Putin IS NOT bombing ISIS

“Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?”

No, they don’t realize what they have done, and they’re poised to do more of it. And those of us who warned at the time that the “Arab Spring” would not lead to “the triumph of democracy and progress,” but to “violence, poverty and social disaster,” were dismissed and derided as racist, bigoted “Islamophobes.” And no matter how often the establishment analysts get things wrong, and disastrously, fatally so, they never get called to account, and keep applying the same failed solutions over and over again. Putin to those who supported “Arab Spring” in Middle East: “Do you realize what you have done?”


It's amazing to me that people think they can still use the "White Man's Burden" argument.
do tell.......
Are people taking stupid pills? There are more terrorist organization in Syria that we by the way have facilitated than you can shake a stick at.

Are we really bitching that Russia is taking out al Nusra Front first?

Have we lost our fucking minds?
Putin is there to help Assad, not to attack ISIS.

The Chechen leader just pledged his warriors to ISIS.

15,000. You don't think Putin wants to take out ISIS?

I think that Putin cares about ISIS exactly to the extent that they present a danger to him.

Which is admittedly more of a threat than they present to use but still not that much.
Putin is there to help Assad, not to attack ISIS.

The Chechen leader just pledged his warriors to ISIS.

15,000. You don't think Putin wants to take out ISIS?
When Putin actually moves onto ISIS you'll have a point. Until then all you have is speculation and the facts that I posted in my op.

I don't know the strategy except I have been monitoring that they are taking out al Nusra.

This is AQ.

As Martha would say.................that's a good thing.
Putin is there to help Assad, not to attack ISIS.

The Chechen leader just pledged his warriors to ISIS.

15,000. You don't think Putin wants to take out ISIS?

I think that Putin cares about ISIS exactly to the extent that they present a danger to him.

Which is admittedly more of a threat than they present to use but still not that much.

What part of Beslan did you miss? You surely must remember the Beslan massacre?

Now Kadyrov is gearing up. We're going to see some fireworks. Finally.

And it's about freaking time that somebody puts an end to the JV team.
Putin is there to help Assad, not to attack ISIS.

The Chechen leader just pledged his warriors to ISIS.

15,000. You don't think Putin wants to take out ISIS?
When Putin actually moves onto ISIS you'll have a point. Until then all you have is speculation and the facts that I posted in my op.

I don't know the strategy except I have been monitoring that they are taking out al Nusra.

This is AQ.

As Martha would say.................that's a good thing.

They're also taking out FSA.

Is that a "good" thing?
Are people taking stupid pills? There are more terrorist organization in Syria that we by the way have facilitated than you can shake a stick at.

Are we really bitching that Russia is taking out al Nusra Front first?

Have we lost our fucking minds?
If you think my op is bitching about what Putin is doing then you're not paying attention.
Romney was right. Russia is NOT a friend to America. We find ourselves in this position thanks to a feckless foreign policy.
The remedy for that is NOT to allow our our adversaries to command our foreign policy decisions.
I'm drooling on the mighty Q but come on people. If Putin strategically decides to go after al Nusra held territories are we going to be picky?
Putin is there to help Assad, not to attack ISIS.

The Chechen leader just pledged his warriors to ISIS.

15,000. You don't think Putin wants to take out ISIS?

I think that Putin cares about ISIS exactly to the extent that they present a danger to him.

Which is admittedly more of a threat than they present to use but still not that much.

What part of Beslan did you miss? You surely must remember the Beslan massacre?

Now Kadyrov is gearing up. We're going to see some fireworks. Finally.

And it's about freaking time that somebody puts an end to the JV team.


What the fuck does Beslan have to do with ISIS?
Putin is there to help Assad, not to attack ISIS.

The Chechen leader just pledged his warriors to ISIS.

15,000. You don't think Putin wants to take out ISIS?
When Putin actually moves onto ISIS you'll have a point. Until then all you have is speculation and the facts that I posted in my op.

Well....you will have to travel there and see with your own eyes what is happening

because if you are going to follow Hussein Obama's miss information machine ...you won't get too far.
Putin is there to help Assad, not to attack ISIS.

The Chechen leader just pledged his warriors to ISIS.

15,000. You don't think Putin wants to take out ISIS?
When Putin actually moves onto ISIS you'll have a point. Until then all you have is speculation and the facts that I posted in my op.

Well....you will have to travel there and see with your own eyes what is happening

because if you are going to follow Hussein Obama's miss information machine ...you won't get too far.

Dunno why I even bother.

So many rderps I can't take it
Putin is there to help Assad, not to attack ISIS.

The Chechen leader just pledged his warriors to ISIS.

15,000. You don't think Putin wants to take out ISIS?
When Putin actually moves onto ISIS you'll have a point. Until then all you have is speculation and the facts that I posted in my op.

I don't know the strategy except I have been monitoring that they are taking out al Nusra.

This is AQ.

As Martha would say.................that's a good thing.

