Question about Shanksville crash

he doesnt even realize that "appeal to authority" doesnt prove the information is false.

here is a better example of appeal to authority. obviously the NAVY would not be an expert on the flight 93 crash but would be an expert in other areas.

here is the NAVY claiming 95 percent of flight 93 was recoverred:
Over the days and weeks following the Flight 93 crash, recovery personnel retrieved more than 95 percent of the airplane's wreckage from the crash site.
Team Ship - LPD 17 San Antonio class

now that info by itself would fall into your fallacy of appeal to authority. however, since we actually have an authority in this case, the FBI, it simply backs up the claim.

did you find any proof that the 95 percent recovered claim is incorrect yet?:lol:
he doesnt even realize that "appeal to authority" doesnt prove the information is false.

here is a better example of appeal to authority. obviously the NAVY would not be an expert on the flight 93 crash but would be an expert in other areas.

here is the NAVY claiming 95 percent of flight 93 was recoverred:
Over the days and weeks following the Flight 93 crash, recovery personnel retrieved more than 95 percent of the airplane's wreckage from the crash site.
Team Ship - LPD 17 San Antonio class

now that info by itself would fall into your fallacy of appeal to authority. however, since we actually have an authority in this case, the FBI, it simply backs up the claim.

did you find any proof that the 95 percent recovered claim is incorrect yet?:lol:
instead of doing actual research into the facts he spends his time on stupid cell phone modes and proves me correct at the same time

btw, my phone STILL doesn't have a mode called either "airplane" or "flight"
but it does have an OFFLINE mode like i have always maintained
he doesnt even realize that "appeal to authority" doesnt prove the information is false.

here is a better example of appeal to authority. obviously the NAVY would not be an expert on the flight 93 crash but would be an expert in other areas.

here is the NAVY claiming 95 percent of flight 93 was recoverred:
Over the days and weeks following the Flight 93 crash, recovery personnel retrieved more than 95 percent of the airplane's wreckage from the crash site.
Team Ship - LPD 17 San Antonio class

now that info by itself would fall into your fallacy of appeal to authority. however, since we actually have an authority in this case, the FBI, it simply backs up the claim.

did you find any proof that the 95 percent recovered claim is incorrect yet?:lol:

It was the same thing with the May's phone call. Since he personally didn't see bill, he assumes the phone call isn't made or suspects it wasn't. Since he didn't sit there and count all 95 percent of the plane being collected...he suspects it wasn't.

On another board; there is one damn fool who...get this...swears that he's an engineer well respected in Finland. He swears that he was going to put his findings into record at the UN and Condi Rice personally blocked it.

On the same board, anybody who believes the 9/11 Commissoin Report is a government plant and that the CIA is paying us to sit there and block him.

Do you see a trend there?

Curvelight thinks he's important enough to be shown the phone bills and inspect the wreckage, those two boobs think high government officials are blocking their progress and of course their chance at fame.

The twoofers are some fucked up people, are they not?
The FBI reported it and we have seen lots of the plane parts recovered and displayed. So -- yes. As I, for one, already pointed out to you. Selective hearing is evident in bent tight. :lol:

Did you ever come up with any evidence that the FBI report of 95% being recovered was in any way dishonest or misleading or deceptive or wrong?

If you've seen lots of the plane parts then post a link showing 95% of 93. The way you guys continue with the fallacy of appeal to authority is evidence in itself you don't have any actual facts to show the fbi announcement was true. Do you have any idea how long it would take to collect and tag 95% of a commercial airliner when the biggest parts recovered was a 7 foot section and part of an engine fan? Here's a hint Snitch Bitch: it's impossible for that to happen in less than 13 days.

And once again.....asking for evidence of a claim is not an accusation of lying. You punks keep try to spin that to attempt to distract from the fact you have no facts to support the fbi's claim.

Your non-comprehension of the meaning of the term of logic "appeal to authority" is quite amusing.

Citing a source, you retard, is not an "appeal to authority."

