Putin Calls Biden's Bluf. LIVE Debate?

Or will Biden find an excuse? Probably. But I would love to see this!

Silly Gracie, we know you just want to see more of your hunkeroo! ;)

No, it's just a stupid idea.
It's funny watching you useful idiots pretend Biden is still all there.
Stay gold, pony boy.
It's sad watching you tRumplings slurping on Putin's dick.

Homophobic slur. Showing that all your talk of isms or phobes is just talk.
I don't think he's homophobic. What he fears is being exposed as a gay man. He's a closet homosexual.

Could be both. A self hating dick slurper.
I just can’t understand why so many so-called conservatives just can‘ stop sucking Putin’s c**K?
I know! It's insane!Don't these morons realize this is more of that Russian interference they don't believe in? I mean really, how stupid can they be?
Is it really that crazy to believe? It's Cold War-era McCarthyism mixed with Jim Crow-mindset racism to equal a Baby Boomer voting generation from hell.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that by the very definition of the word, half the population of the US is below average intelligence.
As do I...your half.
Hey there bro, you have posted on these very forums that the election was fraudulent because dead people (zombies) voted. You're not only below average intelligence - you hit the grave that the Zombies came out of, and are now digging in the negatives for IQ.
:rolleyes: You're just stupid enough to think we're claiming that the dead people actually did the voting.Here's a clue for you, dimwit! Some crooked, living person used the registration records of a dead person to cast an illegal vote.Here's another clue for you, dimwit! Fictional characters called "zombies" are used in science-fiction stories and movies to dupe idiots like you into believing that dead bodies can physically do something other than decay.

Biden has been turned into a Zombie....his puppetmasters are in control of his metamophosis....ask anyone who knows biden......they say he is now unrecognizable.

The msm in alliance with the democratic party have created a bunch of zombies.....you can recognize them by their language.....orange man bad etc.
Archeaologists have unearthed many ancient graves which contained skeletons pinned down by rocks and other heavy objects, to prevent the dead bodies from reanimating.

With the help of Hatian voodoo priests democrats have succeeded in creating a zombie army.

Voodoo (sometimes spelled vodou or vodun) is a religion based in West Africa and practiced throughout Haiti and the Caribbean, Brazil, the American South and other places with an African heritage.

zombies are people revived by a voodoo practitioner known as a bokor.
Bokors have a tradition of using herbs, shells, fish, animal parts, bones and other objects to create concoctions including “zombie powders,” which contain tetrodotoxin, a deadly neurotoxin found in pufferfish and some other marine species.
Used carefully at sub-lethal doses, the tetrodotoxin combination may cause zombie-like symptoms such as difficulty walking, mental confusion and respiratory problems.
High doses of tetrodotoxin can lead to paralysis and coma. This could cause someone to appear dead and be buried alive – then later revived.

there are several credible reports in medical journals of people using these compounds to induce paralysis in people, then revive them from the grave.
A 1997 article in the British medical journal The Lancet described three verifiable accounts of zombies. In one case, a Haitian woman who appeared to be dead was buried in a family tomb, only to reappear three years later. An investigation revealed that her tomb was filled with stones, and her parents agreed to admit her to a local hospital.
In another well-documented case, a Haitian man named Clairvius Narcisse entered a local hospital with severe respiratory problems in 1962. After he slipped into a coma, Narcisse was declared dead was buried shortly thereafter.

But 18 years later, a man walked up to Angelina Narcisse in a village marketplace, insisting she was his sister. Doctors, townspeople and family members all identified him as Clairvius Narcisse, who claimed he had been buried alive, then dug up and put to work on a distant sugar plantation.


Biden as you know accused Putin of being a “killer” who doesn’t have “a soul” and Putin has responded in kind by calling Biden’s bluff and challenging him to a worldwide live debate.

“I’ve just thought of this now, I want to propose to President Biden to continue our discussion, but on the condition that we do it basically live, as it’s called,” Putin told a Russian state television reporter.

“Without any delays and directly in an open, direct discussion,” Putin added. “It seems to me that would be interesting for the people of Russia and for the people of the United States.”

