Putin kills Muslim children and women; Muslim guy kills Russian ambassador

The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

Please discuss.
So you support Islamic Terrorism...interesting....disgusting and interesting at the same time. How about Russia and Syria are trying to stop a terrorist take over of Syria which the US has aided and abetted. Russia has done nothing wrong but try and stop terrorism from destroying another country. The terrorists just fucked with the wrong world leader. This isn't mom pant wearing pussy boy Obama with his red lines no one cares about....

Bashar al Assad is a dictator who is just trying to maintain his family's 45+ year rule of Syria.

Sure, it's similar with a decades of Bush/Clintons clans rule in America... :)
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

No, the deaths in Aleppo were war casualties and morally justified as part of waging just war.

The Russian ambassador was assassinated which is morally bankrupt.
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

Please discuss.
Should US diplomats expect a similar reaction to be justified because of our support for terrorists in Syria?
Now that's something I could get behind! At least US politicians had a hand in causing the problems in Syria
Everything seems to be under control

Obama has made sure the world is a MUCH safer place that it was when he took over.

Remember, the entire world was going to love America because of Barry?

How did that work out?
Funny how so many can understand the concept of blowback when it comes to countries they don't like, but you "hate America" if you point out when it happens to us.
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

No, the deaths in Aleppo were war casualties and morally justified as part of waging just war.

The Russian ambassador was assassinated which is morally bankrupt.
I don't know what kind of insane morality you're talking about, but killing innocent civilians is never morally justified.
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

Please discuss.

Just more of the quagmire of Syria spreading its chaos around. I could care less what Muslim thug rules over masses of Muslims in Islamic shithole countries. Believing Muslims can live in a peaceful democracy is a fucking pipe dream. Muslims will kill each other over their minor differences if given the chance. The only way to maintain "peace" in the Middle East is to have a brutal dictator rule them with an iron fist and deny them almost all basic human rights. So, let them pick their own poison. Best thing we can do is keep them isolated, prevent any immigration, and let them kill themselves. Just drop some big bombs on them if they think about attacking the West and to remind them we can destroy them at any time if we really want to.
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

No, the deaths in Aleppo were war casualties and morally justified as part of waging just war.

The Russian ambassador was assassinated which is morally bankrupt.
I don't know what kind of insane morality you're talking about, but killing innocent civilians is never morally justified.
Yes it is. I don't know about Syria but carpet bombing Dresden and nuking Japan was the right thing to do.
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

Please discuss.
Should US diplomats expect a similar reaction to be justified because of our support for terrorists in Syria?
Now that's something I could get behind! At least US politicians had a hand in causing the problems in Syria
This country is entirely responsible for the current situation in Syria.
Trump completes a new Axis of Evil: Bashar al Assad, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump.

Putin is eating Muslim children at breakfast...
Trump is financing Russian hackers to steal info about democrats...
What's wrong with Assad?

Huh? You're kidding, right?


Oh, I got it!
Assad is former dentist - a scariest profession in the world!

And he disturbs the Islamists of Clinton to cut out all Alavits (btw, Muslims, with women and children), they want... How disgusting!
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

No, the deaths in Aleppo were war casualties and morally justified as part of waging just war.

The Russian ambassador was assassinated which is morally bankrupt.
I don't know what kind of insane morality you're talking about, but killing innocent civilians is never morally justified.
Yes it is. I don't know about Syria but carpet bombing Dresden and nuking Japan was the right thing to do.
The theory being that Hitler loved people so much he might give up his power if we kill them? Give me a break. And nuking Japan was completely unnecessary as Japan was trying to reach out to end the war already.
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

Please discuss.
Should US diplomats expect a similar reaction to be justified because of our support for terrorists in Syria?
Now that's something I could get behind! At least US politicians had a hand in causing the problems in Syria
This country is entirely responsible for the current situation in Syria.
Entirely is going too far, but everything the U.S. has done has made it much worse.
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

No, the deaths in Aleppo were war casualties and morally justified as part of waging just war.

The Russian ambassador was assassinated which is morally bankrupt.
I don't know what kind of insane morality you're talking about, but killing innocent civilians is never morally justified.
Yes it is. I don't know about Syria but carpet bombing Dresden and nuking Japan was the right thing to do.
The theory being that Hitler loved people so much he might give up his power if we kill them? Give me a break. And nuking Japan was completely unnecessary as Japan was trying to reach out to end the war already.
The factories were the primary targets, don't know what your Hitler babble was all about. But no, Japan was not surrendering. They vowed to fight to the death and would have cost the allies many thousands of lives rooting them out.

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