Putin won't invade Finland now! NBA All-Star my bro Lauri Markkanen to fulfill mandatory military service in Finland during offseason: ‘We take pride’

Finland is one of those Eurotrash countries liberals want to emulate. Odd how they never mention mandatory military service.
of course Putin wont invade,he is not the bad guy the media is portrayimg him as. NATO is.this is WHY the media makes him out to be Hitler.

All countries that remove Central Banking Systems / Petro-Dollar & United States Special Interest Corporations that steal said countrys' natural resources / wealth & send it all OUT of the country, are the ones the CIA / MOSSAD go to war with to overthrow leaders & install puppet leaders controlled by the CIA / Central Bankers / Corporations.

WALL STREET won't invest money in companies overseas, if said countries have an election every 4 years with an impending probability of a NEW President kicking those Special Interest Companies / Banks OUT of their country to keep & share resources & wealth with their own ppl.

When it comes to the cabal's Wall Street investments, they are looking for 50 - 100 year stability / SECURITY to not only get their return investment, but maximize profits thereafter.

Russia is off the dollar.
Finland is one of those Eurotrash countries liberals want to emulate. Odd how they never mention mandatory military service.

Worse, now that NATO forces are so wide and diverse that conventional military is no longer an option in dealing with the assault of Russia's borders, Putin is being forced into considering his NUCLEAR options.
of course Putin wont invade,he is not the bad guy the media is portrayimg him as. NATO is.this is WHY the media makes him out to be Hitler.
Because he acts like Hitler. NATO has never invaded another country, Putin has. NATO has not shelled civilian residences, Putin has. Of course Putin is the bad guy. You are just a Putin troll.
Because he acts like Hitler. NATO has never invaded another country, Putin has. NATO has not shelled civilian residences, Putin has. Of course Putin is the bad guy. You are just a Putin troll.
Putting a NATO nation along Russian frontier for 800 miles without a buffer is stupid. Then again, the globalists are taking risks believing nothing will happen. It may not, but our lives are on the table. Years ago I would have loved this. For I believed we were the good guys. The abuse of the federal reserve fiat currency and other fiat currencies has changed everything as the Western World is no one huge debtor enterprise.
Putting a NATO nation along Russian frontier for 800 miles without a buffer is stupid. Then again, the globalists are taking risks believing nothing will happen. It may not, but our lives are on the table. Years ago I would have loved this. For I believed we were the good guys. The abuse of the federal reserve fiat currency and other fiat currencies has changed everything as the Western World is no one huge debtor enterprise.
I see you corrected you previous reply, probably because of all the inaccuracies, supposition, and guesswork. Good call.
Was there ever any serious evidence Putin had any plans to invade Finland?
I’m aware Finland joined NATO that is not proof of an imminent Russian invasion.
Well, Ukraine proved that once the Russian invasion is imminent it's too late to join NATO. Perhaps Finland is just being cautious. Russia did invade Finland once before after all.
Well, Ukraine proved that once the Russian invasion is imminent it's too late to join NATO. Perhaps Finland is just being cautious. Russia did invade Finland once before after all.
If memory serves that was in 1939 couple months after Hitler started the blitz with the invasion of Poland when Europe was focused on Germany not Russia.
If memory serves that was in 1939 couple months after Hitler started the blitz with the invasion of Poland when Europe was focused on Germany not Russia.
You are correct. However, they did invade and the timing is immaterial. Germany had not invaded Russia yet and they thought their non-aggression pact with Germany would hold. Stalin assumed that with the rest of the world occupied with the German war, he could get away with invading Finland. Putin, who seems to act more like Stalin every day, has proven that he is not above invading another sovereign country, so who can blame them for being cautious.
You are correct. However, they did invade and the timing is immaterial. Germany had not invaded Russia yet and they thought their non-aggression pact with Germany would hold. Stalin assumed that with the rest of the world occupied with the German war, he could get away with invading Finland. Putin, who seems to act more like Stalin every day, has proven that he is not above invading another sovereign country, so who can blame them for being cautious.
Putins military has all it can handle with Ukraine Putin expected a quick victory in Ukraine which he did not get and now finds himself in a protracted slog. Putin gets support within Russia for the war in Ukraine because of the history between the two countries he would not have that if he chose to attack Finland. The one thing Putin does not want to risk is his power in Russia expanding the war beyond Ukraine would do that.
Putins military has all it can handle with Ukraine Putin expected a quick victory in Ukraine which he did not get and now finds himself in a protracted slog. Putin gets support within Russia for the war in Ukraine because of the history between the two countries he would not have that if he chose to attack Finland. The one thing Putin does not want to risk is his power in Russia expanding the war beyond Ukraine would do that.
Perhaps, but you fall into the dangerous line of thinking that tin pot dictators actually care what their people think. Putin, like Hitler and Stalin before him, could care less about the number of poorly prepared people he throws into a battle to satisfy his lust for greater power. Give him time and we might hear of Putin-Jungen.
Well, Ukraine proved that once the Russian invasion is imminent it's too late to join NATO. Perhaps Finland is just being cautious. Russia did invade Finland once before after all.

Who has Russia not invaded among its neighbors? Poland alone has been invaded over a dozen times.

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