Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

the Middle Class had it MUCH BETTER when Republicans ran things


libs are losers who lie to themselves
As I keep saying, it wasn't. Are you stupid? Common Core was created on the state level, with no federal funds or guidance. See post 171.

Christ, isn't that what conservatives want? Things done on the state level? Well?

Common Core was created on the state level. Let that sink in.

post 171....what has Bobby Jindahl's state of Louisiania got to do with this....? the educators of that state are probably scared to lose their jobs if they don't go along to get along...or maybe they just prefer the lower standards...

Myth 1: The Common Core State Standards are national/federal standards.
The Common Core State Standards were not developed by the federal government. The development of the standards was initiated by governors and chief state school officers (e.g., state superintendents) in 48 states. They insisted, successfully, that there be no federal funds or other federal involvement in the development of the standards. The process was managed by the National Governors Association, Council of Chief State Officers, and Achieve. This occurred before the federal Race to the Top initiative.

your above quoted statement thinks it's a myth....but national CC standards are NO MYTH....if you read the above statement you quoted you might notice that the [in red] "process was managed by the National Governors Associated...etc.." ....what that means is they and others are the ones setting up the standards of Common Core...after all who do you think is making up the tests...not the state and local educators...

Hey, dumbshit. GOVERNORS ARE STATE LEVEL, NOT FEDERAL. Holy fuck you are dumb!

:lol: :lol:

More deflection the "people" did not help "develop" it, why must you lie?
Deflection? BWA-HA-HA!

I provided PROOF that the people had their say, you idiot. They created and chose Common Core standards ON THE STATE LEVEL with NO federal involvement, you stupid, stupid, stupid little boy.

A lie. Stop listening to the voices in your head that make shit up. Moron.

A) Federal MOney was involved in incentivizing the States to participate
2) The program was primarily developed by a group put together by the NGA

So your story about the "people" having "input" is bullshit...in fact your story all the way around has now been shown to be made up by you.

I have provided links debunking your bullshit. You have provided none. Zero. Zip.

You haven't provided shit to debunk anything I've said kid, you just keep lying.
Once again, here is Bobby Jindal's state of Louisiana debunking the belief the federal government established the standards:

Myth 1: The Common Core State Standards are national/federal standards.
The Common Core State Standards were not developed by the federal government. The development of the standards was initiated by governors and chief state school officers (e.g., state superintendents) in 48 states. They insisted, successfully, that there be no federal funds or other federal involvement in the development of the standards. The process was managed by the National Governors Association, Council of Chief State Officers, and Achieve. This occurred before the federal Race to the Top initiative.


Established by the Governors. For the retards, Governors are state level officials.

Established before Race to the Top.

This is a document issued by the Jindal Administration.

Jan Brewer, Bobby Jindal, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee.

Those same red states are now "rebranding" the name away from Common Core, but keeping the same standards.. The same standards they created, ON THE STATE LEVEL, before Race to the Top.

Textbook case of ODS.

I'm just laughing at you, the Race to the Top funds were made available to incentivize the States to participate period, nobody said that they were concurrently created, or to be used in conjunction it's just the way it worked out.

You aren't very good at this.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

A more relevant question: What is better for the Middle Class? Capitalism or Socialism?

(HINT: It's a trick question. In Socialism, there is no Middle Class)
As I keep saying, it wasn't. Are you stupid? Common Core was created on the state level, with no federal funds or guidance. See post 171.

Christ, isn't that what conservatives want? Things done on the state level? Well?

Common Core was created on the state level. Let that sink in.

post 171....what has Bobby Jindahl's state of Louisiania got to do with this....? the educators of that state are probably scared to lose their jobs if they don't go along to get along...or maybe they just prefer the lower standards...

Myth 1: The Common Core State Standards are national/federal standards.
The Common Core State Standards were not developed by the federal government. The development of the standards was initiated by governors and chief state school officers (e.g., state superintendents) in 48 states. They insisted, successfully, that there be no federal funds or other federal involvement in the development of the standards. The process was managed by the National Governors Association, Council of Chief State Officers, and Achieve. This occurred before the federal Race to the Top initiative.

your above quoted statement thinks it's a myth....but national CC standards are NO MYTH....if you read the above statement you quoted you might notice that the [in red] "process was managed by the National Governors Associated...etc.." ....what that means is they and others are the ones setting up the standards of Common Core...after all who do you think is making up the tests...not the state and local educators...

