. The cremations followed a review of documents including death certificates and medical records showing the cause of death, he said.

The statement did not say whether bodies were examined prior to cremation, but noted that none of the 911 cremation authorizations raised suspicion “that would stop the requested process.” As for Puerto Ricans who survived the storm, living conditions are still dire, Yulín Cruz said, noting that some people on the island are still without power weeks after the storms hit.

San Juan Mayor Says Hurricane Death Toll in Puerto Rico Could Be 10 Times Higher Than Reported
You morons can keep defending Trump. But clearly, with total devastation, there were more than a few deaths. In Puerto Rico, they have to be examined by a doctor for cause of death. Doctors don't have time so bodies are being cremated or buried because there is no electricity and they are rotting. The they are classified as "natural causes" as a catch all.

But we know over 75% don't have electricity. That means diabetics don't get insulin. Other sick people aren't getting medicine.
Water is dirty.
Food is scarce.

We know what is going on and we know the reports that are coming in the next few months. And for the GOP base to defend what these heartless monsters are doing makes them monsters.

Every day, Republicans will have more and more to answer for. These people are fuking monsters.
Still politicizing a disaster, are we?
Goddamned right. The admin of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown has totally failed the Americans in Puerto Rico. Worse than Bush did with Katrina and New Orleans. After all, when Bush realized how badly things were going there, he appointed General Honore, and the situation was staightened out. Nothing at all is being done on that scale for Puerto Rico.
BuzzFeed is the ultra-liberal site owned and operated by NBC

The Puerto Rican government told BuzzFeed News Friday that it allowed 911 bodies to be cremated since Hurricane Maria made landfall, and that not one of them were physically examined by a government medical examiner to determine if it should be included in the official death toll.

Every one of the 911 died of "natural causes" not related to the devastating storm, said Karixia Ortiz Serrano, a spokesperson for the Department of Public Safety who is also speaking for the Institute of Forensic Sciences — which is in charge of confirming hurricane deaths. The "natural causes" designations were made by reviewing records, not actually examining the bodies, she said.

More @ Puerto Rico's Government Just Admitted 911 People Died After The Hurricane — Of "Natural Causes"

This is the new Orange Douche Russain rules America.
Colored People Don't Matter! Poor People Don't Matter Any Color!
If you don't Pay DrumpF LLC a payoff. You get Cutoff.
Like how it's done in Russia.

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