Puerto Rico's new governor promises referendum on statehood

That's okay they pay way more than that in taxes. And don't get much in return at all.

Not in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, but its residents do not pay the federal income tax, except on income from sources outside of Puerto Rico. The New York Times reports that taxpayers need only live in Puerto Rico for 183 days out of the year on the island to be a resident.

Not in the others either.

Federal Taxes and the U.S. Territories: An Overview
They pay plenty of taxes. And get very little in return. You're sounding pretty malicious here trying to act like they don't pay anything or benefit the U.S. in any way
Why des Puerto Rico get to decide if Puerto Rico becomes a state? Shouldn't the American people vote to decide that? Did I miss that?

On don't worry. Puerto Rico has had this vote many times and each time they turn down statehood.

Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free??
That's okay they pay way more than that in taxes. And don't get much in return at all.

Not in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, but its residents do not pay the federal income tax, except on income from sources outside of Puerto Rico. The New York Times reports that taxpayers need only live in Puerto Rico for 183 days out of the year on the island to be a resident.

Not in the others either.

Federal Taxes and the U.S. Territories: An Overview
They pay plenty of taxes. And get very little in return. You're sounding pretty malicious here trying to act like they don't pay anything or benefit the U.S. in any way
Federal Taxes and the U.S. Territories: An Overview
That's okay they pay way more than that in taxes. And don't get much in return at all.

Not in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, but its residents do not pay the federal income tax, except on income from sources outside of Puerto Rico. The New York Times reports that taxpayers need only live in Puerto Rico for 183 days out of the year on the island to be a resident.

Not in the others either.

Federal Taxes and the U.S. Territories: An Overview

They pay plenty of taxes. And get very little in return. You're sounding pretty malicious here trying to act like they don't pay anything or benefit the U.S. in any way

They sure don't benefit the taxpayers of America.
Does that mean that if PR became a state illegals and 'refugees' wouldn't have to come HERE, that they could just go there to get US benefits?

(Better be careful, though - as D-Hank Johnson warned about Guam, if you get too many people on the island it could TIP OVER! :lmao: )
That's okay they pay way more than that in taxes. And don't get much in return at all.

Not in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, but its residents do not pay the federal income tax, except on income from sources outside of Puerto Rico. The New York Times reports that taxpayers need only live in Puerto Rico for 183 days out of the year on the island to be a resident.

Not in the others either.

Federal Taxes and the U.S. Territories: An Overview
They pay plenty of taxes. And get very little in return. You're sounding pretty malicious here trying to act like they don't pay anything or benefit the U.S. in any way
Federal Taxes and the U.S. Territories: An Overview
Google what taxes they do pay instead of basking in ignorance
Cut Puerto Rico loose. It's only a drain on US resources. It shouldn't even be a US Territory anymore. At one point, they howled for full independence. But then they went broke again, and demanded a Bailout. And guess what, our corrupt asshole politicians gave it to em. Just cut it loose immediately. There's nothing to gain by continuing to support it.

I agree.

Cut all the territories loose. Most of them don't want to be a State because if they were they have to pay taxes.

Right now they get all the rights of a state except the right to vote and they don't pay a dime for any of it.

It's a matter of 'Cake and eat it too' convenience for Puerto Rico. I remember a time when they used to screech about the US being 'Evil', and that they needed their Independence. But nowadays, the place is flat-broke. And it sees all the Freebies our idiot politicians are handing out. It wants in on that.

It just received a massive American Taxpayer Bailout. I opposed it vehemently. But the corrupt politicians don't care what their constituents think anymore. Most Republicans supported the Bailout. As far as i'm concerned, there's no upside to hanging onto Puerto Rico. Just cut it loose.
Cut Puerto Rico loose. It's only a drain on US resources. It shouldn't even be a US Territory anymore. At one point, they howled for full independence. But then they went broke again, and demanded a Bailout. And guess what, our corrupt asshole politicians gave it to em. Just cut it loose immediately. There's nothing to gain by continuing to support it.

I agree.

Cut all the territories loose. Most of them don't want to be a State because if they were they have to pay taxes.

Right now they get all the rights of a state except the right to vote and they don't pay a dime for any of it.
Completely wrong

If you say so.
Look it up. Stop relying on Trump's tweets for all your information.

You're the only one relying on Trumps tweets.

What is the advantage of being a U.S. territory?

Appendix B: Social Welfare Programs in the Territories | Green Book. House Committee on Ways and Means.

