Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

So what about those with no children, or the 50% who have bad children, or children with bad spouses etc etc etc? God dupes are silly feckers...try civilization...

We should help them out! But I guess you'd rather pass a law forcing someone else to do it. Nice. You're such a fucking altruist.

Charity is humiliating, fails in bad times (Pub busts), has huge and corrupt overhead, and DOESN"T WORK. Dingbat!
If you dupes knew history you'd know your bs leads to ridiculous inequality, potters fields, poor houses, poisonous food, drugs, a disgrace. And just what Reaganist policy and tax rates are taking us. See sig.
So what about those with no children, or the 50% who have bad children, or children with bad spouses etc etc etc? God dupes are silly feckers...try civilization...

We should help them out! But I guess you'd rather pass a law forcing someone else to do it. Nice. You're such a fucking altruist.

no, but I'd pay 5% more and use intelligence to end suffering ..

Awesome, me too. But the question is whether you want to send the cops after your neighbor if he doesn't want to go along with your plan. Well? Do you?
Start with the IRS. Right now actually, it's your brainwashing greedy idiot Pub rich that need to pay more, not any neighbors of yours...
Start with the IRS. Right now actually, it's your brainwashing greedy idiot Pub rich that need to pay more, not any neighbors of yours...

Come on back to the point. Is it really necessary to get the police involved to help the poor?
3) Invite in 100,000 American college educated foreigners with TECHNOLOGY skills rather than 100,000 parent-less babies in diapers dumped thru our borders.

7) Slow down the release of the bad guys that our military gave their lives to find and incarcerate. NOT RELEASE THEM so that ISIS has a leadership built from the prisons in Iraq and Afghan will have a new Cabinet for the next Taliban govt.
I congratulate you, poster #7 to be the first one on topic in this thread.
3) It seems to me that America has no shortage of it's own educated people, many of them without jobs and homeless. Undocumented and illegal workers on the other hand seems to be doing types of jobs that Americans do not seem to be interested in doing

7) Should we invade a few more countries, build a few more prisons for all these bad guys?
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

It's not hard to answer you just can't understand it.

We offer an opportunity to advance yourself based upon your own ability to actually achieve more than just middle class. We also provide opportunity for low class people to move into the middle class.

You seem to think we need to "offer" people a way to move up in class with no effort on their own. The government will simply grant people middle class status by stealing from others trying to work themselves into the middle class.

Your question isn't too hard to understand the solution is just too far from your ability to conceive.

You can't provide anyone a middle class living if they aren't earning it. There simply isn't enough tax money available to do that.

We offer an opportunity, you want to guarantee a failure of living in poverty on government handouts and think you can call that middle class. We think people without the burdens of government can do better for themselves.

We offer a chance at being successful, you offer them an unemployment check.
This is the best post I've seen by you, only these offers are just a mascaraed of GOP. Sounds lovely, but I can dissect it easily: Aside from Ron Paul, GOP hopefuls of 2008 and 2012 did not show any concern about the welfare class of billionaires that originates from federal reserve, which was enacted while more than 70% of congress was out on Christmas Holidays, and mathematically it is IMPOSSIBLE to pay down the debt (aka enslavement) on interest, end result being only SLAVERY. coincidentally Ron Paul was the laughing stock of GOP and one can only wonder WHY.
"We offer an opportunity, you want to guarantee a failure of living in poverty on government handouts and think you can call that middle class. We think people without the burdens of government can do better for themselves.

We offer a chance at being successful, you offer them an unemployment check."

Actually, Dems offer training and education, better infrastructure, tax relief for the NONRICH ONLY. UE is there ONLY because Pub of greed and corruption wrecking the economy AGAIN- and blocking recovery for 4 years with phony crises and disfunction, not to mention fear mongering BS for the dupes...
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Start with the IRS. Right now actually, it's your brainwashing greedy idiot Pub rich that need to pay more, not any neighbors of yours...

Come on back to the point. Is it really necessary to get the police involved to help the poor?

Not at all. The rich will pay more if told to.

Why? Because if they don't, the police will come and take their shit. Don't hide from the true nature of what you're advocating.
30% of German energy is wind and solar, etc, chumps of the greedy idiot rich and big oil.

BBC News - German coal industry underpins renewable push

Two new lignite plants were opened in 2012, with a further two in the pipeline. Another two hard coal plants also opened last year, with a further five opening this year or next, with two more awaiting licences.

The effects are already being felt. Lignite production in 2012 hit its highest level for almost 20 years, while initial estimates suggest this brown coal was used to generate 162bn kWh of electricity last year, more than in any year since 1990. The use of hard coal also increased, meaning the two energy sources accounted for 46% of Germany's overall energy production.


It's not a question. It's a demand. A tedious and pointless demand. We have a free market wherever people trade free from from interference. But of course, that won't satisfy you. Because your point is, apparently, that we don't have a perfectly free market. So the fuck what? What does that fact mean to you? Can you explain? Or will you just stomp your feet and pout?

You stated, 'Believe or not, we can take care of each other without corporate sponsored government programs, without feeding the consumer war-machine'.

I asked you , 'How.'

How is that a demand?

Try to follow along. The demand was 'show me a free market'. How do we take care of each other? Seriously? You don't have children, do you?

You stated 'free market', I call bull shit. I proved my point. Give it up!
If you dupes knew history you'd know your bs leads to ridiculous inequality, potters fields, poor houses, poisonous food, drugs, a disgrace. And just what Reaganist policy and tax rates are taking us. See sig.

And your solutions lead to tens of millions of dead people buried in mass graves. I know which group I would rather be in.
"We offer an opportunity, you want to guarantee a failure of living in poverty on government handouts and think you can call that middle class. We think people without the burdens of government can do better for themselves.

We offer a chance at being successful, you offer them an unemployment check."

Actually, Dems offer training and education, better infrastructure, tax relief for the NONRICH ONLY. UE is there ONLY because Pub of greed and corruption wrecking the economy AGAIN- and blocking recovery for 4 years with phony crises and disfunction, not to mention fear mongering BS for the dupes...

Great joke!

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
You stated, 'Believe or not, we can take care of each other without corporate sponsored government programs, without feeding the consumer war-machine'.

I asked you , 'How.'

How is that a demand?

Try to follow along. The demand was 'show me a free market'. How do we take care of each other? Seriously? You don't have children, do you?

You stated 'free market', I call bull shit. I proved my point. Give it up!

Wow... you can't even focus clearly enough to carry on a conversation. Sorry man.
Less government, lower taxes, and a chance at economic prosperity through helping small businesses thrive.
The problem with you people is that you expect politicians to give you shit instead of getting off your whiny asses and getting it for yourselves.

I've never understood these "what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" conversations.

How much time do people spend thinking about this stuff?

A life spent waiting for a bunch of professional politicians to make your life better is a wasted life, indeed.


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