Quadruple-vaxxed Kamala has Covid again

so to repeat my original question to you..."so to be clear, the vax does not prevent covid?"

Don't have one, why?
The vax does prevent COVID in a percentage of people for a period of time. It’s call efficacy. Where is the disconnect here? Look up vaccine efficacy please.

saying you “don’t have one” is dodging the question. Go get an answer, it isn’t hard.
btw, did you intentionally include me in this? or was it an honest mistake?
If you’re not claiming the Biden is lying to the world by stating that you won’t catch COVID if you get vaxed then I’m not including you. If you are then your included
The vax does prevent COVID in a percentage of people for a period of time. It’s call efficacy. Where is the disconnect here?
The disconnect is on your end, I am inquiring about a claim you made [about biden] and you keep responding with how well the vax does or does not work which has zero to do with my question/request. [the reason for it anyway]
And while I am now satisfied with your response [finally] try a yes or no answer and you will find there is no disconnect to be had

Look up vaccine efficacy please.
I don't need to.
saying you “don’t have one” is dodging the question. Go get an answer, it isn’t hard.
why do you want to know this from me? I have no interest in it or the clinical results from it [the vax]...You could give folks strawberries and ask me the same question.
The disconnect is on your end, I am inquiring about a claim you made [about biden] and you keep responding with how well the vax does or does not work which has zero to do with my question/request. [the reason for it anyway]
And while I am now satisfied with your response [finally] try a yes or no answer and you will find there is no disconnect to be had

I don't need to.

why do you want to know this from me? I have no interest in it or the clinical results from it [the vax]...You could give folks strawberries and ask me the same question.
Some responses require more explanation than yes or no.

I’m asking you about efficacy because you have been calling a man a liar for saying that the vaccine prevents people from contracting COVID. The vaccines have an efficacy rate: that means there is a fraction of people who avoid catching the virus and a fraction that will catch it.
Some responses require more explanation than yes or no.
as do excuses
I’m asking you about efficacy because you have been calling a man a liar for saying that the vaccine prevents people from contracting COVID.

I don't suppose you could produce them [all of them would be nice]

The vaccines have an efficacy rate: that means there is a fraction of people who avoid catching the virus and a fraction that will catch it.
and the disconnect
lol...No matter what question is asked you keep answering it with "efficacy", e.g. I just asked you to post proof of your claim that I lied and you posted this:

That is a blatant disconnect, seems intentional
I don’t remember calling you a liar. I thought you wanted proof of efficacy rates so I posted a study. So yes there was a disconnect but it wasn’t intentional
I don’t remember calling you a liar. I thought you wanted proof of efficacy rates so I posted a study. So yes there was a disconnect but it wasn’t intentional

Why won't you come clean on how many people you killed running around infected because you bought Joe Biden's lie that vaccinated people can't spread Covid?

Is it more than 10,000? You may be one of the biggest mass murderers in history!
How anyone actually believes this buffoon got more votes than any president in history.

Yeah, try to clear up that nonsense with a straight face...
Simple explanation… population growth, plus a pandemic, plus running against the most disliked and divisive president in US history. What other questions do you have?
Why won't you come clean on how many people you killed running around infected because you bought Joe Biden's lie that vaccinated people can't spread Covid?

Is it more than 10,000? You may be one of the biggest mass murderers in history!
My personal number is zero. What’s yours?
Either she lied about being vaccinated, or Joe Biden lied when he said vaccinated people can't get the virus. It's one or the other (or maybe both).

This administration is full of Covid super-spreaders.

Vice President Kamala Harris has tested positive for coronavirus on Tuesday, her office announced in a statement.

“Today, Vice President Harris tested positive for COVID-19 on rapid and PCR tests. She has exhibited no symptoms, will isolate and continue to work from the Vice President’s residence,” said press secretary to the vice president Kirsten Allen.

“She has not been a close contact to the President or First Lady due to their respective recent travel schedules. She will follow CDC guidelines and the advice of her physicians. The Vice President will return to the White House when she tests negative,” Allen said.

Harris is the latest of high-profile politicians to contract the virus in Washington, DC, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). A number of administration officials and journalists contracted the virus earlier this month after the Gridiron Dinner, including Attorney General Merrick Garland, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, and Harris’ communications director Jamal Simmons.

Harris’ husband tested positive for coronavirus last month.
COVID...? I thought it was the clap...and half the Democrats at the awards dinner turned up with it afterwards.

I don’t remember calling you a liar. I thought you wanted proof of efficacy rates so I posted a study. So yes there was a disconnect but it wasn’t intentional
Actually you did not call me a liar...
...I was just too lazy to go back and check what it was you claimed was a lie, [You claimed I was calling biden a liar and I wanted proof of that since I do not believe he is lying and that is the reason I challenged your original post where you said "I heard him say just the opposite many times" which you have since cleared up for me] [all without me defining "efficacy" for you btw]
Actually you did not call me a liar...
...I was just too lazy to go back and check what it was you claimed was a lie, [You claimed I was calling biden a liar and I wanted proof of that since I do not believe he is lying and that is the reason I challenged your original post where you said "I heard him say just the opposite many times" which you have since cleared up for me] [all without me defining "efficacy" for you btw]
Think about what you just wrote. I gave direct answers and cleared things up. You dodged my questions and are bragging about it??
Either she lied about being vaccinated, or Joe Biden lied when he said vaccinated people can't get the virus. It's one or the other (or maybe both).

This administration is full of Covid super-spreaders.

Vice President Kamala Harris has tested positive for coronavirus on Tuesday, her office announced in a statement.

“Today, Vice President Harris tested positive for COVID-19 on rapid and PCR tests. She has exhibited no symptoms, will isolate and continue to work from the Vice President’s residence,” said press secretary to the vice president Kirsten Allen.

“She has not been a close contact to the President or First Lady due to their respective recent travel schedules. She will follow CDC guidelines and the advice of her physicians. The Vice President will return to the White House when she tests negative,” Allen said.

Harris is the latest of high-profile politicians to contract the virus in Washington, DC, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). A number of administration officials and journalists contracted the virus earlier this month after the Gridiron Dinner, including Attorney General Merrick Garland, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, and Harris’ communications director Jamal Simmons.

Harris’ husband tested positive for coronavirus last month.

Pfizers own documents say thier vax had a 12 % effective rate

Where did fauci get 95% from

The good news for all the women wanting abortion on demand as a form of birth control

Make sure you have all your booster shots

Congrats you're probably sterile


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