Question about Shanksville crash

You just killed your own argument with that analogy. In such a case the Defense team would, by law, be given all evidence for scrutiny and that way the evidence presented by the prosecution is independently verified. In the case of 9E, not only is there an incomplete investigation but the evidence gathered has not been verified.

proof of that curvey? Or is it just something you "know"?

Prove your statement, you made it, prove up on it.

Like clockwork...another OCTA ignorant of basic facts. The CR is incomplete by several examples including no mention of WTC 7, the omissions of many testimonies of first responders and survivors as well as not a damn thing on what bush and cheney said. As for lacking verification....are you fuxxing joking? Did you miss the link I posted showing the NTSB has not nor will do an investigation on the planes? What about Dr. Quintier's call for NIST's Report to be independently examined?

If there is so much evidence why do you continually refuse to provide any?

The link you provided did say that there will be no investigation of the plnaes by ntsb, and the reason given was THAT THE 911 COMMISSION PROVIDED THAT INFO AND NTSB provided it there you fucking dishinest fuckwit! It was in your own link.
Who the fuck is Dr Quintier other than another mentally challenged twoofer like you who calls for an expensive investigation that he will never accept because both of you have made up your treasonous minds.

Post some evidence or be considered a treasonous fucktard twoofer forever.
where are your links?
Where is this evidence of "basic facts"?

If they are "basic facts" it should be a piece of cake to provide a link or two.

Otherwise, your just posting your own unfounded opinion, and we know what that is worth.......
You just pulled the same stoopid shit fizzbitch did. Way to go Snitch Bitch. Now, do you have any actual evidence 95% was recovered?
Period puddle lying syphilitic twat stain:

I just posted some evidence. The FBI released the information.

If your idiot-question du jour is whether I have personally verified what the FBI said, you scumbag pussy lying retard, then the answer is not just "no," but "of course not, you asshole."

You asked for evidence. The FBI report constitutes evidence. You may not like it, but that's a matter of no concern, you tool. If you have any information which would ACTUALLY put the "lie" to that report (and that percentage figure), then post it. But you don't and everyonbe knows that you don't you lying stain.

Otherwise, as always, you remain fully exposed as the lying cowardly pussy scumbag Troofer filth you have always been.

Troofers suck shit from Satan's asshole in hell, and enjoy it. :thup:

Holy fuk you are dum. For the third are repeating the same fallacy of appeal to authority that fizz has done. Divedik is so stoopid he quickly looked up what that meant but since you ***** don't know how to research he, like you, fizzbitch, slackdikjaw, and others don't understand it is the fallacy of appeal to authority to claim the evidence is the FBI said it. When has the FBI ever produced evidence 95% was recovered you fuxxing Snitch Bitch?

Holy fuck are you a stupid piece of treasonous shit!
The fallacy of appeal to authority argument didn't work for sacco and vanzetti and it doesn't fly for the treasonous scum twoofers either.

I can play the same game on you twoofers as well. It is fairly easy.

If a twoofer says it, it is a lie. There are NO exceptions!

That's how that works fucktardo.....

proof of that curvey? Or is it just something you "know"?

Prove your statement, you made it, prove up on it.

Like clockwork...another OCTA ignorant of basic facts. The CR is incomplete by several examples including no mention of WTC 7, the omissions of many testimonies of first responders and survivors as well as not a damn thing on what bush and cheney said. As for lacking verification....are you fuxxing joking? Did you miss the link I posted showing the NTSB has not nor will do an investigation on the planes? What about Dr. Quintier's call for NIST's Report to be independently examined?

If there is so much evidence why do you continually refuse to provide any?

The link you provided did say that there will be no investigation of the plnaes by ntsb, and the reason given was THAT THE 911 COMMISSION PROVIDED THAT INFO AND NTSB provided it there you fucking dishinest fuckwit! It was in your own link.
Who the fuck is Dr Quintier other than another mentally challenged twoofer like you who calls for an expensive investigation that he will never accept because both of you have made up your treasonous minds.

Post some evidence or be considered a treasonous fucktard twoofer forever.
where are your links?
Where is this evidence of "basic facts"?

If they are "basic facts" it should be a piece of cake to provide a link or two.

Otherwise, your just posting your own unfounded opinion, and we know what that is worth.......

You are one lying stoopid cocksucking ****.

