Putin: In Your Face, Punk


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Precisely what Putin is doing. Not only did Assad renew Bombing of Rebels in and around Damascus on the very day that Putin made the ridiculous Chemical Weapons offer, now...

Well, read it for yourselves. Not only is the Stutteering Clusterfukk a laughing stock, he's made America one as well.

Just as we all predicted while dimocraps were busy putting knee pads on layaway and stocking up on vaseline for their lips

Putin Rubs It In Obama’s Face, Offers To Sell Iran Advanced S-300 Anti-Aircraft Missiles, Build Second Nuclear Reactor…


It’s almost like Mitt Romney was right when he said Russia is our enemy.

AFP – Russian President Vladimir Putin will offer to supply Iran S-300 air defence missile systems as well as build a second reactor at the Bushehr nuclear plant, the Kommersant business daily reported Wednesday.

Putin will renew an old offer to supply Iran with five of the sophisticated ground-to-air missile systems at a meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rowhani on Friday, Kommersant said, quoting a souce close to the Kremlin.

Putin is set to meet Rowhani at a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation held in Kyrgyzstan on Friday.

Russia in 2007 signed a contract to deliver five of the advanced ground-to-air weapons — which can take out aircraft or guided missiles — to Iran at a cost of $800 million.

In 2010, then-president Dmitry Medvedev cancelled the contract after coming under strong US and Israeli pressure not to go ahead with the sale of the weapons system, drawing vehement protests from Tehran
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One more "IN YOUR FACE, BITCH!!" moment from our Jihadist pals directed at the Stuttering Clusterfukk

Explosion Rocks Benghazi, Foreign Ministry Hit By Bomb Blast On Anniversary of Terror Attack On U.S. Consulate…

Islamists commemorating their attack on our consulate


Via Washington Times:

An early Wednesday morning blast has rocked Libya’s Foreign Ministry building, located in the middle of Benghazi — a one-year reminder of the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate down the road.

The Wednesday explosion caused serious damage to the Foreign Ministry building, The Associated Press reported. It also damaged a facility located next door that serves as the offices of the Benghazi branch of the Libyan Central Bank.

Several passers-by were injured in the explosion, mostly by flying glass from blown-out windows, emergency officials said.

The explosion comes one year after terrorists believed to be linked to al Qaeda stormed the U.S. facility in Benghazi and killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Officials are investigating and few other details are known.

You gotta be a special kind of dirtbag to continue to defend the dimocrap party
The religious minorities in Syria, including Christians, are depending on Assad for their survival. Assad is a bad guy, there is no doubt about it, but he is fighting even worse guys. That's why we should have kept out of it from the very beginning. By meddling ourselves we forced both Russia and Iran into helping Assad much more than they would have had we just left it alone.
So what the hell do you want him to do?

You Republican morons are so bi-polar. One day you call Obama a tyrant and chastise him for using any kind of force whatsoever, the next you call him wimpy for not using force.

Obama calls for a few million bucks to close Gitmo and Republican douchebags in Congress ask for $400 million to keep it open and to build more Gitmo and then accuse Obama of wanting to spend money!

You guys are fucking retarded.
The Fluttering StutterCluk, our own Edgetho, is mad because the president turned the nutters in both parties on their heads.

No, Ms. Cluck, you are not allowed to move the goal posts.
All you jackoffs who have been opposing the missile strike on Syria are Putin's useful idiots. You communicated pantywaist weakness.
All you jackoffs who have been opposing the missile strike on Syria are Putin's useful idiots. You communicated pantywaist weakness.

what exactly would the US gain by spending 400 million to blow up buildings and kill civilians in Syria?

Do you really think cruise missiles don't kill innocent women and children? do you really think pictures of those dead kids won't be sent around the world after we bomb them?
The religious minorities in Syria, including Christians, are depending on Assad for their survival. Assad is a bad guy, there is no doubt about it, but he is fighting even worse guys. That's why we should have kept out of it from the very beginning. By meddling ourselves we forced both Russia and Iran into helping Assad much more than they would have had we just left it alone.