U.S. Food Stamps In Puerto Rico Costing You 2 Billion Dollars | Off The Grid News

Living in a US territory ain't bad at all.

Once they realized our politicians were handing out Freebies like candy, the Independence movement halted immediately. They absolutely love the current set-up. And why wouldn't they?
Puerto Ricans did a referendum in 2012 and they did chose statehood but nothing happened.
The webpage below says the US Congress should grant the admission of Puerto Rico in the USA as the 51th State :)

The enormous challenges left to us in Puerto Rico | TheHill

Republicans will never allow Puerto Rico and DC to become states

They know they will vote Democratic

None of them will vote to become a State. They never have passed that vote and they never will.

They sure don't want to buy that cow when they can get the milk for free.
Cut Puerto Rico loose. It's only a drain on US resources. It shouldn't even be a US Territory anymore. At one point, they howled for full independence. But then they went broke again, and demanded a Bailout. And guess what, our corrupt asshole politicians gave it to em. Just cut it loose immediately. There's nothing to gain by continuing to support it.

I agree.

Cut all the territories loose. Most of them don't want to be a State because if they were they have to pay taxes.

Right now they get all the rights of a state except the right to vote and they don't pay a dime for any of it.

It's a matter of 'Cake and eat it too' convenience for Puerto Rico. I remember a time when they used to screech about the US being 'Evil', and that they needed their Independence. But nowadays, the place is flat-broke. And it sees all the Freebies our idiot politicians are handing out. It wants in on that.

It just received a massive American Taxpayer Bailout. I opposed it vehemently. But the corrupt politicians don't care what their constituents think anymore. Most Republicans supported the Bailout. As far as i'm concerned, there's no upside to hanging onto Puerto Rico. Just cut it loose.

Cut all the territories lose. We taxpayers sure don't need to keep sending money to any of them.
Cut Puerto Rico loose. It's only a drain on US resources. It shouldn't even be a US Territory anymore. At one point, they howled for full independence. But then they went broke again, and demanded a Bailout. And guess what, our corrupt asshole politicians gave it to em. Just cut it loose immediately. There's nothing to gain by continuing to support it.

I agree.

Cut all the territories loose. Most of them don't want to be a State because if they were they have to pay taxes.

Right now they get all the rights of a state except the right to vote and they don't pay a dime for any of it.

It's a matter of 'Cake and eat it too' convenience for Puerto Rico. I remember a time when they used to screech about the US being 'Evil', and that they needed their Independence. But nowadays, the place is flat-broke. And it sees all the Freebies our idiot politicians are handing out. It wants in on that.

It just received a massive American Taxpayer Bailout. I opposed it vehemently. But the corrupt politicians don't care what their constituents think anymore. Most Republicans supported the Bailout. As far as i'm concerned, there's no upside to hanging onto Puerto Rico. Just cut it loose.

Cut all the territories lose. We taxpayers sure don't need to keep sending money to any of them.

No upside. Cut it loose. Period, end of story.
I agree.

Cut all the territories loose. Most of them don't want to be a State because if they were they have to pay taxes.

Right now they get all the rights of a state except the right to vote and they don't pay a dime for any of it.
Completely wrong

If you say so.
Look it up. Stop relying on Trump's tweets for all your information.

You're the only one relying on Trumps tweets.

What is the advantage of being a U.S. territory?

Appendix B: Social Welfare Programs in the Territories | Green Book. House Committee on Ways and Means.

U.S. Food Stamps In Puerto Rico Costing You 2 Billion Dollars | Off The Grid News

Living in a US territory ain't bad at all.

Once they realized our politicians were handing out Freebies like candy, the Independence movement halted immediately. They absolutely love the current set-up. And why wouldn't they?
You and Claudette seem to be competing for most ignorant, dumbass motherfucker about the topic at hand

Once they realized our politicians were handing out Freebies like candy, the Independence movement halted immediately. They absolutely love the current set-up. And why wouldn't they?
You and Claudette seem to be competing for most ignorant, dumbass motherfucker about the topic at hand

No upside to continuing this current relationship with Puerto Rico. You haven't even presented one example of an upside. Puerto Rico is a drain on US resources. It should be cut loose.
Interesting argument that "the U.S. discriminates against Puerto Rico" by not sharing it's wealth.