Or will Biden find an excuse? Probably. But I would love to see this!

Biden will sweep that challenge under the rug much like the Left fervently try to sweep any discussion or analysis of the actual facts of the election fraud. They know it is a lose-lose for both of them so they avoid the topic at all costs.
I just can’t understand why so many so-called conservatives just can‘ stop sucking Putin’s c**K?
I know! It's insane!Don't these morons realize this is more of that Russian interference they don't believe in? I mean really, how stupid can they be?
Is it really that crazy to believe? It's Cold War-era McCarthyism mixed with Jim Crow-mindset racism to equal a Baby Boomer voting generation from hell.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that by the very definition of the word, half the population of the US is below average intelligence.
As do I...your half.
Hey there bro, you have posted on these very forums that the election was fraudulent because dead people (zombies) voted. You're not only below average intelligence - you hit the grave that the Zombies came out of, and are now digging in the negatives for IQ.
:rolleyes: You're just stupid enough to think we're claiming that the dead people actually did the voting.Here's a clue for you, dimwit! Some crooked, living person used the registration records of a dead person to cast an illegal vote.Here's another clue for you, dimwit! Fictional characters called "zombies" are used in science-fiction stories and movies to dupe idiots like you into believing that dead bodies can physically do something other than decay.
Biden has been turned into a Zombie....

Ever notice those rare times they show Biden out and about that he walks like he has a board shoved up his ass? He walks with a short, wooden shuffle like he has a splinter in his butthole.

Or maybe his Depends were just full.
I just can’t understand why so many so-called conservatives just can‘ stop sucking Putin’s c**K?
I know! It's insane!Don't these morons realize this is more of that Russian interference they don't believe in? I mean really, how stupid can they be?
Is it really that crazy to believe? It's Cold War-era McCarthyism mixed with Jim Crow-mindset racism to equal a Baby Boomer voting generation from hell.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that by the very definition of the word, half the population of the US is below average intelligence.
As do I...your half.
Hey there bro, you have posted on these very forums that the election was fraudulent because dead people (zombies) voted. You're not only below average intelligence - you hit the grave that the Zombies came out of, and are now digging in the negatives for IQ.
:rolleyes: You're just stupid enough to think we're claiming that the dead people actually did the voting.Here's a clue for you, dimwit! Some crooked, living person used the registration records of a dead person to cast an illegal vote.Here's another clue for you, dimwit! Fictional characters called "zombies" are used in science-fiction stories and movies to dupe idiots like you into believing that dead bodies can physically do something other than decay.

Biden has been turned into a Zombie....his puppetmasters are in control of his metamophosis....ask anyone who knows biden......they say he is now unrecognizable.

The msm in alliance with the democratic party have created a bunch of zombies.....you can recognize them by their language.....orange man bad etc.
Archeaologists have unearthed many ancient graves which contained skeletons pinned down by rocks and other heavy objects, to prevent the dead bodies from reanimating.

With the help of Hatian voodoo priests democrats have succeeded in creating a zombie army.

Voodoo (sometimes spelled vodou or vodun) is a religion based in West Africa and practiced throughout Haiti and the Caribbean, Brazil, the American South and other places with an African heritage.

zombies are people revived by a voodoo practitioner known as a bokor.
Bokors have a tradition of using herbs, shells, fish, animal parts, bones and other objects to create concoctions including “zombie powders,” which contain tetrodotoxin, a deadly neurotoxin found in pufferfish and some other marine species.
Used carefully at sub-lethal doses, the tetrodotoxin combination may cause zombie-like symptoms such as difficulty walking, mental confusion and respiratory problems.
High doses of tetrodotoxin can lead to paralysis and coma. This could cause someone to appear dead and be buried alive – then later revived.

there are several credible reports in medical journals of people using these compounds to induce paralysis in people, then revive them from the grave.
A 1997 article in the British medical journal The Lancet described three verifiable accounts of zombies. In one case, a Haitian woman who appeared to be dead was buried in a family tomb, only to reappear three years later. An investigation revealed that her tomb was filled with stones, and her parents agreed to admit her to a local hospital.
In another well-documented case, a Haitian man named Clairvius Narcisse entered a local hospital with severe respiratory problems in 1962. After he slipped into a coma, Narcisse was declared dead was buried shortly thereafter.