Your baseless DENIAL is quite amusing, too.

What evidence do you have that the FBI contention of 95% of the crashed jet having been recovered is itself in any way erroneous? (Let's go waaaaaay out on a limb and predict that the correct answer is "none whatsoever." :D )

I can't help but note (with pure amusement) that you've dodged that question -- again.

What an imbecile like YOU claims is "impossible" is still a matter of pure contention absent ANY support, pussy drippings.

Say, pussy drippings, is there ANY chance of you doubling down on that one brief shining display of honesty and admitting that you have ZERO evidence to support your baseless denial of the FBI contention?

School time for the Snitch Bitch:

Fallacious appeals to authority take the general form of:

1. Person (or people) P makes claim X. Therefore, X is true.

(1. FBI says 95% flight 93 recovered. Therefore it is true 95% has been recovered)

A fundamental reason why the Appeal to Authority can be a fallacy is that a proposition can be well supported only by facts and logically valid inferences. But by using an authority, the argument is relying upon testimony, not facts. A testimony is not an argument and it is not a fact."

Furthermore, the FBI is not the expert authority on plane crash investigations.
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he doesnt even realize that "appeal to authority" doesnt prove the information is false.

here is a better example of appeal to authority. obviously the NAVY would not be an expert on the flight 93 crash but would be an expert in other areas.

here is the NAVY claiming 95 percent of flight 93 was recoverred:
Over the days and weeks following the Flight 93 crash, recovery personnel retrieved more than 95 percent of the airplane's wreckage from the crash site.
Team Ship - LPD 17 San Antonio class

now that info by itself would fall into your fallacy of appeal to authority. however, since we actually have an authority in this case, the FBI, it simply backs up the claim.

did you find any proof that the 95 percent recovered claim is incorrect yet?:lol:

It was the same thing with the May's phone call. Since he personally didn't see bill, he assumes the phone call isn't made or suspects it wasn't. Since he didn't sit there and count all 95 percent of the plane being collected...he suspects it wasn't.

On another board; there is one damn fool who...get this...swears that he's an engineer well respected in Finland. He swears that he was going to put his findings into record at the UN and Condi Rice personally blocked it.

On the same board, anybody who believes the 9/11 Commissoin Report is a government plant and that the CIA is paying us to sit there and block him.

Do you see a trend there?

Curvelight thinks he's important enough to be shown the phone bills and inspect the wreckage, those two boobs think high government officials are blocking their progress and of course their chance at fame.

The twoofers are some fucked up people, are they not?

Tell us again how NASA is the only way we know Africa exists you sooper stoopid bitch.
But then I almost bought a condo in Toadsuck Arkansas once, so do not listen to me.
he doesnt even realize that "appeal to authority" doesnt prove the information is false.

here is a better example of appeal to authority. obviously the NAVY would not be an expert on the flight 93 crash but would be an expert in other areas.

here is the NAVY claiming 95 percent of flight 93 was recoverred:
Over the days and weeks following the Flight 93 crash, recovery personnel retrieved more than 95 percent of the airplane's wreckage from the crash site.
Team Ship - LPD 17 San Antonio class

now that info by itself would fall into your fallacy of appeal to authority. however, since we actually have an authority in this case, the FBI, it simply backs up the claim.

did you find any proof that the 95 percent recovered claim is incorrect yet?:lol:

I never said the appeal to authority fallacy proves information as false you dumfuk. You also don't know the fallacy so read the educational post provided to the Snitch Bitch. Then I want you to completely ignore the meaning and application of the fallacy and continue to reside in your willful ignorance.
you have yet to show even one small, little, tiny piece of evidence that the FBI claim is not true. :cuckoo:

your claim that it is impossible to happen in 13 days is once again you simply making shit up and talking out of your ass.

