Quadruple-vaxxed Kamala has Covid again

Good answer, so to be clear… you think the vaccines have a zero efficacy for vaccine avoidance meaning nobody can avoid catching it if vaxxed, is that right? it simply lessens symptoms in some people?
That is my opinion of the whole vaccine…

Again, you may never show signs with the virus if vaccinated because you became Asymptomatic but the vaccine will never prevent you from contracting the virus it only can either:

A. Make you Asymptomatic

B. Make the conditions mild

C. If you have severe underlying conditions then it can limit the severity but you can still have severe conditions or death…

Simple as that and arguing that the virus can stop Covid is moot seeing it does not and even herd immunity is impossible and why?

The mutation frequency of the virus will prevent herd immunity…

How the hell am I able to know this and yet so many have yet to learn this and I knew this last year?
Fact is he should have never stated the first part and he does this a lot and you are arguing well it was a mistake but he make so many mistakes that it is tiring.

Again, Covid Vaccine is not a cure and many on here claimed it was, so where did they obtain their information from?

Next, being vaccinated does not give you one hundred percent immunity and the vaccine can cause someone to be asymptomatic which mean they can be a carrier without knowing and spread the virus without knowing like Typhoid Mary or they can show mild to severe symptoms to dying from the virus which is rare on that part.

Now how I wrote it did you understand my comment and if so explain to me why people in D.C. can not relay this message?
Yes Biden made a bad statement, but he also corrected it later in the talk and his admin properly addressed it when follow up questions were asked. The bigger problem IMO are the anti vax nuts spreading false information about the dangers of the vax. I’m not for mandates but I am for promoting safety during a public health crisis
That is my opinion of the whole vaccine…

Again, you may never show signs with the virus if vaccinated because you became Asymptomatic but the vaccine will never prevent you from contracting the virus it only can either:

A. Make you Asymptomatic

B. Make the conditions mild

C. If you have severe underlying conditions then it can limit the severity but you can still have severe conditions or death…

Simple as that and arguing that the virus can stop Covid is moot seeing it does not and even herd immunity is impossible and why?

The mutation frequency of the virus will prevent herd immunity…

How the hell am I able to know this and yet so many have yet to learn this and I knew this last year?
You realize there are many studies and trials showing an efficacy rate of the vaccines right? They were in the 90% against the original strain and dropped to about 60% with variants and lessen over time. Those are real people not catching COVID when exposed. True not 100% immunity but it does exist and very well may have saved many lives. Or do you think those studies and trials were lies?
Yes Biden made a bad statement, but he also corrected it later in the talk and his admin properly addressed it when follow up questions were asked. The bigger problem IMO are the anti vax nuts spreading false information about the dangers of the vax. I’m not for mandates but I am for promoting safety during a public health crisis
I have an issue with all sides when spreading information and it has to be accurate as can be no matter what!

Look, one thing you can never claim about me is I will spread false information about health issues and I will never tell someone to inject themselves with something that could kill them and I ain’t writing about the vaccine but I will tell you the vaccine is not a cure but is for Lessing of symptoms…

My adopted brother is Asymptomatic with the virus and I can die from it if contracted and we are both vaccinated and have our booster’s…

Now I am asymptomatic with the flu virus and he can die from it, so I know my shit about this stuff and know that so much information that is going around is false!

Clean, Clean, Clean is one way to keep yourself safe…

Masks with a shield are safer for you and the mask matters!!!

Finally, the vaccine is for lessening the symptoms and should be taken if your doctor advises you to take it because some people have health issues that could cause severe reaction that could result in death…

I swear I can actually tell people better than Biden or Trump and probably get more vaccinated!
You realize there are many studies and trials showing an efficacy rate of the vaccines right? They were in the 90% against the original strain and dropped to about 60% with variants and lessen over time. Those are real people not catching COVID when exposed. True not 100% immunity but it does exist and very well may have saved many lives. Or do you think those studies and trials were lies?
You just stated that the vaccine has dropped over time so you defeated your own argument and that is why we have to have boosters and the vaccine has to be adjusted almost every six months because of the fact the virus mutation is fast…

So you are not one hundred percent at all and the rate has dropped and let be clear does the studies also factor in those they think are protected are actually asymptomatic while also show a false negative test?

We have to be careful with studies because they adjusted later and you know this Slade, so why are you trying to convince me of something that I know about and have been ahead of since the virus came out?
I see you dodging a question because you thought I was dodging a question so let’s just back up…
No, that was your claim and I went along with it to move this forward...

you ask me the question you think I dodged. I’ll answer. And then you answer mine. Deal?
my question was based on something you claimed, not on my belief

Slade3200 said:
Did Biden say you can’t get COVID if you’re vaccinated?! Cause I’ve heard him say the opposite many times. Is this a new statement? Can you provide a link?

so now to be clear, the vaccine does not prevent covid?
Both of the above quotes are cut and paste, tell me how your question pertains to that if it was not to just escape answering my question?
which now begs a second question, what is the opposite of "you can't get "COVID if your vaccinated"? which you claim to have heard the president make many times.

