Putting aside policy, what exactly do Trump supporters think of Donnnie himself?

I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.
So, tell me about the Russian scandal and Trumps links to it.
Trump as a person?

I honestly look at him and say (to myself) "what can he possibly do to be worth so many millions. . . that I can't do? I wonder if he's even aware with the help of those surrounding him. . . to see how petty and idiotic he sounds when he slips into one of his reactionary fits.

That said, I'll take Trump on his WORSE days over Hitlary on any of her BEST!
I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.
He is a dick. His sons are assholes (they like to trophy hunt in Africa). BUT...he is not a politician. The WH needs to be cleaned out from all the corrupt people who have squatted there for so long. If it takes a Trump 4 years to do it...fine by me. THe majority are tired of the Underwoods..er....people ruling this country.
I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.

Why would Obama been impeached if the Russian thing was the same?

You really think they would impeach Obama over russia news the Hillary rigged the DNC election

Had an illegal server

Obstructed justice by wiping out 30,000 e mails?

Billy what fantasy world do you live in ?

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I guess he's a symptom. Seems to me, that's what people we elect are, a reflection. In his case, a primal scream.

Enough people have been driven over the edge by frustration - driven in no small part by others who have a vested professional interest in pushing them - that they were able to lash out en masse and really throw a wrench into our political system. No matter how bad, ugly and embarrassing this gets, they're going to cheer it on. Very nihilistic.

This man is a mix of Chauncey Gardner and Hulk Hogan, an individual of clearly limited intellectual elasticity who is able to simply overwhelm (some) people with the sheer force of his will, while saying just enough right stuff to keep some people attached. The problem is, that's a poor skill set to have as President.

As a majority of us knew.
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I guess he's a symptom. Seems to me, that's what people we elect are, a reflection. In his case, a primal scream.

Enough people have been driven over the edge by frustration - driven in no small part by others who have a vested professional interest in pushing them - that they were able to lash out en masse and really throw a wrench into our political system. No matter how bad, ugly and embarrassing this gets, they're going to cheer it on. Very nihilistic.

This man is a mix of Chauncey Gardner and Hulk Hogan, an individual of clearly limited intellectual elasticity who is able to simply overwhelm (some) people with the sheer force of his will, while saying just enough right stuff to keep some people attached. The problem is, that's a poor skill set to have as President.

As a majority of us knew.
While being Frustrated with Washington establishment is understandable, it was no excuse to vote for Trump
I guess he's a symptom. Seems to me, that's what people we elect are, a reflection. In his case, a primal scream.

Enough people have been driven over the edge by frustration - driven in no small part by others who have a vested professional interest in pushing them - that they were able to lash out en masse and really throw a wrench into our political system. No matter how bad, ugly and embarrassing this gets, they're going to cheer it on. Very nihilistic.

This man is a mix of Chauncey Gardner and Hulk Hogan, an individual of clearly limited intellectual elasticity who is able to simply overwhelm (some) people with the sheer force of his will, while saying just enough right stuff to keep some people attached. The problem is, that's a poor skill set to have as President.

As a majority of us knew.
While being Frustrated with Washington establishment is understandable, it was no excuse to vote for Trump
I suspect books will be written (if not already) on the psychology of voting for him.
I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.
Typical dumbass liberal.

Ignore policy and base judgments on personal emotional feelings.

You are precisely the type of idiot participation trophies were created for
I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.

Wonder if Trump could charg rent on all that relastate he owns in yalls heads.
I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.

I think he's a juvenile narcissistic buffoon. However, he really does care about this country and that sets him above almost every politician that has been POTUS since reagan.
I guess he's a symptom. Seems to me, that's what people we elect are, a reflection. In his case, a primal scream.

Enough people have been driven over the edge by frustration - driven in no small part by others who have a vested professional interest in pushing them - that they were able to lash out en masse and really throw a wrench into our political system. No matter how bad, ugly and embarrassing this gets, they're going to cheer it on. Very nihilistic.

This man is a mix of Chauncey Gardner and Hulk Hogan, an individual of clearly limited intellectual elasticity who is able to simply overwhelm (some) people with the sheer force of his will, while saying just enough right stuff to keep some people attached. The problem is, that's a poor skill set to have as President.

As a majority of us knew.
I see you took the bait.
Putting aside policies?

I think he is a sexual monster and does everything in his power to fuck people over for personal gain. The last person we should want in power.

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