Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

"what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" How many tens of billions has WalMart received?
Walmart sells products that people buy, duh. That's how they get their billions, duh. You still trying to figure out why walmart doesn't pay profit tax on their gross sales? I thought you would have figured it out by now.

You mean why effective tax for individuals is figured differently than companies? Because investors can't figure out profit.

You mean why effective tax for individuals is figured differently than companies?

You don't think they should subtract COGS before they're taxed? LOL!

Because investors can't figure out profit.

But enough about you.
What do Repubs off the middle class? Is that the question? If so, that's an easy one.

Republican offer the middle class a fantasy. The fantasy that IF only there were so much less government, so much less taxes and much more corporate favoritism, that us in the middle would all be good to go.

Kinda like the "trickle down" bullshit that was sold to the middle class the last time the economy collapsed.

And you Repubs wonder why no one is buying your bullshit this time? It's because your ideas lead to failure for the middle class. And you Repubs are the ONLY ones that can't figure that out.

I want government out of the way, they are corrupt, they are lazy, they hate to be challenged. How many case do we have of Child Protective Services failing, how many times have you gone into DMV and they are rude because they don't need to be nice. How many times do you go to the Post Office and receive rude service. How often to you hear of the police playing favorites or wanting to take the easy way out to solve a problem. Then you have judges that take bribes, make really stupid decisions. Add to this our elected politicians that let lobbyist buy their votes, that are under corruption charges.

And the list goes on and on, taxes being wasted, and then the Democrats support corporate welfare at the same time as telling you they are for the middle class.

Obamacare is another example of putting the burden on the middle class while giving corporate America a break.

Democrats lie all the time about helping the middle class, that is BS and if you are stupid enough to believe it, then fine be stupid and be a partisan dumb shit.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Walmart sells products that people buy, duh. That's how they get their billions, duh. You still trying to figure out why walmart doesn't pay profit tax on their gross sales? I thought you would have figured it out by now.

You mean why effective tax for individuals is figured differently than companies? Because investors can't figure out profit.

You aren't the bright one, are you.

You can't answer my question so I must be the bright one. You? Not so much.

I've never understood these "what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" conversations.

How much time do people spend thinking about this stuff?

A life spent waiting for a bunch of professional politicians to make your life better is a wasted life, indeed.

"what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" How many tens of billions has WalMart received?

Deflection noted.

Anything else?

I'm pointing out that hiring ended when the subsidies ended. I see you missed that.
You mean why effective tax for individuals is figured differently than companies? Because investors can't figure out profit.

You aren't the bright one, are you.

You can't answer my question so I must be the bright one. You? Not so much.

It wasn't the question that made you look stupid. It was your answer, stating that investors can't figure out profit. This in the context of your prior statements regarding profit and taxes, and this new question you figured.
Yes you people. The incessant whiners.

'you people' is a racial epithet, which make you the 'Grand Exhaulted Cycloptic' :asshole:

Sorry but it is obvious that it cannot be used as a racial epithet on an anonymous message board.

Well obvious to those with half a brain anyway.

that right there leaves out most liarberals, what brain power they do have, they must use it to brush their teeth or wype [sic] their ass, it really is a confusing factor with all liberfools :up:
You mean why effective tax for individuals is figured differently than companies? Because investors can't figure out profit.

You aren't the bright one, are you.

You can't answer my question so I must be the bright one. You? Not so much.

Your question has been answered repeatedly. The problem is you aren't getting the response you seem to want. Better come up with some better responses or this thread too will be closed because of your incessant SPAMMING.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

Death and Destruction. The same things they offer Americans in this country.
You aren't the bright one, are you.

You can't answer my question so I must be the bright one. You? Not so much.

It wasn't the question that made you look stupid. It was your answer, stating that investors can't figure out profit. This in the context of your prior statements regarding profit and taxes, and this new question you figured.

If you were an investor you'd know that gross profit, operating profit, net profit, as well as taxes paid all figure into investment decisions. My 'investors can't figure out profit' was simply sarcasm.

Effective tax is computed differently because they're trying to scam you into believing that businesses pay to much in taxes, which they don't, and neither do the rich.
You aren't the bright one, are you.

You can't answer my question so I must be the bright one. You? Not so much.

Your question has been answered repeatedly. The problem is you aren't getting the response you seem to want. Better come up with some better responses or this thread too will be closed because of your incessant SPAMMING.

