Queen Elizabeth Death Discussion Thread

Prince Charles cheated on Princess Diana with Camilla.
Charles is a knucklehead.
That probably embarrassed the Queen.

If people were only qualified to be a monarch by virtue of being pure and monogamous, History books would be the size of comics.

The Queen always loved her corgis , till the very end.... Bless



Yup it looks like this is it. Our paedo enabling Queen is on he way out and will be replaced by her corrupt son. He accepts payments in cash wrapped up in carrier bags,
Even republicans are putting on a sad face for fear of the backlash.
And i dont get it.
She has lived a life of luxury whilst ignoring the suffering of the people. She hasnt lifted a finger to alleviate any of this.
The tories murdered thousands of old people during covid and there were no state funerals for them.
Time to end this worn out relic and install a republic based on meritocracy

You come here and crap on our "republic based on meritocracy" every chance you get.

Shut up, Tommy.
Most local councils are opening up community centres to creats "warm banks". Poor people will go there in the winter if they cant afford to heat their homes.
Its difficult to feel sorry for a woman who drives around in a gold carriage whilst her contemporaries starve.

Man from Wales comes here to crap on America daily; people in his nation will freeze and starve this winter.

Bad look Tommy. Bad.
I was so impressed with her, I bought four sets of her coronation coinage. They're beautiful coins. I don't care for their new money. They're lightweight excuses for coins.

I will never understand this. Never.

My ancestors fought for the Colonies in the Revolutionary War to break away from this nonsense. Why Americans slobber all over the British Monarchy is an insult to their memory.

just. stop.
No wonder some MAGAt-GOPrs are hating on her.

I have nothing against her personally. As a Queen it would seem she did a laudable, if not a notable job.

However, we are Americans. We don't have Kings and Queens, thank God. We don't need 24/7 coverage of this event and I don't want to see our newscasters dressed in black.

She is not OUR Queen. Thank GOD.
Queen Elizabeth: Seven things you need to know about the Queen’s passing

Here’s what you need to know about the details surrounding Queen Elizabeth II’s death and King Charles III’s ascension to the throne.

Local : 2022-09-09(Friday) 10 : 50 : 13
Remote : 2022-09-09(Friday) 10 : 50 : 13
Read all about it at World_Headlines headlines on nicer.app
My site's news service is now fully back in the air, including the ability to serve pages with their own artwork via the Background menu or the 'select new background' button (top of the page, right-most of the 3 icons) and the Theme editor, accessible if you create your own account (email address not required for now) and hover over the top-left part of any dialog/window, to bring up the 'painters palette' icon (that you then have to click on, using the theme editor is self-explanatory).

There's a lot of news floating by concerning the Royals, but i wonder what people here think of King Charles, how would he do together with that new lady leader of the conservatives (will she get elected next time round?), according to the people here? What will the Commonwealth's foreign policy and regional policies look like?

i offer my condolences to the entire British Royal Family and all of their fans world-wide, as we mourn the loss of a truly great monarch, Queen Elizabeth the 2nd.
the fact that i didn't even notice her stabilizing influence until now, is another sign of just how great she was, and will be, up there in Heaven.
i wish King Charles the best of luck managing the Kingdom.
Queen Elizabeth: Seven things you need to know about the Queen’s passing

Here’s what you need to know about the details surrounding Queen Elizabeth II’s death and King Charles III’s ascension to the throne.

Local : 2022-09-09(Friday) 10 : 50 : 13
Remote : 2022-09-09(Friday) 10 : 50 : 13
Read all about it at World_Headlines headlines on nicer.app
My site's news service is now fully back in the air, including the ability to serve pages with their own artwork via the Background menu or the 'select new background' button (top of the page, right-most of the 3 icons) and the Theme editor, accessible if you create your own account (email address not required for now) and hover over the top-left part of any dialog/window, to bring up the 'painters palette' icon (that you then have to click on, using the theme editor is self-explanatory).

There's a lot of news floating by concerning the Royals, but i wonder what people here think of King Charles, how would he do together with that new lady leader of the conservatives (will she get elected next time round?), according to the people here? What will the Commonwealth's foreign policy and regional policies look like?

i offer my condolences to the entire British Royal Family and all of their fans world-wide, as we mourn the loss of a truly great monarch, Queen Elizabeth the 2nd.
the fact that i didn't even notice her stabilizing influence until now, is another sign of just how great she was, and will be, up there in Heaven.
i wish King Charles the best of luck managing the Kingdom.
Charles is unpopular I think so they may not get rid of the monarchy but will likely cut it way back.
Love or hate her she was never meant to be Queen and it was thrust upon her after her father had to become King because her Uncle ( like Prince Harry ) abdicated his thrown because of his scandal for someone below his Royal Ranking.

Elizabeth was someone that took over the head of the Monarchy during such turmoil and she outlived many but when her love ( yes she loved him and he loved her ) Prince Philip passed on I knew she would not last long.

When I read the words of hate for this woman it amazes me because truthfully she never asked for being Queen nor did she seek it out.

Now some will proclaim she could have gave up her crown and requested the Monarchy be done away with but she didn’t.

She was a strong woman that did her best and her son Charles is a poor replacement of her!

William should be King and not Charles but alas Charles still breaths so he will have the honor of being King for a period of time but do not fool yourself because the Government will yank him if he steps out of bounds.

As I finish please take a moment and remember she ( the Queen ) was a woman and a human that took on a job many of you would wish to have but so few would be able to handle it and believe it or not she did the best she could have done and her being a mother and Grandmother she had to deal with many embarrassing moments from Charles to Andrew to Harry, so let remember she was human and then Queen.

May she Rest In Peace and be with her love while they spend the afterlife together…

Rest In Peace Elizabeth…
I will never understand this. Never.

My ancestors fought for the Colonies in the Revolutionary War to break away from this nonsense. Why Americans slobber all over the British Monarchy is an insult to their memory.

just. stop.

My ancestors also fought for the colonies in the American Revolution... and that doesn't diminish the British monarchy. You are certainly petty and mean spirited which is not a good look on an American patriot.

Godspeed Queen Elizabeth.

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