Q. For Small Government Adherents

Your healthcare system is ranked 37th in the world not first. You have a great system for the very rich, but for the rest, not so much.

Oh this bashing the rich thing gets pretty old after a while. There are 192 countries in the world, so 37th is top third. Yet you make it as if it is third world. But hey, we have Obamacare, right? That's a plan only the rich can afford.

It's ranked by the WHO as 37th. Of course, a big factor in their ranking has to do with how socialist it is. That ranking is totally meaningless, in other words. If you rank it based on outcomes for given medical conditions, the USA is ranked 1st, and by a long shot.

Ah, so she lied. Well, color me shocked.



That 37 ranking is from 2000.

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WHO's methods have been questionable at best. They did another one in 2010, same problem.

Well try this one from 2013.

New Health Rankings Of 17 Nations U.S. Is Dead Last - The Atlantic

They eliminated the poorest nations that beat you last time.

Oh? But they pulled data from WHO, which again has questionable methods in determining these statistics. I need something more concrete than "America's healthcare system sucks." If it does, then it only stands to reason that Obamacare only made it worse. Whoops.
Giving money to poor people in and of itself alleviates immediate needs but does little to assist with the underlying causes of poverty, chief among them, the lack of opportunities.

Providing low/no cost quality child care, classes to upgrade skills, and other "hand up" supports work but as long as the only jobs available are low wage service sector jobs, it won't do much good.

As for Republican policies which cost the U.S. jobs, let's start with giving tax breaks to corporations who shipped jobs offshore.

The U.S. is now outsourcing some aspects of defence contracts to China. There's a brain dead strategy if ever there was one.
What about min wage laws that price new workers out of the market? Any responsibility there or is that different somehow?

Yea...if I pay someone $7.50 an hour to sweep my floors, I would hire two guys at $3.75

You'd only get away with that because you flood the market with illegals willing to work for that fucking the low end American workers in the process. Though you've never hired anyone in your life.

Cut the low end of the wage scale and employers will keep the extra profit

That is what they have been doing for decades
Your healthcare system is ranked 37th in the world not first. You have a great system for the very rich, but for the rest, not so much.

Oh this bashing the rich thing gets pretty old after a while. There are 192 countries in the world, so 37th is top third. Yet you make it as if it is third world. But hey, we have Obamacare, right? That's a plan only the rich can afford.

It's ranked by the WHO as 37th. Of course, a big factor in their ranking has to do with how socialist it is. That ranking is totally meaningless, in other words. If you rank it based on outcomes for given medical conditions, the USA is ranked 1st, and by a long shot.

Ah, so she lied. Well, color me shocked.



That 37 ranking is from 2000.

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WHO's methods have been questionable at best. They did another one in 2010, same problem.

Well try this one from 2013.

New Health Rankings Of 17 Nations U.S. Is Dead Last - The Atlantic

They eliminated the poorest nations that beat you last time.

No matter what study you use, the only area where US healthcare ranks No. 1 is cost.

The real question to be asked is what nation currently beating us doesn't use the government? The government invest in r&d and medical science to improve peoples lives and most importantly regulates the system to make sure people are treated well.
Your healthcare system is ranked 37th in the world not first. You have a great system for the very rich, but for the rest, not so much.

Oh this bashing the rich thing gets pretty old after a while. There are 192 countries in the world, so 37th is top third. Yet you make it as if it is third world. But hey, we have Obamacare, right? That's a plan only the rich can afford.

It's ranked by the WHO as 37th. Of course, a big factor in their ranking has to do with how socialist it is. That ranking is totally meaningless, in other words. If you rank it based on outcomes for given medical conditions, the USA is ranked 1st, and by a long shot.

Ah, so she lied. Well, color me shocked.



That 37 ranking is from 2000.

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WHO's methods have been questionable at best. They did another one in 2010, same problem.

Well try this one from 2013.

New Health Rankings Of 17 Nations U.S. Is Dead Last - The Atlantic

They eliminated the poorest nations that beat you last time.

No matter what study you use, the only area where US healthcare ranks No. 1 is cost.

The real question to be asked is what nation currently beating us doesn't use the government? The government invest in r&d and medical science to improve peoples lives and most importantly regulates the system to make sure people are treated well.

No one was beating us, before we adopted Obamacare, that is.
Your healthcare system is ranked 37th in the world not first. You have a great system for the very rich, but for the rest, not so much.

Oh this bashing the rich thing gets pretty old after a while. There are 192 countries in the world, so 37th is top third. Yet you make it as if it is third world. But hey, we have Obamacare, right? That's a plan only the rich can afford.

It's ranked by the WHO as 37th. Of course, a big factor in their ranking has to do with how socialist it is. That ranking is totally meaningless, in other words. If you rank it based on outcomes for given medical conditions, the USA is ranked 1st, and by a long shot.

Ah, so she lied. Well, color me shocked.



That 37 ranking is from 2000.

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WHO's methods have been questionable at best. They did another one in 2010, same problem.

Name a nation that doesn't use the government take make sure its population isn't raging with pandemics. You can't and won't...We'll likely entire the third world if you fuckers have your way.