You made the claim. It's your responsibility to support it with facts. The fbi is not the authority for investigating plane crashes you dum fuk. Keep ignoring that fact. You obviously don't know how crash investigations are done. You can't collect a pile of debris then simply announce "95% has been recovered!" How did they reach that conclusion? You have absofuxxinglootly no idea.
you have yet to show even one small, little, tiny piece of evidence that the FBI claim is not true. :cuckoo:

your claim that it is impossible to happen in 13 days is once again you simply making shit up and talking out of your ass.

You made the claim. It's your responsibility to support it with facts. The fbi is not the authority for investigating plane crashes you dum fuk. Keep ignoring that fact. You obviously don't know how crash investigations are done. You can't collect a pile of debris then simply announce "95% has been recovered!" How did they reach that conclusion? You have absofuxxinglootly no idea.

so you are trying to claim that the lead investigative agency is not an authority? :cuckoo:
you have yet to show even one small, little, tiny piece of evidence that the FBI claim is not true. :cuckoo:

your claim that it is impossible to happen in 13 days is once again you simply making shit up and talking out of your ass.

You made the claim. It's your responsibility to support it with facts. The fbi is not the authority for investigating plane crashes you dum fuk. Keep ignoring that fact. You obviously don't know how crash investigations are done. You can't collect a pile of debris then simply announce "95% has been recovered!" How did they reach that conclusion? You have absofuxxinglootly no idea.

so you are trying to claim that the lead investigative agency is not an authority? :cuckoo:

You're pure bitch. You ignore the points then try to deflect. The fbi is not the expert authority on plane crashes.
You made the claim. It's your responsibility to support it with facts. The fbi is not the authority for investigating plane crashes you dum fuk. Keep ignoring that fact. You obviously don't know how crash investigations are done. You can't collect a pile of debris then simply announce "95% has been recovered!" How did they reach that conclusion? You have absofuxxinglootly no idea.

so you are trying to claim that the lead investigative agency is not an authority? :cuckoo:

You're pure bitch. You ignore the points then try to deflect. The fbi is not the expert authority on plane crashes.

no jackass. you are the one trying to deflect. you enjoy arguing just for the sake of arguing when you have no point at all to make.

saying the lead investigative agency of 9/11 is not an authority is just plain STUPID. :cuckoo:

the fbi was assisted by the NTSB, moron. its not like they were trying to determine what airplane part was defective or if it was pilot error that caused the crash. THE PLANES WERE HIJACKED and that certainly fails under the authority of the FBI.
so you are trying to claim that the lead investigative agency is not an authority? :cuckoo:

You're pure bitch. You ignore the points then try to deflect. The fbi is not the expert authority on plane crashes.

no jackass. you are the one trying to deflect. you enjoy arguing just for the sake of arguing when you have no point at all to make.

saying the lead investigative agency of 9/11 is not an authority is just plain STUPID. :cuckoo:

the fbi was assisted by the NTSB, moron. its not like they were trying to determine what airplane part was defective or if it was pilot error that caused the crash. THE PLANES WERE HIJACKED and that certainly fails under the authority of the FBI.

I never said the fbi is not an authority. Learn to read bitch.
You're pure bitch. You ignore the points then try to deflect. The fbi is not the expert authority on plane crashes.

no jackass. you are the one trying to deflect. you enjoy arguing just for the sake of arguing when you have no point at all to make.

saying the lead investigative agency of 9/11 is not an authority is just plain STUPID. :cuckoo:

the fbi was assisted by the NTSB, moron. its not like they were trying to determine what airplane part was defective or if it was pilot error that caused the crash. THE PLANES WERE HIJACKED and that certainly fails under the authority of the FBI.

I never said the fbi is not an authority. Learn to read bitch.
if the FBI is an authority then it is NOT a fallacious appeal, dipshit
no jackass. you are the one trying to deflect. you enjoy arguing just for the sake of arguing when you have no point at all to make.

saying the lead investigative agency of 9/11 is not an authority is just plain STUPID. :cuckoo:

the fbi was assisted by the NTSB, moron. its not like they were trying to determine what airplane part was defective or if it was pilot error that caused the crash. THE PLANES WERE HIJACKED and that certainly fails under the authority of the FBI.

