Question about Shanksville crash

That's circular reasoning you dumfuk. You don't get to label something as "facts of the matter" simply because you agree with the theory. The official explanation is the theory terrorists conspired to do the attack unknown to agencies that could have stopped it. There has never been a full investigation into 9E so it is still a theory.

Keep telling yourself that loony.:cuckoo:

That isn't necessary. Really. We all know how often bitches like you ignore facts and hope you can successfully do it with nothing but name calling.


Loony Tunes.


That is all.
Hey Snitch Bitch, look at this post I made in the "engine planted" thread:

"Thinking people don't accept the OCT without questioning it. These punks swallowed the OCT dick and never looked back and now they are choking to death and too proud to admit it.

So far it doesn't look like anything was planted at the crash site but in searching for pics of the crash site there is a dearth of visible access. In looking at pics of crash sites from other commercial jets there seems to be inconsistency in the amount and quality of identifiable debris.

A good example is TWA Flight 800. This is a 747 that exploded midair and crashed in the fucking ocean but look at how much they recovered from the OCEAN to reconstruct a large portion of the plane.

Other points of comparison:

The fbi investigated for 16 months for flight 800 but announced conclusion of the 93 investigation after 13 DAYS.

The NTSB investigated for FOUR YEARS on flight 800. For flight 93........fucking zilch. In fact it claims:

"The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report
or open a public docket."

The FBI is not equipped to do full aircraft crash investigations so how did an ill equipped organization complete it's crash investigation in less than 13 fuxxing days? How did they calculate they recovered 95% of the airplane yet cannot do a reconstruction like we see with flight 800? I'm sure the NTSB helped out but get real.....when in the fuck has the NTSB have ever come close to completing an investigation of this magnitude in less than two weeks? (and they are fully equipped).

Another point is the FBI did a parallel investigation with the NTSB on flight 800. Probably because the FBI is not equipped to do aircraft investigations as that is in the field of the NTSB. So why didn't the same approach happen with flight 93?

It must be reiterated: look at the reconstruction from a commercial jet that blew up and crashed in the 16,000 feet. If they could recover that much why couldn't they recover even half as much for 93?" you see where I pointed out the FBI concluded their "Investigation" after 13 days?

I also noticed all OCTAs ignored the facts....once again.
Hey Snitch Bitch, look at this post I made in the "engine planted" thread:

"Thinking people don't accept the OCT without questioning it. These punks swallowed the OCT dick and never looked back and now they are choking to death and too proud to admit it.

So far it doesn't look like anything was planted at the crash site but in searching for pics of the crash site there is a dearth of visible access. In looking at pics of crash sites from other commercial jets there seems to be inconsistency in the amount and quality of identifiable debris.

A good example is TWA Flight 800. This is a 747 that exploded midair and crashed in the fucking ocean but look at how much they recovered from the OCEAN to reconstruct a large portion of the plane.

Other points of comparison:

The fbi investigated for 16 months for flight 800 but announced conclusion of the 93 investigation after 13 DAYS.

The NTSB investigated for FOUR YEARS on flight 800. For flight 93........fucking zilch. In fact it claims:

"The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report
or open a public docket."

The FBI is not equipped to do full aircraft crash investigations so how did an ill equipped organization complete it's crash investigation in less than 13 fuxxing days? How did they calculate they recovered 95% of the airplane yet cannot do a reconstruction like we see with flight 800? I'm sure the NTSB helped out but get real.....when in the fuck has the NTSB have ever come close to completing an investigation of this magnitude in less than two weeks? (and they are fully equipped).

Another point is the FBI did a parallel investigation with the NTSB on flight 800. Probably because the FBI is not equipped to do aircraft investigations as that is in the field of the NTSB. So why didn't the same approach happen with flight 93?

It must be reiterated: look at the reconstruction from a commercial jet that blew up and crashed in the 16,000 feet. If they could recover that much why couldn't they recover even half as much for 93?" you see where I pointed out the FBI concluded their "Investigation" after 13 days?

I also noticed all OCTAs ignored the facts....once again.

The "facts" you present here are unsourced and unsubstaniated, and have led you to erroneous conclusions based on your "blame america first" attitude that clearly shows through your post and makes you an agent of treason.

and your looney tunes as well
The reality is these story's and photos represent the totality of all evidence available for independent verification or investigation

If a murder is committed in the house next to you, what evidence do you think will be made publically available to you (a nonparty) for independent verification and investigation?

Do you think they would allow civilians to just roam about the crime scene, examine DNA evidence?

Your expectations are not realistic.
The reality is these story's and photos represent the totality of all evidence available for independent verification or investigation

If a murder is committed in the house next to you, what evidence do you think will be made publically available to you (a nonparty) for independent verification and investigation?

Do you think they would allow civilians to just roam about the crime scene, examine DNA evidence?

Your expectations are not realistic.

Has there been a plane crash anywhere at any time that posted, on the internet, 100% or even 95% of every piece recovered? If not, why would they do that here?

Eots is garbage.
The reality is these story's and photos represent the totality of all evidence available for independent verification or investigation

If a murder is committed in the house next to you, what evidence do you think will be made publically available to you (a nonparty) for independent verification and investigation?

Do you think they would allow civilians to just roam about the crime scene, examine DNA evidence?