You have no plan besides run away from responsibility.

Come again? Your point is lost within a plethora of grammatical errors.

And your point is lost with the reality that you have none. Now go fuck yourself! Also this is a message board and I don't give a damn about my grammar as I don't give a damn about faggot fat men like you.
Oh this bashing the rich thing gets pretty old after a while. There are 192 countries in the world, so 37th is top third. Yet you make it as if it is third world. But hey, we have Obamacare, right? That's a plan only the rich can afford.

It's ranked by the WHO as 37th. Of course, a big factor in their ranking has to do with how socialist it is. That ranking is totally meaningless, in other words. If you rank it based on outcomes for given medical conditions, the USA is ranked 1st, and by a long shot.

Ah, so she lied. Well, color me shocked.



That 37 ranking is from 2000.

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WHO's methods have been questionable at best. They did another one in 2010, same problem.

Well try this one from 2013.

New Health Rankings Of 17 Nations U.S. Is Dead Last - The Atlantic

They eliminated the poorest nations that beat you last time.

No matter what study you use, the only area where US healthcare ranks No. 1 is cost.

The real question to be asked is what nation currently beating us doesn't use the government? The government invest in r&d and medical science to improve peoples lives and most importantly regulates the system to make sure people are treated well.

No one was beating us, before we adopted Obamacare, that is.

So we had the best healthcare system on earth??? No problems at all. Ok...lol.
Your healthcare system is ranked 37th in the world not first. You have a great system for the very rich, but for the rest, not so much.

Oh this bashing the rich thing gets pretty old after a while. There are 192 countries in the world, so 37th is top third. Yet you make it as if it is third world. But hey, we have Obamacare, right? That's a plan only the rich can afford.

It's ranked by the WHO as 37th. Of course, a big factor in their ranking has to do with how socialist it is. That ranking is totally meaningless, in other words. If you rank it based on outcomes for given medical conditions, the USA is ranked 1st, and by a long shot.

Ah, so she lied. Well, color me shocked.



That 37 ranking is from 2000.

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WHO's methods have been questionable at best. They did another one in 2010, same problem.

Well try this one from 2013.

New Health Rankings Of 17 Nations U.S. Is Dead Last - The Atlantic

They eliminated the poorest nations that beat you last time.

No matter what study you use, the only area where US healthcare ranks No. 1 is cost.
That is of course untrue.
Ill-Conceived Ranking Makes for Unhealthy Debate - WSJ

If you compare life expectancy after diagnosis the US ranks consistently #1. If you're going to get sick, you want to do it here.
Start with a balanced budget amendment.

- The OP asked for a cost benefit analysis. That seems to be missing.

If asked, I can articulate very clearly the costs of a balanced budget amendment, and explain logically how destructive it would be.

Is there any argument FOR a balanced budget amendment that is based on anything other than emotion?
It's based on common sense. How long can you perpetuate your lifestyle in private life spending more than you make?

Well, Maybe we should cut the military, stop the massive wars, cut welfare and focus on the important stuff here at home. Oh'those things like infrastructure, funding our first rate science programs and being the best once again??? Oh'nooo's, we can't do that anymore because people like you don't think it is important. Somehow, a small government, just to have a small worthless government having no regulatory powers over a 19th century corporate machine is somehow better. We've walked down this path before and it sucked.
I don't know who you think you're talking to here but you have made a mistake about what I support and what I don't. I do not support massive wars, I sure as shit don't support massive welfare spending, and I have always been supportive of the space program (unlike Democrats). And we don't need a massive government to fund science, we need to stop throwing money away. A balanced budget would instill confidence in our economy and would bring much greater prosperity instead of a fucking $18 trillion DEBT. How long do you think we can sustain that??? And if you want to complain about defense spending and massive wars, don't forget to include your buddy Bill Clinton for his military escapades. How much of a threat to the U.S. was Milosevic? And if he hadn't given nuclear secrets to China, we wouldn't have to counter THAT threat. How much do you think that has cost us and will continue to cost us? Does N. Korea having nukes and guided missiles that can reach California shores make you comfortable? You want to cut defense in the face of that threat? You need to start using your head. Government is a necessity but the bigger it gets, the less efficient it gets and here's a news flash for you, it is funded by individuals (taxpayers who work), the money doesn't grow on trees. Get a fucking clue.
Name a nation that doesn't use the government to make sure its population isn't raging with pandemics.

You know those nations who were struck by Ebola? I'm pretty sure it was out of the government's control. That is why you saw all types of aid coming in to contain the threats, simply because those governments didn't have the resources to fight it.
Your healthcare system is ranked 37th in the world not first. You have a great system for the very rich, but for the rest, not so much.

Oh this bashing the rich thing gets pretty old after a while. There are 192 countries in the world, so 37th is top third. Yet you make it as if it is third world. But hey, we have Obamacare, right? That's a plan only the rich can afford.

It's ranked by the WHO as 37th. Of course, a big factor in their ranking has to do with how socialist it is. That ranking is totally meaningless, in other words. If you rank it based on outcomes for given medical conditions, the USA is ranked 1st, and by a long shot.