The question is; Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific
You can't answer my question so I must be the bright one. You? Not so much.

It wasn't the question that made you look stupid. It was your answer, stating that investors can't figure out profit. This in the context of your prior statements regarding profit and taxes, and this new question you figured.

If you were an investor you'd know that gross profit, operating profit, net profit, as well as taxes paid all figure into investment decisions. My 'investors can't figure out profit' was simply sarcasm.

Effective tax is computed differently because they're trying to scam you into believing that businesses pay to much in taxes, which they don't, and neither do the rich.

Darn those corporations, they should pay 35% on their revenue, right?
Why should they get to subtract COGS and employee compensation before taxes are calculated?
You can't answer my question so I must be the bright one. You? Not so much.

It wasn't the question that made you look stupid. It was your answer, stating that investors can't figure out profit. This in the context of your prior statements regarding profit and taxes, and this new question you figured.

If you were an investor you'd know that gross profit, operating profit, net profit, as well as taxes paid all figure into investment decisions. My 'investors can't figure out profit' was simply sarcasm.

Effective tax is computed differently because they're trying to scam you into believing that businesses pay to much in taxes, which they don't, and neither do the rich.

The people who pay to much in taxes are the upper middle class income folks. This to make up for the taxes that the others are not paying. The system is designed to stop people from moving up the income ladder by progressively screwing them over while simultaneously rewarding people who work less and people who decide to move their assets and investments offshore.

Effective tax is simply a measure after deductions. Your assumptions, that you have stated over time, that cost of goods and services should not be deducted from gross receipts continues to make your ideas about taxes sound ludicrous.

Corporate tax is a tax on profit.
Sale tax is a tax on gross receipts.
Personal income tax is a tax on labor.
Capital gains tax is a tax in investment income.
Comparing the four types of taxes with one phrase "effective tax" is ridiculously stupid.

What you may be thinking, fill in, is that we should have some sort of way to get money from people based on how much they have. Sort of like a death tax that takes half your stuff when you die, only this would be taking a tithe at the end of the year of what ever you have in tangible assets.
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It wasn't the question that made you look stupid. It was your answer, stating that investors can't figure out profit. This in the context of your prior statements regarding profit and taxes, and this new question you figured.

If you were an investor you'd know that gross profit, operating profit, net profit, as well as taxes paid all figure into investment decisions. My 'investors can't figure out profit' was simply sarcasm.

Effective tax is computed differently because they're trying to scam you into believing that businesses pay to much in taxes, which they don't, and neither do the rich.

The people who pay to much in taxes are the upper middle class income folks. This to make up for the taxes that the others are not paying. The system is designed to stop people from moving up the income ladder by progressively screwing them over while simultaneously rewarding people who work less and people who decide to move their assets and investments offshore.

Effective tax is simply a measure after deductions. Your assumptions, that you have stated over time, that cost of goods and services should not be deducted from gross receipts continues to make your ideas about taxes sound ludicrous.

Corporate tax is a tax on profit.
Sale tax is a tax on gross receipts.
Personal income tax is a tax on labor.
Capital gains tax is a tax in investment income.
Comparing the four types of taxes with one phrase "effective tax" is ridiculously stupid.

What you may be thinking, fill in, is that we should have some sort of way to get money from people based on how much they have. Sort of like a death tax that takes half your stuff when you die, only this would be taking a tithe at the end of the year of what ever you have in tangible assets.

If you have any tax liability you pay taxes or use deduction or loopholes to reduce those taxes.

If you move up the ladder you become smarter in tax savings. For instance, if you make $100K or more, you file as a contract employee which greatly decreases your tax liability through greater deductibles.
If you were an investor you'd know that gross profit, operating profit, net profit, as well as taxes paid all figure into investment decisions. My 'investors can't figure out profit' was simply sarcasm.

Effective tax is computed differently because they're trying to scam you into believing that businesses pay to much in taxes, which they don't, and neither do the rich.

The people who pay to much in taxes are the upper middle class income folks. This to make up for the taxes that the others are not paying. The system is designed to stop people from moving up the income ladder by progressively screwing them over while simultaneously rewarding people who work less and people who decide to move their assets and investments offshore.

Effective tax is simply a measure after deductions. Your assumptions, that you have stated over time, that cost of goods and services should not be deducted from gross receipts continues to make your ideas about taxes sound ludicrous.

