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Zone1 Question for Christians

So a stone is a dead thing.

What's wrong. It is an hypothese if a spiritual world exists. You will be never able to verify your own death in this real world here, so in this what spiritual people call "afterlife" you will also not remember your own death because you are not able to remember what you never percepted. But your wife will verify your death in this world here.

Strange - very, very strange. Why do you say such extremely stupid things? Because you think everyone else is an idiot?
It is inert it cannot be dead because it cannot die.

I can't verify my own death but the doctor who signs the death certificate can

There is no afterlife and you can't verify that can you?

And I notice you cannot quote a post where I called your beliefs stupid,
I suppose a god can do as they wish, but that's not the scenario Paul described. Paul said it didn't matter if they repent and seek him. Paul sad nothing they could do would make any difference.

I fear you don't understand Paul and in general many people misunderstand or overinterpret him. He said for example once something like: "dear women - please stop to speak during [my] church service [because otherwise I am not able to be concentrated and/or no one understands anything]" and many people interpreted this as a rule for women always to listen to every man. But that's nonsense. Women are better in verbal communcation, that's all. If men would be better in verbal communication he had said this to them. He needed more silence - that was the only problem.

Not to seek god or that it is senseless to seek god is for sure nothing what Paul said.

And in general let me say from my personal point of view: Although I never had many wishes I had a time in my life when god fulfilled practically all my wishes. But I saw that god fulfilled also my bad wishes and I saw all my good wishes had not only been good results but had also bad results and/or side-effects. So I learned to control my wishes - also with the help of god. The other reality is: I need the help of god continuously and he helps me continuously - and if he is sometimes not doing so then I know he has very good reasons not to do so.

And by the way: I guess one reason why Paul is "under fire" from many people in the world - specially also from many Christians - has to do with people like Mohammed. From my point of view Paul disproved all violent and militant ways. In case of Mohammed 600 years before he came.

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

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... like humans don't give a shit about may flies.

I give a shit about day flies nor on may bugs or ladybirds or any other creature of god. In every creature god speaks with us.

PS: With every species which dies out dies out a language of god.
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Idioms. Look up a list of American idioms


I corrected "I don't give shit" to "I give a shit" - what I liked to say in analogy to the idiom "I don't give a shit". Life is always important.

Do you have a list of US-American idioms? Exists such a list at all? You speak English.
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German: "Redewendungen". What is your problem?
I'm not trying to communicate in German

You are trying to communicate in English. If you don't have a grasp of American idioms then you cannot communicate effectively in English

When I say I don't give a shit about something it does not mean I literally defecate on it.
When I say I don't give a fuck about something it does not mean I want to have intercourse with it.
I'm not trying to communicate in German

So what?

You are trying to communicate in English.

Not really. I speak with you now. You use English.

If you don't have a grasp of American idioms then you cannot communicate effectively in English

Really? Which of your idioms do not come from Greece, Rome or Germany?

When I say I don't give a shit about something it does not mean I literally defecate on it.

I know. You say with this idiom "it is unimportant". You got this idiom from us Germans.

When I say I don't give a fuck about something it does not mean I want to have intercourse with it.

When you say so you will normally get not such an answer from me. I hopefully never will use the word "fuck" in such a way as you are doing. "To fuck" means for me still "to create together with a woman a nice baby". And I do not see any need to change something in this context.
So what?

Not really. I speak withn you now. You use English.

Really? Which of you idioms do not come from Greece, Rome or Germany?

I know. You say weth this idiom "it is unimportant". You got this idiom from us Germans.

When you say so you will normally get no answer from me. I hoepfisly never wiln szue the word "fuck" in such a way as yoiu re doing. "To fuck" means for me "to create together with a woman a nice baby".
It is inert it cannot be dead because it cannot die.

First: "Hello again". I forgot to give you an answer to this writing. So:

A stone is a very dead thing - what you can see very nice in the idiom someone has a "heart of stone".

I can't verify my own death but the doctor who signs the death certificate can

That's exactly what I said. "the doctor" is "your wife".

There is no afterlife

That's "only" your belief. Perhaps our whole universe here is a kind of "afterlife" - who knows?

and you can't verify that can you?

I can not falsify it. No one can. And I am absolutelly not able to believe our existence makes not any sense. So why exists this universe? Why exist we? Why is not only nothing?

And I notice you cannot quote a post where I called your beliefs stupid,

It is stupid what you say here. The moment you say "There is no afterlife" you call everyone stupid who believes in an afterlife - because to believe in something what not exists is stupid.
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What do you expect? A standard Christian remark is that murder is a direct result of free choice. I'm just making the point that nobody chooses to be murdered.
And that's a ludicrous statement to make, very much a strawman. Obviously, the choice to murder to made by the murderer, and it is his/her freedom of choice that I'm talking about.