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are under the jurisdiction of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Safety Board provided requested
technical assistance to the FBI, and any material generated by the NTSB is
under the control of the FBI. The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report
or open a public docket.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of
this accident as follows:
The Safety Board did not determine the probable cause and does not plan to
issue a report or open a public docket. The terrorist attacks of September 11,
2001 are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The
Safety Board provided requested technical assistance to the FBI, and any
material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI.
Period puddle lying syphilitic twat stain:

I just posted some evidence. The FBI released the information.

If your idiot-question du jour is whether I have personally verified what the FBI said, you scumbag pussy lying retard, then the answer is not just "no," but "of course not, you asshole."

You asked for evidence. The FBI report constitutes evidence. You may not like it, but that's a matter of no concern, you tool. If you have any information which would ACTUALLY put the "lie" to that report (and that percentage figure), then post it. But you don't and everyonbe knows that you don't you lying stain.

Otherwise, as always, you remain fully exposed as the lying cowardly pussy scumbag Troofer filth you have always been.

Troofers suck shit from Satan's asshole in hell, and enjoy it. :thup:

Holy fuk you are dum. For the third are repeating the same fallacy of appeal to authority that fizz has done. Divedik is so stoopid he quickly looked up what that meant but since you ***** don't know how to research he, like you, fizzbitch, slackdikjaw, and others don't understand it is the fallacy of appeal to authority to claim the evidence is the FBI said it. When has the FBI ever produced evidence 95% was recovered you fuxxing Snitch Bitch?

Holy fuck are you a stupid piece of treasonous shit!
The fallacy of appeal to authority argument didn't work for sacco and vanzetti and it doesn't fly for the treasonous scum twoofers either.

I can play the same game on you twoofers as well. It is fairly easy.

If a twoofer says it, it is a lie. There are NO exceptions!

That's how that works fucktardo.....

First of all you dumfuk the FBI is not equipped nor is it an expert in recovering and investing an airplane crash. The NTSB are the experts in that field. Secondly, you're trying to claim that just because the FBI says 95% was recovered then it must be true. You just used two major variations of the fallacy of appeal to authority and you're too fuxxing stoopid to realize it..........
Like clockwork...another OCTA ignorant of basic facts. The CR is incomplete by several examples including no mention of WTC 7, the omissions of many testimonies of first responders and survivors as well as not a damn thing on what bush and cheney said. As for lacking verification....are you fuxxing joking? Did you miss the link I posted showing the NTSB has not nor will do an investigation on the planes? What about Dr. Quintier's call for NIST's Report to be independently examined?

If there is so much evidence why do you continually refuse to provide any?

The link you provided did say that there will be no investigation of the plnaes by ntsb, and the reason given was THAT THE 911 COMMISSION PROVIDED THAT INFO AND NTSB provided it there you fucking dishinest fuckwit! It was in your own link.
Who the fuck is Dr Quintier other than another mentally challenged twoofer like you who calls for an expensive investigation that he will never accept because both of you have made up your treasonous minds.

Post some evidence or be considered a treasonous fucktard twoofer forever.
where are your links?
Where is this evidence of "basic facts"?

If they are "basic facts" it should be a piece of cake to provide a link or two.

Otherwise, your just posting your own unfounded opinion, and we know what that is worth.......

You are one lying stoopid cocksucking ****.

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are under the jurisdiction of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Safety Board provided requested
technical assistance to the FBI, and any material generated by the NTSB is
under the control of the FBI. The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report
or open a public docket.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of
this accident as follows:
The Safety Board did not determine the probable cause and does not plan to
issue a report or open a public docket. The terrorist attacks of September 11,
2001 are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The
Safety Board provided requested technical assistance to the FBI, and any
material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI.


My point is proven best by your post agent, even though it is not your intent.

You are one treasonous little assweasel. Maybe 911insiderimjob will show up to lick your ass in support, best you can hope for you dipshit.

You posted a link- just one mind you, and we both agree it says the same thing.

You just want to interpert it as some kind of conspiracy because you hate your country, I simply accept it for what it is, information.
That makes you a treasonous little fuckwad and makes me a patriot.
And you look stupid to boot, added bonus!
Holy fuk you are dum. For the third are repeating the same fallacy of appeal to authority that fizz has done. Divedik is so stoopid he quickly looked up what that meant but since you ***** don't know how to research he, like you, fizzbitch, slackdikjaw, and others don't understand it is the fallacy of appeal to authority to claim the evidence is the FBI said it. When has the FBI ever produced evidence 95% was recovered you fuxxing Snitch Bitch?

