Pvt. Bradley Manning: Cool | Fool | Tool

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Pvt. Bradley Manning: Cool | Fool | Tool

How do you see Pvt. Manning. a tool, a fool, cool, or a combination of these?

Sitting at the defence bench in a hushed courtroom, Manning said he was sickened by the apparent "bloodlust" of a helicopter crew involved in an attack on a group in Baghdad that turned out to include Reuters correspondents and children.


Manning said: "We were obsessed with capturing and killing human targets on lists and ignoring goals and missions. I believed if the public, particularly the American public, could see this it could spark a debate on the military and our foreign policy in general [that] might cause society to reconsider the need to engage in counter-terrorism while ignoring the human situation of the people we engaged with every day."

JUDY WOODRUFF: Bradley Manning, the U.S. Army private who is charged with leaking massive amounts of classified material to the Web site WikiLeaks, entered guilty pleas today.

He pleaded guilty to 10 of the 22 charges against him, admitting to violating military regulations, but not federal espionage laws. Manning spoke for more than an hour in the military courtroom, explaining his reasons for leaking classified information.

He said -- quote -- "I believe that if the general public had access to the information, this could spark a domestic debate as to the role of the military and foreign policy in general." He added -- quote -- "I felt I accomplished something that would allow me to have a clear conscience."

Later in the day, the judge accepted Manning's pleas. He still faces trial on the remaining charges.

For more now on Manning's statement, his pleas and what comes next, we are joined by Charlie Savage of The New York Times, who was in the courtroom today, and Arun Rath, who has been covering the Manning case for PBS' FRONTLINE.

Bradley Manning Leaked Classified Documents to Spark 'Debate' on Foreign Policy | PBS NewsHour | Feb. 28, 2013 | PBS
Bradley Manning, the solider accused of the biggest unauthorised disclosure of state secrets in US history, has pleaded guilty to being the source of the leak, telling a military court that he passed the information to a whistleblowing website because he believed the American people had a right to know the "true costs of war".


In a highly unusual move for a defendant in such a serious criminal prosecution, Manning pleaded guilty to 10 lesser charges out of his own volition – not as part of a plea bargain with the prosecution. He admitted to having possessed and willfully communicated to an unauthorised person – probably Julian Assange – all the main elements of the WikiLeaks disclosure.

That covered the so-called "Collateral Murder" video of an Apache helicopter attack in Iraq; some US diplomatic cables including one of the early WikiLeaks publications the Reykjavik cable; portions of the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs; some of the files on detainees in Guantánamo; and two intelligence memos.

Manning plea statement: Americans had a right to know 'true cost of war' | World news | The Guardian
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Debate is what he wanted. Makes me wonder what the US Military is doing with these young people. I think Pvt. Manning violated every oath he ever took, but this is larger than this one messed up tool

Bradley Manning, the man held over the leaking of confidential cables to WikiLeaks, was a 'mess of a child' who should never have been put through a tour of duty in Iraq, according to an investigative film produced by the Guardian.
Link to video: The madness of Bradley Manning?

While "he denied he had been involved in "aiding the enemy" – the idea that he knowingly gave help to al-Qaida and caused secret intelligence to be published on the internet, aware that by doing so it would become available to the enemy." The legal case is only part of the greater discussion...
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When he looked through the video on a secure military database he was also troubled by the attitude of the aerial weapons team in the Apache – "the bloodlust they seemed to have, they seemed not to value human life". The soldier related that in the video a man who has been hit by the US forces is seen crawling injured through the dust, at which point one of the helicopter crew is heard wishing the man would pick up a weapon so that they could kill him. "For me that was like a child torturing an ant with a magnifying glass."

Is blood lust over the value of human life an American value?
The madness of Bradley Manning? – video

"He was very, very worried about the country's future, and that's because he loved America." - sound familiar? This kid loved America so much he volunteered to fight for her. Even though it is said he was a scared as hit little boy.
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Yeah, Dad was a real true blue American hero -- Vietnam Era piece-of-shit

Early life

Manning was born to Susan Fox, originally from Wales, and her American husband, Brian Manning, in Crescent, Oklahoma. His father had joined the United States Navy in 1974 when he was 19, and served for five years as an intelligence analyst, meeting Susan when he was stationed in Wales at Cawdor Barracks. Manning's sister, eleven years his senior, was born in 1976. The couple returned to the United States in 1979, moving at first to California, then to a two-story house outside Crescent, with an above-ground swimming pool and five acres of land where they kept pigs and chickens.[7]

Manning's father took a job as an IT manager for a rental car agency, which meant he had to travel. His mother suffered from poor health – she developed a drinking problem, and was living several miles out of town and unable to drive – and as result Manning was largely left to fend for himself. His father would stock up on food before his trips, and leave pre-signed checks for the children to pay the bills. A neighbor told The New York Times that whenever the school went on field trips, she would give her son extra food or money so he could make sure Manning had something to eat

Bradley Manning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Manning and WikiLeaks were credited as catalysts for the Arab Spring that began in December 2010, when waves of protesters rose up against rulers across the Middle East and North Africa after the leaked cables exposed government corruption.

