Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

Great question. I have asked them many times what is their plan to raise factory workers wages.

Why should factory worker wages be raised?

I'm sorry, but a lava lamp assembly line worker does not deserve high wages. It is a low skill, low tech job. That job belongs overseas.

Have you ever noticed that the high tech jobs are not very unionized? And yet the workers pull down good money.

Figure it out!

The problem is not with the employers, fool. The problem is that our education system has denied the necessary skills for making good money to a lot of people.

We need the masses making more money. Since when did we outsource everything? Why are we the only country that doesn't protect it's labor force?

I could show you an article about a guy named Bob. When he turned 18 he went and got a job in a union factory, making the equivilant of $17 hr today. He could afford a home, wife, kids, vacations, to retire.

Anyways, I'm not going to explain it because I know you won't get it. I am just happy you admit that the old way where the middle class (the masses) made a decent wage. You want us barely getting by. If not, you'll send our jobs to china.

If America's want to vote for this then I guess they get what they deserve. At least 65000 admits it. If you aren't the owner you can fuck off.

But be warned people, his way will produce a small rich class, small merchantile class and a very big working poor class. Back before America existed they called them serfs or peasants. The rabble. Today they call you the middle class. You are going away. Don't think unions are necessary anymore? Ok. Don't think government should be the referee in the rules of business? Ok, see where that gets you. Dummies.

When "Bob" was slapping nuts and bolts together, he was working in an industry that was at the cutting edge of technology for his time.

The world has advanced a great deal since then. Bob's job can be done anywhere in the world now. Developing nations have now reached a point where they can create the necessary infrastructure to support those industries in their countries.

We have to maintain our innovative edge. We can't stay stuck back in the days of slapping nuts and bolts together. It is the advanced technologies which make the big bucks in the marketplace. And advanced technologies require a workforce that has kept up with the skills necessary to work in those fields. And that means a better educated workforce than Bob's peers received in their day.

Bob's job is being done by Wang now. Wang was living in a straw hut on the other side of the world until he got a job in the city slapping nuts and bolts together. Now he has an apartment and a cell phone and better food. What's wrong with that? That's a good thing.

Meanwhile, Bob should have been making sure his son Junior got a better education than he did so Junior can get a job in the high tech sector and stay ahead of the curve.
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are you kidding.....? Common Core was developed and pushed by Obama and his minions going to the Governors of the states and enticing them with money if they would jump on the bandwagon...there was NO vote by Congress and there was NO vote by State Legislatures...

Nope. That is manufactured bullshit.

See post 171.

show me where Common Core was passed by Congress....

As I keep saying, it wasn't. Are you stupid? Common Core was created on the state level, with no federal funds or guidance. See post 171.

Christ, isn't that what conservatives want? Things done on the state level? Well?

Common Core was created on the state level. Let that sink in.
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Nope. That is manufactured bullshit.

See post 171.

show me where Common Core was passed by Congress....

As I keep saying, it wasn't. Are you stupid? Common Core was created on the state level, with no federal funds or guidance. See post 171.

Christ, isn't that what conservatives want? Things done on the state level? Well?

Common Core was created on the state level. Let that sink in.

That's not the issue. The issue is how it works. Many citizens don't want it because it is run from Washington D.C. More federal government.
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Nope. That is manufactured bullshit.

See post 171.

show me where Common Core was passed by Congress....

As I keep saying, it wasn't. Are you stupid? Common Core was created on the state level, with no federal funds or guidance. See post 171.

Christ, isn't that what conservatives want? Things done on the state level? Well?

Common Core was created on the state level. Let that sink in.

Staes were incentivized to participate, see "Race To The Top".
But then I am betting you are against vouchers too like a good little union/gov

Here we see Obama Derangement Syndrome in full glorious color. Since I am endorsing Common Core, just like Jan Brewer and Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal and Jeb Bush did, we have a moron who assumes I must be a "union/gov robot".

This is hilarious considering my first post in this topic slammed big government AND unions. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

More deflection.

g you are flailing about looking silly.

YOU don't support vouchers, why not just admit it and stop running.
You leftist trash need to remember you're all about choice when it comes to having children AND their education.
Deflection will never work on me g .

Deal with the specifics of the point.

1) The "people" should have a say

Deflection? BWA-HA-HA!