Holy fuck are you a stupid piece of treasonous shit!
The fallacy of appeal to authority argument didn't work for sacco and vanzetti and it doesn't fly for the treasonous scum twoofers either.

I can play the same game on you twoofers as well. It is fairly easy.

If a twoofer says it, it is a lie. There are NO exceptions!

That's how that works fucktardo.....

First of all you dumfuk the FBI is not equipped nor is it an expert in recovering and investing an airplane crash. The NTSB are the experts in that field. Secondly, you're trying to claim that just because the FBI says 95% was recovered then it must be true. You just used two major variations of the fallacy of appeal to authority and you're too fuxxing stoopid to realize it..........

The fbi got help in the investigation from the ntsb, read the appendix (you have read the report right?)

To those that are treasonous and looking for a way to blame america first, that is good enough.
To the treasonous halfwit truthers, this is a perfect opportunity to disparage the uSA and all her supporters, AND to cause the families of the victims a great deal of pain.

Fucking twoofers are treasonous shitstains and worse.

Here is something more cheerful as well as more useful;

Pineapple Glazed Spamburgers


* 2 (12-ounce) cans SPAM® Classic, sliced
* 1 (8.3-ounce) jar HORMEL® pineapple glaze and dipping sauce
* 0 Kaiser rolls, split, toasted
* 0 Pineapple rings
* 0 Green bell pepper rings
* 1 red onion, sliced


1. Prepare grill.
2. Place SPAM® Classic slices on grill; grill, basting frequently with pineapple glaze and dipping sauce, until hot.
3. Divide SPAM® evenly among bottoms of rolls; top with pineapple, bell pepper, onion and tops of rolls. Serve with remaining pineapple glaze for dipping

SPAM > Recipe Details
If there is so much evidence why do you continually refuse to provide any?

The link you provided did say that there will be no investigation of the plnaes by ntsb, and the reason given was THAT THE 911 COMMISSION PROVIDED THAT INFO AND NTSB provided it there you fucking dishinest fuckwit! It was in your own link.
Who the fuck is Dr Quintier other than another mentally challenged twoofer like you who calls for an expensive investigation that he will never accept because both of you have made up your treasonous minds.

Post some evidence or be considered a treasonous fucktard twoofer forever.
where are your links?
Where is this evidence of "basic facts"?

If they are "basic facts" it should be a piece of cake to provide a link or two.

Otherwise, your just posting your own unfounded opinion, and we know what that is worth.......

You are one lying stoopid cocksucking ****.

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are under the jurisdiction of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Safety Board provided requested
technical assistance to the FBI, and any material generated by the NTSB is
under the control of the FBI. The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report
or open a public docket.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of
this accident as follows:
The Safety Board did not determine the probable cause and does not plan to
issue a report or open a public docket. The terrorist attacks of September 11,
2001 are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The
Safety Board provided requested technical assistance to the FBI, and any
material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI.


My point is proven best by your post agent, even though it is not your intent.

You are one treasonous little assweasel. Maybe 911insiderimjob will show up to lick your ass in support, best you can hope for you dipshit.

You posted a link- just one mind you, and we both agree it says the same thing.

You just want to interpert it as some kind of conspiracy because you hate your country, I simply accept it for what it is, information.
That makes you a treasonous little fuckwad and makes me a patriot.
And you look stupid to boot, added bonus!

The link says the NTSB will do no report because it is under FBI jurisdiction. Once again you dumfuk....the FBI is not equipped to do what the NTSB does. Even with assistance to the FBI (which I pointed out a couple of days ago) it cannot do a full investigation and it has never provided actual evidence 95% was recovered. But you ignore that because it is you who hates America and you wouldn't recognize Patriotism if it fell on you in the form of an asteroid.

Why is it for Flight 800 the NTSB spent four years investigating and the FBI did a parallel investigation but for these flights they shut out the NTSB?
You are one lying stoopid cocksucking ****.

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are under the jurisdiction of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Safety Board provided requested
technical assistance to the FBI, and any material generated by the NTSB is
under the control of the FBI. The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report
or open a public docket.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of
this accident as follows:
The Safety Board did not determine the probable cause and does not plan to
issue a report or open a public docket. The terrorist attacks of September 11,
2001 are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The
Safety Board provided requested technical assistance to the FBI, and any
material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI.


My point is proven best by your post agent, even though it is not your intent.