Corporate tax is a tax on profit.
Sale tax is a tax on gross receipts.
Personal income tax is a tax on labor.
Capital gains tax is a tax in investment income.
Comparing the four types of taxes with one phrase "effective tax" is ridiculously stupid.

What you may be thinking, fill in, is that we should have some sort of way to get money from people based on how much they have. Sort of like a death tax that takes half your stuff when you die, only this would be taking a tithe at the end of the year of what ever you have in tangible assets.

If you have any tax liability you pay taxes or use deduction or loopholes to reduce those taxes.

If you move up the ladder you become smarter in tax savings. For instance, if you make $100K or more, you file as a contract employee which greatly decreases your tax liability through greater deductibles.

Yes that is a trick you can use to avoid personal income tax. However, that assumes the person you are working for is willing to pay you 1099. I earned hundreds of thousands a year for decades working for companies who did not want me to be a contract employee. In short, I got royally screwed over by our taxing system. Yes I could have worked for myself. And did for quite a few years. But that does not excuse the screwing over the upper middle class income folks are getting. Why are they getting screwed? Easy, they are not represented in congress. Congress represents the super rich who fund their campaigns, and the 90% that vote for them.
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It wasn't the question that made you look stupid. It was your answer, stating that investors can't figure out profit. This in the context of your prior statements regarding profit and taxes, and this new question you figured.

If you were an investor you'd know that gross profit, operating profit, net profit, as well as taxes paid all figure into investment decisions. My 'investors can't figure out profit' was simply sarcasm.

Effective tax is computed differently because they're trying to scam you into believing that businesses pay to much in taxes, which they don't, and neither do the rich.

The people who pay to much in taxes are the upper middle class income folks. This to make up for the taxes that the others are not paying. The system is designed to stop people from moving up the income ladder by progressively screwing them over while simultaneously rewarding people who work less and people who decide to move their assets and investments offshore.

Effective tax is simply a measure after deductions. Your assumptions, that you have stated over time, that cost of goods and services should not be deducted from gross receipts continues to make your ideas about taxes sound ludicrous.

Corporate tax is a tax on profit.
Sale tax is a tax on gross receipts.
Personal income tax is a tax on labor.
Capital gains tax is a tax in investment income.
Comparing the four types of taxes with one phrase "effective tax" is ridiculously stupid.

What you may be thinking, fill in, is that we should have some sort of way to get money from people based on how much they have. Sort of like a death tax that takes half your stuff when you die, only this would be taking a tithe at the end of the year of what ever you have in tangible assets.

A company is able to deduct the costs of doing business but a worker (usually) isn't? How is that fair?
The people who pay to much in taxes are the upper middle class income folks. This to make up for the taxes that the others are not paying. The system is designed to stop people from moving up the income ladder by progressively screwing them over while simultaneously rewarding people who work less and people who decide to move their assets and investments offshore.

Effective tax is simply a measure after deductions. Your assumptions, that you have stated over time, that cost of goods and services should not be deducted from gross receipts continues to make your ideas about taxes sound ludicrous.

Corporate tax is a tax on profit.
Sale tax is a tax on gross receipts.
Personal income tax is a tax on labor.
Capital gains tax is a tax in investment income.
Comparing the four types of taxes with one phrase "effective tax" is ridiculously stupid.

What you may be thinking, fill in, is that we should have some sort of way to get money from people based on how much they have. Sort of like a death tax that takes half your stuff when you die, only this would be taking a tithe at the end of the year of what ever you have in tangible assets.

If you have any tax liability you pay taxes or use deduction or loopholes to reduce those taxes.

If you move up the ladder you become smarter in tax savings. For instance, if you make $100K or more, you file as a contract employee which greatly decreases your tax liability through greater deductibles.

Yes that is a trick you can use to avoid personal income tax. However, that assumes the person you are working for is willing to pay you 1099. I earned hundreds of thousands a year for decades working for companies who did not want me to be a contract employee. In short, I got royally screwed over by our taxing system. Yes I could have worked for myself. And did for quite a few years. But that does not excuse the screwing over the upper middle class income folks are getting. Why are they getting screwed? Easy, they are not represented in congress. Congress represents the super rich who fund their campaigns, and the 90% that vote for them.

You don't have to have a 10-99 because your employer pays the employers side of employer taxes.

You did get screwed, but not by your employer, but whomever did your taxes.

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