Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

But the market is fixed to the advantage of the employer so you have to have regulations that balance out to equal. But minimum wage hasn't kept up. Employers say their marking less, but corporate earnings keep making new records each quarter.

Then you have one of the highest subsidized companies in the world, WalMart, who has the highest percentage of employed welfare recipients.

Then you have one of the highest subsidized companies in the world, WalMart

What subsidies? Be specific.

Should he list all of the tax abatements and deferments, all the infrastructure bribes and special perks offered up by state and local governments? Or are we just talking federal?

Let's stick to federal.
The min wage is a subsidy.
One Percenter's screen name refers to his brain capacity. And that's an overestimate.

Kind of. In financial terms a subsidy is any financial aid direct or in-direct given by the government.

WHich the min wage is. It subsidizes people by giving them higher wages than the market would dictate. Of course it screws others by giving them no wage, which is below their marketable wage.

More lies from the idiot Rabbi.

USA Today - Study: States that raised minimum wage had stronger job growth

"A recent study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research attempts to undercut the argument that raising the minimum wage kills jobs.

The study, which updates a Goldman Sachs analysis to include data from April and May, shows that the 13 states that increased their minimum wages on Jan. 1 have had stronger employment growth than the 37 states that didn’t. The study compared average employment during the first five months of 2014 with the last five months of 2013.

...low-wage workers tend to spend nearly all their extra cash, lifting the local economy and creating more jobs."

The higher minimum wage gets all those workers off the government dole. By spending their money they create more jobs. This also gets people off the government dole. The reduced government dependance reduces need for government workers. All of these reductions in government deficit spending lowers inflation.

Obama is mopping the floor with both Bush's. They could only dream of having Obama's increased employment rates. For 5 years now Household Income, Hires & Quits rates have been rising while the Unemployment & U-6 rates have been falling. :eusa_clap:

Employment is rising at increasing velocity. First 6 months of 2014 average 231k jobs added per month, last year the average was 194K jobs added per month. :eusa_clap:

The last time over 200,000 new jobs were created 6 months in a row was in 1999 when Bill Clinton was president! :eusa_clap:

Bush took the employment rate of working age population from 74% down to 65%. :eek:

Bush destroyed 18 million jobs. :eek:

Obama took the employment rate of working age population from 65% up to 69%. :eusa_clap:

Obama restored or created 8 million jobs. :eusa_clap:

Employment Rate of Working Age Population
Then you have one of the highest subsidized companies in the world, WalMart

What subsidies? Be specific.

Should he list all of the tax abatements and deferments, all the infrastructure bribes and special perks offered up by state and local governments? Or are we just talking federal?

Let's stick to federal.

I think most of Wal-Mart's shenanigans involve playing localities against each other, bargaining for special privileges and, yes, subsidies. Not sure why that wouldn't count.
The min wage is a subsidy.

One Percenter's screen name refers to his brain capacity. And that's an overestimate.

Kind of. In financial terms a subsidy is any financial aid direct or in-direct given by the government.

Then the minimum wage is just a subsidy. Subsidies ruin a free market and so does the minumum wage.

Indeed it is. So is welfare for low wage workers. Most of these 'feel good' policies (that other wise don't make much sense) have big money interests behind them. That's how this shit worms its way through Congress.
Should he list all of the tax abatements and deferments, all the infrastructure bribes and special perks offered up by state and local governments? Or are we just talking federal?

Let's stick to federal.

I think most of Wal-Mart's shenanigans involve playing localities against each other, bargaining for special privileges and, yes, subsidies. Not sure why that wouldn't count.

Fire away.
Then the minimum wage is just a subsidy. Subsidies ruin a free market and so does the minumum wage.

You don't know jack shit about free markets. $12 trillion to bail out wallstreet, with $2.5 trillion still on the Fed's balance sheet is not a free market. They caused all the inflation & stole all the wealth created by underpaid workers. They must pay higher wages for the massive inflation & job loss burden they put on workers. Wallstreet is massively subsidized by workers taxes. A worker making $100k pays 50% tax rate while wallstreeters only pay 13% tax rate.
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Then the minimum wage is just a subsidy. Subsidies ruin a free market and so does the minumum wage.