You are one treasonous little assweasel. Maybe 911insiderimjob will show up to lick your ass in support, best you can hope for you dipshit.

You posted a link- just one mind you, and we both agree it says the same thing.

You just want to interpert it as some kind of conspiracy because you hate your country, I simply accept it for what it is, information.
That makes you a treasonous little fuckwad and makes me a patriot.
And you look stupid to boot, added bonus!

The link says the NTSB will do no report because it is under FBI jurisdiction. Once again you dumfuk....the FBI is not equipped to do what the NTSB does. Even with assistance to the FBI (which I pointed out a couple of days ago) it cannot do a full investigation and it has never provided actual evidence 95% was recovered. But you ignore that because it is you who hates America and you wouldn't recognize Patriotism if it fell on you in the form of an asteroid.

Why is it for Flight 800 the NTSB spent four years investigating and the FBI did a parallel investigation but for these flights they shut out the NTSB?

the link does say they contributed manpower to it, so just how were they "shut out"?

And even if they were, with milions of us witnessing the planes crashing, what investigation is needed? We know what happened, they were hijacked by your al qaida buddies and flown into the towers, the pentagon, and the passengers forced one to crash in a field.

Until you present some real evidence that says otherwise, that is the best information to date. So far none of you idiototic truthers have presented anything better.

A juggernaut is a message board idiot who has the entire board united against him, yet he continues to ignore everyone, insisting they are the idiots, and he is the only true intellectual that can understand any concept. Curvelight on USMB is an excellent example.
According to some juggernaut on the board, we are in the computer age, next will be the cyborg age, then the synthetic age, all in the next two decades.

Urban Dictionary: message board idiot
The reality is these story's and photos represent the totality of all evidence available for independent verification or investigation

If a murder is committed in the house next to you, what evidence do you think will be made publically available to you (a nonparty) for independent verification and investigation?

Do you think they would allow civilians to just roam about the crime scene, examine DNA evidence?

Your expectations are not realistic.

You just killed your own argument with that analogy. In such a case the Defense team would, by law, be given all evidence for scrutiny and that way the evidence presented by the prosecution is independently verified. In the case of 9E, not only is there an incomplete investigation but the evidence gathered has not been verified.

If a murder is committed in the house next to you, what evidence do you think will be made publically available to you (a nonparty) for independent verification and investigation

Did you miss the part of the evidence not being made publically available to a non-party? The defense would be a party to the trial, not a non party.
If a murder is committed in the house next to you, what evidence do you think will be made publically available to you (a nonparty) for independent verification and investigation?

Do you think they would allow civilians to just roam about the crime scene, examine DNA evidence?

Your expectations are not realistic.

You just killed your own argument with that analogy. In such a case the Defense team would, by law, be given all evidence for scrutiny and that way the evidence presented by the prosecution is independently verified. In the case of 9E, not only is there an incomplete investigation but the evidence gathered has not been verified.

If a murder is committed in the house next to you, what evidence do you think will be made publically available to you (a nonparty) for independent verification and investigation

Did you miss the part of the evidence not being made publically available to a non-party? The defense would be a party to the trial, not a non party.

There would be independent verification of what the prosecution claims but you somehow missed that important point.
My point is proven best by your post agent, even though it is not your intent.

You are one treasonous little assweasel. Maybe 911insiderimjob will show up to lick your ass in support, best you can hope for you dipshit.

You posted a link- just one mind you, and we both agree it says the same thing.

You just want to interpert it as some kind of conspiracy because you hate your country, I simply accept it for what it is, information.
That makes you a treasonous little fuckwad and makes me a patriot.
And you look stupid to boot, added bonus!

The link says the NTSB will do no report because it is under FBI jurisdiction. Once again you dumfuk....the FBI is not equipped to do what the NTSB does. Even with assistance to the FBI (which I pointed out a couple of days ago) it cannot do a full investigation and it has never provided actual evidence 95% was recovered. But you ignore that because it is you who hates America and you wouldn't recognize Patriotism if it fell on you in the form of an asteroid.

Why is it for Flight 800 the NTSB spent four years investigating and the FBI did a parallel investigation but for these flights they shut out the NTSB?

the link does say they contributed manpower to it, so just how were they "shut out"?

And even if they were, with milions of us witnessing the planes crashing, what investigation is needed? We know what happened, they were hijacked by your al qaida buddies and flown into the towers, the pentagon, and the passengers forced one to crash in a field.

