Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The biggest thing in my opinion is that they are not the party that has been in power for the last 8 disastrous years. Why with the state of the economy democrats think they deserve more of a chance is laughable. Do I think Republicans will do much better, hell no the mess has become too big. Nice if they would but I doubt it. But that does not stop us from trying and awarding people like Pelosi and Reid for the division and disaster they have created is just unthinkable.

Vote the ins out, teach then a lesson. Just as was done with Cantor.
To me -- It's all a grudge death match.. The 2 parties in power are gonna OUTBID each other for votes, keep corporations flush with cash thru subsidies, and ignore all the persistant Constitution duties in favor of dicking around with whatever strikes their fancy. Today Energy drinks, tomorrow nuclear fusion.

What's dying in this grudge match is the country.. Not the party faithful.. I have no faith in either major party - but I see the Repubs offering is -----

1) An acknowledgement that Free Enterprise is the engine of the car that Bush left in a ditch and to restart that engine by concentrating on ASSISTING biz rather than demeaning it by telling entreprenuers that "they didn't build this".

2) To stop dicking around with MINIMUM standards of education and RAISE EXPECTATIONS for our public schools so that 21st job skills will be available to most all of the next generation.

3) Invite in 100,000 American college educated foreigners with TECHNOLOGY skills rather than 100,000 parent-less babies in diapers dumped thru our borders.

4) Stop the paralyzing class warfare rhetoric and promote PEOPLE into 21st century jobs. Not just pump up wages for jobs that won't support this country thru the next decades.

5) Stop handing out $50 for every Energy Star Washing machine to corporations who would build the shit anyway, and incentivize new factory automation and R&D.

6) Stop wasting time on dismantling our electrical grid and promoting energy poverty when the object of an energy infrastructure is to make energy ABUNDANT and CHEAP.

7) Slow down the release of the bad guys that our military gave their lives to find and incarcerate. NOT RELEASE THEM so that ISIS has a leadership built from the prisons in Iraq and Afghan will have a new Cabinet for the next Taliban govt.

8) Put safeguards in place that allow for ACCOUNTABILITY AND FIRING of asses at the agencies that are now above Congressional oversight and flaunt their untouchable status in front of Congress and the Americans that they are spying on and screwing.

9) Put an emphasis on Technology developments that create entirely NEW industries in Biotech, robotics, artificial intelligence and logistics rather than fund trophy EVs for millionaires, or 200 year old wind and solar energy ideas.

10) Actually put safety net programs on solid footing and MANAGE them for efficiency of delivery of benefits. That includes stabilizing Soc Sec and Medicare since the crisis that we KNEW was gonna happen is already here.

11) Empower the states to EXPERIMENT in entitlements, welfare, education and healthcare rather than failing to IMPOSE a structure on them in which the goals are never realized and the costs keep going up.

There's more "expectations" --- but I'm not holding my breath for the RIGHT Republicans to
be elected to accomplish the majority of this.. This is only what they SAY they stand for. And only SOME of them actually mean it..


The actual quote from Obama;

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me—because they want to give something back. They know they didn't—look, if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own... If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business—you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

As a former owner of two business, one that I planned from inception, that statement is 100% true. Remember: Hire people smarter than you, then step back and let them do their job, Howard Schultz, Starbucks CEO

Oh gee. Thanks for the quote from your Dear Leader that you tried so hard to spin.,. The fact that I gave you NOT ONE but 11 answers to your question you think is so hard ---- and the only reaction I got was you sucking political dick --- tells me this is ONE GENUINE TROLLING EXERCISE. If you want to reward the Dems for all the outrages and incompetence of the past 6 years, you should fire your own stupid ass.

Just because the OP asked what the Republicans have done for the middle class doesn't necessarily mean he's recommending Democrats.
What do Republicans offer to the middle class?

Absolutely nothing. They only answer to the lobbyists (from the corporations) that put the most money in their re-election funds.