Your expectations are not realistic.

The twoofers expect the unrealistic and take advantage of the dissatisfied and weak-minded to advance their treasonous mission of disinformation. Apparantly you have too many working brain cells to become of dupe to their lies.
The reality is these story's and photos represent the totality of all evidence available for independent verification or investigation

If a murder is committed in the house next to you, what evidence do you think will be made publically available to you (a nonparty) for independent verification and investigation?

Do you think they would allow civilians to just roam about the crime scene, examine DNA evidence?

Your expectations are not realistic.

You just killed your own argument with that analogy. In such a case the Defense team would, by law, be given all evidence for scrutiny and that way the evidence presented by the prosecution is independently verified. In the case of 9E, not only is there an incomplete investigation but the evidence gathered has not been verified.
The reality is these story's and photos represent the totality of all evidence available for independent verification or investigation

If a murder is committed in the house next to you, what evidence do you think will be made publically available to you (a nonparty) for independent verification and investigation?

Do you think they would allow civilians to just roam about the crime scene, examine DNA evidence?

Your expectations are not realistic.

You just killed your own argument with that analogy. In such a case the Defense team would, by law, be given all evidence for scrutiny and that way the evidence presented by the prosecution is independently verified. In the case of 9E, not only is there an incomplete investigation but the evidence gathered has not been verified.

proof of that curvey? Or is it just something you "know"?

Prove your statement, you made it, prove up on it.
Post the article with the evidence without your appeal to authority fallacy. Also, the burden of proof is on you because you made the claim.....but we all know OCTA bitches like you can't debate because you don't know how.

Lying pussy menstrual flow droppings:

FBI ends site work, says no bomb used

You just pulled the same stoopid shit fizzbitch did. Way to go Snitch Bitch. Now, do you have any actual evidence 95% was recovered?
Period puddle lying syphilitic twat stain:

I just posted some evidence. The FBI released the information.

If your idiot-question du jour is whether I have personally verified what the FBI said, you scumbag pussy lying retard, then the answer is not just "no," but "of course not, you asshole."

You asked for evidence. The FBI report constitutes evidence. You may not like it, but that's a matter of no concern, you tool. If you have any information which would ACTUALLY put the "lie" to that report (and that percentage figure), then post it. But you don't and everyonbe knows that you don't you lying stain.

Otherwise, as always, you remain fully exposed as the lying cowardly pussy scumbag Troofer filth you have always been.

Troofers suck shit from Satan's asshole in hell, and enjoy it. :thup:
I see an FBI agent told you if I post FBI agents that say the CIA control the drug traffic in this country or that 9/11 was an inside job then I have evidence ?

Do you know how stupid and childish you sound this morning?

Liability's link is to a PRESS RELEASE FROM THE FBI, not one rogue agent that went crazy and started telling lies for the attention, but an honest to god press release from the organization.
If you post a link to a simular press release then yes it is evidence.

If you post yet another cartoon-like youtube video from some nutter claiming to be an "agent", it is not.
If a murder is committed in the house next to you, what evidence do you think will be made publically available to you (a nonparty) for independent verification and investigation?

Do you think they would allow civilians to just roam about the crime scene, examine DNA evidence?

Your expectations are not realistic.

You just killed your own argument with that analogy. In such a case the Defense team would, by law, be given all evidence for scrutiny and that way the evidence presented by the prosecution is independently verified. In the case of 9E, not only is there an incomplete investigation but the evidence gathered has not been verified.

proof of that curvey? Or is it just something you "know"?

Prove your statement, you made it, prove up on it.

Like clockwork...another OCTA ignorant of basic facts. The CR is incomplete by several examples including no mention of WTC 7, the omissions of many testimonies of first responders and survivors as well as not a damn thing on what bush and cheney said. As for lacking verification....are you fuxxing joking? Did you miss the link I posted showing the NTSB has not nor will do an investigation on the planes? What about Dr. Quintier's call for NIST's Report to be independently examined?
Lying pussy menstrual flow droppings:

FBI ends site work, says no bomb used

You just pulled the same stoopid shit fizzbitch did. Way to go Snitch Bitch. Now, do you have any actual evidence 95% was recovered?
Period puddle lying syphilitic twat stain:

I just posted some evidence. The FBI released the information.

If your idiot-question du jour is whether I have personally verified what the FBI said, you scumbag pussy lying retard, then the answer is not just "no," but "of course not, you asshole."

You asked for evidence. The FBI report constitutes evidence. You may not like it, but that's a matter of no concern, you tool. If you have any information which would ACTUALLY put the "lie" to that report (and that percentage figure), then post it. But you don't and everyonbe knows that you don't you lying stain.

Otherwise, as always, you remain fully exposed as the lying cowardly pussy scumbag Troofer filth you have always been.

Troofers suck shit from Satan's asshole in hell, and enjoy it. :thup:

Holy fuk you are dum. For the third are repeating the same fallacy of appeal to authority that fizz has done. Divedik is so stoopid he quickly looked up what that meant but since you ***** don't know how to research he, like you, fizzbitch, slackdikjaw, and others don't understand it is the fallacy of appeal to authority to claim the evidence is the FBI said it. When has the FBI ever produced evidence 95% was recovered you fuxxing Snitch Bitch?

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