But 18 years later, a man walked up to Angelina Narcisse in a village marketplace, insisting she was his sister. Doctors, townspeople and family members all identified him as Clairvius Narcisse, who claimed he had been buried alive, then dug up and put to work on a distant sugar plantation.

Perhaps you should cancel your subscription to National Enquirer. They also publish "proof" of extraterrestrials.
So just to make sure I have this right...you're *checks notes* full-blown mask off just supporting Russia over your own country at this point.

The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.
No. People who love America despise the scam the Commie democrats pulled in November.

The people occupying the White House will never have our respect
Why would President Joe do anything silly like that?

To demonstrate to the world his moral and intellectual superiority over Putin. Of course he won't do it. The Biden team is petrified that the truth could come out.
He won't do it because it's a stupid idea. It's simply Vladimir Putin winding you tRumplings up again.

He couldn't do it even if he wanted.
That comment is as silly as the idea.
His handlers would never allow it no matter how much he wanted it.
That's a silly thing to say.
That's your opinion. Your opinion is irrelevant to me.

If you don't think Biden's handlers control him, you're blind. That's my opinion.
That's not your opinion, it's the RWNJ infotainment sphere's propaganda. You only think it's your opinion.
. “But we know how to defend our own interests, and we will work with them but in those areas in which we are interested on terms we consider favorable for us
Exactly as President Trump would have put it.

This is why AMERICANS respected Trump and not Biden.

This is why Putin is respected in Russia.
Indeed, Putin is considered to be "a true muzhik"a tough guy with a strong-willed character in the minds of many Russians who compare their previous situation under Yeltsin and say that things improved for them under Putin.

I am not a fan of Putin, and that's not because I'm an American. I am certain I wouldn't like him if I lived in Russia and as I see it, that's where it's at as far as determining what type of rule the people want. Putin's played it well to keep his personal life private, but it leaves much room for speculation if he is possibly the world's richest leader. The world knows about Putin's history with imprisioning dissenters (or murdering them, and some even still being sent to Siberia if reports are true), hard repression of opposition/free speech, but just like any good ex-KGB spy would do of course he stays the course. His forced measures of controlling the masses with wide abuses of cronyism and corruption are things better kept in the dark.

The following link is worth a look that goes into Russians' perception about Putin. It can easily be argued, however, that many Russians who took the independent poll might not be truthful, if they feared their answers would be revealed and targeted, which supports that the results are skewed in a more positive light than factual. It is hard to imagine taking a poll in Russia and feeling 100% you won't be murdered later that week if you risked an anti-Putin remark, but maybe that perception is due to living where there is freedom and exaggerating the living conditions under a ruthless dictator.

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I just can’t understand why so many so-called conservatives just can‘ stop sucking Putin’s c**K?
I know! It's insane!

Don't these morons realize this is more of that Russian interference they don't believe in? I mean really, how stupid can they be?
Is it really that crazy to believe? It's Cold War-era McCarthyism mixed with Jim Crow-mindset racism to equal a Baby Boomer voting generation from hell.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that by the very definition of the word, half the population of the US is below average intelligence.
As do I...your half.
Hey there bro, you have posted on these very forums that the election was fraudulent because dead people (zombies) voted. You're not only below average intelligence - you hit the grave that the Zombies came out of, and are now digging in the negatives for IQ.
:rolleyes: You're just stupid enough to think we're claiming that the dead people actually did the voting.

Here's a clue for you, dimwit! Some crooked, living person used the registration records of a dead person to cast an illegal vote.

Here's another clue for you, dimwit! Fictional characters called "zombies" are used in science-fiction stories and movies to dupe idiots like you into believing that dead bodies can physically do something other than decay.
Lol, Sidney "the Kraken" Powell's start witness claimed she saw them voting. In fact said she saw the leaving the building as she went in.