Assad is not a nice guy. But look at who he has to try to keep under control.

The people he's trying to contain aren't very nice either.... al Qaeda, al Nusra and various, assorted and sundry other murdering Jihadist scumbags.

He's hard on them. Real hard.

Know why, libturds? Because that's all they understand. They don't negotiate, they don't listen to reason, they only know how to murder, rape and torture.

So you know how you deal with people like that?

Simple, you kill them. A lot of them.

I'm not taking Assad's side on this but I understand him.
All you jackoffs who have been opposing the missile strike on Syria are Putin's useful idiots. You communicated pantywaist weakness.

What will missile strikes accomplish?

Be specific.

What will they hit?

Where will they hit?

When, how and especially what are the expected results and outcome, etc.

Would Iran retaliate against Israel?

Would Russia defend Syria?

Would Iran unleash the dozens of Sleeper Cells currently inside the US?

I wanna know.
All you jackoffs who have been opposing the missile strike on Syria are Putin's useful idiots. You communicated pantywaist weakness.

What will missile strikes accomplish?

Be specific.

What will they hit?

Where will they hit?

When, how and especially what are the expected results and outcome, etc.

Would Iran retaliate against Israel?

Would Russia defend Syria?

Would Iran unleash the dozens of Sleeper Cells currently inside the US?

I wanna know.

Look at you, trembling in your panties over "sleeper cells". :lol:

We definitely need to preserve this newfound appeaser cowardice for posterity.

I have been specific about Syrian targets many times. It has also been in all the papers. I cannot help it if you have the memory retention of a goldfish.
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Syria has always denied it had chemical weapons. They denied it to Bush, they have denied it to the UN, they have denied it to everyone who ever demanded they fess up.

Now, they not only just admitted they do have chemical weapons, they are offering to remove them from their country.

Boy, they sure did punk Obama! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You people are beyond retarded.
All you jackoffs who have been opposing the missile strike on Syria are Putin's useful idiots. You communicated pantywaist weakness.

What will missile strikes accomplish?

Be specific.

What will they hit?

Where will they hit?

When, how and especially what are the expected results and outcome, etc.

Would Iran retaliate against Israel?

Would Russia defend Syria?

Would Iran unleash the dozens of Sleeper Cells currently inside the US?

I wanna know.

Look at you, trembling in your panties over "sleeper cells". :lol:

We definitely need to preserve this newfound appeaser cowardice for posterity.

I have been specific about Syrian targets many times. It has also been in all the papers. I cannot help it if you have the memory retention of a goldfish.

Ok, since you know all the answers, How many women and children will be killed or have limbs blown off by 100 or so cruise missiles? more or less than the 1400 killed by CW?

Why are we the good guys when we kill kids and Assad is the bad guy when he does it?

We have no damn business in Syria's civil war.
What will missile strikes accomplish?

Be specific.

What will they hit?

Where will they hit?

When, how and especially what are the expected results and outcome, etc.

Would Iran retaliate against Israel?

Would Russia defend Syria?

Would Iran unleash the dozens of Sleeper Cells currently inside the US?

I wanna know.

Look at you, trembling in your panties over "sleeper cells". :lol:

We definitely need to preserve this newfound appeaser cowardice for posterity.

I have been specific about Syrian targets many times. It has also been in all the papers. I cannot help it if you have the memory retention of a goldfish.

Ok, since you know all the answers, How many women and children will be killed or have limbs blown off by 100 or so cruise missiles? more or less than the 1400 killed by CW?

Why are we the good guys when we kill kids and Assad is the bad guy when he does it?

We have no damn business in Syria's civil war.

A missile attack on Syria will kill less kids than we did in Iraq. You bozos are always equating the two to each other, so there you go.

Why don't you volunteer to be a human shield like the other pantywaists did for Iraq?
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Syria has always denied it had chemical weapons. They denied it to Bush, they have denied it to the UN, they have denied it to everyone who ever demanded they fess up.