They're also taking out FSA.

Is that a "good" thing?

Yes because they have been working with al Nusra. They've aligned with AQ. Garden is over. I have too much time on my hands.


I know this shit.
Putin is there to help Assad, not to attack ISIS.

The Chechen leader just pledged his warriors to ISIS.

15,000. You don't think Putin wants to take out ISIS?
When Putin actually moves onto ISIS you'll have a point. Until then all you have is speculation and the facts that I posted in my op.

Well....you will have to travel there and see with your own eyes what is happening

because if you are going to follow Hussein Obama's miss information machine ...you won't get too far.

Dunno why I even bother.

So many rderps I can't take it

huh? what is rderps
“Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?”

No, they don’t realize what they have done, and they’re poised to do more of it. And those of us who warned at the time that the “Arab Spring” would not lead to “the triumph of democracy and progress,” but to “violence, poverty and social disaster,” were dismissed and derided as racist, bigoted “Islamophobes.” And no matter how often the establishment analysts get things wrong, and disastrously, fatally so, they never get called to account, and keep applying the same failed solutions over and over again. Putin to those who supported “Arab Spring” in Middle East: “Do you realize what you have done?”


It's amazing to me that people think they can still use the "White Man's Burden" argument.
do tell.......


You are arguing against the Arab Spring, yes? Because it led to chaos and violence? That means that you're arguing in favor of Assad, Mubarak, Gaddafi, etc. You are arguing that "they" were better off under a dictatorship, when they could be controlled - as opposed to a popular uprising, because in the aftermath of that, they may choose someone who won't do what we want.

Do you see where I'm going?
Putin is there to help Assad, not to attack ISIS.

The Chechen leader just pledged his warriors to ISIS.

15,000. You don't think Putin wants to take out ISIS?
When Putin actually moves onto ISIS you'll have a point. Until then all you have is speculation and the facts that I posted in my op.

I don't know the strategy except I have been monitoring that they are taking out al Nusra.

This is AQ.

As Martha would say.................that's a good thing.

They're also taking out FSA.

Is that a "good" thing?

Yes because they have been working with al Nusra. They've aligned with AQ. Garden is over. I have too much time on my hands.


I know this shit.

The al-Nusra Front, or Jabhat al-Nusra (Arabic: جبهة النصرة لأهل الشام‎ Jabhat an-Nuṣrah li-Ahli ash-Shām, "The Support Front for the People of Al-Sham", often abbreviated to JN or JaN), sometimes called al-Qaeda in Syria or al-Qaeda in the Levant,[41] is a Sunni Islamic jihadist militia fighting against Syrian Government forces in the Syrian Civil War, with the aim of establishing an Islamist state in the country.[42] It is the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda,[43] and also operates in neighbouring Lebanon.[

The group announced its formation on 23 January 2012.[45] In November 2012, The Washington Post described al-Nusra as the most successful arm of the Free Syrian Army (FSA).[46] Ten days later, the United States designated Jabhat al-Nusra as a foreign terrorist organization,[47] it has also been designated by the United Nations Security Council,[48] France,[49] Australia,[50] the United Kingdom,[51][52] Canada,[53] Saudi Arabia,[54] New Zealand,[55] United Arab Emirates,[56] Russia,[57] and Turkey.[58]

In early 2015, there were reports that Qatar and other Gulf states were trying to get al-Nusra to split away from al-Qaeda, after which they would support al-Nusra with money.[59] Western observers[60] and a Syrian observer[61] considered such a split unlikely, and in March 2015, al-Nusra’s leadership denied a break-up or that talks with Qatar had occurred.[60] Other Syrian observers considered such a split conceivable[61] or imminent.[62]

As of 2015, al-Nusra cooperates with Islamist and jihadist rebel groups, and sometimes Free Syrian Army-aligned groups, against Syrian government forces (see section Relations with other Syrian rebels).

al-Nusra Front - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Putin is there to help Assad, not to attack ISIS.

The Chechen leader just pledged his warriors to ISIS.

15,000. You don't think Putin wants to take out ISIS?
When Putin actually moves onto ISIS you'll have a point. Until then all you have is speculation and the facts that I posted in my op.

I don't know the strategy except I have been monitoring that they are taking out al Nusra.

This is AQ.

As Martha would say.................that's a good thing.

They're also taking out FSA.

Is that a "good" thing?

Yes because they have been working with al Nusra. They've aligned with AQ. Garden is over. I have too much time on my hands.


I know this shit.


No, you clearly don't.

The FSA is not "aligned with AQ". They're essentially a secular army.
Putin is there to help Assad, not to attack ISIS.

The Chechen leader just pledged his warriors to ISIS.

15,000. You don't think Putin wants to take out ISIS?
When Putin actually moves onto ISIS you'll have a point. Until then all you have is speculation and the facts that I posted in my op.
So much Putin love going on here craziness and you don't need a base in Syrian with Air defenses to fight isis

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