So yes, I believe most of you dumbasses think the dead people actually voted.

Now prove me wrong.
Provide a credible link to that bullshit claim of yours and I'll look into it. Trolls like you are full of shit and lies.
No, it's just a stupid idea.
It's funny watching you useful idiots pretend Biden is still all there.
Stay gold, pony boy.
It's sad watching you tRumplings slurping on Putin's dick.

Homophobic slur. Showing that all your talk of isms or phobes is just talk.
I don't think he's homophobic. What he fears is being exposed as a gay man. He's a closet homosexual.
Both of you kids are projecting your own insecurities onto me.

Stop it.
Yeah, that part in there as well as this from Putin: "Although they think we are the same as them, we are different people, we have a different genetic and cultural-moral code,” Putin said of the United States. “But we know how to defend our own interests, and we will work with them but in those areas in which we are interested on terms we consider favorable for us. And they will have to reckon with that.” JUST IN: Putin Calls Biden’s Bluff, Challenges Him to Televised Worldwide LIVE Debate (VIDEO)

Maybe during the live debate Biden can ask Putin to clarify his remarks about how Russians are different than Americans genetically...lol....not.....fits his rep anyway...and I'm joking about Biden asking for clarification on that....right out of the gate from the debate we'd be at war!

I think we're all rather confident that there won't be a debate betwen Putin and the Resident of the United States. Biden simply isn't competent. And Putin knows it. Heck, everybody knows it.

Biden likes to talk tough but generally the loudest person in the room is also the weakest person in the room. They like to go looking for fights but they're never ready for one when they find one.

I thought it was funny when Putin said, “I wouldn’t put this off for too long. I want to go to the taiga [forest] on the weekend to get some rest, but we could do it tomorrow, or let’s say on Monday,” he suggested.

Nope. The Resident won't even acknowledge Putin's challenge. It's very likely that the malfeasant media wing of the Democrat party won't either.

Doesn't matter. Biden just got bitch-slapped in front of all of his friends regardless.

I cracked a smile reading that part about not putting it off..doing it Monday lol....said so casually like it was already being set up to happen so soon. Regardless of the darkness of Putin's shadow and whole inner being, he has a quick wit and uses it often on the world stage. Humor should always be appreciated...even when coming out of the mouth of gangstas. ha!
I just can’t understand why so many so-called conservatives just can‘ stop sucking Putin’s c**K?
I know! It's insane!

Don't these morons realize this is more of that Russian interference they don't believe in? I mean really, how stupid can they be?
Is it really that crazy to believe? It's Cold War-era McCarthyism mixed with Jim Crow-mindset racism to equal a Baby Boomer voting generation from hell.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that by the very definition of the word, half the population of the US is below average intelligence.
As do I...your half.
Hey there bro, you have posted on these very forums that the election was fraudulent because dead people (zombies) voted. You're not only below average intelligence - you hit the grave that the Zombies came out of, and are now digging in the negatives for IQ.
:rolleyes: You're just stupid enough to think we're claiming that the dead people actually did the voting.

Here's a clue for you, dimwit! Some crooked, living person used the registration records of a dead person to cast an illegal vote.

Here's another clue for you, dimwit! Fictional characters called "zombies" are used in science-fiction stories and movies to dupe idiots like you into believing that dead bodies can physically do something other than decay.
Lol, Sidney "the Kraken" Powell's start witness claimed she saw them voting. In fact said she saw the leaving the building as she went in.

So yes, I believe most of you dumbasses think the dead people actually voted.

Now prove me wrong.
Provide a credible link to that bullshit claim of yours and I'll look into it. Trolls like you are full of shit and lies.

Again, you are truly a stupid shit with no sense of comprehension. They were talking about what she saw IN THE POLL BOOK (i.e. the LIST OF NAMES OF PEOPLE THAT VOTED.)

She was not claiming to have watched dead people vote.

Many times time here on this forum, you have proved beyond doubt that you are a lying troll. This is just another example of your inane dishonesty.

You have FAILED to support your argument (again) and at least one of your minions liked your post. What a pathetic pair.

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