Ah, so she lied. Well, color me shocked.



That 37 ranking is from 2000.

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WHO's methods have been questionable at best.

The WHO is a communist U.N. propaganda organ, and nothing more.

Damn, I've always loved the Who. I started playing bass after listening to John Entwistle......life sucks :blues:
He seems to be saying, that simply bailing out the wealthiest and then letting it trickle down is not the same as providing for general welfare.

Actually it is "promoting" the General Welfare and "Providing" for the common defense.
Both are in our supreme law of the land should there be any need to quibble in legal venues regarding latitude of construction.

Well, actually there is. The left believes that it is somehow the job of a federal government to "provide" when, in fact, it was never written. In those days, you either took care of yourself or you died. Many died in the formation of this country. It is the job of the federal government to PROVIDE for the defense of the country and to collect tariffs. Nothing more.

Where do those of your point of view get your propaganda and rhetoric from? There is no appeal to ignorance of our own laws.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises,

to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States;

but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
Ever wonder why they wrote "general welfare" rather than the "specific needs of individuals"?

Good point, one the five who voted for McCutcheon and CU failed to consider.
Yep, but many of those on welfare have few marketable skills. Conservatives want to eliminate jobs training, drug treatment and other social services and instead build jails.
Creating jobs isn't the government's purpose. The purpose is to create an atmosphere where jobs can be created. Being a parasite is fine as long as your host doesn't mind, if you choose to take what isn't yours instead of making yourself marketable then prison is exactly where you belong. Only you can decide to be a worthless human being.

- How is creating jobs not promoting the general welfare?
Our defense budget has not ended war in our time

My point exactly. War has been going on since the beginning of man. Poverty has been around since the beginning of time. What the hell is your point?

What did Einstein Say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?
The point being you spend money on poverty because it is needed. While you may not end all poverty, you provide a safety net, and programs to help people escape poverty

You "spend your money" on poverty!?!?! Jesus - the amount of money that this country has spent on poverty should make us all millionaires!!! How damned much "money" do we have to shell out!?!?!?

Geezzz. even the staunchest left wing communist liberal has the ability to understand that throwing good money after bad only gets you ZERO. This might be hard for you to understand, but I'll give it a shot. Read the following carefully....


I'd rather spend my money helping Americans than nation building around the world.

You'll get no argument from me there. But what the hell, why not demand that people like George Soros and Al Sharpton pay what they owe in taxes? Soros? an estimated 12 BILLION - that's right BILLION. and Al Sharpton nearly 10 MILLION.

Here's a clue. If you or I owed that kind of money - we would be holding down a cell in Leavenworth.

If true, they should. But ... BUT your have no evidence to prove you're not lying. Provide it, or STFU!

Watch, like most of the New Right Wing, this clown will cut and run.
Yep, but many of those on welfare have few marketable skills. Conservatives want to eliminate jobs training, drug treatment and other social services and instead build jails.
Creating jobs isn't the government's purpose. The purpose is to create an atmosphere where jobs can be created. Being a parasite is fine as long as your host doesn't mind, if you choose to take what isn't yours instead of making yourself marketable then prison is exactly where you belong. Only you can decide to be a worthless human being.

- How is creating jobs not promoting the general welfare?

These people don't have the slightest clue of what they're talking about. lol...Washington, Adams and Jefferson created public sector jobs! For the past 230 years America has had a public sector doing just that from constructing the rail-roads, paving our freeways and we can go on and on.

What a joke these anti-government people are. One of the main reasons for the constitution was the need to gather taxes and fund the government...Before the current constitution the "federal" government was like the loserterians want it to be today...Utterly unable to function without bowing to the states.
My point exactly. War has been going on since the beginning of man. Poverty has been around since the beginning of time. What the hell is your point?

What did Einstein Say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?
The point being you spend money on poverty because it is needed. While you may not end all poverty, you provide a safety net, and programs to help people escape poverty

You "spend your money" on poverty!?!?! Jesus - the amount of money that this country has spent on poverty should make us all millionaires!!! How damned much "money" do we have to shell out!?!?!?

Geezzz. even the staunchest left wing communist liberal has the ability to understand that throwing good money after bad only gets you ZERO. This might be hard for you to understand, but I'll give it a shot. Read the following carefully....


I'd rather spend my money helping Americans than nation building around the world.

You'll get no argument from me there. But what the hell, why not demand that people like George Soros and Al Sharpton pay what they owe in taxes? Soros? an estimated 12 BILLION - that's right BILLION. and Al Sharpton nearly 10 MILLION.

Here's a clue. If you or I owed that kind of money - we would be holding down a cell in Leavenworth.

If true, they should. But ... BUT your have no evidence to prove you're not lying. Provide it, or STFU!

Watch, like most of the New Right Wing, this clown will cut and run.

Hey guess what, Randall is right.

George Soros reportedly could face up to 7B tax bill after delaying payment for years Fox News


And while Randall is off $5 billion and $5.6 million respectively, they both owe tons of back taxes.

And you can shut your mouth.

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