I provided PROOF that the people had their say, you idiot. They created and chose Common Core standards ON THE STATE LEVEL with NO federal involvement, you stupid, stupid, stupid little boy.

2) YOU are against vouchers

A lie. Stop listening to the voices in your head that make shit up. Moron.

A) Federal MOney was involved in incentivizing the States to participate
2) The program was primarily developed by a group put together by the NGA

So your story about the "people" having "input" is bullshit...in fact your story all the way around has now been shown to be made up by you.
Nope. That is manufactured bullshit.

See post 171.

show me where Common Core was passed by Congress....

As I keep saying, it wasn't. Are you stupid? Common Core was created on the state level, with no federal funds or guidance. See post 171.

Christ, isn't that what conservatives want? Things done on the state level? Well?

Common Core was created on the state level. Let that sink in.

post 171....what has Bobby Jindahl's state of Louisiania got to do with this....? the educators of that state are probably scared to lose their jobs if they don't go along to get along...or maybe they just prefer the lower standards...

Myth 1: The Common Core State Standards are national/federal standards.
The Common Core State Standards were not developed by the federal government. The development of the standards was initiated by governors and chief state school officers (e.g., state superintendents) in 48 states. They insisted, successfully, that there be no federal funds or other federal involvement in the development of the standards. The process was managed by the National Governors Association, Council of Chief State Officers, and Achieve. This occurred before the federal Race to the Top initiative.

your above quoted statement thinks it's a myth....but national CC standards are NO MYTH....if you read the above statement you quoted you might notice that the [in red] "process was managed by the National Governors Associated...etc.." ....what that means is they and others are the ones setting up the standards of Common Core...after all who do you think is making up the tests...not the state and local educators...

there are others in the mix as well.....such as the NEA, ACT, the College Board, a progressive group called Achieve, the Dept. of Education....not to mention Sir Michael Barber from the UK...these are not state and local people....

Common Core is really international.....driven by UNESCO and Agenda 21...this is how 'sustainable' development will be pushed into every school....
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Deflection will never work on me g .

Deal with the specifics of the point.

1) The "people" should have a say

Deflection? BWA-HA-HA!

I provided PROOF that the people had their say, you idiot. They created and chose Common Core standards ON THE STATE LEVEL with NO federal involvement, you stupid, stupid, stupid little boy.

2) YOU are against vouchers

A lie. Stop listening to the voices in your head that make shit up. Moron.

A) Federal MOney was involved in incentivizing the States to participate
2) The program was primarily developed by a group put together by the NGA

So your story about the "people" having "input" is bullshit...in fact your story all the way around has now been shown to be made up by you.

I have provided links debunking your bullshit. You have provided none. Zero. Zip.
show me where Common Core was passed by Congress....

As I keep saying, it wasn't. Are you stupid? Common Core was created on the state level, with no federal funds or guidance. See post 171.

Christ, isn't that what conservatives want? Things done on the state level? Well?

Common Core was created on the state level. Let that sink in.

post 171....what has Bobby Jindahl's state of Louisiania got to do with this....? the educators of that state are probably scared to lose their jobs if they don't go along to get along...or maybe they just prefer the lower standards...

Myth 1: The Common Core State Standards are national/federal standards.
The Common Core State Standards were not developed by the federal government. The development of the standards was initiated by governors and chief state school officers (e.g., state superintendents) in 48 states. They insisted, successfully, that there be no federal funds or other federal involvement in the development of the standards. The process was managed by the National Governors Association, Council of Chief State Officers, and Achieve. This occurred before the federal Race to the Top initiative.

your above quoted statement thinks it's a myth....but national CC standards are NO MYTH....if you read the above statement you quoted you might notice that the [in red] "process was managed by the National Governors Associated...etc.." ....what that means is they and others are the ones setting up the standards of Common Core...after all who do you think is making up the tests...not the state and local educators...

Hey, dumbshit. GOVERNORS ARE STATE LEVEL, NOT FEDERAL. Holy fuck you are dumb!

:lol: :lol:
show me where Common Core was passed by Congress....

As I keep saying, it wasn't. Are you stupid? Common Core was created on the state level, with no federal funds or guidance. See post 171.

Christ, isn't that what conservatives want? Things done on the state level? Well?

Common Core was created on the state level. Let that sink in.

