Putin likes Trump

He wants to reconstitute the USSR. He is trying to make his country powerful once again. You may not like that, but it is what it is.

While here in the USA, Obama is doing everything he can to weaken this country and let radicals of all stripes take control.

Why won't your hero say the words "radical Islamic terrorists" ? Why wont he call the enemy what it is?
Because you are stupid and will take it the wrong way?

the only logical conclusion is that Obama does not want to offend his muslim brothers. That or he supports the actions of muslim terrorists.
The fact you don't get why we don't want to make it a war with Islam says a lot about you.

Show me the shooters in San Bernardino had any connection to the teaching in the mosque they attended. I would compare them to Christians who shoot abortion doctors. Do we have a problem with Christians?

Damn it, is your head solid rock? No one is calling for a war against islam. Only against the radical terrorist groups within islam.

Wake the fuck up. you are making a fool of yourself.
Obama is very careful about the words he uses. Trump is not.

As for my opinion, Obama is really good, careful moderator and really not doing stupid shit...

And, if serious - which serious steps you're waiting from Obama against terroristic ISIS, having 86 nuclear stations in country? And so large internal aviatraffic? Mass shooting - is an only actions from laymans, just a warnings from ISIS not to fight with them
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you libs just don't get it. No one is saying that Putin is a wonderful human being. Only that he is a leader who is putting the interests of his country first.

Is Obama doing that????????????? NO!

So how many troops you want in Syria?

That's not for me to say. My answer would be that the USA and Russia and most of Europe could form a coalition and wipe ISIS out in a few days. We have a common enemy, it makes no sense to not work together to destroy them.
Maybe if Putin stop arming countries that sponsor terrorism?

We gave arms to the Syrian "rebels". Whats the difference?

What do you mean WE? You supplied arms to Iran and Syria the prime sponsors of terrorism.
We...... not YOU gave arms to Syrian Rebels to protect themselves from getting slaughtered by Assad and they are not terrorizing their neighbors. That's the difference. So try again.
stupid much??????????????
I'd explain again but why bother with you. Run along.

typical lib,, when confronted with facts that refute his BS he hurls juvenile insults.

run along now, kid. you contribute nothing here of value.
Tell me what other murderous dictators think about trump.

Jeffrey Dahmer thought Clinton was a pussy too. Is that an endorsement?

That's the kind of leader Republicans want? A guy who murders the media?

there is no proof the Putin had a reporter killed. If you have proof, post it. Otherwise STFU

You are talking about Russia. There is no legitimate legal system in Russia. Putin is a dictator and squashes anything that makes him look bad. His KGB days taught him well.
Russia and Putin would love nothing more then for America to elect the wrong leader.

Putin didn't like Obama? Probably because Obama didn't kiss his ass. If Obama were weak and going along Putin wouldn't be publically dissing him. Putin pretended to like bush and bush fell for it.
Daesh is doing everything they can to drag US solders into their war. And Donald and the GOP are playing into their hands perfectly.
I'd explain again but why bother with you. Run along.

typical lib,, when confronted with facts that refute his BS he hurls juvenile insults.

run along now, kid. you contribute nothing here of value.
Tell me what other murderous dictators think about trump.

Jeffrey Dahmer thought Clinton was a pussy too. Is that an endorsement?

That's the kind of leader Republicans want? A guy who murders the media?

there is no proof the Putin had a reporter killed. If you have proof, post it. Otherwise STFU

You are talking about Russia. There is no legitimate legal system in Russia. Putin is a dictator and squashes anything that makes him look bad. His KGB days taught him well.
But he's no doubt a strong leader. That's all redfish is saying. He wants Reagan back. Hell, he'll take any Republican over Obama or hillary.

Sorry he's gonna have to go at least 4 years of hillary that I garuntee.

At the Reagan times Russia had buffer territories and game was there... What if next "Donald Cook", violating the borders of Russia, will be bombed not by sandbag, but by normal bomb? And will found, how to retaliate attack? You don't know, how fast the next accident can evolve to full-scale conflict.
I'd explain again but why bother with you. Run along.

typical lib,, when confronted with facts that refute his BS he hurls juvenile insults.

run along now, kid. you contribute nothing here of value.
Tell me what other murderous dictators think about trump.

Jeffrey Dahmer thought Clinton was a pussy too. Is that an endorsement?

That's the kind of leader Republicans want? A guy who murders the media?

there is no proof the Putin had a reporter killed. If you have proof, post it. Otherwise STFU

You are talking about Russia. There is no legitimate legal system in Russia. Putin is a dictator and squashes anything that makes him look bad. His KGB days taught him well.
Russia and Putin would love nothing more then for America to elect the wrong leader.

