Quadruple-vaxxed Kamala has Covid again

In context, Trump's comments made perfect sense and anyone with a brain could tell and understand what he was saying and what he meant. So, I disagree with you on that point.

That Biden believed you couldn't get Covid-19 after being vaccinated, was accurate, he made an inappropriate comment.
You know who disagrees with you… the doctor he hired to lead the task force who he asked that retarded bleach question too.

She must be another one of those deranged trump hating Libs though, right?

You know who disagrees with you… the doctor he hired to lead the task force who he asked that retarded bleach question too.

She must be another one of those deranged trump hating Libs though, right?

Whatever, I have post link after link in thread after thread, in fact I did this yesterday, but you want to play stupid games and win stupid prizes be my guest, you are being dishonest but it works well for you.
She's hiding away from the media and I don't blame the cackling doofus at all.


You know who disagrees with you… the doctor he hired to lead the task force who he asked that retarded bleach question too.

She must be another one of those deranged trump hating Libs though, right?

Misrepresentation as she is addressing other issues she did not agree on
Great then tell me what it means….
Not that I haven't already done this for you [see: "dodge"] but to be kind I'll "sound it out for you" ...
...it means that if you answered "yes" or "no" it would have have exposed the contradiction and fallacy of the "pro-vax" argument where as pointing to an open ended non-definitive term such as "efficacy" allows you to temporarily avoid that.
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Not that I haven't already done this for you [see: "dodge"] but to be kind I'll "sound it out for you" ...
...it means that if you answered "yes" or "no" it would have have exposed the contradiction and fallacy of the "pro-vax" argument where as pointing to an open ended non-definitive term such as "efficacy" allows you to temporarily avoid that.
You’re all twisted up. It’s very simple. Vax is a simple medical thing. Don’t believe Gov types? ask Trump he will tell you to vax. Ask your doctor, he will tell you to vax. As your right wing conspiracy theory propagandist… wait why would you use a person like that as a source?!?!
As for efficacy you still haven’t answered the question. What is your understanding of what vaccine efficacy is?
You’re all twisted up. It’s very simple. Vax is a simple medical thing. Don’t believe Gov types? ask Trump he will tell you to vax. Ask your doctor, he will tell you to vax. As your right wing conspiracy theory propagandist… wait why would you use a person like that as a source?!?!
As for efficacy you still haven’t answered the question. What is your understanding of what vaccine efficacy is?
The drug manufacturers have stated the vaccine is not a cure and it is to be used to lessen the severity of the virus but Biden did make false claims that were not true…
Ok so you think Biden was pushing the message that you can’t catch COVID if you get vaxxed. Good to know
Snopes stated he said it, so are you claiming he never said it even though he did?

Come on Slade stop being this stupid on the subject and Biden has made plenty of false statements that were never true, so let hold him accountable like you would Trump!
I believe I just made an argument for the opposite. What did I say that made you think I admitted that he lied?! No wonder you’re on here spreading falsehoods. You can’t comprehend basic English. I never admitted that he lied. At least we found the source of the problem.
Biden made the mistake of stating what he stated and he should have been more clear on the subject!

Also Slade let me be clear I have read poster’s on here make the false claim that vaccinated people could not contract nor spread the virus, so the spreading of false information comes from both sides and not one!

You can contract, spread and die from the virus even if vaccinated and the vaccine is not a cure but is suppose to limit the severity of the illness with the hope of keeping you out of the Hospital and that is the reality!
Either she lied about being vaccinated, or Joe Biden lied when he said vaccinated people can't get the virus. It's one or the other (or maybe both).

This administration is full of Covid super-spreaders.

Vice President Kamala Harris has tested positive for coronavirus on Tuesday, her office announced in a statement.

“Today, Vice President Harris tested positive for COVID-19 on rapid and PCR tests. She has exhibited no symptoms, will isolate and continue to work from the Vice President’s residence,” said press secretary to the vice president Kirsten Allen.

“She has not been a close contact to the President or First Lady due to their respective recent travel schedules. She will follow CDC guidelines and the advice of her physicians. The Vice President will return to the White House when she tests negative,” Allen said.

Harris is the latest of high-profile politicians to contract the virus in Washington, DC, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). A number of administration officials and journalists contracted the virus earlier this month after the Gridiron Dinner, including Attorney General Merrick Garland, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, and Harris’ communications director Jamal Simmons.

Harris’ husband tested positive for coronavirus last month.
It's just a cover story. She needed some time off to get her batteries re-charged, if you know what I mean. :cool:
after reading this thread

Slade3200 isnt fooling anybody. Not even close.

he/she (probably the correct pronoun) is just clarifying that both He/she and Biden are both babbling morons

i wish you were just a loser troll, but Slade3200 is sadly retarded
Sorry bout that,

1. What if she dies???
2. I mean deader than a door nail dies have you???
3. Dead and buried dies???
4. Then what???
5. Would her passing upset you???
6. Would anybody say they missed her so badly???
7. Would the *Veg*, notice???
8. Brings so many questions???
9. Will the office of *The Vice President* survive???
10. Who would we get to replace her???
11. Who would fall on bended knee to replace all her serious work???
12. I could go on and on, the humanity of it all, its rather deep.....
13. Well we will see, hold on to your tears libtards.
14. She isn't dead yet, lets see if this gets legs, and she spirals down.
15. Some would say that the world is a better place without one more libtard.

You’re all twisted up. It’s very simple. Vax is a simple medical thing. Don’t believe Gov types? ask Trump he will tell you to vax. Ask your doctor, he will tell you to vax.
I'm sure you are telling the truth and they would surely tell me to get vaccinated even though I'm already vaxed twice and boosted, talk about twisted eh! :abgg2q.jpg: now back to the topic, what would they tell me if I asked them the same question I asked you?

As your right wing conspiracy theory propagandist… wait why would you use a person like that as a source?!?
Since I am vaxed and boosted would you now say my propagandist is "left" or "right"?
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The drug manufacturers have stated the vaccine is not a cure and it is to be used to lessen the severity of the virus but Biden did make false claims that were not true…
The drug manufacturers and the Biden administration both said that. Read the entire snopes piece and see everything that he said in that talk. Context matters

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