Question about Shanksville crash

Old-Fashioned Raisin Pie

A country fair winning recipe from years ago.

2 cups Sun-Maid Natural Raisins
2 cups water
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 double unbaked pie crust


COMBINE raisins and water and boil for 5 minutes.
BLEND sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and salt.
ADD to raisin liquid and cook, stirring until clear.
REMOVE from heat.
STIR in vinegar and butter/margarine. Cool slightly. Turn into pastry-lined pan.
COVER with top pastry or lattice strips.
BAKE at 425 F about 30 minutes or until crust is golden brown.

Makes 1 pie (8 servings).

Sun-Maid Recipes - Old-Fashioned Raisin Pie
if that were true you why do you only write idiotic responses to reasonable questions ?

they aren't reasonable questions, fuckstain.

really fuckstain ? To ask if there is something valid to the statements of two former air accident investigation board presidents and several military crash investigators is not a reasonable question ? Really fuckstain ? Could you elaborate as to why it is not a reasonable question ?...fuckstain

the question has been answered a million goddamned times. only delusional fuckwads like you who align yourselves with bin laden don't get it. To ask such questions after they have been answered more than sufficiently makes them reasonable questions no more, you cum gargler.
My dad used to make a REALLY REALLY tasty hors d'oeuvres that involved something as simple as (I recall) plain old white bread, mayonnaise and Parmesan cheese. I do not have the EXACT recipe, but as I recall, it involved some finely diced onions, too.

The mayonnaise would be mixed together with a small amount of very finely diced onions to form a topping. The bread would be cut (a small shot glass or cookie cutter would do) into small shapes. No crusts involved. The mayonnaise and onion mix would be spread on top of the bread shapes and then the mayonnaise topping would get liberally sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese. Placed on a large cookie sheet, the concoctions would get baked in an oven until the cheese melted into the mayonnaise and onion mix and the tops started to bubble and turn brown. Then before they could burn, OUT of the oven they'd come to cool a bit.

It may have been the best hors d'oeuvres I ever had when I was young. I want the actual recipe. I can't find it anywhere. But DAMN, it was good!
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No, as a matter of fact you pussy scumbag lying piece of shit. It's not even remotely "whining" to call you fucking scumbag asshole Troofer liars out for your petty assed lying fraudulent scumbag Troofer garbage.

If you don't like it, you lying sack of rat shit, then stop your lying, whining and treasonous bullshit.

All Troofers are cock-gobbling fucktarded scumbag pussy liars. Not one of you vile pieces of shit Troofer scumbag pussies has an iota of integrity. Not one.

Rotfl! Snitch Bitch meltdown....


The sole meltdown is yours, of course, you filthy, diseased, useless, pussy liar Troofer scumbag.

All Troofers (like you) are pussy lying scumbags.

Calm down Snitch Bitch.....
they aren't reasonable questions, fuckstain.

really fuckstain ? To ask if there is something valid to the statements of two former air accident investigation board presidents and several military crash investigators is not a reasonable question ? Really fuckstain ? Could you elaborate as to why it is not a reasonable question ?...fuckstain

the question has been answered a million goddamned times. only delusional fuckwads like you who align yourselves with bin laden don't get it. To ask such questions after they have been answered more than sufficiently makes them reasonable questions no more, you cum gargler.

Why is it you bitches constantly have melt downs? Oh that's right....we already know it's because you can't debate. What kind of a useless **** accuses fellow americans of aligning themselves with bin laden because for challenging 9E? You're a sik fuk.
really fuckstain ? To ask if there is something valid to the statements of two former air accident investigation board presidents and several military crash investigators is not a reasonable question ? Really fuckstain ? Could you elaborate as to why it is not a reasonable question ?...fuckstain

the question has been answered a million goddamned times. only delusional fuckwads like you who align yourselves with bin laden don't get it. To ask such questions after they have been answered more than sufficiently makes them reasonable questions no more, you cum gargler.

Why is it you bitches constantly have melt downs? Oh that's right....we already know it's because you can't debate. What kind of a useless **** accuses fellow americans of aligning themselves with bin laden because for challenging 9E? You're a sik fuk.
there is no debate with you dipshits
you ignore facts and call your delusions facts
My dad used to make a REALLY REALLY tasty hors d'oeuvres that involved something as simple as (I recall) plain old white bread, mayonnaise and Parmesan cheese. I do not have the EXACT recipe, but as I recall, it involved some finely diced onions, too.

The mayonnaise would be mixed together with a small amount of very finely diced onions to form a topping. The bread would be cut (a small shot glass or cookie cutter would do) into small shapes. No crusts involved. The mayonnaise and onion mix would be spread on top of the bread shapes and then the mayonnaise topping would get liberally sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese. Placed on a large cookie sheet, the concoctions would get baked in an oven until the cheese melted into the mayonnaise and onion mix and the tops started to bubble and turn brown. Then before they could burn, OUT of the oven they'd come to cool a bit.

It may have been the best hors d'oeuvres I ever had when I was young. I want the actual recipe. I can't find it anywhere. But DAMN, it was good!