Putin didn't like Obama? Probably because Obama didn't kiss his ass. If Obama were weak and going along Putin wouldn't be publically dissing him. Putin pretended to like bush and bush fell for it.

Here comes Trump and Putin kissing each other's ass ........... I can just see Putin rolling on the floor laughing giving high 5 with his cartels. We got one ....... We got one..... We got one...... God bless America.
typical lib,, when confronted with facts that refute his BS he hurls juvenile insults.

run along now, kid. you contribute nothing here of value.
Tell me what other murderous dictators think about trump.

Jeffrey Dahmer thought Clinton was a pussy too. Is that an endorsement?

That's the kind of leader Republicans want? A guy who murders the media?

there is no proof the Putin had a reporter killed. If you have proof, post it. Otherwise STFU

You are talking about Russia. There is no legitimate legal system in Russia. Putin is a dictator and squashes anything that makes him look bad. His KGB days taught him well.
Russia and Putin would love nothing more then for America to elect the wrong leader.

Putin didn't like Obama? Probably because Obama didn't kiss his ass. If Obama were weak and going along Putin wouldn't be publically dissing him. Putin pretended to like bush and bush fell for it.

Here comes Trump and Putin kissing each other's ass ........... I can just see Putin rolling on the floor laughing giving high 5 with his cartels. We got one ....... We got one..... We got one...... God bless America.
Im happy to hear Putin doesn't like Obama. Makes me wonder why he liked bush and why he likes trump.
I'd explain again but why bother with you. Run along.

typical lib,, when confronted with facts that refute his BS he hurls juvenile insults.

run along now, kid. you contribute nothing here of value.
Tell me what other murderous dictators think about trump.

Jeffrey Dahmer thought Clinton was a pussy too. Is that an endorsement?

That's the kind of leader Republicans want? A guy who murders the media?

there is no proof the Putin had a reporter killed. If you have proof, post it. Otherwise STFU

You are talking about Russia. There is no legitimate legal system in Russia. Putin is a dictator and squashes anything that makes him look bad. His KGB days taught him well.
Russia and Putin would love nothing more then for America to elect the wrong leader.

Putin didn't like Obama? Probably because Obama didn't kiss his ass. If Obama were weak and going along Putin wouldn't be publically dissing him. Putin pretended to like bush and bush fell for it.

If Obama really weak, what the f'cking deals are doing at Ukraine now? Think - who else, except Obama, can still prevent Russian invasiion there?
typical lib,, when confronted with facts that refute his BS he hurls juvenile insults.

run along now, kid. you contribute nothing here of value.
Tell me what other murderous dictators think about trump.

Jeffrey Dahmer thought Clinton was a pussy too. Is that an endorsement?

That's the kind of leader Republicans want? A guy who murders the media?

there is no proof the Putin had a reporter killed. If you have proof, post it. Otherwise STFU

You are talking about Russia. There is no legitimate legal system in Russia. Putin is a dictator and squashes anything that makes him look bad. His KGB days taught him well.
Russia and Putin would love nothing more then for America to elect the wrong leader.

Putin didn't like Obama? Probably because Obama didn't kiss his ass. If Obama were weak and going along Putin wouldn't be publically dissing him. Putin pretended to like bush and bush fell for it.

If Obama really weak, what the f'cking deals are doing at Ukraine now? Think - who else, except Obama, can still prevent Russian invasiion there?
We can't really say much if Russia wants to fuck with one of their neighbors. Not after Iraq.
He's a dictator Redfish, he answers to no human life..... you seem to think that is awesome, why is that?

I said he is a good leader who puts his country first. That is a true statement.

Do those qualities apply to Obama? NO

its that simple.

Put his country first...... Like what????? By invading Ukraine and Georgia, supplying arms to Syria and Iran, murdering civilians in Syria........... Keep trying you might impressed me.

Russia Is Killing Civilians, Not ISIS, in Syria

He wants to reconstitute the USSR. He is trying to make his country powerful once again. You may not like that, but it is what it is.

While here in the USA, Obama is doing everything he can to weaken this country and let radicals of all stripes take control.

Why won't your hero say the words "radical Islamic terrorists" ? Why wont he call the enemy what it is?

Good lord.... You were asking that we should all get along because of common goal. And here you are supporting Russian aggressions. Someone has to fight and stand against Russian aggressions.
Just because he is murdering 100s of Syrian and killing few ISIS. That doesn't him a hero but a murderer. Make his country great again? That just pure bullshit.

where did I say I supported Russian aggression? I said Putin is a leader, I never said I agreed with anything he has done. Hitler and Mao were leaders too, being a leader does not make them good people.