What do Democrats offer? Well, there's the first one of healthcare for everyone (except in states run by the Republicans who hate the ACA, which is why there is a gap), there's also the fact that they want to raise the minimum wage (which means that instead of working three jobs, you may be able to make it on one), and the fact that they think we should improve this nation rather than build other nations.

I mean.....................American exceptionalism? Why can't we spend 1/4 of what we spent on the Iraq war and get this country moving again?

You do realize that the rich use the same roads the rest of us use, right? Why won't they pay their fair share for the use of those roads like the rest of us do?

WOW ! my bullshit meter just went off the peg, how does one reply to such insane ramblings of a libertard ?

once you get to the word "offer".....right away you know what his libtard mindset is all about.....:rolleyes:
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The GOP has gone off the rails, but here is what I would offer:

1) A ban on all tax expenditures. As long as tax expenditures are allowed to exist, it does not matter what tax system we have (income tax, consumption tax, Fair Tax, etc.). If tax expenditures are allowed, whatever tax system we have will be corrupted. Ban all tax expenditures, and the taxpaying playing field will be level. Then tax rates can be lowered for everyone, and the debt can be paid off. Tax expenditures are currently costing our country over $1.2 trillion a year. And when you take away a politician's ability to put a tax expenditure in the tax code, you take away the incentive for a special interest to bribe them to do so. Instant campaign finance reform!

2) Make the purchase of health insurance identical to the purchase of auto, life, and fire insurance. You call any company in the country that sells it, you decide what options you want, and you pay for it, not your employer. When you buy it, it does not stop when you change or lose your job.

3) Here is a really crazy idea: Your employer gives you a paycheck, and you decide how to spend it. The government does not tell you how to spend it. The government does not tell your employer what fringe benefits they must provide. Your employer gives you cash, and that's it. If your employer gives you more than that, that is THEIR choice, not the government's.

4) Common Core, or something very much like it. Common Core was created in cooperation with the business community so our children will have the necessary skills for the jobs of tomorrow. The days of growing up and going to work in your daddy's low-skill factory job are gone. We need to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, computer sciences, etc. Unions trying to protect low skilled jobs and force employers to pay wages higher than the skills are worth is stupid and counterproductive.

5) Stop protecting the criminals in the financial sector. They need to start going to prison for long stretches, not paying fines with no admission of wrongdoing. They are destroying the very DNA of our capitalist system.

6) Reverse the concentration of power at the top. The more centrally located power is, the more easily captured it is by special interests. I am sick and tired of the left wing working to concentrate power at the federal level one day, and then hearing them whine about special interest money capturing and corrupting that power the next day. FIGURE IT OUT, RUBES! Take power away from federal officials and you remove the incentive to bribe them. Instant campaign finance reform!

7) Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. In 1935, when SS was enacted, only 5.4% of the population was over 65. In 1964, when Medicare was enacted, 9 percent of the population was over 65. Today, over 13 percent of the population is over 65. A larger and larger portion drawing from the Treasury while a smaller and smaller portion is paying in is unsustainable. We are living decades longer than our ancestors of 1935, it is just plain common sense we should be working longer.
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The conservatives know that getting government out of the way is the way to build prosperity.
Liberals think government builds prosperity and so want speciic programs. There are no specific government programs to build prosperity. If there were France would be an economic powerhouse instead of the stagnant shithole it is.

Tell me what government policies specifically are harming the middle class?

-EPA regulations
-Repeal of Bush tax cuts
-Green energy programs
Zero interest rates
for a start.

don't forget the ******* program called Obamacare....

tax and spend is what Obama's economic policies are all about....tax and spend....tax and spend....straight into poverty....

we are battling for our very economic survival....:mad:
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The GOP has gone off the rails, but here is what I would offer:

1) A ban on all tax expenditures. As long as tax expenditures are allowed to exist, it does not matter what tax system we have (income tax, consumption tax, Fair Tax, etc.). If tax expenditures are allowed, whatever tax system we have will be corrupted. Ban all tax expenditures, and the taxpaying playing field will be level. Then tax rates can be lowered for everyone, and the debt can be paid off. Tax expenditures are currently costing our country over $1.2 trillion a year. And when you take away a politician's ability to put a tax expenditure in the tax code, you take away the incentive for a special interest to bribe them to do so. Instant campaign finance reform!