Hey, dumbshit. GOVERNORS ARE STATE LEVEL, NOT FEDERAL. Holy fuck you are dumb!

:lol: :lol:

listen up jackass.....the governors are about as involved as cashing a check.....they like the Fed money coming in but most of them don't know jackshit about Common Core.....which is why you have some republicans still supporting it (plus the rinos)....Bobby Jindahl finally woke up to what it is really all about....although Lousiana is one of those states that just loves goodies handed to them.....(don't they all...)

g5000 said:
We're in woo woo territory now!

maybe this topic is too difficult for a dumbass like you to comprehend...

In fact, just this week, an invitation-only conference hosted by former Florida Governor and pro-Common Core ringleader Jeb Bush entitled “Globalization of Higher Education” took place in Texas. Among the attendees: Hillary Clinton, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, former World Bank President Robert Zoellick, UNESCO officials, university presidents, and more. While higher education appears to be the next target of reformers, the globalization of K-12 schooling is on the verge of completion — at least if the American people do not rise up and stop it.

For decades now, the globalists at UNESCO and other UN outfits have been openly plotting to impose what they sometimes refer to as the “World Core Curriculum” on all of humanity. According to the agency, it is all linked to UN Agenda 21. In addition to gathering up unprecedented amounts of data on everyone, the global “education reform” movement is essentially seeking to instill radical new values in children — turning them into “global citizens” with views inherently at odds with Biblical Christianity — to facilitate the total regimentation of human society. Countless programs and initiatives such as “Education for All” are working toward that goal.

UN, Obama, and Gates Are Globalizing Education Via Common Core

if you think things are tough for the middle class....wait until this shit is implemented...:mad:
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More from Jindal's Administration:

Myth 3: The Common Core State Standards serve as a national curriculum for Louisiana’s schools.

The Common Core State Standards are not a curriculum. The standards are a set of clear goals and expectations that were adopted by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) during May 2010 to better prepare students to be college- and career-ready. As with all policies, these standards underwent public review before being adopted by BESE. The curriculum tells how the standards will be met. Local school districts in Louisiana are responsible for identifying the curriculum that will be used in their schools to meet the standards. Local school districts are responsible for identifying the lessons, textbooks, materials, etc. that will be used to provide instruction in classrooms. Thus, teachers, principals, parents, and other educators determine what will be taught in local classrooms and how students should learn.

Where were we ....oh yes.........

The administration designed a special contest using economic stimulus funds to reward states that accepted the standards.


The result was astounding: Within just two years of the 2008 Seattle meeting, 45 states and the District of Columbia had fully adopted the Common Core State Standards.

....as for how "the people" had input?

he movement grew so quickly and with so little public notice that opposition was initially almost nonexistent

How Bill Gates pulled off the swift Common Core revolution - The Washington Post

There wasn't any you lying puke.

As to funding?
Bill Gates mostly AND.....

As secretary, Duncan named as his chief of staff Margot Rogers, a top Gates official he got to know through that grant. He also hired James Shelton, a program officer at the foundation, to serve first as his head of innovation and most recently as the deputy secretary, responsible for a wide array of federal policy decisions.

Duncan and his team leveraged stimulus money to reward states that adopted common standards.

hey created Race to the Top, a $4.3 billion contest for education grants. Under the contest rules, states that adopted high standards stood the best chance of winning. It was a clever way around federal laws that prohibit Washington from interfering in what takes place in classrooms. It was also a tantalizing incentive for cash-strapped states.

Now crawl back under your rock prick, fact check yourself and your sources otherwise someone like me will bitch slap you like this every time.
Wrong. You were asking the same question over, and over, and over again. There were many responses that you chose to ignore. That constitutes SPAM. If you continue in that manner it will get closed again.

