Putin IS NOT bombing ISIS

“Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?”

No, they don’t realize what they have done, and they’re poised to do more of it. And those of us who warned at the time that the “Arab Spring” would not lead to “the triumph of democracy and progress,” but to “violence, poverty and social disaster,” were dismissed and derided as racist, bigoted “Islamophobes.” And no matter how often the establishment analysts get things wrong, and disastrously, fatally so, they never get called to account, and keep applying the same failed solutions over and over again. Putin to those who supported “Arab Spring” in Middle East: “Do you realize what you have done?”


It's amazing to me that people think they can still use the "White Man's Burden" argument.
do tell.......


You are arguing against the Arab Spring, yes? Because it led to chaos and violence? That means that you're arguing in favor of Assad, Mubarak, Gaddafi, etc. You are arguing that "they" were better off under a dictatorship, when they could be controlled - as opposed to a popular uprising, because in the aftermath of that, they may choose someone who won't do what we want.

Do you see where I'm going?
You are going in the wrong direction.

These dictators are being overthrown by extremist militants that are FAR WORSE. That area of the world is a lot more complex than your post suggests. It is not a simple matter of the people overthrowing the government.
Russia is bombing the groups who oppose and fight against ISIS. That means Russia is helping ISIS and you are helping ISIS by spreading the Russian propaganda because it supports your agenda. We are trying to destroy ISIS because they are running around Syria and Iraq cutting off the heads of innocent woman and children, forcing young girls into sex slavery, executing civilians in mass, burning people alive and otherwise committing public torture and murder. That is who you are supporting, so, fuck your lectures about morals or who we support. Russia is playing the evil monster in this show.
Russia is going to empower a weakened Assad. This is the correct way to defeat ISIS. And no we were not trying to destroy ISIS, we were trying to destroy Assad, which would have opened the door to ISIS gaining full control of the country.
Russia is bombing the groups who oppose and fight against ISIS. That means Russia is helping ISIS and you are helping ISIS by spreading the Russian propaganda because it supports your agenda. We are trying to destroy ISIS because they are running around Syria and Iraq cutting off the heads of innocent woman and children, forcing young girls into sex slavery, executing civilians in mass, burning people alive and otherwise committing public torture and murder. That is who you are supporting, so, fuck your lectures about morals or who we support. Russia is playing the evil monster in this show.
Russia is going to empower a weakened Assad. This is the correct way to defeat ISIS. And no we were not trying to destroy ISIS, we were trying to destroy Assad, which would have opened the door to ISIS gaining full control of the country.
Russia saves Assad's sorry ass and has control over him. They then turn to ISIS and eliminate that threat with his help.

Makes sense.

I wonder what Iran thinks about all this. They want influence in Syria as well. Either they're annoyed or they're in cahoots with Putin, maybe.
Russia is bombing the groups who oppose and fight against ISIS. That means Russia is helping ISIS and you are helping ISIS by spreading the Russian propaganda because it supports your agenda. We are trying to destroy ISIS because they are running around Syria and Iraq cutting off the heads of innocent woman and children, forcing young girls into sex slavery, executing civilians in mass, burning people alive and otherwise committing public torture and murder. That is who you are supporting, so, fuck your lectures about morals or who we support. Russia is playing the evil monster in this show.
Russia is going to empower a weakened Assad. This is the correct way to defeat ISIS. And no we were not trying to destroy ISIS, we were trying to destroy Assad, which would have opened the door to ISIS gaining full control of the country.
Nonsense. Assad will not have the power, will or authority to go after ISIS in all the areas they operate, including Iraq in both the Sunni triangle areas and the Kurd areas. In addition, ISIS was not even present when the civil war began. They were late comers taking advantage of an opportunity. Assad was a monster long before ISIS came into the picture. Russia can not support a monster and make pretend they are the good guys.
Russia saves Assad's sorry ass and has control over him. They then turn to ISIS and eliminate that threat with his help.

Makes sense.
Yes, to rid Syria of ISIS, if that is even possible at this point, is going to take a large groundwork campaign. Russians are no more willing to do this than are Americans. But Syrians have little choice. What they are going to need from Russia, or anyone serious about defeating ISIS, is cooperation. The same kind of cooperation Saudi Arabia is getting from the US in Yemen.
I wonder what Iran thinks about all this. They want influence in Syria as well. Either they're annoyed or they're in cahoots with Putin, maybe.
I don't think Iran is in any position to replace the Russian's influence in Syria to begin with. I think ambitions need to be put aside for the moment and the common enemy needs to be defeated.
No better evidence than this thread itself that the US doesn't belong in the Middle East at all.
How do we get out?