Your dad should have spent more time on raising an honest person instead of making bitch treats.
yeah, you're really fucking with my head.

That's the same as kicking an empty bucket.

this coming from a dumbfuck troofer.

Call me whatever you want......but it won't change the fact I can kick your ass in any area of debate regarding 9E. You know it. That is why you avoid actually debating. You're such a predictable skanky **** you'll do nothing but whine in response even when I offer you the chance to pick any area you want to debate. You're nothing but a sniveling cocksucking bitch. And. You. Know. It.
That's the same as kicking an empty bucket.

this coming from a dumbfuck troofer.

Call me whatever you want......but it won't change the fact I can kick your ass in any area of debate regarding 9E. You know it. That is why you avoid actually debating. You're such a predictable skanky **** you'll do nothing but whine in response even when I offer you the chance to pick any area you want to debate. You're nothing but a sniveling cocksucking bitch. And. You. Know. It.

you cant even tell when someone is using sarcasm and you think you win debates????????

My dad used to make a REALLY REALLY tasty hors d'oeuvres that involved something as simple as (I recall) plain old white bread, mayonnaise and Parmesan cheese. I do not have the EXACT recipe, but as I recall, it involved some finely diced onions, too.

The mayonnaise would be mixed together with a small amount of very finely diced onions to form a topping. The bread would be cut (a small shot glass or cookie cutter would do) into small shapes. No crusts involved. The mayonnaise and onion mix would be spread on top of the bread shapes and then the mayonnaise topping would get liberally sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese. Placed on a large cookie sheet, the concoctions would get baked in an oven until the cheese melted into the mayonnaise and onion mix and the tops started to bubble and turn brown. Then before they could burn, OUT of the oven they'd come to cool a bit.

It may have been the best hors d'oeuvres I ever had when I was young. I want the actual recipe. I can't find it anywhere. But DAMN, it was good!

Your dad should have spent more time on raising an honest person instead of making bitch treats.

Cum-guzzler, you little bag of pussy menstrual whack,

Unlike you, I am honest and have been honest.

You are a compulsive liar and a cock-gobbling sissy ass-sucker.

And, by the way, you hopelessly dishonest and malignantly diseased ass-hopper, the hors d'oeuvres were terrific, not "bitch treats," you ignorant and retarded gutless pussy.

All Troofers suck shit out of Satan's asshole in hell. It's a known fact! :thup:
this coming from a dumbfuck troofer.

Call me whatever you want......but it won't change the fact I can kick your ass in any area of debate regarding 9E. You know it. That is why you avoid actually debating. You're such a predictable skanky **** you'll do nothing but whine in response even when I offer you the chance to pick any area you want to debate. You're nothing but a sniveling cocksucking bitch. And. You. Know. It.

you cant even tell when someone is using sarcasm and you think you win debates????????


Yes. He's a very literal cum-guzzler. Stupid and ignorant as all hell and as dishonest as anything this side of hell, but . . .

he's literal. And wrong.

All Troofers are lying gutless sacks of rancid rat shit.
My dad used to make a REALLY REALLY tasty hors d'oeuvres that involved something as simple as (I recall) plain old white bread, mayonnaise and Parmesan cheese. I do not have the EXACT recipe, but as I recall, it involved some finely diced onions, too.

The mayonnaise would be mixed together with a small amount of very finely diced onions to form a topping. The bread would be cut (a small shot glass or cookie cutter would do) into small shapes. No crusts involved. The mayonnaise and onion mix would be spread on top of the bread shapes and then the mayonnaise topping would get liberally sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese. Placed on a large cookie sheet, the concoctions would get baked in an oven until the cheese melted into the mayonnaise and onion mix and the tops started to bubble and turn brown. Then before they could burn, OUT of the oven they'd come to cool a bit.

It may have been the best hors d'oeuvres I ever had when I was young. I want the actual recipe. I can't find it anywhere. But DAMN, it was good!

Your dad should have spent more time on raising an honest person instead of making bitch treats.

Cum-guzzler, you little bag of pussy menstrual whack,

Unlike you, I am honest and have been honest.

You are a compulsive liar and a cock-gobbling sissy ass-sucker.

And, by the way, you hopelessly dishonest and malignantly diseased ass-hopper, the hors d'oeuvres were terrific, not "bitch treats," you ignorant and retarded gutless pussy.

All Troofers suck shit out of Satan's asshole in hell. It's a known fact! :thup:

Your dad made nothing but bitches and you are living proof Snitch Bitch.
they aren't reasonable questions, fuckstain.

really fuckstain ? To ask if there is something valid to the statements of two former air accident investigation board presidents and several military crash investigators is not a reasonable question ? Really fuckstain ? Could you elaborate as to why it is not a reasonable question ?...fuckstain

the question has been answered a million goddamned times. only delusional fuckwads like you who align yourselves with bin laden don't get it. To ask such questions after they have been answered more than sufficiently makes them reasonable questions no more, you cum gargler.

you have never answered the question ,not once avoid it by posting your own closet homosexual thoughts like cum gargler and bring your own confused sexuality into it cant give a reasonable answer and this is your excuse you are a sick man are pathetic

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