Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

Kind of. In financial terms a subsidy is any financial aid direct or in-direct given by the government.

Then the minimum wage is just a subsidy. Subsidies ruin a free market and so does the minumum wage.

Indeed it is. So is welfare for low wage workers. Most of these 'feel good' policies (that other wise don't make much sense) have big money interests behind them. That's how this shit worms its way through Congress.

How are the poor supposed to live without either a living wage or government subsidize? They need one or the other in order to live. Or should we just let them die?
Then the minimum wage is just a subsidy. Subsidies ruin a free market and so does the minumum wage.

Indeed it is. So is welfare for low wage workers. Most of these 'feel good' policies (that other wise don't make much sense) have big money interests behind them. That's how this shit worms its way through Congress.

How are the poor supposed to live without either a living wage or government subsidize? They need one or the other in order to live. Or should we just let them die?

Believe or not, we can take care of each other without corporate sponsored government programs, without feeding the consumer war-machine.
Indeed it is. So is welfare for low wage workers. Most of these 'feel good' policies (that other wise don't make much sense) have big money interests behind them. That's how this shit worms its way through Congress.

How are the poor supposed to live without either a living wage or government subsidize? They need one or the other in order to live. Or should we just let them die?

Believe or not, we can take care of each other without corporate sponsored government programs, without feeding the consumer war-machine.

Then the minimum wage is just a subsidy. Subsidies ruin a free market and so does the minumum wage.

Show me where we have a free market.

I see this comment a lot, but I'm not sure what the point is. There is never perfect freedom - there's always an asshole ready to throw his weight around. But the question remains: do we want more freedom, or less?

It's not a comment, it's a question. Forgive me, I forgot the '?".

If you answer the question, you'll have the answer.
How are the poor supposed to live without either a living wage or government subsidize? They need one or the other in order to live. Or should we just let them die?

Believe or not, we can take care of each other without corporate sponsored government programs, without feeding the consumer war-machine.


You forgot 'be specific'. Gimme a break. You really don't know now to take care of other people?

You forgot 'be specific'. Gimme a break. You really don't know now to take care of other people?

You offer an answer and can't explain how you would accomplish it?

Are you a GOP candidate?

I know, you're looking for some grand 'plan', mandating everyone into action. I'm calling bullshit on that. You're selling the idea that people can't take care of themselves without government telling them how, and I'd like everyone to pause and reflect on how utterly stupid that is.
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Show me where we have a free market.

I see this comment a lot, but I'm not sure what the point is. There is never perfect freedom - there's always an asshole ready to throw his weight around. But the question remains: do we want more freedom, or less?

It's not a comment, it's a question. Forgive me, I forgot the '?".

If you answer the question, you'll have the answer.

It's not a question. It's a demand. A tedious and pointless demand. We have a free market wherever people trade free from from interference. But of course, that won't satisfy you. Because your point is, apparently, that we don't have a perfectly free market. So the fuck what? What does that fact mean to you? Can you explain? Or will you just stomp your feet and pout?
I see this comment a lot, but I'm not sure what the point is. There is never perfect freedom - there's always an asshole ready to throw his weight around. But the question remains: do we want more freedom, or less?

It's not a comment, it's a question. Forgive me, I forgot the '?".

If you answer the question, you'll have the answer.

It's not a question. It's a demand. A tedious and pointless demand. We have a free market wherever people trade free from from interference. But of course, that won't satisfy you. Because your point is, apparently, that we don't have a perfectly free market. So the fuck what? What does that fact mean to you? Can you explain? Or will you just stomp your feet and pout?

You stated, 'Believe or not, we can take care of each other without corporate sponsored government programs, without feeding the consumer war-machine'.

I asked you , 'How.'

How is that a demand?
It's not a comment, it's a question. Forgive me, I forgot the '?".

If you answer the question, you'll have the answer.

It's not a question. It's a demand. A tedious and pointless demand. We have a free market wherever people trade free from from interference. But of course, that won't satisfy you. Because your point is, apparently, that we don't have a perfectly free market. So the fuck what? What does that fact mean to you? Can you explain? Or will you just stomp your feet and pout?

You stated, 'Believe or not, we can take care of each other without corporate sponsored government programs, without feeding the consumer war-machine'.

I asked you , 'How.'

How is that a demand?

Try to follow along. The demand was 'show me a free market'. How do we take care of each other? Seriously? You don't have children, do you?
So what about those with no children, or the 50% who have bad children, or children with bad spouses etc etc etc? God dupes are silly feckers...try civilization...
Lefties ain't got a clue about what makes the Middle Class work. They are clueless about the most important issue that can make a difference between life and death. That's right, energy. City bound lefties and leftie elitists get their electricity from God knows where but they scream when it's rarely lost. They pay taxi cabs or use subways for their transportation to work so they have no idea what a 60 mile commute by car costs. They stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer and they ain't got a clue how the stuff gets to their apartments and work places. In short lefties ain't got a clue about the cost of energy which is the biggest issue that the middle class faces. The most important leftie icon told Americans that he will wean them off fossil fuel but he didn't indicate how he would replace fuel oil and gasoline and diesel fuel. We know by know that gigantic bird killing windmills are a joke and a forest of solar panels don't work and gigantic batteries are costly and inefficient. Crooked democrats have supported Saudi princes and Mid East oil for decades while preventing American companies from making the US independent from foreign oil. Russia just signed a 30 year treaty to supply China with fossil fuel while the US is pretending that wind and sunshine is the future of energy.
BS, dingbat. Change the channel. Thanks for the world depression and the worst wars ever, and the ruin of the nonrich and the country with your Reaganist BS...
So what about those with no children, or the 50% who have bad children, or children with bad spouses etc etc etc? God dupes are silly feckers...try civilization...

We should help them out! But I guess you'd rather pass a law forcing someone else to do it. Nice. You're such a fucking altruist.
So what about those with no children, or the 50% who have bad children, or children with bad spouses etc etc etc? God dupes are silly feckers...try civilization...

We should help them out! But I guess you'd rather pass a law forcing someone else to do it. Nice. You're such a fucking altruist.

no, but I'd pay 5% more and use intelligence to end suffering- you're a gd moron. You can thank liberals when shytte hits the fan in your silly provincial, whistle past the graveyard life...

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