Staes were incentivized to participate, see "Race To The Top".

See post 171. Pay particular attention to the part in red. And remember it was written by the Jindal Administration.
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Once again, here is Bobby Jindal's state of Louisiana debunking the belief the federal government established the standards:

Myth 1: The Common Core State Standards are national/federal standards.
The Common Core State Standards were not developed by the federal government. The development of the standards was initiated by governors and chief state school officers (e.g., state superintendents) in 48 states. They insisted, successfully, that there be no federal funds or other federal involvement in the development of the standards. The process was managed by the National Governors Association, Council of Chief State Officers, and Achieve. This occurred before the federal Race to the Top initiative.


Established by the Governors. For the retards, Governors are state level officials.

Established before Race to the Top.

This is a document issued by the Jindal Administration.

Jan Brewer, Bobby Jindal, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee.

Those same red states are now "rebranding" the name away from Common Core, but keeping the same standards.. The same standards they created, ON THE STATE LEVEL, before Race to the Top.

Textbook case of ODS.
More from Jindal's Administration:

Myth 3: The Common Core State Standards serve as a national curriculum for Louisiana’s schools.

The Common Core State Standards are not a curriculum. The standards are a set of clear goals and expectations that were adopted by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) during May 2010 to better prepare students to be college- and career-ready. As with all policies, these standards underwent public review before being adopted by BESE. The curriculum tells how the standards will be met. Local school districts in Louisiana are responsible for identifying the curriculum that will be used in their schools to meet the standards. Local school districts are responsible for identifying the lessons, textbooks, materials, etc. that will be used to provide instruction in classrooms. Thus, teachers, principals, parents, and other educators determine what will be taught in local classrooms and how students should learn.
Why should factory worker wages be raised?

I'm sorry, but a lava lamp assembly line worker does not deserve high wages. It is a low skill, low tech job. That job belongs overseas.

Have you ever noticed that the high tech jobs are not very unionized? And yet the workers pull down good money.

Figure it out!

The problem is not with the employers, fool. The problem is that our education system has denied the necessary skills for making good money to a lot of people.

We need the masses making more money. Since when did we outsource everything? Why are we the only country that doesn't protect it's labor force?

I could show you an article about a guy named Bob. When he turned 18 he went and got a job in a union factory, making the equivilant of $17 hr today. He could afford a home, wife, kids, vacations, to retire.

Anyways, I'm not going to explain it because I know you won't get it. I am just happy you admit that the old way where the middle class (the masses) made a decent wage. You want us barely getting by. If not, you'll send our jobs to china.

If America's want to vote for this then I guess they get what they deserve. At least 65000 admits it. If you aren't the owner you can fuck off.

But be warned people, his way will produce a small rich class, small merchantile class and a very big working poor class. Back before America existed they called them serfs or peasants. The rabble. Today they call you the middle class. You are going away. Don't think unions are necessary anymore? Ok. Don't think government should be the referee in the rules of business? Ok, see where that gets you. Dummies.

When "Bob" was slapping nuts and bolts together, he was working in an industry that was at the cutting edge of technology for his time.

The world has advanced a great deal since then. Bob's job can be done anywhere in the world now. Developing nations have now reached a point where they can create the necessary infrastructure to support those industries in their countries.

We have to maintain our innovative edge. We can't stay stuck back in the days of slapping nuts and bolts together. It is the advanced technologies which make the big bucks in the marketplace. And advanced technologies require a workforce that has kept up with the skills necessary to work in those fields. And that means a better educated workforce than Bob's peers received in their day.

Bob's job is being done by Wang now. Wang was living in a straw hut on the other side of the world until he got a job in the city slapping nuts and bolts together. Now he has an apartment and a cell phone and better food. What's wrong with that? That's a good thing.

Meanwhile, Bob should have been making sure his son Junior got a better education than he did so Junior can get a job in the high tech sector and stay ahead of the curve.

As much as I enjoy watching you engage the quartet of geniuses that have attached themselves to you in this thread, I have to disagree with this post. There's precious little time before hordes of workers in Asia can do pretty much any job that our most skilled workers might prepare themselves for. I'm in one of the few fields where they really can't compete right now and I really doubt I'll be able to outrun them for too much longer. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to retire at a time when social security will kick in. Who knows what my kids will do to escape the race to the bottom.

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