When this is cleared up I will be happy to answer your question. which has nothing to do with my question.
I have an issue with all sides when spreading information and it has to be accurate as can be no matter what!

Look, one thing you can never claim about me is I will spread false information about health issues and I will never tell someone to inject themselves with something that could kill them and I ain’t writing about the vaccine but I will tell you the vaccine is not a cure but is for Lessing of symptoms…

My adopted brother is Asymptomatic with the virus and I can die from it if contracted and we are both vaccinated and have our booster’s…

Now I am asymptomatic with the flu virus and he can die from it, so I know my shit about this stuff and know that so much information that is going around is false!

Clean, Clean, Clean is one way to keep yourself safe…

Masks with a shield are safer for you and the mask matters!!!

Finally, the vaccine is for lessening the symptoms and should be taken if your doctor advises you to take it because some people have health issues that could cause severe reaction that could result in death…

I swear I can actually tell people better than Biden or Trump and probably get more vaccinated!
I agree with everything you just wrote. Well said
You just stated that the vaccine has dropped over time so you defeated your own argument and that is why we have to have boosters and the vaccine has to be adjusted almost every six months because of the fact the virus mutation is fast…

So you are not one hundred percent at all and the rate has dropped and let be clear does the studies also factor in those they think are protected are actually asymptomatic while also show a false negative test?

We have to be careful with studies because they adjusted later and you know this Slade, so why are you trying to convince me of something that I know about and have been ahead of since the virus came out?
It sounds like you misunderstood my argument or perhaps I did not state it clearly enough. I’ve never claimed that the vaccines are 100% immunity. I’ve only been giving context to the cherry picked line people are attacking Biden for. I’m not even a big Biden fan, I hope he is done next cycle he needs to hang it up
No, that was your claim and I went along with it to move this forward...

my question was based on something you claimed, not on my belief

Both of the above quotes are cut and paste, tell me how your question pertains to that if it was not to just escape answering my question?
which now begs a second question, what is the opposite of "you can't get "COVID if your vaccinated"? which you claim to have heard the president make many times.

When this is cleared up I will be happy to answer your question. which has nothing to do with my question.
In a town hall Biden said you can avoid getting COVID if you’re vaxxed. He also said if your vaxxed and catch COVID your Symptoms won’t be as bad. To me the message is clear but many pounced on him for that and follow up question we’re asked and responded to with consistency from the medical communities messaging. That’s what happened. For people now to take that situation and cherry pick one thing to say Biden was telling the world that if you get vaxxed you won’t catch COVID… period. Well that’s not an honest account of the situation now is it?
No one is ignoring his statements!

You are excusing his nonsense while I know for damn sure had it been Trump you would have held Trump accountable for his stupidity!

So hold Biden to the same standard or be the partisan whore you are!

No two ways about it!

Biden need to make sure his damn message is clear and not jumbled up as he has been doing!

This is why you should never elect someone this damn old to be President because their brains are gone and this goes for Trump also because he was all over the damn place messaging!

America need better leadership and Biden is pathetic and he did misspoke and he should be held accountable for his words!

Many on this board have stated things that were untrue and I have been mocked for my stance on how the vaccine is not a cure and how you can spread the virus even vaccinated, so I know very well the left is as bad as the right and the left on this board got their information from those like Biden, so hold him accountable for his failure just like I hold Trump accountable for his damn nonsense!
You spread it at least five times less and get hospitalized 50x less. But thanks to your swine heroes for the misinfo and the continuing problem, dupe.
In a town hall Biden said you can avoid getting COVID if you’re vaxxed.
And your claim is that you heard him say the opposite many times? would you mind explaining what the "opposite" is?
He also said if your vaxxed and catch COVID your Symptoms won’t be as bad. To me the message is clear but many pounced on him for that and follow up question we’re asked and responded to with consistency from the medical communities messaging. That’s what happened. For people now to take that situation and cherry pick one thing to say Biden was telling the world that if you get vaxxed you won’t catch COVID… period. Well that’s not an honest account of the situation now is it?
None of this is relevant to the original question

but in any case ask your question
And your claim is that you heard him say the opposite many times? would you mind explaining what the "opposite" is?

None of this is relevant to the original question

but in any case ask your question
The opposite would be saying that you can be vaxxed and catch COVID . The vax will help lessen the symptoms. He said that in the same town hall that y’all are claiming he pushed 100% immunity
The opposite would be saying that you can be vaxxed and catch COVID .

The vax will help lessen the symptoms. He said that in the same town hall that y’all are claiming he pushed 100% immunity
so to repeat my original question to you..."so to be clear, the vax does not prevent covid?"

My question is, what is your definition of vaccine efficacy?
Don't have one, why?
Let's face it....in the entire history of world events, when has there ever been so many people snookered in so brief a time period. It's not even close.

The good news is...over 100 million Americans still unjabbed. Taking bows daily


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