Once they realized our politicians were handing out Freebies like candy, the Independence movement halted immediately. They absolutely love the current set-up. And why wouldn't they?
You and Claudette seem to be competing for most ignorant, dumbass motherfucker about the topic at hand

No upside to continuing this current relationship with Puerto Rico. You haven't even presented one example of an upside. Puerto Rico is a drain on US resources. It should be cut loose.

They pay taxes and make U.S. companies a whole lot of money. And don't really get anything at all in return. If PR wants to keep the current relationship, they need to demand the U.S. drop their crippling regulations on trade and do something about U.S. abuse of its bonds market. Independence could be a solution, but the U.S. and Puerto Ricans have become so intertwined it's probably not possible. The Phillipines breaking off was one thing, wih their huge population and being on the complete opposite side of the planet. But Puerto Rico is completely different.

Once they realized our politicians were handing out Freebies like candy, the Independence movement halted immediately. They absolutely love the current set-up. And why wouldn't they?
You and Claudette seem to be competing for most ignorant, dumbass motherfucker about the topic at hand

No upside to continuing this current relationship with Puerto Rico. You haven't even presented one example of an upside. Puerto Rico is a drain on US resources. It should be cut loose.

They pay taxes and make U.S. companies a whole lot of money. And don't really get anything at all in return. If PR wants to keep the current relationship, they need to demand the U.S. drop their crippling regulations on trade and do something about U.S. abuse of its bonds market. Independence could be a solution, but the U.S. and Puerto Ricans have become so intertwined it's probably not possible. The Phillipines breaking off was one thing, wih their huge population and being on the complete opposite side of the planet. But Puerto Rico is completely different.

Well you should look into the tax issue a bit more. Puerto Ricans often boast about their favorable tax situation. Do you know any Puerto Ricans? But regardless, I don't wanna continue this current relationship with Puerto Rico. It should declare Independence, and go its own way.

Once they realized our politicians were handing out Freebies like candy, the Independence movement halted immediately. They absolutely love the current set-up. And why wouldn't they?
You and Claudette seem to be competing for most ignorant, dumbass motherfucker about the topic at hand

No upside to continuing this current relationship with Puerto Rico. You haven't even presented one example of an upside. Puerto Rico is a drain on US resources. It should be cut loose.

They pay taxes and make U.S. companies a whole lot of money. And don't really get anything at all in return. If PR wants to keep the current relationship, they need to demand the U.S. drop their crippling regulations on trade and do something about U.S. abuse of its bonds market. Independence could be a solution, but the U.S. and Puerto Ricans have become so intertwined it's probably not possible. The Phillipines breaking off was one thing, wih their huge population and being on the complete opposite side of the planet. But Puerto Rico is completely different.

Well you should look into the tax issue a bit more. Puerto Ricans often boast about their favorable tax situation. Do you know any Puerto Ricans? But regardless, I don't wanna continue this current relationship with Puerto Rico. It should declare Independence, and go its own way.
Everyone in my family besides my generation lives in or has lived in Puerto Rico. The tax situation is great as long as you don't mind shit roads, schools, and public services.
Once they realized our politicians were handing out Freebies like candy, the Independence movement halted immediately. They absolutely love the current set-up. And why wouldn't they?
You and Claudette seem to be competing for most ignorant, dumbass motherfucker about the topic at hand

No upside to continuing this current relationship with Puerto Rico. You haven't even presented one example of an upside. Puerto Rico is a drain on US resources. It should be cut loose.

They pay taxes and make U.S. companies a whole lot of money. And don't really get anything at all in return. If PR wants to keep the current relationship, they need to demand the U.S. drop their crippling regulations on trade and do something about U.S. abuse of its bonds market. Independence could be a solution, but the U.S. and Puerto Ricans have become so intertwined it's probably not possible. The Phillipines breaking off was one thing, wih their huge population and being on the complete opposite side of the planet. But Puerto Rico is completely different.

Well you should look into the tax issue a bit more. Puerto Ricans often boast about their favorable tax situation. Do you know any Puerto Ricans? But regardless, I don't wanna continue this current relationship with Puerto Rico. It should declare Independence, and go its own way.
Everyone in my family besides my generation lives in or has lived in Puerto Rico. The tax situation is great as long as you don't mind shit roads, schools, and public services.

Well, most Puerto Ricans i've talked to, enjoy boasting about their current tax situation. But regardless, you haven't presented all the upsides of continuing this relationship with Puerto Rico. You haven't convinced me it's worth it.

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