No one believed Ollie North was responsible for Iran/Contra, it HAD to go higher and it probably did.

Why would anyone believe Bradly Manning gathered all that info/intel all by himself?
Traitorous poc that needs to be hanged from the neck till dead.


Because, gosh darn it, you signed right up for the military and never cracked under pressure.

Okay, injecting some sanity here.

If Manning leaked information that was of material value to the enemy, then he is guilty of espinoge. No doubt. No one seems to actually be claiming that.

If he leaked information that just made the Army look bad, frankly, that would make him a whistle-blower.
Traitorous poc that needs to be hanged from the neck till dead.


Because, gosh darn it, you signed right up for the military and never cracked under pressure.

Okay, injecting some sanity here.

If Manning leaked information that was of material value to the enemy, then he is guilty of espinoge. No doubt. No one seems to actually be claiming that.

If he leaked information that just made the Army look bad, frankly, that would make him a whistle-blower.

Actaully I DID sign up for the military and was present for some of the most intense fighting since the Vietnam war up till then, including seeing the bodies and body parts, at least those bodies and parts that weren't vaporized, of 220 of my brother Marines killed by fanatics stuffed into body bags, and no, I didn't crack under the pressure and betray my nation or my brother's in arms. Have YOU ever signed up? As for the information that he leaked that "made the Army look bad", in reality is more than mere whistle blowing, it is defined as giving aid and comfort to the enemy and his cause during a time of war and this is reason enough to give the scummy, traitorous piece of shit his 9oz's.
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Actaully I DID sign up for the military and was present for some of the most intense fighting since the Vietnam war up till then, including seeing the bodies and body parts, at least those bodies and parts that weren't vaporized, of 220 of my brother Marines killed by fanatics stuffed into body bags, and no, I didn't crack under the pressure and betray my nation or my brother's in arms. Have YOU ever signed up? As for the information that he leaked that "made the Army look bad", in reality is more than mere whistle blowing, it is defined as giving aid and comfort to the enemy and his cause during a time of war and this is reason enough to give the scummy, traitorous piece of shit his 9oz's.

"fanatics". You mean people who didn't want foriengers on their land burning their farms and violating their women?

Yes, I did sign up.

But you didn't answer the question. how did making the army look bad in front of the American people "help" the enemy. By the time Manning released this video, the people had already wanted the war to end.
Traitorous poc that needs to be hanged from the neck till dead.


Because, gosh darn it, you signed right up for the military and never cracked under pressure.

Okay, injecting some sanity here.

If Manning leaked information that was of material value to the enemy, then he is guilty of espinoge. No doubt. No one seems to actually be claiming that.

If he leaked information that just made the Army look bad, frankly, that would make him a whistle-blower.

Actaully I DID sign up for the military and was present for some of the most intense fighting since the Vietnam war up till then, including seeing the bodies and body parts, at least those bodies and parts that weren't vaporized, of 220 of my brother Marines killed by fanatics stuffed into body bags, and no, I didn't crack under the pressure and betray my nation or my brother's in arms. Have YOU ever signed up? As for the information that he leaked that "made the Army look bad", in reality is more than mere whistle blowing, it is defined as giving aid and comfort to the enemy and his cause during a time of war and this is reason enough to give the scummy, traitorous piece of shit his 9oz's.

So...guessing from what you said, you were at the Marine Barracks at Beirut. What did you think about Reagan pulling everyone out of Lebanon after that?
Traitorous poc that needs to be hanged from the neck till dead.


Because, gosh darn it, you signed right up for the military and never cracked under pressure.

Okay, injecting some sanity here.

If Manning leaked information that was of material value to the enemy, then he is guilty of espinoge. No doubt. No one seems to actually be claiming that.

If he leaked information that just made the Army look bad, frankly, that would make him a whistle-blower.

The government says he put individuals and national interests in danger. This will be a trial for the history books as well as the legal books.

Because, gosh darn it, you signed right up for the military and never cracked under pressure.

Okay, injecting some sanity here.

If Manning leaked information that was of material value to the enemy, then he is guilty of espinoge. No doubt. No one seems to actually be claiming that.

If he leaked information that just made the Army look bad, frankly, that would make him a whistle-blower.

Actaully I DID sign up for the military and was present for some of the most intense fighting since the Vietnam war up till then, including seeing the bodies and body parts, at least those bodies and parts that weren't vaporized, of 220 of my brother Marines killed by fanatics stuffed into body bags, and no, I didn't crack under the pressure and betray my nation or my brother's in arms. Have YOU ever signed up? As for the information that he leaked that "made the Army look bad", in reality is more than mere whistle blowing, it is defined as giving aid and comfort to the enemy and his cause during a time of war and this is reason enough to give the scummy, traitorous piece of shit his 9oz's.

So...guessing from what you said, you were at the Marine Barracks at Beirut. What did you think about Reagan pulling everyone out of Lebanon after that?