Now, they not only just admitted they do have chemical weapons, they are offering to remove them from their country.

Boy, they sure did punk Obama! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You people are beyond retarded.

so we should bomb children in syria because Assad lied? is that what you are saying?
Syria has always denied it had chemical weapons. They denied it to Bush, they have denied it to the UN, they have denied it to everyone who ever demanded they fess up.

Now, they not only just admitted they do have chemical weapons, they are offering to remove them from their country.

Boy, they sure did punk Obama! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You people are beyond retarded.

so we should bomb children in syria because Assad lied? is that what you are saying?

Nope. That's not what I am saying, and you are being deliberately obtuse.

Wow. You are full on peacenik now. Why don't you buy a ticket and offer to be a human shield like the pantywaists did for Iraq? Prove your convictions are for real.
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Look at you, trembling in your panties over "sleeper cells". :lol:

We definitely need to preserve this newfound appeaser cowardice for posterity.

I have been specific about Syrian targets many times. It has also been in all the papers. I cannot help it if you have the memory retention of a goldfish.

Ok, since you know all the answers, How many women and children will be killed or have limbs blown off by 100 or so cruise missiles? more or less than the 1400 killed by CW?

Why are we the good guys when we kill kids and Assad is the bad guy when he does it?

We have no damn business in Syria's civil war.

A missile attack on Syria will kill less kids than we did in Iraq. You bozos are always equating the two to each other, so there you go.

Why don't you volunteer to be a human shield like the other pantywaists did for Iraq?

Bullshit, we should not have been in Iraq, afghanistan, Korea, or Viet Nam. We are not the worlds morals enforcer and police force.

Tell me, what did we get for the 58,000 dead americans a billions of dollars in Viet Nam?
Syria has always denied it had chemical weapons. They denied it to Bush, they have denied it to the UN, they have denied it to everyone who ever demanded they fess up.

Now, they not only just admitted they do have chemical weapons, they are offering to remove them from their country.

Boy, they sure did punk Obama! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You people are beyond retarded.

so we should bomb children in syria because Assad lied? is that what you are saying?

Nope. That's not what I am saying, and you are being deliberately obtuse.

Wow. You are full on peacenik now. Why don't you buy a ticket and offer to be a human shield like the pantywaists did for Iraq?

I have been consistent in my position since the 1960s. We had no business in Viet Nam, Kosovo, Iraq, or Afghanistan.

after 9/11 we should have used covert methods to kill OBL and his cronies, a ground war was stupid--very stupid.
The missile attack on Syria would take out chemical weapons manufacturing facilities, military command and control facilities, and chemical weapons delivery vehicles and their manufacturing facilities.

As always, extraordinary precautions would be taken to minimize civilian casualties. But you assholes already know that.

You are just suffering from ODS and twisting and spinning like hell to make Syria's admission it has WMDs somehow work against Obama when it is clearly a huge victory for the US and the world. The mere threat of an attack brought this incredible admission about.

Assad is giving up his WMDs in order to survive. To stay in power. This is the best of a shit ton of ugly, nasty alternatives.

You fuckheads are more worried about politics than pushing back against true evil. The world just became a safer place and you are too retarded to realize it.
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Syria has always denied it had chemical weapons. They denied it to Bush, they have denied it to the UN, they have denied it to everyone who ever demanded they fess up.

Now, they not only just admitted they do have chemical weapons, they are offering to remove them from their country.

Boy, they sure did punk Obama! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You people are beyond retarded.

so we should bomb children in syria because Assad lied? is that what you are saying?

Nope. That's not what I am saying, and you are being deliberately obtuse.

Wow. You are full on peacenik now. Why don't you buy a ticket and offer to be a human shield like the pantywaists did for Iraq? Prove your convictions are for real.

The hypocrisy here is that if a republican was president you libs would all be marching in the streets protesting any attack on a foreign country, but because the kenyan messiah is president you all become warmongers.

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