Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

Less government, lower taxes, and a chance at economic prosperity through helping small businesses thrive.

Less government to regulate the big guys so screwing the little guys is easier, lower taxes for the rich (like we need a tax break :), mow down more small business which is the WalMart model.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

Never fails. Cry. Where's my handout.

Democrats never change.
"We offer an opportunity, you want to guarantee a failure of living in poverty on government handouts and think you can call that middle class. We think people without the burdens of government can do better for themselves.

We offer a chance at being successful, you offer them an unemployment check."

Actually, Dems offer training and education, better infrastructure, tax relief for the NONRICH ONLY. UE is there ONLY because Pub of greed and corruption wrecking the economy AGAIN- and blocking recovery for 4 years with phony crises and disfunction, not to mention fear mongering BS for the dupes...

Translation. Democrats offer hand-outs stolen at the point of a gun to buy votes. Republicans... are democrats now.

I've never understood these "what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" conversations.

How much time do people spend thinking about this stuff?

A life spent waiting for a bunch of professional politicians to make your life better is a wasted life, indeed.

"what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" How many tens of billions has WalMart received?

I've never understood these "what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" conversations.

How much time do people spend thinking about this stuff?

A life spent waiting for a bunch of professional politicians to make your life better is a wasted life, indeed.

"what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" How many tens of billions has WalMart received?
Walmart sells products that people buy, duh. That's how they get their billions, duh. You still trying to figure out why walmart doesn't pay profit tax on their gross sales? I thought you would have figured it out by now.
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I've never understood these "what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" conversations.

How much time do people spend thinking about this stuff?

A life spent waiting for a bunch of professional politicians to make your life better is a wasted life, indeed.

"what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" How many tens of billions has WalMart received?
Walmart sells products that people buy, duh. That's how they get their billions, duh. You still trying to figure out why walmart doesn't pay profit tax on their gross sales? I thought you would have figured it out by now.

You mean why effective tax for individuals is figured differently than companies? Because investors can't figure out profit.
"what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" How many tens of billions has WalMart received?
Walmart sells products that people buy, duh. That's how they get their billions, duh. You still trying to figure out why walmart doesn't pay profit tax on their gross sales? I thought you would have figured it out by now.

You mean why effective tax for individuals is figured differently than companies? Because investors can't figure out profit.

You aren't the bright one, are you.

I've never understood these "what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" conversations.

How much time do people spend thinking about this stuff?

A life spent waiting for a bunch of professional politicians to make your life better is a wasted life, indeed.

"what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" How many tens of billions has WalMart received?

Deflection noted.

Anything else?

What do Repubs off the middle class? Is that the question? If so, that's an easy one.

Republican offer the middle class a fantasy. The fantasy that IF only there were so much less government, so much less taxes and much more corporate favoritism, that us in the middle would all be good to go.

Kinda like the "trickle down" bullshit that was sold to the middle class the last time the economy collapsed.

And you Repubs wonder why no one is buying your bullshit this time? It's because your ideas lead to failure for the middle class. And you Repubs are the ONLY ones that can't figure that out.
"what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" How many tens of billions has WalMart received?

Less government to regulate the big guys so screwing the little guys is easier, lower taxes for the rich (like we need a tax break :), mow down more small business which is the WalMart model.

I put these two quotes together with the (slim) hope that you might make a connection. You seem to recognize that government meddling is how companies like Walmart skew things in their favor. Yet you resist any effort mitigate it.

If "reformers" like you attacked the corruption in the tax code and the regulatory apparatus as often as you clamored for more of the same, you might find real consensus.
What do Repubs off the middle class? Is that the question? If so, that's an easy one.

Republican offer the middle class a fantasy. The fantasy that IF only there were so much less government, so much less taxes and much more corporate favoritism, that us in the middle would all be good to go.

Kinda like the "trickle down" bullshit that was sold to the middle class the last time the economy collapsed.

And you Repubs wonder why no one is buying your bullshit this time? It's because your ideas lead to failure for the middle class. And you Repubs are the ONLY ones that can't figure that out.

What do progs offer the middle class?

Define middle class for me it seems that everyone thinks they are middle class these days.

The mean income of the middle income quintile is about 51K a year. So that is middle class.

So for those of you making 51 K a year how much are you asking the government to give you?
To the OP. The answer is FREEDOM. Real freedom scares you libs because if you have real freedom you have to take responsibility for yourself. You want to be wards of the state. you are pathetic.
To the OP. The answer is FREEDOM. Real freedom scares you libs because if you have real freedom you have to take responsibility for yourself. You want to be wards of the state. you are pathetic.

[ame=http://youtu.be/lLCEUpIg8rE]Braveheart - Freedom - YouTube[/ame]
"what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" How many tens of billions has WalMart received?
Walmart sells products that people buy, duh. That's how they get their billions, duh. You still trying to figure out why walmart doesn't pay profit tax on their gross sales? I thought you would have figured it out by now.

You mean why effective tax for individuals is figured differently than companies? Because investors can't figure out profit.

Huh? You think personal income is the same as corporate receipts? You're daft.

I've never understood these "what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" conversations.

How much time do people spend thinking about this stuff?

A life spent waiting for a bunch of professional politicians to make your life better is a wasted life, indeed.

"what's the gubmit gonna do fer me?" How many tens of billions has WalMart received?

They paid $8.1 billion in income taxes last year. On about $26.9 billion in operating income.
Over 30%.

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