You don't know jack shit about free markets. $12 trillion to bail out wallstreet, with $2.5 trillion still on the Fed's balance sheet is not a free market. They caused all the inflation & stole all the wealth created by underpaid workers. They must pay higher wages for the massive inflation & job loss burden they put on workers.

Youv'e given examples where there is no free market and tell him he doesnt know jack shit?? No, YOU don't know jack shit. Or his cousin Giva.
Then the minimum wage is just a subsidy. Subsidies ruin a free market and so does the minumum wage.

You don't know jack shit about free markets. $12 trillion to bail out wallstreet, with $2.5 trillion still on the Fed's balance sheet is not a free market. They caused all the inflation & stole all the wealth created by underpaid workers. They must pay higher wages for the massive inflation & job loss burden they put on workers. Wallstreet is massively subsidized by workers taxes. A worker making $100k pays 50% tax rate while wallstreeters only pay 13% tax rate.

$12 trillion to bail out wallstreet


A worker making $100k pays 50% tax rate

A single worker taking the standard deduction and standard exemption pays $18,500.

while wallstreeters only pay 13% tax rate.

Republicans are offering a President who will do the job instead of going to a bar and playing pool rather than work on a border crisis. He doesn't seem to care about "The Children" as much as his useful idiots do.

Who are the Republicans offering?
[MENTION=43400]OnePercenter[/MENTION] can you please answer the question instead of ignoring it? Did we catch you in ANOTHER lie?

GOP blocks Obama's bid to end oil subsidies - CBS News

'imaginary $100 trillion claim' - Already answered.

Wow! the Senate? The GOP also needed votes from Democrats to vote it down, of course it's not Democrats fault, only Republicans. LOL!!!

You are a funny guy.

I do have a question for you, why do the Democrats back big corporations and are fighting so hard to keep the EIB alive?

Why would the GOP need Democrat votes?
We need to grow the middle class. We do this by putting a cap on the ceo's of up to 15 times the lowest workers on all corporations. The lowest worker making 20k per year can only have a ceo making 300k/year. Secondly, we need to raise the minimum wage nationwide to $12/hour and thirdly, we need to raise income taxes on all people making more then a million/year to 50%.

We can start to turn this ship around if we do.
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Kind of. In financial terms a subsidy is any financial aid direct or in-direct given by the government.

Then the minimum wage is just a subsidy. Subsidies ruin a free market and so does the minumum wage.

Show me where we have a free market.

I see this comment a lot, but I'm not sure what the point is. There is never perfect freedom - there's always an asshole ready to throw his weight around. But the question remains: do we want more freedom, or less?
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Then the minimum wage is just a subsidy. Subsidies ruin a free market and so does the minumum wage.

Show me where we have a free market.

I see this comment a lot, but I'm not sure what the point is. There is never perfect freedom - there's always an asshole ready to throw his weight around. But the question remains: do we want more freedom, or less?

That's what I mean, we don't have a free market, but that's not a reason to regulate the market more and more. We can try to keep the market as free as possible.
GOP blocks Obama's bid to end oil subsidies - CBS News

'imaginary $100 trillion claim' - Already answered.

Wow! the Senate? The GOP also needed votes from Democrats to vote it down, of course it's not Democrats fault, only Republicans. LOL!!!

You are a funny guy.

I do have a question for you, why do the Democrats back big corporations and are fighting so hard to keep the EIB alive?

Why would the GOP need Democrat votes?

Can't answer a question? You talk about Democrats for the middle class but they refuse to shut down the EIB, why is that? It is corporate welfare, you are against corporate welfare, yet you say nothing.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Then the minimum wage is just a subsidy. Subsidies ruin a free market and so does the minumum wage.

You don't know jack shit about free markets. $12 trillion to bail out wallstreet, with $2.5 trillion still on the Fed's balance sheet is not a free market. They caused all the inflation & stole all the wealth created by underpaid workers. They must pay higher wages for the massive inflation & job loss burden they put on workers. Wallstreet is massively subsidized by workers taxes. A worker making $100k pays 50% tax rate while wallstreeters only pay 13% tax rate.