I never said the fbi is not an authority. Learn to read bitch.
if the FBI is an authority then it is NOT a fallacious appeal, dipshit

School time for the divebitch:

Fallacious appeals to authority take the general form of:

1. Person (or people) P makes claim X. Therefore, X is true.

(1. FBI says 95% flight 93 recovered. Therefore it is true 95% has been recovered)

A fundamental reason why the Appeal to Authority can be a fallacy is that a proposition can be well supported only by facts and logically valid inferences. But by using an authority, the argument is relying upon testimony, not facts. A testimony is not an argument and it is not a fact."

Furthermore, the FBI is not the expert authority on plane crash investigations.
I never said the fbi is not an authority. Learn to read bitch.
if the FBI is an authority then it is NOT a fallacious appeal, dipshit

School time for the divebitch:

Fallacious appeals to authority take the general form of:

1. Person (or people) P makes claim X. Therefore, X is true.

(1. FBI says 95% flight 93 recovered. Therefore it is true 95% has been recovered)

A fundamental reason why the Appeal to Authority can be a fallacy is that a proposition can be well supported only by facts and logically valid inferences. But by using an authority, the argument is relying upon testimony, not facts. A testimony is not an argument and it is not a fact."

Furthermore, the FBI is not the expert authority on plane crash investigations.

What a lying sack of rancid rotten menstrual drippings. The FBI is not required to be THE expert (as though there is only one possible expert) on plane crash investigations to be AN authority (especially when working together with the NTSB).

Since when did it become required that the "expert" be the leading expert in order for an expert opinion or assessment to avoid the fallacy of an appeal to authority?

You snake-y slimy dishonest fucking dripping pussies are a thoroughly disreputable lot.

The FBI has developed a pronounced expertise in INVESTIGATIONS generally, you imbecile. And how much expertise IS required, anyway, to conclude that plane crash debris -- constituting less than 100% of the plane itself -- amounts to about 95%? And THAT is the real question, given a VALID definition of the fallacy of "appeal to authority."

If I point to YOU, for example, as an "expert" in brain surgery and cite your opinion that all brain surgery poses an unnecessary and unacceptable risk of the patient contracting syphilis, THEN the complete lack of expertise you have matters. But, when a person cites an ACTUAL expert, then the question boils down to how much expertise is required? YOU have no expertise. The FBI in conjunction with the NTSB has a massive amount of perfectly valid expertise.

I suspect that your actual complaint is not even associated with the alleged fallacy of "appeal to authority." That "complaint" is ridiculous on its face. Instead, I suspect that what you are actually attempting to grunt out is the question of whether (or not) the FBI was being truthful. That issue is entirely distinct from one of credentials.
I never said the fbi is not an authority. Learn to read bitch.
if the FBI is an authority then it is NOT a fallacious appeal, dipshit

School time for the divebitch:

Fallacious appeals to authority take the general form of:

1. Person (or people) P makes claim X. Therefore, X is true.

(1. FBI says 95% flight 93 recovered. Therefore it is true 95% has been recovered)

A fundamental reason why the Appeal to Authority can be a fallacy is that a proposition can be well supported only by facts and logically valid inferences. But by using an authority, the argument is relying upon testimony, not facts. A testimony is not an argument and it is not a fact."

Furthermore, the FBI is not the expert authority on plane crash investigations.
moron, you are BEING schooled here, but are too fucking stupid to realize it
two former presidents of the air accident investigation board and several military crash investigators disagree with Liwabiltys belief that the air crash investigations of 9/11 are accurate... I guess that makes them pussie drippings and therefore debwunked
two former presidents of the air accident investigation board and several military crash investigators disagree with Liwabiltys belief that the air crash investigations of 9/11 are accurate... I guess that makes them pussie drippings and therefore debwunked
now here is a fallacious appeal to authority

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