Putin kills Muslim children and women; Muslim guy kills Russian ambassador

I don't know what kind of insane morality you're talking about, but killing innocent civilians is never morally justified.
Yes it is. I don't know about Syria but carpet bombing Dresden and nuking Japan was the right thing to do.
I think you may be confusing concepts of right and wrong with that of expediency.
My version of right and wrong is based on less of us dying.
Sounds more like it's based on old movies.
Less of us dying is old movies to you? That's beyond stupid.
The incendiary bomb raids on Tokyo and other cities in 1945 killed far more people than at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Surrender was already being discussed through neutral diplomatic channels, but the Soviet Union was about to launch a massive offensive in Manchuria and Korea. The Soviets expected to occupy Hokkaido Island and be part of the allied occupation of Japan. The United States decided to act decisively to prevent the Soviets from having influence in post war Japan. That would be non movie version of history.
I don't know what kind of insane morality you're talking about, but killing innocent civilians is never morally justified.
Yes it is. I don't know about Syria but carpet bombing Dresden and nuking Japan was the right thing to do.
I think you may be confusing concepts of right and wrong with that of expediency.
My version of right and wrong is based on less of us dying.
Sounds more like it's based on old movies.
Even old movies are closer to Reality than your Marxist ideology.
Yes, I'm a big fan of movie Marxism.
Yes it is. I don't know about Syria but carpet bombing Dresden and nuking Japan was the right thing to do.
I think you may be confusing concepts of right and wrong with that of expediency.
My version of right and wrong is based on less of us dying.
Sounds more like it's based on old movies.
Less of us dying is old movies to you? That's beyond stupid.
The incendiary bomb raids on Tokyo and other cities in 1945 killed far more people than at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Surrender was already being discussed through neutral diplomatic channels, but the Soviet Union was about to launch a massive offensive in Manchuria and Korea. The Soviets expected to occupy Hokkaido Island and be part of the allied occupation of Japan. The United States decided to act decisively to prevent the Soviets from having influence in post war Japan. That would be non movie version of history.

As I know, it was decisively from Japan, because Soviets made a powerful operation to kick down Japan. My grandpa was there! :)
I think you may be confusing concepts of right and wrong with that of expediency.
My version of right and wrong is based on less of us dying.
Sounds more like it's based on old movies.
Less of us dying is old movies to you? That's beyond stupid.
The incendiary bomb raids on Tokyo and other cities in 1945 killed far more people than at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Surrender was already being discussed through neutral diplomatic channels, but the Soviet Union was about to launch a massive offensive in Manchuria and Korea. The Soviets expected to occupy Hokkaido Island and be part of the allied occupation of Japan. The United States decided to act decisively to prevent the Soviets from having influence in post war Japan. That would be non movie version of history.

As I know, it was decisively from Japan, because Soviets made a powerful operation to kick down Japan. My grandpa was there! :)
The Imperial Japanese forces in Manchuria and Korea totaled about one million men. Soviet divisions crushed them in a few days.
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

Please discuss.
You guys have nothing to say about Assad killing over 400,000 of his own people, thanks to Hussien Obama's incompetence.

Why not? But.... Emm... Could I see the graves of this over 400.000 people first?
According to estimates, Assad has so far slaugtered over 400,000 of his own people.
My version of right and wrong is based on less of us dying.
Sounds more like it's based on old movies.
Less of us dying is old movies to you? That's beyond stupid.
The incendiary bomb raids on Tokyo and other cities in 1945 killed far more people than at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Surrender was already being discussed through neutral diplomatic channels, but the Soviet Union was about to launch a massive offensive in Manchuria and Korea. The Soviets expected to occupy Hokkaido Island and be part of the allied occupation of Japan. The United States decided to act decisively to prevent the Soviets from having influence in post war Japan. That would be non movie version of history.

As I know, it was decisively from Japan, because Soviets made a powerful operation to kick down Japan. My grandpa was there! :)
The Imperial Japanese forces in Manchuria and Korea totaled about one million men. Soviet divisions crushed them in a few days.

I know. It was a real reason for Japan to surrender
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

Please discuss.
You guys have nothing to say about Assad killing over 400,000 of his own people, thanks to Hussien Obama's incompetence.

Why not? But.... Emm... Could I see the graves of this over 400.000 people first?
According to estimates, Assad has so far slaugtered over 400,000 of his own people.

Ok, ok, I believe you, just SHOW me, where they graved. Unfortunately, I could not seek them now, because I'm still seeking a graves of 100.000.000 Russians, slaughtered by bloody Stalin....
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

Please discuss.
You guys have nothing to say about Assad killing over 400,000 of his own people, thanks to Hussien Obama's incompetence.

Why not? But.... Emm... Could I see the graves of this over 400.000 people first?
According to estimates, Assad has so far slaugtered over 400,000 of his own people.

Ok, ok, I believe you, just SHOW me, where they graved. Unfortunately, I could not seek them now, because I'm still seeking a graves of 100.000.000 Russians, slaughtered by bloody Stalin....
Graves of civilians killed in the battle field? Oh please, if that's what you're looking for as proof, then none of the massacres and genocides ever happened. :cuckoo:
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

Please discuss.
You guys have nothing to say about Assad killing over 400,000 of his own people, thanks to Hussien Obama's incompetence.