Your statement here...

"That's the point......They can't"

Implies that you have merely posted a baiting and polarizing thread and that too is a violation of the rules. Why don't you tell us what the Democrats are going to do to help the middle class. So far, the middle class gets to pay almost double for gasoline over what the gas prices were during the Bush era....and they have maintained that elevated level for the entire time that Obama has been in office.

Regular energy costs will likewise skyrocket if the EPA is able to enforce the rules they want to. That enriches the rich but once again it screws the middle class. How exactly are the Democrats going to mitigate that? By ripping off the upper middle class to help the lower middle class?

How about the ACA? How many are going to die because they can't get in to see doctors? If the VA is any sort of analog (and weren't you ALL crowing about how great the VA was before the truth came out) the backlog is going to be epic and tens of thousands will die before they get the care they need.

How exactly is that going to help the middle class? Or are you one of those who believe in killing something to save it?

Be specific in your responses.

I'm asking a question that nobody can answer.

For your questions:

Gasoline and oil are priced on the market. No sitting President has any control. The rich are doing it.

Which EPA rules do you speak?

Who isn't getting care under ACA?

The VA is better than it was under Bush, but remains severely underfunded. Something you have to ask the Republicans about.

WHY ? is it gasoline was in the $1.80 a gallon range when GWB left office.., within the next three to six months with the bumbler in chief in the WH, gasoline was pushing $3.00 a gallon..., again......., WHY ?

Commodities market.......
I'm asking a question that nobody can answer.

For your questions:

Gasoline and oil are priced on the market. No sitting President has any control. The rich are doing it.

Which EPA rules do you speak?

Who isn't getting care under ACA?

The VA is better than it was under Bush, but remains severely underfunded. Something you have to ask the Republicans about.

WHY ? is it gasoline was in the $1.80 a gallon range when GWB left office.., within the next three to six months with the bumbler in chief in the WH, gasoline was pushing $3.00 a gallon..., again......., WHY ?

Commodities market.......

Yanno.............you may wish to remind them that the President doesn't control the free market.

Nor does he have any way to control gas prices.

Incidentally, gas prices hit their highest point under Jr. Obama has managed to get them to at least play nice.
Why does.the left.continue to think the president don't have no control over gas prices? Just start a nuclear war watch them rise. Release the strategic oil reserve watch them fall. Stop protecting the shipping lanes watch them rise. Hold a national election watch them fall. Elect a weak liberal president watch them rise
Why does.the left.continue to think the president don't have no control over gas prices? Just start a nuclear war watch them rise. Release the strategic oil reserve watch them fall. Stop protecting the shipping lanes watch them rise. Hold a national election watch them fall. Elect a weak liberal president watch them rise

Yea, who says that President can't at least severely impact oil prices.

Why, just invade a country in the ME and watch what happens.

Evidence of this is the unfounded invasion of Iraq. Oil companies have been posting record profits almost since the invasion took place.

Funny how war always causes oil prices to rise dramatically. Even more funny how we were led into the war in Iraq by an oilman himself. You think Bush and Cheney had ANY idea what would happen to oil prices IF they invaded Iraq?
Republicans always provide the Middle Class Workers:

- Higher Payroll Taxes
- Higher Effective Tax Rates than Entitled Rich & Poor
- Lower Wages
- Higher Inflation
- Fewer Jobs
- Shrinking Middle Class

That's just the beginning.

They cut school lunches for poor children.

The cut food stamps for disabled veterans.

Remember, they kept first responders from health care for 10 years.

They protected BP over those living in the Gulf Area.

They want leaders who say they won't represent 47% of Americans.

They want leaders who will move jobs to China.

They want to make education more expensive.

They work to keep millions from health care.

They don't believe in infrastructure spending.

Why does the GOP base think these things are better for the country? It's got to be the Kool-Aid. There is something in the Kool-Aid.
Tell me what government policies specifically are harming the middle class?