2) Make the purchase of health insurance identical to the purchase of auto, life, and fire insurance. You call any company in the country that sells it, you decide what options you want, and you pay for it, not your employer. When you buy it, it does not stop when you change or lose your job.

3) Your employer gives you a paycheck, and you decide how to spend it. The government does not tell you how to spend it. The government does not tell your employer what fringe benefits they must provide. Your employer gives you cash, and that's it. If your employer gives you more than that, that is THEIR choice, not the government's.

4) Common Core, or something very much like it. Common Core was created in cooperation with the business community so our children will have the necessary skills for the jobs of tomorrow. The days of growing up and going to work in your daddy's low-skill factory job are gone. We need to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, computer sciences, etc. Unions trying to protect low skilled jobs and force employers to pay wages higher than the skills are worth is stupid and counterproductive.

5) Stop protecting the criminals in the financial sector. They need to start going to prison for long stretches, not paying fines with no admission of wrongdoing. They are destroying the very DNA of our capitalist system.

6) Reverse the concentration of power at the top. The more centrally located power is, the more easily captured it is by special interests. I am sick and tired of the left wing working to concentrate power at the federal level one day, and then hearing them whine about special interest money capturing and corrupting that power the next day. FIGURE IT OUT, RUBES! Take power away from federal officials and you remove the incentive to bribe them. Instant campaign finance reform!

7) Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. In 1935, when SS was enacted, only 5.4% of the population was over 65. In 1964, when Medicare was enacted, 9 percent of the population was over 65. Today, over 13 percent of the population is over 65. A larger and larger portion drawing from the Treasury while a smaller and smaller portion is paying in is unsustainable. We are living decades longer than our ancestors of 1935, it is just plain common sense we should be working longer.

great ideas except for #4.....Common core or something like it is too federal government-centralized....we need to bust the school unions and gut the Education department...education is much like healthcare....better when YOU control it...
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The GOP has gone off the rails, but here is what I would offer:

1) A ban on all tax expenditures. As long as tax expenditures are allowed to exist, it does not matter what tax system we have (income tax, consumption tax, Fair Tax, etc.). If tax expenditures are allowed, whatever tax system we have will be corrupted. Ban all tax expenditures, and the taxpaying playing field will be level. Then tax rates can be lowered for everyone, and the debt can be paid off. Tax expenditures are currently costing our country over $1.2 trillion a year. And when you take away a politician's ability to put a tax expenditure in the tax code, you take away the incentive for a special interest to bribe them to do so. Instant campaign finance reform!

2) Make the purchase of health insurance identical to the purchase of auto, life, and fire insurance. You call any company in the country that sells it, you decide what options you want, and you pay for it, not your employer. When you buy it, it does not stop when you change or lose your job.

3) Your employer gives you a paycheck, and you decide how to spend it. The government does not tell you how to spend it. The government does not tell your employer what fringe benefits they must provide. Your employer gives you cash, and that's it. If your employer gives you more than that, that is THEIR choice, not the government's.

4) Common Core, or something very much like it. Common Core was created in cooperation with the business community so our children will have the necessary skills for the jobs of tomorrow. The days of growing up and going to work in your daddy's low-skill factory job are gone. We need to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, computer sciences, etc. Unions trying to protect low skilled jobs and force employers to pay wages higher than the skills are worth is stupid and counterproductive.

5) Stop protecting the criminals in the financial sector. They need to start going to prison for long stretches, not paying fines with no admission of wrongdoing. They are destroying the very DNA of our capitalist system.

6) Reverse the concentration of power at the top. The more centrally located power is, the more easily captured it is by special interests. I am sick and tired of the left wing working to concentrate power at the federal level one day, and then hearing them whine about special interest money capturing and corrupting that power the next day. FIGURE IT OUT, RUBES! Take power away from federal officials and you remove the incentive to bribe them. Instant campaign finance reform!

7) Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. In 1935, when SS was enacted, only 5.4% of the population was over 65. In 1964, when Medicare was enacted, 9 percent of the population was over 65. Today, over 13 percent of the population is over 65. A larger and larger portion drawing from the Treasury while a smaller and smaller portion is paying in is unsustainable. We are living decades longer than our ancestors of 1935, it is just plain common sense we should be working longer.

great ideas except for #4.....Common core or something like it is too federal government-centralized....we need to bust the school unions and gut the Education department...education is much like healthcare....better when YOU control it...

You drank the Kool-Aid. Common Core was developed by the states, with no federal guidance or money. It was approved by 44 states. Are there 44 blue states? Nope.

It was approved by Bobby Jindal, Jan Brewer, Mike Huckabee, and Jeb Bush.

But then one day Barack Obama endorsed Common Core, and the sufferers of Obama Derangement Syndrome suddenly decided Common Core is Satan's tool and "too federal government-centralized". :lol:
The Republican conservatives who used to support Common Core are now "rebranding" it just because Obama endorsed it:

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) used an executive order to strip the name “Common Core” from the state’s new math and reading standards for public schools. In the Hawkeye State, the same standards are now called “The Iowa Core.” And in Florida, lawmakers want to delete “Common Core” from official documents and replace it with the cheerier-sounding “Next Generation Sunshine State Standards.”

Oh, look! Jan Brewer used an EXECUTIVE ORDER! Dictator!

At a recent meeting of the Council of Chief State School Officers, one of the organizations that helped create the standards, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R) urged state education leaders to ditch the “Common Core” name, noting that it had become “toxic.”

“Rebrand it, refocus it, but don’t retreat,” said Huckabee, now the host of a Fox News talk show and a supporter of the standards.

Common Core by any other name is still Common Core.

They changed the name, not the standards. All because Obama Derangement Syndrome made the name toxic! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!
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The GOP has gone off the rails, but here is what I would offer:

1) A ban on all tax expenditures. As long as tax expenditures are allowed to exist, it does not matter what tax system we have (income tax, consumption tax, Fair Tax, etc.). If tax expenditures are allowed, whatever tax system we have will be corrupted. Ban all tax expenditures, and the taxpaying playing field will be level. Then tax rates can be lowered for everyone, and the debt can be paid off. Tax expenditures are currently costing our country over $1.2 trillion a year. And when you take away a politician's ability to put a tax expenditure in the tax code, you take away the incentive for a special interest to bribe them to do so. Instant campaign finance reform!

2) Make the purchase of health insurance identical to the purchase of auto, life, and fire insurance. You call any company in the country that sells it, you decide what options you want, and you pay for it, not your employer. When you buy it, it does not stop when you change or lose your job.

3) Your employer gives you a paycheck, and you decide how to spend it. The government does not tell you how to spend it. The government does not tell your employer what fringe benefits they must provide. Your employer gives you cash, and that's it. If your employer gives you more than that, that is THEIR choice, not the government's.

4) Common Core, or something very much like it. Common Core was created in cooperation with the business community so our children will have the necessary skills for the jobs of tomorrow. The days of growing up and going to work in your daddy's low-skill factory job are gone. We need to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, computer sciences, etc. Unions trying to protect low skilled jobs and force employers to pay wages higher than the skills are worth is stupid and counterproductive.

5) Stop protecting the criminals in the financial sector. They need to start going to prison for long stretches, not paying fines with no admission of wrongdoing. They are destroying the very DNA of our capitalist system.

6) Reverse the concentration of power at the top. The more centrally located power is, the more easily captured it is by special interests. I am sick and tired of the left wing working to concentrate power at the federal level one day, and then hearing them whine about special interest money capturing and corrupting that power the next day. FIGURE IT OUT, RUBES! Take power away from federal officials and you remove the incentive to bribe them. Instant campaign finance reform!

7) Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. In 1935, when SS was enacted, only 5.4% of the population was over 65. In 1964, when Medicare was enacted, 9 percent of the population was over 65. Today, over 13 percent of the population is over 65. A larger and larger portion drawing from the Treasury while a smaller and smaller portion is paying in is unsustainable. We are living decades longer than our ancestors of 1935, it is just plain common sense we should be working longer.

great ideas except for #4.....Common core or something like it is too federal government-centralized....we need to bust the school unions and gut the Education department...education is much like healthcare....better when YOU control it...

You drank the Kool-Aid. Common Core was developed by the states, with no federal guidance or money. It was approved by 44 states. Are there 44 blue states? Nope.

It was approved by Bobby Jindal, Jan Brewer, Mike Huckabee, and Jeb Bush.

But then one day Barack Obama endorsed Common Core, and the sufferers of Obama Derangement Syndrome suddenly decided Common Core is Satan's tool and "too federal government-centralized". :lol:

Oh my that Billions in grant money from the federal government had nothing to do with this?
Here is Bobby Jindal's state of Louisiana debunking the belief the federal government established the standards:

Myth 1: The Common Core State Standards are national/federal standards.
The Common Core State Standards were not developed by the federal government. The development of the standards was initiated by governors and chief state school officers (e.g., state superintendents) in 48 states. They insisted, successfully, that there be no federal funds or other federal involvement in the development of the standards. The process was managed by the National Governors Association, Council of Chief State Officers, and Achieve. This occurred before the federal Race to the Top initiative.


That was also before Jindal came down with Obama Derangement Syndrome over Common Core.
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I am distinctly middle class, I have to opportunity to make more money by working more and selling more.

All I want from my Government is to allow me to keep more of what I earn and to spend frugally and wisely.

I don't have the money to pay for:

1) Your Health Care
2) Your food
3) Your housing
5) Your cell phone
6) Your disability
7) Your unemployment

.....and all of the other bullshit you think we owe you.
The republicans are offering removal of leftist trash who don't give a damn for the average person who works, pays taxes, and follows the rules. Good enough for me.
Common Core was created by the states, with no federal oversight or money.

It was approved by Governors who are absolutely adored by the Right. Jan Brewer, Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush.

When I say the GOP has gone off the rails, it is the behavior of the rubes over Common Core today that stands out as a shining example of what I am talking about.

You know, Libertarians love to point to Underwriter's Laboratories as an example of an industry standard that could replace federal regulations. We can go round and round about that, but it is a simple fact that UL created their standards of electrical safety on their own without federal guidance.

But here's the thing. UL did such a great job establishing electrical safety standards that OSHA, the bane of all Libertarians everywhere, has made a UL certification on an electrical device an acceptable qualification for use in the workplace. The OSHA regs say you can follow such and such rules and regulations, and it goes on for pages, or...you can use an UL device and that will satisfy us, too.

Just so with Common Core. Common Core was developed by the states, and the federal government then decided it was such a great standard, it would be an acceptable qualification to receive federal education grant money. You can follow all these Race to the Top rules, or...you can go with Common Core and that will satisfy us, too.

Somehow, in the twisted minds of Obama Derangement Syndrome sufferers, this came to mean Obama wrote the Common Core standards himself to turn our children into marxist robots.

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The GOP has gone off the rails, but here is what I would offer:

1) A ban on all tax expenditures. As long as tax expenditures are allowed to exist, it does not matter what tax system we have (income tax, consumption tax, Fair Tax, etc.). If tax expenditures are allowed, whatever tax system we have will be corrupted. Ban all tax expenditures, and the taxpaying playing field will be level. Then tax rates can be lowered for everyone, and the debt can be paid off. Tax expenditures are currently costing our country over $1.2 trillion a year. And when you take away a politician's ability to put a tax expenditure in the tax code, you take away the incentive for a special interest to bribe them to do so. Instant campaign finance reform!

2) Make the purchase of health insurance identical to the purchase of auto, life, and fire insurance. You call any company in the country that sells it, you decide what options you want, and you pay for it, not your employer. When you buy it, it does not stop when you change or lose your job.

3) Your employer gives you a paycheck, and you decide how to spend it. The government does not tell you how to spend it. The government does not tell your employer what fringe benefits they must provide. Your employer gives you cash, and that's it. If your employer gives you more than that, that is THEIR choice, not the government's.