Why not? But.... Emm... Could I see the graves of this over 400.000 people first?
According to estimates, Assad has so far slaugtered over 400,000 of his own people.
His own people and US funded terrorists.
Sounds more like it's based on old movies.
Less of us dying is old movies to you? That's beyond stupid.
The incendiary bomb raids on Tokyo and other cities in 1945 killed far more people than at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Surrender was already being discussed through neutral diplomatic channels, but the Soviet Union was about to launch a massive offensive in Manchuria and Korea. The Soviets expected to occupy Hokkaido Island and be part of the allied occupation of Japan. The United States decided to act decisively to prevent the Soviets from having influence in post war Japan. That would be non movie version of history.

As I know, it was decisively from Japan, because Soviets made a powerful operation to kick down Japan. My grandpa was there! :)
The Imperial Japanese forces in Manchuria and Korea totaled about one million men. Soviet divisions crushed them in a few days.

I know. It was a real reason for Japan to surrender
I would say that is partially true. The Japanese would obviously have preferred to surrender to Americans rather than Russians.
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

Please discuss.
You guys have nothing to say about Assad killing over 400,000 of his own people, thanks to Hussien Obama's incompetence.

Why not? But.... Emm... Could I see the graves of this over 400.000 people first?
According to estimates, Assad has so far slaugtered over 400,000 of his own people.

Ok, ok, I believe you, just SHOW me, where they graved. Unfortunately, I could not seek them now, because I'm still seeking a graves of 100.000.000 Russians, slaughtered by bloody Stalin....
Graves of civilians killed in the battle field? Oh please, if that's what you're looking for as proof, then none of the massacres and genocides ever happened. :cuckoo:

Oh, man, life is not a computer game and any bodies cannot turn into void only because a game rule. All Russia after WWII is full of cemeteries of Russian soldiers, civilians, Germans, Hungaries, Italians and so on. I'm sorry, but 400.000 bodies is not a dog's dick, it's a huge grave - with a large number of visitors.... Syria don't have enough crematory furnaces, as nazi German, to burn them!
Less of us dying is old movies to you? That's beyond stupid.
The incendiary bomb raids on Tokyo and other cities in 1945 killed far more people than at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Surrender was already being discussed through neutral diplomatic channels, but the Soviet Union was about to launch a massive offensive in Manchuria and Korea. The Soviets expected to occupy Hokkaido Island and be part of the allied occupation of Japan. The United States decided to act decisively to prevent the Soviets from having influence in post war Japan. That would be non movie version of history.

As I know, it was decisively from Japan, because Soviets made a powerful operation to kick down Japan. My grandpa was there! :)
The Imperial Japanese forces in Manchuria and Korea totaled about one million men. Soviet divisions crushed them in a few days.

I know. It was a real reason for Japan to surrender
I would say that is partially true. The Japanese would obviously have preferred to surrender to Americans rather than Russians.

I think, they were strongly afraid an investigation, what they performed at continent territory, in China... They had very wild practices on living people, like nazies...
Trump completes a new Axis of Evil: Bashar al Assad, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump.

Putin is eating Muslim children at breakfast...
Trump is financing Russian hackers to steal info about democrats...
What's wrong with Assad?
He's just another of the anonymous middle-east meat packing glitterati.

So, why we cannot change Assad for the one of Al-Sauds here? Maybe, our choice could be more tasty? :)
Consequences to actions. The problem is most people won't admit that the consequences are their fault, like the US with Islamic extremism.
Why should we admit a lie? Lies are for liberals to cope with their ever increasing struggle with reality. The west is based on freedom, the antithesis of Islamic fundamentalism. If your point is that we are guilty for not following suit that makes you and enemy or stupid beyond measure.
You guys have nothing to say about Assad killing over 400,000 of his own people, thanks to Hussien Obama's incompetence.

Why not? But.... Emm... Could I see the graves of this over 400.000 people first?
According to estimates, Assad has so far slaugtered over 400,000 of his own people.

Ok, ok, I believe you, just SHOW me, where they graved. Unfortunately, I could not seek them now, because I'm still seeking a graves of 100.000.000 Russians, slaughtered by bloody Stalin....
Graves of civilians killed in the battle field? Oh please, if that's what you're looking for as proof, then none of the massacres and genocides ever happened. :cuckoo:

Oh, man, life is not a computer game and any bodies cannot turn into void only because a game rule. All Russia after WWII is full of cemeteries of Russian soldiers, civilians, Germans, Hungaries, Italians and so on. I'm sorry, but 400.000 bodies is not a dog's dick, it's a huge grave - with a large number of visitors.... Syria don't have enough crematory furnaces, as nazi German, to burn them!
It's a war zone and people are fleeing now. But you're welcome to go look for it.
The killing of children and women in Aleppo resulted in the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey by an angry Muslim.

No, the deaths in Aleppo were war casualties and morally justified as part of waging just war.

The Russian ambassador was assassinated which is morally bankrupt.
I don't know what kind of insane morality you're talking about, but killing innocent civilians is never morally justified.
Yes it is. I don't know about Syria but carpet bombing Dresden and nuking Japan was the right thing to do.
The theory being that Hitler loved people so much he might give up his power if we kill them? Give me a break. And nuking Japan was completely unnecessary as Japan was trying to reach out to end the war already.
The factories were the primary targets, don't know what your Hitler babble was all about. But no, Japan was not surrendering. They vowed to fight to the death and would have cost the allies many thousands of lives rooting them out.
Factories full of civilians. Regardless, you're wrong about Japan.

"We consider the maintenance of peace in East Asia to be one aspect of the maintenance of world peace. Accordingly, Japan—as a proposal for ending the war and because of her concern for the establishment and maintenance of lasting peace—has absolutely no idea of annexing or holding the territories which she occupied during the war." - Shigenori Tōgō, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Empire of Japan July 12, 1945


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