-EPA regulations
-Repeal of Bush tax cuts
-Green energy programs
Zero interest rates
for a start.

don't forget the ******* program called Obamacare....

tax and spend is what Obama's economic policies are all about....tax and spend....tax and spend....straight into poverty....

we are battling for our very economic survival....:mad:

you forgot to add the "borrow and spend" tactic he uses also. :up:
Job Creation! Reduce the Corporate Tax Rate. Get rid of the suffocating Business regulations..
Obamma Care will implode, rates will go up!

What has Obama done: Continues to used he flawed Keynesian Economic Theory. It has never worked. Mutch of Europe started to do better as they employed Austerity. Obama advised them against it. Now tell me what has Obama done or not done that has slowed down our Economic Groth.
Republicans always provide the Middle Class Workers:

- Higher Payroll Taxes
- Higher Effective Tax Rates than Entitled Rich & Poor
- Lower Wages
- Higher Inflation
- Fewer Jobs
- Shrinking Middle Class

That's just the beginning.

They cut school lunches for poor children.

The cut food stamps for disabled veterans.

Remember, they kept first responders from health care for 10 years.

They protected BP over those living in the Gulf Area.

They want leaders who say they won't represent 47% of Americans.

They want leaders who will move jobs to China.

They want to make education more expensive.

They work to keep millions from health care.

They don't believe in infrastructure spending.

Why does the GOP base think these things are better for the country? It's got to be the Kool-Aid. There is something in the Kool-Aid.

Gee, Deanie...you left out the part about our eating live kittens! I've had three already and it's just noontime! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Republicans ask for rational limits to spending because the nation is trillions in debt and idiots like you immediately attack them for hating EVERYTHING! Grow up...we have to make hard choices and your demonizing anyone who has the political courage to say NO to the bloated Federal government simply makes it harder to do what needs to be done.
WHY ? is it gasoline was in the $1.80 a gallon range when GWB left office.., within the next three to six months with the bumbler in chief in the WH, gasoline was pushing $3.00 a gallon..., again......., WHY ?

Commodities market.......

Yanno.............you may wish to remind them that the President doesn't control the free market.

Nor does he have any way to control gas prices.

Incidentally, gas prices hit their highest point under Jr. Obama has managed to get them to at least play nice.

Free Market doesn't exist. If you Work for a Living, do NOT trust ANY politician who espouses a belief in Free Trade, Free Markets, or an Invisible Hand. NONE of those exist, and that politician is NOT your friend.

The stock market causes rises in commodities. When one goes up, the other falls. Commodities are to raise fast monies to play in the market. Not the original intent, but what it's become.
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Why does.the left.continue to think the president don't have no control over gas prices? Just start a nuclear war watch them rise. Release the strategic oil reserve watch them fall. Stop protecting the shipping lanes watch them rise. Hold a national election watch them fall. Elect a weak liberal president watch them rise

Rich investors.
Job Creation! Reduce the Corporate Tax Rate. Get rid of the suffocating Business regulations..
Obamma Care will implode, rates will go up!

What has Obama done: Continues to used he flawed Keynesian Economic Theory. It has never worked. Mutch of Europe started to do better as they employed Austerity. Obama advised them against it. Now tell me what has Obama done or not done that has slowed down our Economic Groth.

Think again, Walmart paid 1.7% effective Federal tax in 2012.
Job Creation! Reduce the Corporate Tax Rate. Get rid of the suffocating Business regulations..
Obamma Care will implode, rates will go up!

What has Obama done: Continues to used he flawed Keynesian Economic Theory. It has never worked. Mutch of Europe started to do better as they employed Austerity. Obama advised them against it. Now tell me what has Obama done or not done that has slowed down our Economic Groth.

Think again, Walmart paid 1.7% effective Federal tax in 2012.

That's relevant how?
Job Creation! Reduce the Corporate Tax Rate. Get rid of the suffocating Business regulations..
Obamma Care will implode, rates will go up!

What has Obama done: Continues to used he flawed Keynesian Economic Theory. It has never worked. Mutch of Europe started to do better as they employed Austerity. Obama advised them against it. Now tell me what has Obama done or not done that has slowed down our Economic Groth.

Think again, Walmart paid 1.7% effective Federal tax in 2012.


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