There was no intense fighting in Beirut. 1983 Beirut barracks bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I suspect a bullshit story here.:eusa_whistle:
Actaully I DID sign up for the military and was present for some of the most intense fighting since the Vietnam war up till then, including seeing the bodies and body parts, at least those bodies and parts that weren't vaporized, of 220 of my brother Marines killed by fanatics stuffed into body bags, and no, I didn't crack under the pressure and betray my nation or my brother's in arms. Have YOU ever signed up? As for the information that he leaked that "made the Army look bad", in reality is more than mere whistle blowing, it is defined as giving aid and comfort to the enemy and his cause during a time of war and this is reason enough to give the scummy, traitorous piece of shit his 9oz's.

"fanatics". You mean people who didn't want foriengers on their land burning their farms and violating their women?

Yes, I did sign up.

But you didn't answer the question. how did making the army look bad in front of the American people "help" the enemy. By the time Manning released this video, the people had already wanted the war to end.

It would appear that public opinion itself was (and is) the enemy. If another country machine gunned Americans and someone revealed it, I think the people calling this man bad names would be praising that person.
Just a question; is it possible to be 'giving aid and comfort in time of war' when Congress has not declared war?
Just a question; is it possible to be 'giving aid and comfort in time of war' when Congress has not declared war?

take a basic civics class. good gawd, stop playing like you're a lawyer. :lol:

We are at war. We funded two wars. We are at war.

So, the constitutional definition is wrong, or just outdated? Any other parts we can throw away while we're at it?
Pvt. Bradley Manning: Cool | Fool | Tool

How do you see Pvt. Manning. a tool, a fool, cool, or a combination of these?

Sitting at the defence bench in a hushed courtroom, Manning said he was sickened by the apparent "bloodlust" of a helicopter crew involved in an attack on a group in Baghdad that turned out to include Reuters correspondents and children.


Manning said: "We were obsessed with capturing and killing human targets on lists and ignoring goals and missions. I believed if the public, particularly the American public, could see this it could spark a debate on the military and our foreign policy in general [that] might cause society to reconsider the need to engage in counter-terrorism while ignoring the human situation of the people we engaged with every day."

JUDY WOODRUFF: Bradley Manning, the U.S. Army private who is charged with leaking massive amounts of classified material to the Web site WikiLeaks, entered guilty pleas today.

He pleaded guilty to 10 of the 22 charges against him, admitting to violating military regulations, but not federal espionage laws. Manning spoke for more than an hour in the military courtroom, explaining his reasons for leaking classified information.

He said -- quote -- "I believe that if the general public had access to the information, this could spark a domestic debate as to the role of the military and foreign policy in general." He added -- quote -- "I felt I accomplished something that would allow me to have a clear conscience."

Later in the day, the judge accepted Manning's pleas. He still faces trial on the remaining charges.

For more now on Manning's statement, his pleas and what comes next, we are joined by Charlie Savage of The New York Times, who was in the courtroom today, and Arun Rath, who has been covering the Manning case for PBS' FRONTLINE.

Bradley Manning Leaked Classified Documents to Spark 'Debate' on Foreign Policy | PBS NewsHour | Feb. 28, 2013 | PBS
Bradley Manning, the solider accused of the biggest unauthorised disclosure of state secrets in US history, has pleaded guilty to being the source of the leak, telling a military court that he passed the information to a whistleblowing website because he believed the American people had a right to know the "true costs of war".


In a highly unusual move for a defendant in such a serious criminal prosecution, Manning pleaded guilty to 10 lesser charges out of his own volition – not as part of a plea bargain with the prosecution. He admitted to having possessed and willfully communicated to an unauthorised person – probably Julian Assange – all the main elements of the WikiLeaks disclosure.

That covered the so-called "Collateral Murder" video of an Apache helicopter attack in Iraq; some US diplomatic cables including one of the early WikiLeaks publications the Reykjavik cable; portions of the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs; some of the files on detainees in Guantánamo; and two intelligence memos.

Manning plea statement: Americans had a right to know 'true cost of war' | World news | The Guardian

I have no comment on the story. This is off-topic to Dante. I had responded to a post that said Dante didn't know the Jews wrote the bible. I replied that is hysterical. He didn't know the book was Jewish? Anyhow, Leddley felt I was making fun of you because I had asked that question while stating it was funny to me....... and I wanted to be clear it was never my intention to embarrass you.

Lots of people do not realize the history of how the bible came about even though it is the most famous, documented - accurate article of antiquity ( book ) we have in the world today according to the foremost experts, scholars on the subject. Josh McDowells book, Evidence that demands a Verdict does a splendid job of explaining every detail of how the Torah / NT were recorded. If you'd be interested in learning more.

Anyhow, If in any way I humiliated you or caused you embarrassment by my laughing over it I do apologise. It was never intended to be construed as my mocking your intelligence. Just wanted to be clear about that. Thank you for your time.

Best regards, Jeremiah

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