$12 trillion to bail out wallstreet


A worker making $100k pays 50% tax rate

A single worker taking the standard deduction and standard exemption pays $18,500.

while wallstreeters only pay 13% tax rate.


The Payrol Tax & Social Security money was invested in supply side tax loopholes subsidizing the rich that will never return the investment. Workers were taxed to death so Mitt Romney could pay less than 13% tax & many other Wallstreeters paid nothing at all. Everyone should pay the same tax rate regardless of income. Everyone should pay at least 19% federal tax, because that is the average spend rate over the past 50 years. Paying less means you are stealing from me & other middle income paying 39% - 52% effective tax rate.

The laffer curve max tax revenue rate is 33%. Tax rates should never be above that. But government unified the budget making payroll taxes go to fund government so they could lower the dividend tax rate. The working class paid most of the taxes in this country subsidizing so the rich & poor could pay much less. Everyone paying a combined effective tax rate above 33% deserves a tax cut.


We need to grow the middle class. We do this by putting a cap on the ceo's of up to 15 times the lowest workers on all corporations. The lowest worker making 20k per year can only have a ceo making 300k/year. Secondly, we need to raise the minimum wage nationwide to $12/hour and thirdly, we need to raise income taxes on all people making more then a million/year to 50%.

We can start to turn this ship around if we do.

The ship is sinking, Matthew wants to add more water.
You don't know jack shit about free markets. $12 trillion to bail out wallstreet, with $2.5 trillion still on the Fed's balance sheet is not a free market. They caused all the inflation & stole all the wealth created by underpaid workers. They must pay higher wages for the massive inflation & job loss burden they put on workers. Wallstreet is massively subsidized by workers taxes. A worker making $100k pays 50% tax rate while wallstreeters only pay 13% tax rate.

$12 trillion to bail out wallstreet


A worker making $100k pays 50% tax rate

A single worker taking the standard deduction and standard exemption pays $18,500.

while wallstreeters only pay 13% tax rate.


The Payrol Tax & Social Security money was invested in supply side tax loopholes subsidizing the rich that will never return the investment. Workers were taxed to death so Mitt Romney could pay less than 13% tax & many other Wallstreeters paid nothing at all. Everyone should pay the same tax rate regardless of income. Everyone should pay at least 19% federal tax, because that is the average spend rate over the past 50 years. Paying less means you are stealing from me & other middle income paying 39% - 52% effective tax rate.

The laffer curve max tax revenue rate is 33%. Tax rates should never be above that. But government unified the budget making payroll taxes go to fund government so they could lower the dividend tax rate. The working class paid most of the taxes in this country subsidizing so the rich & poor could pay much less. Everyone paying a combined effective tax rate above 33% deserves a tax cut.



Workers were taxed to death

I know! That poor guy making $100K paid 18.5%.
Outrageous!!! How can he make ends meet?

Everyone should pay at least 19% federal tax,

Wait, you want to raise taxes on that $100k worker? He was taxed to death already!!!

And you know all the workers making a lot less than $100k will really get screwed by your bright idea. Why are you so heartless?

Thanks for the moronic pay stub that shows a 35.9% Fed tax on the guy who makes $100,000 per pay period. Hilarious!!!!

Be careful when you bend over to tie your shoe, with your brain power you'll probably fall on your face.
The min wage is a subsidy.

One Percenter's screen name refers to his brain capacity. And that's an overestimate.

Kind of. In financial terms a subsidy is any financial aid direct or in-direct given by the government.

Then the minimum wage is just a subsidy. Subsidies ruin a free market and so does the minumum wage.
You have three choices;
1. require everyone to pay a living wage and insure everyone who wants a job has a job.
2. Subsidize those who don't make a living wage via welfare.
3. allow Americans to live in cages like they do in Hong Kong, in cubicles like they do in Japan, Bamboo huts like they do in Cambodia, or in filth like they do in Mexico.

So which choice are you going to make?

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