I wish there was an easy answer, or even viable answer. Too many special interests with too much power want us to continue to be entangled there.
We "bought it" when we "broke it". If Iraq doesn't get it's act together very soon, we should think about the Biden option given long ago, but still feasible today. Let them divide into three units. We will have to say goodbye to Shiite south because they will alien with Iran. The Sunni's will forever be a mess in the triangle. There is hope with the Kurds. They could be our new best friend, give us a base, let us help them to build the baddest military in the region and an economic powerhouse. It would counter Iran and make the Iranian Kurds region a constant nuisance and threat. It could also be used to bring the Turks into compliance with treaties and NATO obligations.
“Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?”

No, they don’t realize what they have done, and they’re poised to do more of it. And those of us who warned at the time that the “Arab Spring” would not lead to “the triumph of democracy and progress,” but to “violence, poverty and social disaster,” were dismissed and derided as racist, bigoted “Islamophobes.” And no matter how often the establishment analysts get things wrong, and disastrously, fatally so, they never get called to account, and keep applying the same failed solutions over and over again. Putin to those who supported “Arab Spring” in Middle East: “Do you realize what you have done?”


It's amazing to me that people think they can still use the "White Man's Burden" argument.
do tell.......


You are arguing against the Arab Spring, yes? Because it led to chaos and violence? That means that you're arguing in favor of Assad, Mubarak, Gaddafi, etc. You are arguing that "they" were better off under a dictatorship, when they could be controlled - as opposed to a popular uprising, because in the aftermath of that, they may choose someone who won't do what we want.

Do you see where I'm going?
Going nowhere is where you are headed...popular uprising????? Is that what you call foreigners. Who flood in because we gave them the OK? Pathetic ......there was very little that was popular about it
Putin is taking over the mid east and reconstituting the USSR. Obama is selling out the USA, dumping on our allies, and making the USA weak.

He is not only a terrible president, he is a traitor.
Wherever would you get the idea that Putin was intending to fight isis? He may fight isis eventually but his goal is to restore the Assad government. That means beating back the ineffective rebels we have been supporting.
Wherever would you get the idea that Putin was intending to fight isis? He may fight isis eventually but his goal is to restore the Assad government. That means beating back the ineffective rebels we have been supporting.

ISIS does pose a threat to Russia and to the Assad govt that Putin supports. As soon as he neutralizes the "rebels" ISIS will be next---------------watch how a real leader who supports his country acts.

I am not saying that Putin is a great human being, only that he is a leader who is doing what he thinks is best for his country.
There is not a single credible source citing Russia is attacking ISIS. They are bombing the rebels that WE SUPPORTED.

Russia is NOT doing our dirty work. You can quote all the articles you want but nearly all of them, if not all of them, are citing Russian sources. Do YOU believe Russia?

Our own intelligence is reporting the opposite so whom do you choose to believe?

Did the 80's call you as well as Romney? Russia is NOT our ally.

Don't get me wrong, Putin has owned Obama's ass from get go but it's at the expense of America's prestige & reputation.

Can't say I give a shit.

Hope Putin bombs them all.

In fact I hope they all kill themselves fighting their asshole secular wars.

America doesn't need to do anything.

As for prestige?? Who gives a fuck. Not me.

The ME is a shithole and always has been. The sooner we are out of there permanently the better.
There is not a single credible source citing Russia is attacking ISIS. They are bombing the rebels that WE SUPPORTED.

Russia is NOT doing our dirty work. You can quote all the articles you want but nearly all of them, if not all of them, are citing Russian sources. Do YOU believe Russia?

Our own intelligence is reporting the opposite so whom do you choose to believe?

Did the 80's call you as well as Romney? Russia is NOT our ally.

Don't get me wrong, Putin has owned Obama's ass from get go but it's at the expense of America's prestige & reputation.

And this is bad because? Are you under the impression Syrians love the US or something?
There is not a single credible source citing Russia is attacking ISIS. They are bombing the rebels that WE SUPPORTED.

Russia is NOT doing our dirty work. You can quote all the articles you want but nearly all of them, if not all of them, are citing Russian sources. Do YOU believe Russia?

Our own intelligence is reporting the opposite so whom do you choose to believe?

Did the 80's call you as well as Romney? Russia is NOT our ally.

Don't get me wrong, Putin has owned Obama's ass from get go but it's at the expense of America's prestige & reputation.

Can't say I give a shit.

Hope Putin bombs them all.

In fact I hope they all kill themselves fighting their asshole secular wars.

America doesn't need to do anything.

As for prestige?? Who gives a fuck. Not me.

The ME is a shithole and always has been. The sooner we are out of there permanently the better.

classy... kill 'em all and let G-d sort them out, eh?

i'm pretty sure you'd have felt the same in WWII. bigots are always funny like that.

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