Until you present some real evidence that says otherwise, that is the best information to date. So far none of you idiototic truthers have presented anything better.


The NTSB was shut out because it could not do an investigation and anything it found while assisting the FBI was under the strict control of the FBI. You obviously don't have the first fuxxing clue about why our government was structured under a checks and balances system and you don't give shit about those who died on 9E or the suffering their families have endured.
The NTSB was shut out because it could not do an investigation and anything it found while assisting the FBI was under the strict control of the FBI.
proof that the ntsb was "shut out" please.

Lol....after it's already been posted on this page......nice try but you are really sooper stoopid if you think you can apply the fallacy of appeal to authority on this and did you ever find actual evidence 95% of 93 was recovered?
The NTSB was shut out because it could not do an investigation and anything it found while assisting the FBI was under the strict control of the FBI.
proof that the ntsb was "shut out" please.

Lol....after it's already been posted on this page......nice try but you are really sooper stoopid if you think you can apply the fallacy of appeal to authority on this and did you ever find actual evidence 95% of 93 was recovered?

The FBI reported it and we have seen lots of the plane parts recovered and displayed. So -- yes. As I, for one, already pointed out to you. Selective hearing is evident in bent tight. :lol:

Did you ever come up with any evidence that the FBI report of 95% being recovered was in any way dishonest or misleading or deceptive or wrong?
proof that the ntsb was "shut out" please.

Lol....after it's already been posted on this page......nice try but you are really sooper stoopid if you think you can apply the fallacy of appeal to authority on this and did you ever find actual evidence 95% of 93 was recovered?

The FBI reported it and we have seen lots of the plane parts recovered and displayed. So -- yes. As I, for one, already pointed out to you. Selective hearing is evident in bent tight. :lol:

Did you ever come up with any evidence that the FBI report of 95% being recovered was in any way dishonest or misleading or deceptive or wrong?

If you've seen lots of the plane parts then post a link showing 95% of 93. The way you guys continue with the fallacy of appeal to authority is evidence in itself you don't have any actual facts to show the fbi announcement was true. Do you have any idea how long it would take to collect and tag 95% of a commercial airliner when the biggest parts recovered was a 7 foot section and part of an engine fan? Here's a hint Snitch Bitch: it's impossible for that to happen in less than 13 days.

And once again.....asking for evidence of a claim is not an accusation of lying. You punks keep try to spin that to attempt to distract from the fact you have no facts to support the fbi's claim.
you have yet to show even one small, little, tiny piece of evidence that the FBI claim is not true. :cuckoo:

your claim that it is impossible to happen in 13 days is once again you simply making shit up and talking out of your ass.
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Lol....after it's already been posted on this page......nice try but you are really sooper stoopid if you think you can apply the fallacy of appeal to authority on this and did you ever find actual evidence 95% of 93 was recovered?

The FBI reported it and we have seen lots of the plane parts recovered and displayed. So -- yes. As I, for one, already pointed out to you. Selective hearing is evident in bent tight. :lol:

Did you ever come up with any evidence that the FBI report of 95% being recovered was in any way dishonest or misleading or deceptive or wrong?

If you've seen lots of the plane parts then post a link showing 95% of 93. The way you guys continue with the fallacy of appeal to authority is evidence in itself you don't have any actual facts to show the fbi announcement was true. Do you have any idea how long it would take to collect and tag 95% of a commercial airliner when the biggest parts recovered was a 7 foot section and part of an engine fan? Here's a hint Snitch Bitch: it's impossible for that to happen in less than 13 days.

And once again.....asking for evidence of a claim is not an accusation of lying. You punks keep try to spin that to attempt to distract from the fact you have no facts to support the fbi's claim.

Your non-comprehension of the meaning of the term of logic "appeal to authority" is quite amusing.

Citing a source, you retard, is not an "appeal to authority."

Your baseless DENIAL is quite amusing, too.

What evidence do you have that the FBI contention of 95% of the crashed jet having been recovered is itself in any way erroneous? (Let's go waaaaaay out on a limb and predict that the correct answer is "none whatsoever." :D )

I can't help but note (with pure amusement) that you've dodged that question -- again.

What an imbecile like YOU claims is "impossible" is still a matter of pure contention absent ANY support, pussy drippings.