4) Common Core, or something very much like it. Common Core was created in cooperation with the business community so our children will have the necessary skills for the jobs of tomorrow. The days of growing up and going to work in your daddy's low-skill factory job are gone. We need to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, computer sciences, etc. Unions trying to protect low skilled jobs and force employers to pay wages higher than the skills are worth is stupid and counterproductive.

5) Stop protecting the criminals in the financial sector. They need to start going to prison for long stretches, not paying fines with no admission of wrongdoing. They are destroying the very DNA of our capitalist system.

6) Reverse the concentration of power at the top. The more centrally located power is, the more easily captured it is by special interests. I am sick and tired of the left wing working to concentrate power at the federal level one day, and then hearing them whine about special interest money capturing and corrupting that power the next day. FIGURE IT OUT, RUBES! Take power away from federal officials and you remove the incentive to bribe them. Instant campaign finance reform!

7) Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. In 1935, when SS was enacted, only 5.4% of the population was over 65. In 1964, when Medicare was enacted, 9 percent of the population was over 65. Today, over 13 percent of the population is over 65. A larger and larger portion drawing from the Treasury while a smaller and smaller portion is paying in is unsustainable. We are living decades longer than our ancestors of 1935, it is just plain common sense we should be working longer.

great ideas except for #4.....Common core or something like it is too federal government-centralized....we need to bust the school unions and gut the Education department...education is much like healthcare....better when YOU control it...

You drank the Kool-Aid. Common Core was developed by the states, with no federal guidance or money. It was approved by 44 states. Are there 44 blue states? Nope.

It was approved by Bobby Jindal, Jan Brewer, Mike Huckabee, and Jeb Bush.

But then one day Barack Obama endorsed Common Core, and the sufferers of Obama Derangement Syndrome suddenly decided Common Core is Satan's tool and "too federal government-centralized". :lol:

are you kidding.....? Common Core was developed and pushed by Obama and his minions going to the Governors of the states and enticing them with money if they would jump on the bandwagon...there was NO vote by Congress and there was NO vote by State Legislatures...

it sounded like a great program so many were suckered into it.....however it is actually a deceptive Trojan Horse....a national program written by a national cartel....with the intent to control education top down...both for testing and content.....many states are now dropping from the program as more is known about it...

here is what one concerned parent has to say about it...
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Common Core was created by the states, with no federal oversight or money.

It was approved by Governors who are absolutely adored by the Right. Jan Brewer, Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush.

When I say the GOP has gone off the rails, it is the behavior of the rubes over Common Core today that stands out as a shining example of what I am talking about.

You know, Libertarians love to point to Underwriter's Laboratories as an example of an industry standard that could replace federal regulations. We can go round and round about that, but it is a simple fact that UL created their standards of electrical safety on their own without federal guidance.

But here's the thing. UL did such a great job establishing electrical safety standards that OSHA, the bane of all Libertarians everywhere, has made a UL certification on an electrical device an acceptable qualification for use in the workplace.

Just so with Common Core. Common Core was developed by the states, and the federal government then decided it was such a great standard, it would be an acceptable qualification to receive federal education grant money.

Somehow, in the twisted minds of Obama Derangement Syndrome sufferers, this came to mean Obama wrote the Common Core standards himself to turn our children into marxist robots.


Look at you go you little Government Robot :)

The fact is this, the "people" don't care WHO developed it, they have looked at it, judged it, and don't want it.

Now since "the people" must pay for it "the people" should have a say in whether it is used or not.

But then I am betting you are against vouchers too like a good little union/gov
are you kidding.....? Common Core was developed and pushed by Obama and his minions going to the Governors of the states and enticing them with money if they would jump on the bandwagon...there was NO vote by Congress and there was NO vote by State Legislatures...

Nope. That is manufactured bullshit.

See post 171.
Since when does the GOP need to offer anything except to stay out of your hair as much as possible ?

What does the left offer....

To take more of your money.

Then lie to you about how much and what they are going to do with it.

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