Putting ideology above country

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
That charge gets thrown around a lot, so lets see if it actually applies to someone that, in theory, has the power to make a real difference, if he wants to. A single person in the government that, if he wanted to lead by example, and show a real spirit of compromise, could have ended the debate over the shut down and the debt ceiling long before it reached crisis mode.

What is it that Republicans insisted on? I know the whackadoodles on the left say they wanted to rewrite an existing law, but everyone knows there is nothing legitimate about that complaint. (Anyone who doesn't actually have a brain is free to jump in and explain why negotiating on laws, something that has gone on for 237 years, is suddenly unprecedented and actually worse than the Holocaust, just don't expect me to pay attention.) Basically, they wanted Obama to treat individuals exactly the same way he treats big business. He deleyed the mandate for big business, why not delay it for individuals? After all, we know that Obama is all about the little guy.

The answer to that is pretty simple, big insurance wouldn't stand for it. If they can't force everyone who is healthy to buy insurance, even if they can't afford it, there is no way they can stay in business. Some of the wheeling and dealing that went on recognized this, and at least one of the proposals floated would have compensated insurance companies for the lost revenues from delaying Obamacare a year, and got the money back by tacking an extra year on the tax at the back end. Obama wasn't even willing to accept that compromise. Why not?

Because, ultimately, he thinks he is right. It doesn't matter that everyone from Wolf Blitzer to the guy who wrote the fucking law thinks it needs to be delayed. It doesn't matter that the website sucks so much that traffic to the site is dropping off like the Mount Thor. It doesn't matter that the law is a complete debacle, all that matters to Obama is that he is right. He is willing to put his belief in Obamacare, his ideology, above the good of the country. He told the entire world that, unless Republicans gave into his childish demand, he would take the country into default.

Then he blamed the other guy, just like every spoiled brat in history.
Please cite for me the last time a law was held hostage in return for a simple CR. I am talking about a law not budget negotiations.
And what law was that?

He won't answer. He has proven he is willing to say literally ANYTHING without worrying about how foolish it makes him sound. His username couldn't be more appropriate.

There was a credit downgrade after the debt ceiling debate in 2011, even rdean remembers it, why else would he keep posting about Boehner getting 98% of what he wanted?

And he still hasn't answered.

Still waiting for you to name the law. You won't because you can't because you literally spew shit from your mouth.
He won't answer. He has proven he is willing to say literally ANYTHING without worrying about how foolish it makes him sound. His username couldn't be more appropriate.

There was a credit downgrade after the debt ceiling debate in 2011, even rdean remembers it, why else would he keep posting about Boehner getting 98% of what he wanted?

And he still hasn't answered.

Still waiting for you to name the law. You won't because you can't because you literally spew shit from your mouth.

Let me get this straight.

Obama wanted to change the law that said that there would be a tax hike in 2012, so did Republicans. The Republicans wanted to make the cuts permanent acorss the board, the president only wanted them for people making less than $250,000 (I think, not going to bother digging up the exact number.) They wouldn't agree on the change of the law, and refused to pass a new debt ceiling without some concession. The end result was tax cuts for most people made permanent, and the sequester cuts that were supposed to force both sides to deal on the budget, but neither side was willing to compromise.

Remember that now? Do you still want to pretend that was not existing law tied to the debt ceiling, and that I, how did you put it, "willing to say literally ANYTHING without worrying about how foolish it makes him sound?"

Want a couple of examples of Democrats not named Obama doing the same thing so that you can be the foolish one, or do you prefer to pretend you didn't say anything?
Yes, Obama should be ashamed of putting his socialist ideology before the good of the nation.

Strangely (NOT) he doesn't appear to be.

Ask me how I know that you don't understand what Socialism is.

Ask me how I know you don't.

I do. I've lived in two socialist countries, both in South America. This is not a socialist country, but Chile is.

In Chile if you are in a car accident, regardless of who is at fault, everyone involved pays equally, or else their insurance does.

If anyone is hurt, they are taken to hospital where they have Fonasa, which collects 7% of their income annually to pay for their health care, otherwise known as universal health care. After they get out of the hospital they can return to their jobs because employers are not allowed to fire them for absence from work for a legitimate health problem.

None of the above applies to the U.S. So you are safe. We live in a plutocracy. Happy now?

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