Again, should God take away the murderer's freedom of choice? What about the liar's, or the adulterer's?
Everyone lies and FYI the commandments say bear false witness which is a far cry from a little white lie. Telling your wife you liked what she made for dinner even if you didn't is not "evil"
What Jesus had to say about that.

8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
I want nothing anyone else has. I am perfectly happy with my life and my wife. I have let all the anger of my youth go. I bear no grudges.
So you admit that you were an angry young person. You have sinned, end of debate.

22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[a][b] will be subject to judgment.
And thoughts are not "evil" Actions are "evil"
27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[e] 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart
If you hold an angry thought towards a person it does not affect anyone but you.
21 “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder,[a] and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[b][c] will be subject to judgment.
Murder is an act that takes the life of a person, Rape affects the life of a woman for the rest of her days. You say your god not only knows who will murder and who will be murdered and when and does NOTHING.

Would you stand by and let someone murder you wife and children and as they lay dying in front of you do you get down on your knees and thank your god for it?
I am not God and I will do what I can to stop the murder. I have no problem taking away someone's freedom of choice because I am not the Judge who has to be ultimately fair.

I will ask you again, do you think God should take away a person's freedom of choice, and if so, where do you draw the line? Would you have Him take away your freedom to lust after women not your wife, to be angry with someone and not forgive?

IOW, is God going to be God or do you demand that authority?
What Jesus had to say about that.

8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

So you admit that you were an angry young person. You have sinned, end of debate.

22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[a][b] will be subject to judgment.

27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[e] 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart

21 “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder,[a] and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[b][c] will be subject to judgment.

I am not God and I will do what I can to stop the murder. I have no problem taking away someone's freedom of choice because I am not the Judge who has to be ultimately fair.

I will ask you again, do you think God should take away a person's freedom of choice, and if so, where do you draw the line? Would you have Him take away your freedom to lust after women not your wife, to be angry with someone and not forgive?

IOW, is God going to be God or do you demand that authority?

Being angry is not a "sin"

Wrath is said to be a sin but wrath is not mere anger. Lying in itself is not a sin. Bearing false witness means giving false testimony against another.

And I wasn't angry with any particular person. I was angry at my situation as an orphaned 14 year old living on the streets.

So tell me if you witness your wife and kids being murdered do you emulate your god and do nothing? Do you fall to your knees and thank your god for he murder of your family?
Being angry is not a "sin"

Wrath is said to be a sin but wrath is not mere anger.
Refusing to forgive means God will not forgive you.
Lying in itself is not a sin. Bearing false witness means giving false testimony against another.

And I wasn't angry with any particular person. I was angry at my situation as an orphaned 14 year old living on the streets.

So tell me if you witness your wife and kids being murdered do you emulate your god and do nothing? Do you fall to your knees and thank your god for he murder of your family?
I already answered that. You can read it for yourself. Now tell me, where should God draw the line when stopping evil? And yes, when He says something is sin, it's sin. It sounds a lot like you want to tell God, "Stop what the other guy is doing, but don't get in my way".
Refusing to forgive means God will not forgive you.

I already answered that. You can read it for yourself. Now tell me, where should God draw the line when stopping evil? And yes, when He says something is sin, it's sin. It sounds a lot like you want to tell God, "Stop what the other guy is doing, but don't get in my way".

Yeah you'll have to forgive yourself for standing there and watching your family get murdered because you were emulating your god.
Yeah you'll have to forgive yourself for standing there and watching your family get murdered because you were emulating your god.
What part of, "I am not God and I will do what I can to stop the murder" is difficult for you to understand?
What part of, "I am not God and I will do what I can to stop the murder" is difficult for you to understand?
Aren't you supposed to do what your god would do? If you defend someone with violence and anger in your heart you are being "evil" aren't you? Isn't that wrath?
Aren't you supposed to do what your god would do? If you defend someone with violence and anger in your heart you are being "evil" aren't you? Isn't that wrath?
I'm not God, nor do I follow perfectly everything He requires. If I see someone trying to kill my wife or children, my protective instincts will likely override any restraint I may have. Whether that's right or not is God's call. I must congratulate you on actually reading what I wrote this time instead of ignoring it.

Now, where do you want God to draw the line in stopping evil, where He says evil is or where YOU say it is? Then, how do you account for other people's ideas of where that line is?

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