But I understand, the defective liberal gene prevents your mind from thinking logically and rationally.
It only allows emooooooooooooooooootion, and feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.

and don't call me lord, its disrespectful of the real Lord.

Is this Deflection or Defection time? You've been here last couple of days nothing but praising, admiring and defending Putin and Russia. Now You are abandoning your hero and your dream nation? That's okay we accept asylum.
BTW Russian population is decreasing not increasing just incase you didn't know.
We can't really say much if Russia wants to fuck with one of their neighbors. Not after Iraq.

And because of it almost all strategic Russian forces at alert mode? It means only one thing - threat from US. Doomsday Clock shows 3 minutes to midnight. I know, many americans wants to "give Russia a flick", but what you really know about thoughts of russians? We both need moderate and careful leaders like Putin or Obama, in another case world situatuon can grow fast to unpredictable...
We can't really say much if Russia wants to fuck with one of their neighbors. Not after Iraq.

And because of it almost all strategic Russian forces at alert mode? It means only one thing - threat from US. Doomsday Clock shows 3 minutes to midnight. I know, many americans wants to "give Russia a flick", but what you really know about thoughts of russians? We both need moderate and careful leaders like Putin or Obama, in another case world situatuon can grow fast to unpredictable...

I think they want the war.Oh boy. I think they want a war.
I'd explain again but why bother with you. Run along.

typical lib,, when confronted with facts that refute his BS he hurls juvenile insults.

run along now, kid. you contribute nothing here of value.
Tell me what other murderous dictators think about trump.

Jeffrey Dahmer thought Clinton was a pussy too. Is that an endorsement?

That's the kind of leader Republicans want? A guy who murders the media?

there is no proof the Putin had a reporter killed. If you have proof, post it. Otherwise STFU

You are talking about Russia. There is no legitimate legal system in Russia. Putin is a dictator and squashes anything that makes him look bad. His KGB days taught him well.
Russia and Putin would love nothing more then for America to elect the wrong leader.

Putin didn't like Obama? Probably because Obama didn't kiss his ass. If Obama were weak and going along Putin wouldn't be publically dissing him. Putin pretended to like bush and bush fell for it.
AGREE 100%
typical lib,, when confronted with facts that refute his BS he hurls juvenile insults.

run along now, kid. you contribute nothing here of value.
Tell me what other murderous dictators think about trump.

Jeffrey Dahmer thought Clinton was a pussy too. Is that an endorsement?

That's the kind of leader Republicans want? A guy who murders the media?

there is no proof the Putin had a reporter killed. If you have proof, post it. Otherwise STFU

You are talking about Russia. There is no legitimate legal system in Russia. Putin is a dictator and squashes anything that makes him look bad. His KGB days taught him well.
Russia and Putin would love nothing more then for America to elect the wrong leader.

Putin didn't like Obama? Probably because Obama didn't kiss his ass. If Obama were weak and going along Putin wouldn't be publically dissing him. Putin pretended to like bush and bush fell for it.
AGREE 100%

Better get your wiki right and see how badly you've fucked up the world before you scream about Russia.
NOW ALL YOU FUCK FACES. And I am really tired of dealing with you idiots. Get up to speed morons.

typical lib,, when confronted with facts that refute his BS he hurls juvenile insults.

run along now, kid. you contribute nothing here of value.
Tell me what other murderous dictators think about trump.

Jeffrey Dahmer thought Clinton was a pussy too. Is that an endorsement?

That's the kind of leader Republicans want? A guy who murders the media?

there is no proof the Putin had a reporter killed. If you have proof, post it. Otherwise STFU

You are talking about Russia. There is no legitimate legal system in Russia. Putin is a dictator and squashes anything that makes him look bad. His KGB days taught him well.
Russia and Putin would love nothing more then for America to elect the wrong leader.

Putin didn't like Obama? Probably because Obama didn't kiss his ass. If Obama were weak and going along Putin wouldn't be publically dissing him. Putin pretended to like bush and bush fell for it.
AGREE 100%

Abu Omar al Shishani is Baghdadi's right hand man. He is the military tactical gem that has rocked not only thru Syria but Iraq and now Afghanistan.

You need to wake up Care for all and get your head out of your little dem world.
Looks like a universal love affair between Republicans and Putin

"Vote for Trump...make Putin happy"

Beats the shit out of loving the fool in the White House who has now completely fucked up the ME with his regime change mandates. It was bad enough before. Now Obama's added the icing on the cake.
so who is behind it? who truly is it, that wants regime change and is either lobbying or pulling strings behind the scenes in various nations to make this happen?

And why?

so who is behind it? who truly is it, that wants regime change and is either lobbying or pulling strings behind the scenes in various nations to make this happen?

And why?

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