Say, pussy drippings, is there ANY chance of you doubling down on that one brief shining display of honesty and admitting that you have ZERO evidence to support your baseless denial of the FBI contention?
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The FBI reported it and we have seen lots of the plane parts recovered and displayed. So -- yes. As I, for one, already pointed out to you. Selective hearing is evident in bent tight. :lol:

Did you ever come up with any evidence that the FBI report of 95% being recovered was in any way dishonest or misleading or deceptive or wrong?

If you've seen lots of the plane parts then post a link showing 95% of 93. The way you guys continue with the fallacy of appeal to authority is evidence in itself you don't have any actual facts to show the fbi announcement was true. Do you have any idea how long it would take to collect and tag 95% of a commercial airliner when the biggest parts recovered was a 7 foot section and part of an engine fan? Here's a hint Snitch Bitch: it's impossible for that to happen in less than 13 days.

And once again.....asking for evidence of a claim is not an accusation of lying. You punks keep try to spin that to attempt to distract from the fact you have no facts to support the fbi's claim.

Your non-comprehension of the meaning of the term of logic "appeal to authority" is quite amusing.

Citing a source, you retard, is not an "appeal to authority."

Your baseless DENIAL is quite amusing, too.

What evidence do you have that the FBI contention of 95% of the crashed jet having been recovered is itself in any way erroneous? (Let's go waaaaaay out on a limb and predict that the correct answer is "none whatsoever." :D )

I can't help but note (with pure amusement) that you've dodged that question -- again.

What an imbecile like YOU claims is "impossible" is still a matter of pure contention absent ANY support, pussy drippings.

Say, pussy drippings, is there ANY chance of you doubling down on that one brief shining display of honesty and admitting that you have ZERO evidence to support your baseless denial of the FBI contention?

You obviously don't know what appeal to authority entails so keep on embarrassing yourself. It's your lifestyle Snitch Bitch.

You don't have any evidence to back up what the FBI claimed and you know it.
If you've seen lots of the plane parts then post a link showing 95% of 93. The way you guys continue with the fallacy of appeal to authority is evidence in itself you don't have any actual facts to show the fbi announcement was true. Do you have any idea how long it would take to collect and tag 95% of a commercial airliner when the biggest parts recovered was a 7 foot section and part of an engine fan? Here's a hint Snitch Bitch: it's impossible for that to happen in less than 13 days.

And once again.....asking for evidence of a claim is not an accusation of lying. You punks keep try to spin that to attempt to distract from the fact you have no facts to support the fbi's claim.

Your non-comprehension of the meaning of the term of logic "appeal to authority" is quite amusing.

Citing a source, you retard, is not an "appeal to authority."

Your baseless DENIAL is quite amusing, too.

What evidence do you have that the FBI contention of 95% of the crashed jet having been recovered is itself in any way erroneous? (Let's go waaaaaay out on a limb and predict that the correct answer is "none whatsoever." :D )

I can't help but note (with pure amusement) that you've dodged that question -- again.

What an imbecile like YOU claims is "impossible" is still a matter of pure contention absent ANY support, pussy drippings.

Say, pussy drippings, is there ANY chance of you doubling down on that one brief shining display of honesty and admitting that you have ZERO evidence to support your baseless denial of the FBI contention?

You obviously don't know what appeal to authority entails so keep on embarrassing yourself. It's your lifestyle Snitch Bitch.

You don't have any evidence to back up what the FBI claimed and you know it.

Actually, pussy drippings, unlike you, I do know what the logical fallacy of "appeal to authority" is and what it means. Clearly, despite your ever-present arrogance, you don't. You are merely wrong again, as you were when you ignorantly suggested that my discussion about the video was somehow laughable because it wasn't "the" video under discussion. You had missed what Jos had posted. And now, you seem to have once heard about "appeal to authority" and you THINK you grasp what it means, but you are wrong again, pussy drippings.


I shall now underscore how ignorant you are by exposing how you are again flatly wrong:

An Appeal to Authority is a fallacy with the following form:

1. Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S.
2. Person A makes claim C about subject S.
3. Therefore, C is true.

This fallacy is committed when the person in question is not a legitimate authority on the subject. More formally, if person A is not qualified to make reliable claims in subject S, then the argument will be fallacious.
Fallacy: Appeal to Authority

Now, panty liner overflow, do try to convince us that the FBI is not sufficiently expert on the collection of evidence.... :lol:


A CITATION to an expert is not a fallacious "appeal to authority" anymore than calling a witness to an event or observation to testify about that event or observation is an appeal to authority, you mutant menstrual moron.
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